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It all starts in one night in which a young warrior is asleep in his castle, and has a very
strange dream, a dream that is at the edge of human imagination. In this strange dream,
he sees himself in a beautiful palace, where there is a battle in which all the elves try to
defeat a strange black figure. He runs to try to help, but the elves pass by the warrior as
if he did not exist.

All of a sudden, there is a big explosion and the warrior closes his eyes, by instinct, and
when he opens them back up again, he notices that they are all dead and there is a black
figure laughing crazily.

Winowill: “Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha”

Bladestorm: “Winowill! You are alive! It is not possible! No!”

Bladestorm, or actually, Bladedance, wakes up startled, realizing that it was all a

nightmare. But it had already been the third time he had had this kind of dream, and he
always woke up soaked in sweat and his servants would wake up scared with his screams.
So much so that his master, swordsman Gravis, is called in to find out what is happening
and finds Bladestorm in the corridor of the Palace, pensive and looking at a picture and

Bladestorm: “Gravis, my master, I called you, because you are the only one who knows
our secret, and I am worried with these dreams that I have been having, which announce
that Venovell will come back and will try to dominate the whole world of the two moons.”

Gravis answers: “But these dreams can’t be real and, plus, Grommal Djunn killed his own
love mate cutting off her head”.

Bladestorm, very apprehensive, answers: “My friends, the dreams are like warns which
need to be interpreted; having the same dream three times, means that it is warn. I will
have to leave, just as my father and my mother, my dear little sister and the little cub my
mother was expecting did, because if I don’t do it, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

His master then orders a servant to come and write on a piece of paper, which ones are
the belongings that Bladestorm wanted to get rid of. He says he will give away his favorite
horse as a birthday gift to the most faithful servant’s daughter and that his Master and his
servants will look after the place from now on, since he had decided to go after the “forest
spirits” to pay tribute to.

His master informs that the spirits had been seen near the borders of the decadent
Djunnland Empire, and that this land was considered cursed, for its governors tried to
eliminate the elves, which only brought misfortune upon the men who lived there.

While he prepares to leave, Bladestorm starts to have memories of how his childhood was
and the sentimental reason why his parents left the tribe of the Wolfriders, which was
ruled by Bearclaw.

Father: “Son, I want to tell you the reason why your mother and I left the wolf pack. It
was because of the Recognition and, according to our laws, nobody can deny a
Recognition. I ended up doing this with Rillfisher, because Tresstump liked her very
much and I told them they should stay together, for your mother was already pregnant of

Mother: “Son, we will teach you the “way” of the Wolfriders, which consists in hunting
with the wolf pack, sing with it and live freely without any barrier, and never forget that
love is the most powerful strength that there is.”

Bladestorm: “Stronger than the Recognition?” – The young cub asks.

The mother answers: “Yes.”



The young warrior says goodbye to his servants and friends, and leaves on foot with his
faithful wolf-friend called Bluelight; the name is in reference to its bluish fur. He ends up
remembering when he formed a close tie with her at the island where he and his family

Bladestorm: “Father, I’m listening to a howl coming from those hills ahead. It is my wolf-
friend. I’m sure.”

He and his family manage to reach the hill, where they see a wolf cub with the most
beautiful blue fur they had ever seen. Bladestorm starts to play with it. The first licks form
a tie between the elf and his wolf-friend.

Sometime after this, the young elf is playing with his wolf and, suddenly, it runs away
and he goes after it. By accident, they end up entering a human village. His parents,
worried because of the time he had been gone, decide to go after him, because, in this
period, being caught by humans meant suffering a terrible death.

Bladestorm starts to look for his wolf-friend all over the place. He manages to find it, but
they humans see him. However, instead of getting scared or flee, he faces them:

Bladestorm: “I challenge the highs to try to kill me, for if they do it, my parents will take
vengeance on them.”

The humans get impressed with the attitude of the cub and say that no one will try to kill
him, because no one should kill a cub of a spirit of the forest. Time goes by and
Bladestorm becomes friends with the children of the shaman of the tribe, a boy and a girl,
which leaves him very furious and angry.

Shaman: “My children, you cannot be friends with a demon from the forest, for they love
to steal children and devour their soul.”

The children respond to their father: “Father, we respect you so much, but you are
superstitious. The spirits of the forest never did us any harm.”

The father hears that silently and seems to agree with the children but, actually, he is
planning to get rid of these demons once for all.

So, one day the villagers go to the forest to pay tribute to the spirits, shaman goes too,
which leaves all the village surprised, because he was not in sympathy with theses spirits.

When they get to the forest with the basket of fruits, shaman pulls out of his bag a strange
fruit and puts it in another basket and says:

Shaman: “Now I simply wait for them to come and eat this fruit, and I will get rid of this
burden once for all.”

Bladestorm’s parents go pick up the offerings with their wolf-friends. Then, the little blue
haired cub with scarlet eyes, sees a beautiful fruit and decides to eat it, not knowing that
it is poisonous and that it can, slowly and painfully, kill however eats it.

As they return home through the forest, the mother starts noticing that the son is quiet. As
she touches him on the forehead, she feels that he has a temperature and, eventually, he

The mother gets worried and calls her companion who is hunting, shouting:

“Honey! There is something wrong with our cub; he, suddenly, got ill and fainted.”

He runs back home.


Several days go by and Bladestorm has such high temperature that he stars to hallucinate,
so much so that, his parents do not leave him alone and are helpless as to what to do,
because only a healer could really heal their son. The mother and the father start to cry,
because they know that the death of a cub is terrible to any elf couple.

However, the mother, determined not to surrender, starts to send:

“Please! Somebody help! My son is on the verge of death!”

Her companion says it is useless to send out messages, because they are too far away from
where the tribe live.

As the night falls, the parents fall asleep hopeless to see their son alive. But, the next
morning, a message wakes up the couple, saying:

“Hello, where is your child? I can heal him.” Says a sweet and angelic-like voice.

The couple gets surprised because, being isolated from the wolf pack, no one could help
them. They leave the tree very surprised and see a beautiful tall elf, with beautiful black
hair and brown eyes, who says:

Winowill, “Where is your child? My name is Winowill, I’m a healer and I can save the
life of your little cub.”

The mother and the father take her to Bladestorm, and tell her that their cub must have
eaten a poisonous fruit by mistake. Therefore, after examining him, Wionwill prepares to
heal him. The couple remain in silence in order not to disturb her.

The healer touches the body of the cub with her delicate hands and starts to transmit her
energies. In the end, the cub get up healed and full of joy to hug his parents and thank the

Bladestorm asks: “Father, who is she? Is she a Wolfrider?

The father answers: “Son, this is Winowill. She is a healer and she saved your life.”


Back to the current time, where our hero looks for a means of transportation to get to
Djunnland. In the middle of the way, he asks people information and they get stunned
that, someone so noble, so young, would desire to go to a cursed land.

Bladestorm says, “This is a personal matter, because I need to find my family. They left
to find out if the elves really exist.”

One day, he ends up discovering that a ship is leaving to that land, specifically, to Port
Bane, which is a city that lies on the coast. So he decides to grab that opportunity.
Eventually, accompanied by Bluelight, Bladestorm goes to speak with the captain of the
ship, and this character decides to board, in spite of getting curious about his mission in
a devastated land by the famine.

The boat leaves and Bladestorm starts to admire the sea and to consider that this may be
the home of the elves who live in the depths therein, but because of fear and shyness, they
never appear to men. Suddenly, the ship stops near its final destination, which is at eight
kilometers from the coast.

Bladestorm asks the captain: “Why have we stopped? We have not yet reached our
The captain answers: “We have to stop here, Bladestorm. I have just found out that Port
Bane, due to a plague, and the war, is now a ghost city. Therefore it is not safe to
Our hero answers: “I will go on a dinghy with my wolf, because I have a mission to

The captain gets astonished and agrees with the request of the young man, wishing him
good luck and to be careful in those waters, for, beyond the sea monsters, there is also the
danger of the storms, capable of sinking any boat.



Bladestorm and Bluelight get on a dinghy and start to navigate toward the coast. However,
a sudden storm hits the fragile vessel and tosses it to and fro, until the boat flips over
causing them to fall into the water, without any hope of salvation.

Surprisingly, something extraordinary happens; before Bladestorm gets unconscious, he

sees the Wavedancers grab him by the arm and carry him to the coast. He wakes up
soaking wet and cannot believe he is at the beach. His wolf friend comes towards him and
gives him a big lick.

Bladestorm looks at the sea and says: “Thank you, sea spirits. I too am one of you and we
shall meet you soon.”

Bladestorm: “Now we have to go to Port Bande, Bluelight. I want to see with my own
eyes the reason why the captain avoided passing through here.”

They walk to Port Bane and Bladestorm soon is able to see the houses, but he notices that
something is wrong, since there is no one in the streets and neither are there lights shining
on the city.

Bluelight starts to howl and Bladestorm notices that this type of howl used by the wolves,
signifies that there has been a great affliction, so much so that they immediately perceive
that the city is a “ghost city”… in other words, there is no one living there any longer.

There are also holes recently dug in the cemetery and corpses that show signs of plague.
There is also been a revolt of the inhabitants of the city, because it had been ravaged…
altogether, it seemed like all sorts of disgrace had occurred in that place.

Suddenly, our hero hear a soft and quiet voice saying:

Boy: “Oh spirits of the forest, heal myself from this horrible chagas disease which cover
my body, please.”

