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To respected Councils and the Principal,

My name is Ramanvir Kaur, as I am a mother of Abell, student at your school in 4th

grade. I am writing this letter regarding the issue that there is no proper scheduled
for PE classes which has planned distinctly for 3 times each week for just 30
minutes. I came to know that there is extra 20 minutes for mid-break in which all
kids finish their lunch and subsequently there is just 20 minutes break. Moreover,
there is no recess break in the afternoon like without the inclusion of any physical
activity. I am so much worried regarding this issue if there are no physical
activities in the school, how she would improve their mind concentration, boosts
confidence and self-esteem.
After changing her school, I am watching from back few days in my daughter
about the low performance of physical activities which indirectly affects the
studies. As I came to know that she is getting less time to Physical education and
always felt like burden of studies. From the hectic schedule of whole day, she takes
only ninety minutes break from studies per week. According to CAHPERD,
“Physical education program requires at least 150 minutes of class instruction per
week to all students. As all in one, spending less time in activities or more often
sitting for much of the day, which make my daughter less potential to do work on
time and does not let the proper development of skills and mental health. As
YOUTH” also state that, for optimal health benefits, children, and youth (aged 5–
17 years) should achieve high levels of physical activity, low levels of sedentary
behaviour. Make every student in comfortable environment by incorporating
physical activity (like dancing, heart pumping, jumping) into their daily classroom
routines to encourage active lifestyle that persist into their future.
Even I noticed that whenever my son have classes for physical education, likely
only for that days he always wakeup early, also more energetic and active, more
Eger to go school which make a sense of interest as all children always do what
they like more, even without anyone commands.
Graham J. Fishburne also state, “what is the relationship between Physical
education and Physical Activity” Physical Education can be a “hook” for some
students, motivating them to attend school and stay on task in class.
I hope you would sort out this issue as soon as possible by considering this all
intensions of student.

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