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Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning:

1. Even though the company was the market leader, it went bankrupt.
2. Despite not having a burglar alarm, they’ve never been burgled.
Despite the fact that they don’t have a burglar alarm, they’ve never been burgled.
3. Although I was late, the boss wasn’t angry.
4. Even though he is the managing director, he goes to work by bus.

Complete the sentences with to, so as not to, for, so that, because, because of

1. to
2. so that
3. because
4. so as not to
5. because of
6. so that
7. for
8. so as not to
9. to
10. because of

Choose the right form.

1. because of
2. in spite of
3. so that
4. though
5. even though
6. despite

Complete with if, unless, until or as soon as.

1. if
2. until
3. if
4. unless
5. as soon as

Circle the correct word.

1. although
2. however
3. as well
4. also
5. on the other hand
6. however

Fill in the gaps.

1. if
2. soon
3. when
4. if

Choose the right alternative.

1. despite
2. because
3. so
4. however
5. but

Complete the sentences with unless, until, although, despite, or as soon as

1. until
2. as soon as
3. unless
4. despite

Rewrite the following sentences starting with the word(s) given.

a) Though he has never worked for a newspaper, he’s been hired all the same.
b) In spite of being very tired, she finished the job.
c) They went to his office so that nobody could hear them.

Fill in the blanks choosing from the following linking words: despite; therefore; however,
although; actually; while; also; besides

a) besides
b) actually
c) however
d) despite
e) therefore

Rewrite the sentences, using the words given, so that they have the same meaning.
a) Whereas Joseph never helped with the housework, Pat did.
b) Though we sometimes stayed out late, we always got home before twelve.
c) He didn’t like sport; however, he didn’t mind watching football.

Write new sentences as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence using the
words given.

a) Even though the prices were low, very little of the remaining stock sold.
b) Although the ailing magazine tried introducing several new features, circulation
continued to drop.
c) Despite being hated by the critics Archer’s latest book was well received by the public.
d) In spite of the fact that she insisted (that) all was well, I knew that something was wrong.
e) He’s intelligent; however, he does not study much.


1. I am not worried; on the contrary, I feel quite calm.

2. It is expensive; on the other hand, we need it/it’s necessary for us.
3. Due to traffic delays/jam, he could not get to/arrive at the meeting on time. In the
meantime/meanwhile, the meeting was cancelled/postponed.
4. Thanks to/owing to his hospitality, we did not have any problems.
5. Generally speaking/in general, life in a big city has more advantages than disadvantages.
6. Despite huge differences, their marriage is pretty good/ successful.
7. I expected Maria to come/that Maria would come in the afternoon; however, she hasn’t
appeared yet.
8. Beside/apart from, next to/ the diploma, you also need some experience for this job,
too/as well.
9. Considering/in regard to/regarding all the facts, it will be difficult to come up with the

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