Bladestorm sees this scene and feels very sorry for the child who is on the verge of death,
and decides to appear.
The boy gets scared and hides, but Bluelight is able to sniff him and get him. He,
frightened, asks:

Boy: “Is this wolf yours? I am praying to the spirits and I am not going to live much
longer, for I want them to heal myself with their miraculous hands.”

Bladestorm, looks at the boy sadly and says: “Boy, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I
think that the spirits will not come here, because your foolish king wanted to wipe them
out. But, can you answer me something? What happened with Port Bane?

The boy starts to tell him what happened. “It has already been eight years since the war
against the elves ended and the King Rodol said that our army was victorious. But this
was a great lie, because no one came back alive and many of my neighbors remained
without their husbands, children and siblings.”


Bladestorm starts to make a bonfire and his wolf leaves to go hunt something for them to
eat. In the meantime, Bladestorm asks the boy a question:

Bladestorm: “I heard that the army of Djunnland had weapons of fire and it was
invincible. It is a pity that it could not avoid a catastrophic defeat. Have you, by any
chance, heard of a girl called Shuna, who led the revolt against Gromal Djunn?”

The boy answers: “Yes, I have heard of her. She was very brave, so much so that, they
say that the spirits adopted her as a daughter. The weapons of fire are not used by anybody
else, for the rebels destroyed the places where they used be manufactured and killed all
those who supported the Djunn family.”

Bladestorm asks: “What were the reasons why the revolt against Rodol happened? And,
is it true that, Angriff, his father, killed his own sister?”

The boy, already burning with a fever, answers: “Yes, it is true that Angriff killed Gifa
and his father, because the imbecile said that it had been the elves. He used this lie to get
his army, but after the war was over, one of his guardians standing by his deathbed, said
that he had killed his own sister and blamed it on the demons. The people got very angry
and started to spread revolt over the entire kingdom and there was still one plague
epidemic that no one knew where it had come from, which killed the majority of the
population, including my parents.” As he finishes this sentence, the boy faints and falls
on the ground. Bladestorm gets worried, runs to him and feels his body cold and says:

Bladestorm: “What a tragedy! He is dead.”

The next day, with the help of Bluelight, he buries the boy and restarts his trip again to
the cold mountains, a place which, according to Savah, her tribe lived freedom fully.


It has been days since our hero, along with his faithful wolf, have been walking through
the cold mountains that surround Djunnland, without finding a single sign of life that
could point that the place had ever been inhabited by its people, as Savah had told him in
his dreams, about all that his people had gone through, its tragedies, sufferings and
perseverance to find a place to call it theirs.

The night falls and there is no sign of shelter anywhere, and Bladestorm notices that there
is a great blizzard coming. When he sees a cave, he decides to spend the night there.

As he is about to enter the cave, he suddenly hears a voice that says:

Gifa: “Angriff, where are you? Why have you done this to me?”

At first, Bladestorm thinks he is having a hallucination caused by the attitude, but the
voice repeats the same sentence louder and the blizzard gets even more violent.

Bldestorm: “Angriff is dead. Who are you? Where are you? Asks the hero as the storm
embraces him more and more in a mortal embrace, until, suddenly, the storm ceases.

Out of the blue, there is a ghostlike appearance, spectral and with a hood, which comes
and says:

Gifa: “Are you sure Angriff is dead? If you are lying, I will cause the storm to return
much more powerfully, that you will be buried by it, the same way it was with those who
came before you.”

Bladestorm sees the frozen corpuses of the foolish ones who had the brilliant idea of
trying to cross the mountains. He, frightened, asks, “How do you know Angriff? He died
a long time ago, because of a wound provoked in a battle against the elves, just like it
happened to his son, Lothar, who was killed by the demon who heals.”

The spectral appearance answers back, “I know Angriff very well! At least I thought I
knew him…but he dared to take my life and the life of our father, right here where we
are, all because he feared I would steal the glory of killing the demons.”

Bladestorm says, “So it is true that you spent some time with the elves, is it not, Gifa? Do
you still hate them, or do you hate your brother, the traitor, and your nephew Rodol? I
know it is you and I am very sorry for what happened.”

The ghostlike appearance removes the hood and reveals to Bladestorm, how Gifa, the
daughter of the lord of war Gromall Djunn, but completely covered with blood and with
a wound in the heart.

She says, in an ironic way, “I want to tell my story.”


Bladestorm gets very scared and confused at the same time, with the sudden appearance
of someone who had been dead for more than 30 seasons. So he wonders what the
intentions of the spectrum might be.
The spectrum of Gifa changes expression and asks, “What does a righteous and brave
warrior do here in these cold mountains?”

Bladestorm answers and says, “I am in a personal mission to find my family and I would
also like to know how your stay was with the elves who lived in these mountains. I heard
they were more civilized than the humans.

Hearings this, Gifa starts to cry of anger and sadness, sobbing she says, “My brother and
I were born on the same day and, because he was a man, he would have everything and I
would not. The glory for killing the elves was something personal, and I would have
done something more in life, instead of bearing children and looking after the house.”

Bladestorm decides to ask, “What caused your father to decide that you could go kill them

Gifa, still sad, answers and says, “My father had made my brother go through a trial in
which, within three days, he would have to bring something fascinating, otherwise he
could not take over his rightful place. Three days passed and my brother came bringing a
sword, which he said he had taken away from the elves during a battle. He was all happy
and proud of that, saying that it would have been easy to defeat them, and that they would
only need twenty guards for that. My father got so furious and told him he was a fool. He
said that less than twenty of them could destroy him”.

Bladestorm: “What happened after that?”

Gifa continues the story, “I remembered that the demons had welcomed a girl called
Shuna and that, maybe, If I went there pretending to be wounded, I too would be
welcomed, which worked out.”

Bladestorm: “What did you intend to do when you were there?”

Gifa answers and says, “I intended to poison them when everybody were together, but I
could not do it. When I finally did it, they healed themselves quickly and I had to flee.
The rest you know.”

Bladestorm then, says, “I decided to do justice to you, Gifa. There is a bunch of rebels
fighting against Rodol, your nephew. They probably know the truth, for only fools or
unwarned people believe that the elves could kill someone like you.”

Gifa: “Do justice then, to me, for I want that all Djunnland know about the vile betrayal
of my brother, that his descendants are not worthy of governing, and that the elves are
beings who deserve to be in this land more than the humans who live therein.

After saying this, the spectrum of Gida disappears and our hero notices that it is already
morning. So, along with his wolf-friend, he leaves to sort things out with Rodol and to
meet with the rebels.


Bladestorm has been walking for many hours in the vast land of Djunnland without
finding any sign of life, only wolves and corpuses of elderly people, women and children
who were hit by the plague…destroyed homes and fortresses razed.

Bladestorm asks himself, “It will be easy to find the rebels or the thieves through the path
of corpuses which they left, but I will have to be careful, for my father used to say that a
good hunter avoids entering a bear’s den without knowing.”

The night begins to fall and our hero, along with his wolf, Bluelight, enter the forest and
find a big cave to rest. So, Bladestorm lies down and starts to dream with the day when
his twin swords were made.

Father: “Son, I know you want to have two swords but, generally, we only carry one.
Your power over the bolts and your speed, made me remember about an elf called
FastLightning, who is believed to have never died, according to the legends, and now
dwells in the lightning and commands the storms.”

Mother: “The trolls are excellent blacksmiths and we found out that among them, there is
one called Two-Edge, who, according to people, is a half elf from the mother’s side. He
also made New Moon, Chefe Bearclaw’s sword. They say he lives in the caves new here.
We will go there tomorrow to meet him.”

The young elf got very happy with the possibility of meeting Two-Edge, a living legend
among the Trolls, who would make his twin swords and also who made all the weapons
the Wolfriders had.

The next day, Bladestorm and his parents make their way to the cave where Two-Edge
has his workshop. They are able to spot the place quite quickly, because smoke can be
seeing from where the iron is being forged. They had also heard that, besides being a
genius, Two-Edge was crazy and would avoid having contact with other Trolls.


Bladestorm get super excited to meet this legend blacksmith, of whom his parents spoke
so much about. His parents enter the cave and start to ask:

Father and Mother: “Two-Edge, where are you? We would like you to do something for

Nobody answers, but, immediately, they start hearing a strange song and a shrill, known
as one of Two-Edge’s favorite and most sung songs.

Two-Edge: “Wolfriders have their wolf songs. I have my song, of striking the metal and
the hammer. Whoever is there, come in and do not be afraid of showing up. I will see
what I can do for you.”

Bladestorm parents, accompanied by their son, decide to show up and Two-Edge gets
surprised as he sees the elves right there in front of him, in such an isolated place. He asks
right away:
Two-Edge: “What could a couple of elves want from this humble blacksmith? Tell me
and I will see if I can help you.”

The father explains: “We want you to make two swords for our cub, he is very special.
He dreamt with these swords so much, that he calls them Lightning Twins.”

Two-Edge starts to laugh, and asks, “I have never heard of a child dreaming with one
sword, imagine two! Might he have dominium over the lightning?”

Bladestorm answers shooting a bolt that almost shreds Two-Edge’s forge.

“So, do you believe now? Says Bladestorm’s father to the half-elf, half-troll, all scorched.

Two-Edge talks back: “I think you, little cub, won the right to have your swords. They
will be my true masterpieces.”

Having said this, Two-Edge starts to work on his forge. The little cub is marveled by all
that, as he had never seen a sword being made, although his father had described to him
many times, how that the trolls forged metal.


Many days went by since Two-Edge had started to make the swords and little Bladestorm
followed it step-by-step fascinated with the blacksmith, who worked hard, to the point of
being soaked with sweat.

Bladestorm asks, “Can I help you? Can I?”

Two-Edge answers, “No. I would be better for a cub like you to wait outside; my job is
hard and very difficult, but I am confident that I will be well rewarded at the end by the
good use you intend to make of these swords.”

Curious, Bladestorm asks, “Do you want to know how I am going to use these swords?
What do you mean by this?”

Two-Edge continuous to speak: “I envy you and your parents. They seem to love each
other deeply, and from this love someone beautiful was born, you.”

Bladestorm gets really confused and asks about Two-Edge’s family:

“I heard you are mixed race, that is, half elf and half troll. Where are your parents?”

Two-Edge gets extremely pensive for a few seconds, and there is a great silence until he
finally answers:

“My father’s name was Smelt, the prince of the Trolls. He died when I was born, and my
mother was an elf. I never had a chance to meet her, for she abandoned me as soon as I
was born.”
Bladestorm gets really sad and apologies to Two-Edge for touching such a painful subject
for him, but then, suddenly, he says:

Two-Edge: “I need one more thing in order to finish forging your swords: inmate two
lightning from yourself.”

The little cub does what he is asked to do and the forge starts to boil with the light energy.
Two-Edge pours all the energy into two molds. After this, he smiles and waits for the
metal to cool down, which happens a few hours later.

Two-Edge says, “It is almost done. My masterpiece, the Lightning Swords. You will be
able to defeat any adversary with them, and they will obey any of your commands.”

With this in mind, Bladestorm wakes up and smiles with the first rays of the sun that shine
in the morning.


Bladestorm leaves the cave and gets ready for the long walk he will have ahead of him.
So, he calls Bluelight through the sending, and she comes quickly to him, with a rabbit in
her mouth and accompanied by a whole wolf pack, which she had found in the woods.
He thinks:

“This journey will be very difficult. I dreamt with Two-Edge, the blacksmith who forged
my swords. I wonder if this is not supposed to mean something…”

He starts to walk through the closed forest, which would be an ideal dwelling place for
the tribe of the Wolfriders or any other tribe of elves, unknown to the human beings. In
this interval, he starts admiring the nature around him and wonders if he will not find the
rebels who fight against king Rodol, or if he is still alive or not.

Suddenly, he sees a column of smoke rising in the air. At first, he thinks there is a fire,
but the smoke is too little, so he assumes that it might just be a camping. He makes his
way there, but first he asks Bluelight to hide with the wolf pack, just in case.

Bladestorm gets to a hill, where he can have a better view of the situation, and what he
sees impresses him:

“By the High Ones! It is a big military camp occupying the whole valley, and it seems
like they are besieging a fortress, which is on the other side of the river. I would bet all
the gold the trolls extract from their mines, that those are the rebels, who are after King


Bladestorm thinks of a way to enter the camp, when he sees troops ready to attack the
fortress on the other side of the river, along with war machines and archers. The battle
begins and it seems that the defenders of the fortress are prepared to withstand a long
siege, since the river is a natural defense against any invasion.
He asks Bluelight through the sending, to observe the battle without exposing himself too
much. He notices a young person wearing a crown, who shouts:

Rodol: “For my father, Angriff, we have to resist these rebels, traitors, who will pay with
their own lives for worshiping the demons who destroyed my family and brought so many
curses upon my kingdom.”

Bladestorm concludes that it is about Rodol, one of the children of Angriff. It seems that
people here still worship the spirits of the forest, despite all that happened during the War
of Crystals and the invasions promoted by Angriff to build the Djunnland Empire.

The attack ceases and it seems that the besiegers have been repelled. So Bladestorm heads
to the rebels camping and, as he enters it, a guard stops him and asks, “Who are you?
What do you want here? Nobody can enter here without a permission.”

Bladestorm answers, “I am Bladedance, and I want to speak with your leaders. I think I
can convince Rodol to surrender, for I have a crucial piece of information for that.”



Bladestorm starts to go through the camping with the soldier. He starts noticing that there
are not only soldiers, but there women and children too, all hungry or sick. However, in
the eyes of many of them, there is a glimmer of hope.

Bladestorm swears, “By the blood of Timmorn, this nightmare has to end! I make this
solemn promise that it may end today.”

Bladestorm and the soldier get to a big tent. The soldier tells him to wait for a moment,
while he consults his commander. After some time, the soldier gets back and warns:

Soldier: “Our commander will see you now.”

Bladestorm enters the tent and is surprised as he notices that the leader of the rebels is a
woman, who looks very much like a person who he heard about some time ago.

Shocked, Bladestorm exclaims, “Shuna?”

The commander answers, “I am not Shuna, but I have a great admiration for her. You are
Bladelance! I heard you have important information about Rodol.”


Bladestorm starts thinking about how he would start telling what he knew about the
assassination of Gifa to the commander, for it he said that he had got this information
from a ghost, they would at least think that he were crazy or making everything up.
The commander starts to ask, “So, Bladestorm, what kind of information do you have to
give? Know that we are in the middle of a siege, the last fortress of Rodol. I do not intend
to give up on making you pay for all your crimes.”

Bladelance asks, “What is your opinion about the assassination of Gifa? They say that the
elves were the ones who killed her. That is why Angrif convinced your subjects, that they
should be exterminated.”

There is a great silence and the commander starts saying, “This is absurd! Everyone here
knows that Angriff killed his own sister and the father in order to take over the power.
Then he blamed the benevolent spirits of the forest with the intent of having his own
army. I myself was a victim of this decoy.”

Bladestorm, very surprised, asks, “In what way? I do not mean to offend anybody, but
women cannot go to war!”

The commander starts to cry and tells her sad story, “When I was a child, Angriff came
to our house. I had two brothers and a loving father. My mother used to tell stories about
the spirits of the forest, how they dethroned Gromall Djunn. He came and told all these
lies. My brothers and my father were the first ones to be recruited by him.”

The commander pauses for a little and restarts her story, “Sometime after this, my father
and my brothers started becoming arrogant, saying that the spirits, actually, were demons
and that my mother should stop telling stories about them, otherwise we would be killed.
One day, when my father and my brothers were in the countryside, my mother and I left
to never return. I found out that my relatives had been killed by order of Angriff, for there
was a rumor that he had killed his own sister. This caused my relatives to feel betrayed e
deserted, but they were found and killed to serve as an example to whoever wanted to
disagree with him.”

Bladestorm, curious, asks, “What can you tell me about Rodol? After the army of
Djunnland was destroyed, what was his reaction?

The commander: “Rodol said that that was just setback. Then, the plague came and spread
like fire throughout all the forest, causing the death of many, including my mother. I
remained alone. Rodol said all of this was to be blamed on the demons, but the people
did not believe in him anymore and said that he should pay for the crimes of his father,
or renounce the crown.”

Bladestorm has an idea: “Send a messenger to the fortress under a white flag, to ask to
negotiate his surrender. A mediator will go there to propose the terms.”

She asks, “Who would be the mediator?”

Bladestorm: “I will be the mediator.”


The commander questions the proposal of Bladestorm, saying:

Commander: “This is madness. You do not know Rodol like I do.”

Bladestorm: “This may even seem like madness, but it will be much worse if we do not
do anything, for there has already been too much dying and suffering for the people who
live in Djunnland.”

The commander, impressed with these words, called the messenger with orders to head
to the fortress on the other side of the river with the following terms: if he renounced the
crown and abandoned the fortress leaving to the exile, his life would be spared. If he
refused, the fortress would be destroyed and he would be executed.

The messenger left the camp as fast as he could, hoping to get to his destiny as fast as
possible. Bladestorm is confident that Rodol, besides his arrogance, he will accept the
terms, for the army of the rebels is much bigger.

The day goes by slowly without any incidents until sunset. The watchers of the camp see
the messenger arriving and, immediately, the commander of the rebels wakes up our hero,
who was asleep in a tent.

Commander: “Bladestorm, the messenger is already back.”

Bladestorm: “Does he bring good or bad news?”

Commander: “I do not know. We will find out soon.”

The messenger arrives and goes to the commander and says, “Madam, Rodol did not
accept the terms to surrender, but he would like to speak with Bladelance to know how
he could surrender without losing the head.”

Bladestorm says, “Say I will go to the fortress tomorrow, so we can discuss the terms for
his surrender.”


The commander decides to offer Bladestorm a horse, but he refuses and says that he will
get there faster walking. As he reaches a good distance from the camp, he starts sending
to Bluelight:

Bladestorm: “Bluelight, my friend, I will be going to the fortress of Rodol. If anything

goes wrong, I want you to be ready to intervene. If it is necessary, call the wolf pack too!”

Bladestorm continues walking to the fortress of Rodol, but suddenly, he is stopped by an

arrow shot from the wall. The watcher prepares to shoot another arrow and asks:

Watcher: “Who goes there? Tell me or else I will shoot this arrow in your heart.”

Bladestorm: “I am Bladeelance. I came to talk with your leader about the conditions for
him to surrender.”
The soldier orders someone to call the wife of Rodol to receive this important guest.
Suddenly, a beautiful pregnant woman receives Bladelance with a beautiful smile on her

Woman: “My husband is a little busy, but he will see you soon.”

Bladestorm: “I will wait but, please, let me say something; I do not think that a pregnant
woman should be in a battlefield, especially in a fortress surrounded by rebels!”

Woman: “A true woman accompanies her husband wherever he goes.”

Bladestorm suddenly touches the belly of Rodol’s wife, and feels that she will give birth
to a beautiful baby girl within two days, but both of them would be in danger.

The woman gets a little scared with the sudden gest, but is not afraid. She leaves saying:

Woman: “Excuse me; I need to get some rest.”

Bladestorm remains there pensive and concludes that Rodol could kill this child and her
mother, at the moment of her birth.


Bladestorm starts thinking about the last events, when a soldier enters the room and says:

Soldier: “Our king Rodol will see you now.”

Bladestorm follows the soldier and both of them enter in a control room, where he sees a
young man looking at a map and talking to soldiers of the fortress. He concludes that it is

Bladestorm: “Hi, my name is Bladelance. I would like you all to leave so I could talk to
king Rodol privately.”

Rodol: “I order everybody to leave. I will speak to this arrogant person.”

Bladestorm: “You know why I am here. You should surrender while there is still time,
because the rebels will kill you.”

Rodol: “I am not going to surrender. This scum of rebels should not have rebelled against
me. I will smash them, just like my grandfather and my father did.”

Bladestorm: “If I were you, I would not count on this. They are in more soldiers than you.
If they enter this fortress, neither the murderer of your grandfather nor the fratricide of
your father will save you. The Djunn family will be deleted from history, which will be
very ironic; since your father and your grandfather wanted that the spirits of the woods
were deleted from the memory of men.”

Rodol, angrily, says, “How dare you call my father and my grandfather murderers? My
aunt Gifa was killed by the spirits of the forest.”
Bladestrom lets out a chuckle and says, “Poor fool? Is that what your father told you?
What about that sword behind you, what is it?”

Rodol: “This sword belongs to the spirits of the forest. My father got it after fighting
against them.”

Bladestorm, knowing the truth, says, “Your father was a great liar indeed. Besides killing
his own sister and your grandfather, there is rumor that he stole this sword from them.
There is also rumor that you should not steal anything from a spirit, because he who does
it, is cursed, just as your grandfather was as he stole their sacred crystals.”

Rodol gets angry and grabs the sword on the wall to attack Bladestorm, but he is faster
than a deer, and is able to sidestep the strike, knocking out the monarch with a single

The sword falls on the ground and Rodol gets dizzy with the strike. In the meantime,
Bladestorm grabs the sword and takes it with him saying:

Bladestorm: “Within two day, your aunt, Gifa, will come to visit you and will show you
all the truth, which will make you cry of regret for not believing in me.”

After saying this, Bladestorm leaves the room quickly, goes through the gate of the
fortress, while Rodol, dizzy because of the strike, is astonished by the prophetical words.



Two days went by since Bladestorm tried to negotiate peace with Rodol, and failed. There
are also comments saying that the spirit of Gifa will soon appear, to punish Rodol
destroying the fortress with all who supported him.

Bladestorm is very sad and disappointed, still not believing he prophesied to Rodol. Then
he notices that the weather is changing and it starts to rain, the lightning cuts through the
skies with all its fury.

The rebels go into their tents to protect themselves from the storm. In the meantime, in
the fortress, Rodol waits for the birth of his heir anxiously, because this boy will be the
future of the reign.

In the middle of the night, a cry is heard and the wolves from the wolf pack of Bluelight
start to howl. Baldestorm recognizes the howl as of a new life that came into the world.
In the fortress, Rodol is enthusiastic with the birth of the heir, when a midwife comes and

Midwife: “Your majesty, your child is born.”

Rodol: “Yes, I know it has been born. It is a beautiful boy.”

The midwife, apprehensive, says, “Your majesty, your wife gave birth to a beautiful girl.”
Rodol goes ballistic and says, “What? It is not possible! This must be a curse from the
demons against me. I order immediately that this child be killed, and if my wife tries to
impede it, she too must be killed.”

The midwife gets terrified and runs to warn the wife of Rodol. But she does not go too
far, because Rodol grabs her and chocks her to death. Suddenly, a cold wind blows
through the forest, the torches are extinguished, there is total darkness and from the
shadows, the spectrum of Gifa appears.

Gifa is furious because her nephew killed a woman, and says:

Gifa: “You truly are just like your father, a coward and a liar! You do not deserve to stay

Rodol tries to defend himself, saying, “But, aunt, the elves killed you! Dad swore
vengeance on them, because he loved you.”

Gifa, very angrily, grabs Rodol by the neck and looks right into his eyes, and says:

“Fool! Your father and your grandfather were the ones who killed me! Now you want to
kill your daughter and wife too. I want that, before you die, you see how I died and that
this fortress be your tomb and of all those who supported your madness.”

Right after this, the fortress starts to shake and it all starts to fall apart. The soldiers panic
and try to escape, but only a few can make it. The wife of Rodol runs outside and sees an
unbelievable scene; the fortress collapses like a sandcastle hit by a wave.

The next day, the scenario next to the river left Bladestorm and the rebels astonished.


Bladestorm and the rebels cannot believe in what their eyes are seeing, for the invincible
fortress of Rodol has been destroyed in one single night by a supernatural power.

Bladestorm thoughtful: “What power on earth could bring an impregnable fortress down
so quickly? May it have been the spirit of Gifa what caused this great feat?

Suddenly, Bladestorms’ thoughts are interrupted by voices coming from the camp of the
rebels who say that most of the soldiers perished in the tragedy, and some are saying that
the ghost of Gifa appeared to punish her nephew who threatened to kill his wife and
newborn daughter.

Bladestorm thinks happily, “So Gifa severely punished the child of her murderer and
those who thought like him. This would be called “divine justice” by the humans.

As he enters the camp, our hero meets the wife of Rodol holding her daughter in her arms
and crying with happiness for having survived with her child through a night of horror.

Bladestorm comes closer to her, touches her shoulder and says:

Bladestorm: “Are you ok, ma’am? What happened to the fortress?”

Woman: “I cannot believe that my husband tried to kill me. I have always been faithful
to him, and I was proud to be of the Djunn family. What shall I say to my daughter when
she grows up to try and make her understand this?

Bladestorm: “Simply tell her the truth about what happened here. I know it is tough, but
a child has the right to know the truth. What do you intend to do now?”

Woman: “My father lives in the north. I will go there to live with him. And you,
Bladelance, what will you do?”

Bladestorm: “This is a personal matter, ma’am. But I wish you good luck”.

Bladestorm says goodbye to Rodol’s wife and goes to the commander of the rebels’ tent
after information about Shuna, the woman who had been adopted by the elves.

The commander of the rebels says, “It will not be easy for you to find her, for she lives
very far from here. However, be careful because the spirits protect her all the time. Since
Rodol has been defeated, we, the rebels, will go live on in another place, and we will
leave this land to the spirits of the forest, for wherever there are, they must be happy for
our victory.

With this in mind, Bladestorm leaves to start another season of his journey, to try and
help the world of the two moons.


Many days went by after the terrible tragedy, which Bladestorm witnessed, for it is not
every day that a fortress, believed to be invincible, is destroyed in one single night.

Our hero is lying on a glade next to his wolf-friend Bluelight. Being in human form, he
starts to have a dream or a terrible nightmare, if you will. In this dream he sees an elf with
black hair inside of what seems to be a cave.

Bladestorm says, “This elf looks familiar”.

Suddenly, the elf with black hair who was lying down starts to get agitated, and shout a
familiar name:

Rayek: “Winowill, Winowill”.

From behind him, there is a shadow, which starts to take the shape of an elf. It grabs the
elf with black hair by the neck, and speaks to him with a deep voice:

Winowill: “I am free, at last. My love and everybody else will know my fury, for nothing
can get on my way”.

As he says that, Winowill makes Rayek faint because of the effort, and our hero shouts:
Bladestorm: “No”.

Bladestorm wakes up scared in the middle of the night, in his beautiful elf shape, with
Bluelight next to him and, with a delicate sending saying:

Bladestorm: “That elf was Rayek, the rival of Cutter. So Winowill is free and ready to
take the Palace of the High Places. I have to hurry up to get there and warn the Wolfriders
of the danger”.

Then, our hero departs in the middle of the night with his faithful wolf by his side, ready
to impede a catastrophe from happening, or at least die trying.


Bladestorm has been walking through the woods for quite some time without finding any
sign of human life, or any sign that the tribe of the Wolfriders has been around.

Tired, our hero gets ready to take a nap at the top of a tree, but he hears human voices

Bee: “Mother, where are you? I will find you soon”.

Bladestorm quickly hides at the top of the tree and asks Bluelight to observe who is
coming, for if it is who he thinks it is, it will be their lucky day.

A young man with yellow hair comes walking through the forest, looking for someone.
So, Bladestorm remembers that Shuna had a son called Bee, and says:

Bladestorm: “So this must be Bee, the son of Shuna. If he is here, she may not be too far.
It would be better to follow him”.

So, Bladestorm decides to follow him into the forest. The walk lasts two hours, but it is
worth it, for in the end, Bee finds his mother, who, in spite of the age, she continues as
beautiful as she has always been and has a stick with a wolf-head.

Bladestorm gets so happy to find her, that he screams:

“Hooray! I found you, Shuna”.

Shuna and the son get very scared and she asks:

Shuna: “Bee, my son, have you been followed?”

Bee answers: “Mother, I am sure there was no one following me”.

Bladestorm and Bluelight decide then to show up, so that they may introduce themselves
to them.

Bladestorm: “By the High Ones, I found you, Shuna. You have no clue what I had to go
through to find you. How rude of me! My name is Bladestorm and, although being in
human form, I am one of the spirits of the forest, and I came to warn you that we are
running a serious risk”.

Shuna surprisingly asks, “What risk would this be? You have got to be crazy to claim to
be an elf. If you do not leave now, I will call them so that they might give you the
punishment you deserve”.

Bladestorm says, “Winowill is back and she wants to take over the Palace of the High
Ones. I am here to stop her. Please, you need to believe me”.

As he said this, Bluelight starts to howl in an aggressive way. Bladestorm notices that
someone is approaching behind him, but before he turns around, a strike in the head
knocks him out”.

Sometime after, Bladestorm wakes up all tied up, not being able to move and with a sword
to his throat. He lifts up his head and sees that the Wolfriders are not happy at all with
him, especially the leader, whom he recognizes as Ember, the daughter of Cutter.

Ember then asks, “Are you really Bladestorm? This is nothing but a lie… Bladestorm is
dead! The only ones who believe he is still alive is his family, who joint us recently”.

Bladestorm starts to sweat and thinks how he might get out of this situation.


Bladestorm cannot imagine which situation could be worse than this. With his tribe
around him, with weapons in their hands, unarmed and with Ember holding a sword to
his throat.

Bladestorm starts to look around and sees that there are familiar people there, like,
Treestump and Dewnshine, who could clarify all the evil intended, since Treestump knew
the family of the hero.

Bladestorm notices that Bluelight managed to escape before the Wolfriders got her too.
Lastly, he thinks:

Bladestorm: “Well, at least my family is fine. Now it is time to get out of this situation”.

Bladestorm then starts to speak the elf language, which leaves everyone astonished,
including Shuna.

Bladestorm: “Dear brothers and sisters Wolfriders, I know that it may seem foolish, but I
am Bladestorm and I did not die. I came to warn you about Winowill; she intends to take
over the Palace of the High Ones. She and I have a story and I know how cruel and terrible
she is. Therefore, you must listen to me”.

As he finished, everyone started laughing and mocking their tied hero, who does not
believe in the reaction of the Wolfriders. At this moment, an elf leaves the group and goes
toward Bladestorm, who gets stunned with her beauty, because it was a new face to him.
But as she gets closed to him, she punches him in the face and in the stomach.
Our hero falls on the ground in pain but without groaning, which impresses Ember, who

Ember: “You truly are a liar. Winowill is now a spirit dwelling in the body of Rayek. The
only thing she can do is influence her to do evil to somebody. Now we are going to receive
those who left with the Palace and are about to return in just a few hours.”

Bladestorm ironically smiles and answers, “Ember, you are very beautiful and
courageous, just like your father. But you should learn something; never underestimate
your enemy. You know, I said I had a story with her; she healed myself from a poisoning
a long time ago. It is a pity I never imagined she would be so obsessed with power, to the
point of committing all the atrocities you know about”.

Bladestorm continues to speak, “My family and I were hibernated like you, and I had a
dream in which she took over the Palace and killed all of you. That is why she laughed
crazily. One more thing, Winowill got out of Rayek’s body, that is, she is furious and not
happy at all with those who caught her”.

As he finished saying this, there is great silence and Ember starts doubting and thinks:

Ember: “Might he be telling the truth? If so, we are in big trouble”.



The Wolfriders start to walk through the forest, many of them look curiously at
Bladestorm, including Dewshine, the daughter of Treestump, who begins to imagine that
the outsider may be right and that Winowill may be back to the world of the living.

Dewshine has many reasons to frea her, for she knows her “soul name” and has already
used it against her in the past, when she ordered to kidnap Windklin, and on the first time
the Wolfriders were in Blue Mountain, the former home to the tribe of the Gliders.

Bladestorm also starts to wonder if what he saw in his dream, that is, the total destruction
of all the elves, is something inevitable. But, he has a glimpse of hope, for Bluelight is
following the group without being noticed.

Bladestorm thinks, “How can I get out of this situation with my hands tied and without
my sword? But wait a minute: The sword I got from Rodol is not here. This is my only

Bladestorm starts sending the following message to Bluelight:

Bladestorm: “Bluelight, go back to the glade and bring the blade I got from Rodol, for it
is our only chance. Go quickly.”

A few hours later, the differentiated group arrives at the top of a hill and starts to look up
to the skies. Bladestorm gets curious and asks:
Bladestorm: “Why have we stopped here? The skies look different, as if something would
come down from it.”

A grey-haired elf called Yun, answers, “Silence, human. You are going to see the regress
of the Place of the High Places, something that only a few people could witness. In
addition, my father Skywise is there. It will be good to see him again.”

When Yun is done saying this, a beautiful construction similar to the most beautiful castle
that has ever existed comes down from heaven ad lands right in the middle of the plain.
Bladestorm is marveled with the beauty of the Palace of the High Places for, in spite of
the stories his parents used to tell him, the place was magnificent.

Ember then heads to Bee and says, “Bee, you are going to stay here to keep the prisoner.
Your mother and we are going to the Palace. Maybe my sweet mother Leetah is already
there and it will be good to see my brother Sunstream.”

As he says this, the chief orders everyone to leave, but before this, Bladestorm gets
desperate and says:

Bladestorm: “Ember, please; do not go there. I feel that Winowill may already be there
and she will kill all of you. Your father would not like to know that you took your tribe
to the extermination.”

Ember simply ignores him and leaves with the rest of the wolf pack. In the meantime,
Bladestorm starts getting shivers down his spine.


Bladestorm cannot believe that the young chief of the elves ignored his warnings, left him
tied up as if he were an enemy and jumped right into a trap, which can be nothing but

Tied up, Bladestorm thinks, “Ember is really beautiful, especially, personally. It is a pity
that she may have made a hasty decision. Now the Wolfriders might be walking towards
their own end.”

Suddenly, Bluelight shows up to our hero with the sword he got from the mouth of Rodol.
So Bladestorm speaks through the sending:

“Bluelight, am I glad you made it! It is now necessary to get my guard out of the way. I
have an idea.”

Bee is distracted. So Bladestorm gets close to him from the behind. Bee only notices the
approaching at the last instant, before he is knocked out by a head-butt from our hero.

Bluelight takes the sword to Bladestorm, who gets happy and says:

Bladestorm: “Well done! Now I can cut the ropes around my wrists without having to
force my hands.”
Thus, Bladestorm does it. As he approaches the innocent Bee, he says:

Bladestorm: “I am so sorry, Bee. My mission is a matter of life or death. There is only

one man who can make the difference, actually, an elf.”

When Bladestorm ends the sentence, something incredible happens; Bladestorm begins
to transform himself. First, he decreases in size; his ears become pointy; he gets four
fingers in each hand; his body turns into a body completely made of lightning energy and
his eyes turn bright red.

Bladestorm gets close to Bluelight and says:

Bladestorm: “Bluelight, we have to run in order to avoid a tragedy. Are you ready my

Bluelight lets out a howl showing approval, and Bladestorm leaves at lightning speed to
the Palace of the High Places, accompanied by his faithful wolf.


Bladestorm starts going faster than a speeding bullet, faster than ever in his life,
accompanied by his friend Bluelight, who is able to keep up with him just fine, for she is
already used to seeing Bladestorm transforming himself in pure energy.

Bladestorm starts sending, hoping that the Wolfriders may not have entered the Palace.

Bladestorm: “Embber, please, do not enter there! It is a trap.”

Bladestorm sends the same message several times, but without getting a single answer.
Then, suddenly, Bladestorm sees the Palace of the High Ones, the place in which,
according to the legends of the elves, their ancestors, the High Ones, came to dwell, the
world of the two moons.

Bladestorm stands facing the palace and gets so extremely stunned with its beauty, that
he exclaims:

Bladestorm: “My father and my mother used to tell me legends about this place when I
was a cub, but I have never imagined that this beauty was like this, indescribable.”

Bladestorm and his wolf get closer to the place cautiously, and notice that the Palace of
the High Ones seems to quiet for being a place that is full of life and magic. When they
get to the main door of the palace, which opens right up on its own without anybody
touching it, so that Bladestorm and Bluelight might go through it.

Inside the palace, Bladestorm and Bluelight marvel at the beauty and the sensation of
peace that it transmits. However, Bladestorm gives an order to his faithful wolf:

Bladestorm: “Bluelight, we have to split now, in order to look for the Wolfriders. This
place is huge. So we will have to be careful! We do not know what the plans of the black
viper might be, but whatever they might be, they are disastrous for the entire world.”
Bluelight goes to a corridor and Bladestorm to another. But the senses of our hero are
very sharp in spite of the silence that dominates the place. This causes Bladestorm to start

Bladestorm: “This is strange! How is it possible that a place full of life, like the Palace of
the High Ones, to be so quiet? May I have made a mistake about Winowill, and she was
not able to get here? Or may she have gotten what she wanted?”

These doubts start to take over the mind of Bladestorm. Then, suddenly, he starts hearing
voices coming from one of the back doors of the corridor where he is, voices in the elf

Bladstorm walks slowly to try to understand what the voices are saying, when he
understands something which makes him sad:

“Only a miracle could save her. Poor Moonshade.”

Bladestorm remembers that his mother was known as Mooshade, the half-sister of
Bearclaw, and also the companion of Strongbow, the archer of the tribe. With this in
mind, Bladestorm approaches the door and opens it slowly, asking:

Bladestorm: “Hi, is there anybody there?”

The voices go quiet and Bladestorm realizes there is no one in the room, only a beautiful
elf lying immovable. Bladestorm walks slowly towards her, touches her hand and with a
kind sending, he says:

Bladestorm: “Moonshade, I am a friend and I feel very sorry for what happened with you.
Savah told me about the wars our people had against the Djunn family. I do not know if
this would serve to comfort, but they will never bother anybody again, for they have been
destroyed by their own subjects. I would like to be a healer to save you, but I also desire
that you might live happily with Strongbow, for he is your true soul mate.”

As he finished the sending, an electric current flows through the body of Moonshade,
which leaves our hero completely surprised, for Bladestorm never imagined he could do
such a thing. It clearly seems that this is healing Moonshade and from inside her body,
metal chips come out and fall on the ground. Moonshade is saved.

Bladestorm cannot believe what happened, when he suddenly sees the reflection in the
crystal of someone shooting an arrow. Bladestorm manages to dodge it just in time, but
recognizing the person who shot the arrow.

Bladestorm: “Strongbow, do not shoot! I am a friend. Your companion is saved and well.”

Strongbow answers: “It is a lie. She is at death’s door and you are going to die.”

With this, Strongbow pulls another arrow out of his quiver to shoot against the invader.

Bladestorm tries to make Stronbow to reason, saying:

Bladestorm: “Strongbow, listen to me! Something incredible just happened; something
neither I can understand. I know that Moonshade got severely injured trying to save you.
I also know how much this made you sad, just like when Crescent, your daughter, was
assassinated. But if you want to kill me, go ahead and shoot me; I am not going to react.”

Bladestorm gets up and faces the archer elf, who has an arrow pointed to his heart.
Strongbow gets extremely surprised with the attitude of the young elf who, in spite of
being in the form of energy, is not afraid of facing danger.

Strongbow puts down the arch and asks: “What are you doing here? How do you know
my name and the name of Moonshade?”

Bladestorm, visibly constrained, answers, “It is a long story. I can only tell you that I am
a friend and that I have a mission to accomplish, for Winowill is back to threaten us.”

As he mentioned the name of Winowill, Bladestorm notices that Strongbow got

absolutely silent, since the black viper had tortured him for hours the first time they met.
Making a vow of trust to the young elf, Strongbow says:

Strongbow: “Nasty woman. I still remember how she tortured me for hour with a wire,
and if she is back as you are saying, be careful! She is crueler than any human being could
be. Speaking of this, what is your name?”

Bladestorm more confidently, answers, “I am Bladestorm, a lost child of the tribe of the
Wolfriders. Can you stay here looking after Moonshade until she wakes up? For I feel
that only if we unite our strengths, we will be able to defeat Winowill.”

With this, Bladestorm says goodbye to Strongbow and walks to an open space, where he
sees something he never expected to see there – the village of the People of the Sun.


Bladestorm gets disorientated as he finds a village inside the Palace of the High Places,
because, Savah, his guide, had told him that a long time ago, the village of the People of
the Sun which was on the Border of Affliction, was attacked by the Go-Backs led by
Khavi, who decided to take over the little palace by force.

Bladestorm starts to walk through the village and noticed that there is no one there, which
makes him think:

Bladestorm: “What might have happened to the People of the Sun? They say that, after
the attack of the Go-Backs, everyone came to live in the Palace in order to protect the
future attacks from the enemies. Savah also affirms that when the Palace left the world of
the two moons, many of the People of the Sun went with it. This is very sad. The Palace
is beautiful, but If I survive this combat of life or death, I am going to propose to Savah
that the People of the Sun return to live in the desert, for there are places in the world of
the two moons where the humans have not explored yet, as well as there may be lost
siblings who may be found.”
Therefore, Bladestorm goes check out the last house of the village, which seems to be
much bigger than the others are, and as he enters it, he has an unexpected encounter.
Savah is lying in bed, almost completely immovable, and next to her, there is an elf with
black hair, who Bladestorm knows as Rayek, the rival of Cutter. He too is in the same
state as Savah.

Bladestorm gets worried with the situation and thinks about a way to help:

Bladestorm: “May Winowill have passed by here? Rayek is very sick. Could it be that
when Winowill got out of his body, he stole part of your vital strength? I have an idea. I
am going to transfer part of my energy to him, just like I did with Moonshade. I hope it
works out.”

Bladestorm strikes Rayek with his fingertips, and ends up transferring his lightning
energy to him, so that he may wake up. The result is astonishing; Rayek seems to be
better, in spite of still being unconscious.

However, somebody comes from behind in the dark towards our hero, who, in a blink of
eyes, grabs the hand of the aggressor and pushes him away very strongly. Bladestorm
goes around him and, with a feline leap, grabs him by the neck and says:

Bladestorm: “Who are you? Why did you attack me? I was only helping Savah and

The blond-haired elf, called Chad, smiles and says:

Chad: “You are Bladestorm, are you not? Let me go now.”

Bladestorm: “Who is going to force me to let you go? Your mother?”

As he finished saying this, many elves from the People of the Sun come out of their hiding
places and a beautiful elf with velvety brown hair, accompanied by a young elf with
golden hair, says:

Leetah: “Please, I want you to let my cub go, now!”

Bladestorm gets surprised to meet the beautiful Leetah, the beautiful companion of Cutter
and her son Sunstream.



Leetah, standing still and with a kind of sad look on her face, repeats the same request to

Leetah: “Please, I want you to let my son go, now!”

Bladestorm ends up giving in to her request, but remains marveled at Leetah’s beauty.
She is so beautiful, as she has always been…so much so, that Bladestorm thinks:
Bladestorm: “It is not by chance that Cutter fell in love with her. Although he is dead, I
am very jealous of him. I am a person who has never had an intimate relashionship with
anybody before. Will I ever fall in love with anyone like her?”

Bladestorm then, decides to communicate through the sending. He says:

Bladestorm: “So you are the beautiful Leetah. I want to apologize and say I am sorry for
the death of your companion. I heard that he was very brave.”

Leetah stays quiet and tears run down her cheeks. She answers the sending of Bladestorm,

Leetah: “You look familiar to me. You could show me your face instead of being in that
form of lightning.”

Bladestorm gets very shy and thinks if he can show his face because, although his mother
thought he was handsome, he is not sure if the other elves will think the same.

Suddenly, screams are heard coming from the village, and an elf show up running and

Elf: “Run, hide yourselves! Three creatures coming from Winowill are coming here.”

Everybody hurries back to their hiding place, but Bladestorm notices that this is a call to
action. However, as he prepares himself to leave, Leetah shouts a name:

Leetah: “Satreeka. Where are you? Has anybody seen Satreeka?”

Bladestorm gets worried and asks Leetah:

Bladestorm: “Leetah, who is Satreeka?”

Leetah answers, “Satreeka is the granddaughter of Rayek. I cannot find her anywhere.”

Bladestorm, determined to speak, says, “I am going to battle these creatures and after I
will go after Satreeka.”

Leetah sends a warm sending to Bladestorm, saying:

Leetah: “Go quickly! Good luck.”

As she as this, Bladestorm gets emotional and leaves as fast as he can to confront the


After Bladestorm leaves, Leetah stays there, thinking how that she has never met anyone
like him, since his attitude reminds that of Cutter a little; that as with all the Wolfriders,
they always run against danger and never avoid them.
As Leetah remembers her dead companion, she lets a tear run down her face. In the
meantime, Bladestorm is looking for Streeka, but she cannot find her anywhere.

Suddenly, Bladestorm is able to pick up a sending that is not too far away, where she may

Streeka: “Help! Somebody help me.”

Bladestorm runs desperately to where the sending originated and, as he gets closer to a
corridor, he leans on the edge of it and sees something that leaves him astonished. Three
creatures that have come out of a nightmare, in human size, pursuing a little blond elf girl.
Bladestorm concludes that it is Satreeka.

Bladestorm thinks how he is going to help her:

Bladestorm: “I have to try to distract them. But how?”

As he thinks about this, Bluelight shows up next to his owner. Bladestorm gets happy and

Bladestorm: “Bluelight! How good it is to see you, friend! I have an idea.”

As he says this, Bladestorm starts to transform himself back to human form. His wolf gets
impressed with this and prepares to attack the enemy. At the same time, Satreeka gets
stuck by the three creatures and one of them says:

Creature 1: “For the honor of Winowill, child, you will be the first one to die.”

As Bladestorm hears this, he gets out of his hiding place with his wolf, and says:

Bladestorm: “Get yourself away from that child right now, you coward! If you want a
real challenge, go face someone your own size!”

The three creatures turn to him and get furious. One of them says:

Creature 2: “Alright, human. We will fight you! You will have the honor to be our first

Bladestorm starts laughing, and says, “Human? I am not human! You know, your master
is not the only one who is able to change form.”

As he is done saying this, Bladestorm switches back to pure energy elf form, and the
creatures come towards his direction. A violent battle starts to take place. Bladestorm
pulls out his sword and, with masterful skill, cuts off the head of one of the creatures, who
falls dead on the spot. The other two creatures step back, trying to protect themselves.
They are aware they are facing a mortal adversary.

Bladestorm goes after them with Bluelight but, suddenly, he receives a sending from
Satreeka, saying:
Streeka: “Be careful! One of them is right behind you.”

However, before the creature is able to attack, Bluelight jumps on top of her and, with all
his fury, he torn her to pieces. Now there is only one more creature left.

The last creature attacks with all her might, but Bladestorm is able to avoid all the strikes,
moving quite easily, and with a single spin, he cuts the creature into two parts, who falls
into the lake and dissolves herself out of the blue. The battle is over.

Bladestorm feels relieved as he sees Streeka safe. The little cub is so marveled with such
skill, that she asks:

Streeka: “May I see your face? Why are you made of energy?”

Besides being uncomfortable, Bladestorm decides to show his true form to the little cub.


Bladestorm starts to transform himself into his normal elf form. He is wearing the typical
clothes of a warrior with the nobility coat of arms on it, shoulder pads, a fine fabric and
beautiful scarlet eyes with his beautiful blue hair with bangs covering his eyes.

Bladestorm then, says, “Well, Streeka. Where are your parents? They must be very
preoccupied with you.”

Streeka answers, “My parents are very brave, just like you. Their names are, Venka and
Mirf. Sometime before you showed up, Ember arrived at our village and my parents went
with her to try to stop Winowill, for they say that she wants to kill all the human beings
in the world of the two moons.”

As Bladestorm hears this, he remains quiet. He knows how much Winowill may be cruel
with whoever crosses his path. They quickly head to the village of the People of the Sun
and, as they get there, they see everybody is happy with their return, especially Leetah,
accompanied by Rayek e Savah.

Streeka leaves running ahead of Bladestorm, who feels a little jealous of the elf child, for
when he was a cub, he was so happy to live, that it used to contaminate his parents.

Rayek hugs his granddaughter and asks, “Satreeka, why did you get away from the
village? You could have died. What would I have said to your mother?”

The cub, all smiley, answers her grandfather, “I went after my mother and my father.
Then some creatures ambushed me, but Bladestorm showed up and saved me. He fights
really well! He fights as well as Cutter, and he is so pretty!”

Rayek gets very pumped as he hears the name of his dead rival and a little jealous to know
that there is someone who fights as well as he does. Leetah gets relieved to know that
Bladestorm is back without a scratch.

Leetah then asks Satreeka, “Where is Bladestorm? Did he not come with you?”
Suddenly, Bladestorm enters the village accompanied by his wolf, Bluelight. Everybody
is impressed with his aspect. The young maidens, comment among themselves quietly,
how handsome he is. This leaves our hero quite pumped.

Bladestorm goes to Leetah, saying, “I found Satreeka, but I have good and bad news.”

Leetah, very scared, asks, “What are the good news?”

Bladestorm: “I managed to destroy three of Winowill’s creatures. They are ashes now.”

Leetah: “And the bad news?”

Bladestorm: “The bad news is that Winowill is not only intentioned to kill our people, but
also the humans.”

Leetah and everyone else get shocked with the news. However, Bladestorm notices there
is someone familiar in the multitude and, with a sending, he asks Savah a question:

Bladestorm: “Savah, is Two-Edge here by any chance? I would like to talk to him. He
may know what the plans of his cruel mother is.”

Savah tells Two-Edge to show up. He is accompanied by an elf called, Adhri. Bladestorm
immediately asks Two-Edge:

Bladestorm: “Hi, Two-Edge. Who is this beautiful elf with you?”

Savah answers, “This is Adhri, my granddaughter.”

Bladestorm then gets closer to her, kisses her on the hand, and softly says, “My name is
Bladestorm. I am your humble servant.”

Adhri gets very shy and asks, “Do you know Two-Edge?”

Bladestorm: “How could I not know the one who forged my swords? They are his

Two-Edge gets angry and rudely answers, “You should not have come all the way here.
My mother guaranteed you and our family were dead.”

As she heard hits, Leetah and all the others were shocked, but the one who gets even
angrier, is Bladestorm, who immediately asks through the sending:

Bladestorm: “What did you mean by this? So you know the plans of your mother?”

Two-Edge lets out a loud laugh and says, “Maybe yes, maybe not. Man, am I surprised
to see you here! However, it will make no difference. My mother will kill anyone who
gets in her way.”

Bladestorm gets furious and, without any warning, he transforms himself in pure energy
and attacks Two-Edge with all his power, punching him in the face. Right after, he grabs
him and pushed him back at lightning speed, causing him to shock himself against a
crystal wall.

The elves get perplexed, especially Adhri, who, in the last years, had been a fried of Two-
Edge. Bladestorm starts to smash him against the wall, and says:

Bladestorm: “You had better tell everything you know, or these crystals will be covered
with your own blood.”


Everybody gets shocked with Bladestorm’s attitude. Everyone knows that Two-Edge had
been tortured since childhood by Winowill, which made him become a little insane and
insensate to the feelings of others.

Bladestorm is still angry and says, “So, what is the sensation of being smashed against a
crystal wall? If I press a little more, someone will have to pick up all the pieces that will
be left from you.”

Two-Edge starts saying through the sending, “So go ahead, man, because I am not going
to say anything! I owe nothing to the person who has been torturing me since I was a

Bladestorm starts to hesitate as he remembers the moments he lived with Two-Edge and
saw the birth of the Lightinig Swords. Suddenly, he gets off Two-Edge and goes back to
his normal form.

Two-Edge, relieved, says, “You know, if you were my mother, I would have hesitated to
go forward.”

Bladestorm, very sad, says, “You are totally right. I am not like your mother. Since I was
a soldier, I have never needed to torture anybody. If I had done it, I would have been just
like Winowill and the extinct family Djunn.”

Rayek and Leetah get surprised as they hear that the Gromul Djunn family is no longer
around. Rayek then asks Bladestom:

Rayek: “Bladestorm, what do you mean by the extinct Djunn family? Do you what
happened to the Djunnland Empire?”

Bladestorm turns around and speaks through the sending:

Bladestorm: “Rayek, I want you all to listen to what I am going to say. The Djunnland
Empire does not exist any longer, neither the male lineage of the Djunn family. As proof
of my good faith, I brought the sword which Angriff stole from the Wolfriders.”

Bladestorm shows the sword which had been stolen a long time ago from Scouter. All the
elves get astonished, for Angriff used to say that the elves could have been defeated easily.
Leetah asks through the sending, “How could the Djunnland Empire not exist any longer?
I head about the Djunn family and that they had a mighty army.”

Bladestorm answers, “It is simple, my beautiful Leetah. We destroyed their whole army,
until there was not a single man left! On top of that, there was an epidemic of plague. The
disease that Shuna got when she was a child, and you Leetah, were able to heal her. But
now, can you imagine lots of people catching the same disease, and it spreading like a

Leetah gets surprised with Bladestorm’s statement, because she cannot help feeling pity
for the human families who lost their loved ones to a disease and the war.

Bladestorm continues and says, “I was almost forgetting; it is never nice for a governor
to lie to their soldiers, especially when they are going to war.”

Two-Edge is admired with Bladestorm’s words, and decides to reveal something. He

says, “Man, you have not changed a bit since we met each other, even living among the
humans. My mother must be stopped. She wants to use the palace scrolls to increase her
powers. With this, the reach of her sending would be so long, that she would be able to
kill or torture any human being using only her power of thought.”

Bladestorm and others get worried with this bombastic revelation. But, our hero asks
Leetah if her son, Sunstream, could track the rest of the Wolfriders who entered the Palace
before him.

Sunstream agrees and starts sending:

“Sister, we are coming to help you. Tell us, what is the situation?”

Susntream does this several times without obtaining an answer. So, Bladestorm concludes
that it is better that, all those who are able to fight against Winowill, leave to help the

Bladestorm then says, “I will fight that black viper! Whoever wants to follow me, come!
Whoever wants to stay, stay! I will go before you. Try to keep up with me.”

He transforms himself in energy and leaves like a lightning bolt towards the location
where Susntream tried to contact the Wolfriders.


Bladestorm’s mind is invaded with thoughts, as he is on his way to help the Wolfriders,
but his journey is stopped by a familiar howl, which he recognizes as being from

Bladestorm sends to Bluelight: “Have you been able to find the Wolfriders, my friend?”

Bluelight lets out a howl so that Bladestorm might follow her. Bladestorm remains
Bladestorm: “I hope it is not too late. If what Two-Edge said is true, not only our people
will be in danger, but also the humans will be, if Winowill manages to lay her hands on
the scrolls.”

Bladestorm follows Bluelight until a place, which seems to be a huge lake. As he gets
there, he is faced with a very unpleasant scene. All the Wolfriders had been captured and
Shuna is about to be tortured by Winowill, who says:

Winowill: “How sweet it is that my Wolfrider friends came to welcome me! I was starting
to feel very lonely dwelling in Rayek’s body. You know, I do not really know what would
be the best: to kill you, or maybe kill the human cub who Cutter adopted.”

Bladestorm make a huge effort to hold his anger inside, for if he attacks now, he runs the
risk of being killed in the hands of the black viper. Taking this into account, our hero
starts thinking about a strategy:

Bladestorm: “Darn! I warned you Ember! At least, something that still comforts me, is
that everybody is still alive, including Skywise, the father of Yun, but the situation is
nerve-raking. At one moment, she is in human form. The humans used to call her
Venovell and, as the humans say, the game can be played by two players.”

As he concluded his plans, Bladestorm transforms himself into human form again.
Bluelight gets happy with this and asks to follow him. Bladestorm gets happy with the
request, and accepts it.

Bladestorm starts approaching the lake carefully and, as soon as he sees that Winowill
will start torturing Shuna, he decides to put his plan in action.

Bladelance: “Hello, is there anybody there? I got lost and I cannot find the exit of this

Winowill lets go of his prey and says, “Who is there? Show up right now!”

Bladestorm appears to his old babysitter, who looks at him as if she were a snake studying
his prey.



Bladestorm is able to hide his anger, as he sees the person who healed him when he was
only a little cub again and he cannot believe that, besides the stories he has heard, someone
who has the gift of healing could have committed so many atrocities.

Venovell gets marveled with the beauty of Bladedance and asks, “What is a young
handsome young man like you doing here? I am the owner of this Palace. My name is

Bladelance ironically, answers, “Is that so? I thought the Palace belonged to the spirits of
the forest, not to a single person only.”
Venovell gives him a half-hearted smile, and says, “Oh, the spirits of the forest, that is,
the elves, as they call themselves. You know, they do not know how to receive guests, so
I had to immobilize them to prevent them from getting in the way.”

Venovell continues to speak: “How I wish that Grommal Djunn were here, seeing his
enemies easily subdued. I have not decided how to kill them yet, you know. There are so
many ways to do it, but I would like to show you something first.”

Bladestorm starts to imagine what sort of sadistic torture Winowill intends to impose on
her prisoners, for Savah told him that she got specialized in torturing people through the
sending, as for example, her own son Two-Edge and Strongbow.

Bladestorm accompanies Winowill. On the way, he thinks:

Bladestorm: “Where is Strongbow and Moonshade? Will they make it in time to help me,
or nobody is willing to challenge this viper? In the meantime, I have to gain time.”

Winowill takes Bladestorm to the prisoners and asks, “I would like you to tell me which
one of them I should kill first. I, personally, would kill the gingery elf with the fierce look.
Her father ruined my plans a long time ago.”

Bladestorm then says, “Venovell, I have bad news for you. Your love mate Gromull
Djunn is dead. He was assassinated by his own son, Angriff, who also killed his sister,
Gifa. The kingdom of Djunnland does not exist any longer, as well as the cursed Djunn

As Venovell hears this, she gets furious and comes out swinging at Bladestorm: “What
do you mean, he is dead? It is impossible. His kingdom was invicible.”

Ember and other elves get surprised as they hear this news, as it was with Shuna, since
once she was the leader of a revolt against the Djunn and came out victorious.

Bladestorm grabs Venovell’s hands and get them off his neck, pushing her back.
Bladestorm restarts saying, “Venovell, or actually, Winowill, I came to stop you. I am not
going to let you hurt my tribe or the adoptive daughter of Cutter.”

Venovell gets angry, transforms herself back to elf and says, “How is it possible? A mere
man like you could never have made it here, and this look of yours is familiar to me.”

Bladestorm answers, “I know you very well, you viper! At least I thought I knew you. Is
it too difficult for you to remember a little cub you healed who had been poisoned a long
time ago? He is standing right in front of you.”

Winowill cannot believe and says, “It is impossible. It must be a hallucination. I killed
Bladestorm and his cursed family. Nobody could ever have found out that I had generated
an abnormity.”

As she does this, Winowill tries to attack Bladestorm with a sending, but he is faster. He
pulls out one of the lightning swords and throws it with such deadly precision, that it
nearly hits Winowill right in the face, who is pushed back in a state of shock.
Bladestorm then approaches Ember, and starts to transform himself into an elf. With a
sending he gets to Ember and the others and says, “And now, fearless leader? Do you and
the other Wolfriders believe? No worries. I will set you free.”


Bladestorm starts using his powers to free the Wolfriders who are bound in crystals,
starting from Ember, who after being set free, says:

Ember: “Is it really you, Bladestorm? Your parents always talked about you and how
brave you are, but they never told us they had met Winowill, much before my father went
after you.”

As Bladestorm is loosening Treestump and Dewnshine, he answers, “It is the truth,

Ember. We got to meet her when there still was compassion in her heart. Our only mistake
was to have come to the knowledge that she had a son one day, Two-Edge, whom she
defined as being an abnormity.”

Dewnshine gets so happy for being set free and gives Bladestorm a very tight hug, and
says, “My father and I are really happy to know you. My father told me why your father
left the tribe. Do you know what happened to my sister, Rillfisher?”

Bladestorm answers through the sending, “I know what happened to Rillfisher. During
our exile, my father told me that she was very beautiful, like you. What happened is really
sad. Your father must have suffered a lot.”

Bladestorm then goes over to free the other Wolfriders, and has an encounter with Venka
and Mirf, Satreeka’s parents. Venka is very worried with the daughter and tries to leave,
but Bladestorm sends to her to try to calm her down:

“I assume you are Venka, right? I know you are worried about your little cub, but you
cannot get away from here. We are going to face the battle of our lives.”

Venka turns around and says, “She sent three creatures to kill my daughter. How in the
world would I not be worried?”

Bladestorm answers, “Your daughter is well. She is as courageous as you are. Do not get
intimidated by the monsters that Winowill created. Even if she had an army, I would not
be afraid. The creatures she sent have already become dust.”

Venka gets relieved as she hears this, and helps her companion to get up. In the meantime,
Bladestorm releases another elf, whom he recognizes as being the one who punched him

As he releases her, she says, “I am very scared. I am not sure if we will be able to defeat

Bladestorm: “I cannot believe my ears! Know that you were the first one to hit me so
hard! I think you deserve a gift.”
Bladestorm kneels and gives her Rodol’s sword, and says, “Do you know how to use it?
This was Scouter’s sword, and it was stolen by Angrif a long time ago. I also want to give
you something else, since we could be dead.”

The elf does not understand it, until Bladestorm kisses her on the mouth causing her to
blush with shame. Everyone got surprised with his attitude.

Bladestorm: “I am a virgin. My greatest desire is to have someone to love and talk to in

a cold night.”

Everyone is set free, including Shuna, who asks what happened to her son. Bladestorm, a
little constrained, says that he had to knock him out in order to get free, but that he is well.

Suddenly, Winowill gets up, and angrily says, “You rat! I do not know how you managed
to survive for so long, but today you will surely die.”


Everybody pulls out their guns and show their teeth to Winowill. After all, she is all alone
and the Wolfriders and their allies all together, are greater in number. However, Winowill
cannot be underestimated.

Bladestorm is with closed fist and very irritated. Ember immediately pulls out her sword,
and Tresstump wields his ax. But before the battle begins, Bladestorm wants to talk to

Ember and Treestump immediately express their concern, saying:

Ember: “She is a real monster. You do not want to talk to her.”

Tresstump: “I would like to ask you something, young man? How have you and your
family survived? When this viper decides to kill someone, hardly ever does the victim
come out alive.”

After a long time of silence, Bladestorm decides to show Treestump and Ember what
happened to him and his family through the shared sending. The images start to take form
and we see a little cub with blue hair and his family, accompanied by their wolves.

The little Bladestorm is very happy with his two beauties and his father and mother are
also marveled with their little cub’s joy. His father, full of joy, says:

Father: “Son, your mother and I decided to go back to the wolf pack. You have the right
to live and play with the other cubs. On top of that, we are going to introduce you to
Bearclaw. He is a little grumpy, but he has a big heart.”

Bladestorm: “Am I also going to meet Rillfisher? Moonshade? Strongbow? You told me
they were amazing.”
As he finished saying this, Bluelight notices something in the air and starts running
towards a cave. Bladestorm sets off behind her. Their parents get worried and run after

Bladestorm and his family enter in a big cave and find Bluelight drinking the water of a
subterranean lake. Now this is a special water, because it contains the magic of the High
Ones. Suddenly, the earth starts to quake, the whole cave falls apart and Bluelight falls
into the lake. By instinct, Bladestorm jumps into the water to rescue her.

Her parents do the same, but they begin to drown and Bladestorm starts screaming:

Bladestorm: “Mommy, daddy.”

Bladestorm begins to lose consciousness and drown in the lake. When this happens,
Bladestorm has the impression to have heard someone laughing cunningly. The vision
ends and everything is dark. Tears run down Bladestorm’s face.

Ember and Treestump get sad and say:

Ember: “Do you think that it was Winowill who tried to kill you?”

Treestump: “Do you want to take your revenge on her?”

Bladestorm answers: “No, but she will have to tell me why she tried to kill me. I also
suspect that she may barren, because after she bore Two-Edge, she had no other child.”

Ember then says, “Do as you please, but remember you are not alone anymore.”


Bladestorm get very angry and goes to Winwoill. He wants the answers for his many
questions, for our hero had to wait for 15000 years to encounter the black viper again.

Bladestorm asks Winowill through the sending: “Are you really the Winowill I met a long
time ago? Because, as I look at you right now, you look unrecognizable.”

Winowill answers through the sending: “What do you mean by this? Could it be that
living among the humans has made you blind? I will always be what I am.”

Bladestorm then asks, “Why did you decide to save me when I was poisoned? Why did
you not let me die?”

Winowill stays quiet for a long time and then answers: “Back in those days I had already
met that abnormity, but when I saw you on the verge of death and your parent imploring
for help, something touched me inside. I healed you and got very envious because of the
family you had.”

Bladestorm: “Why did you decide to kill us, then? Because we had discovered you had a
Winowill smiles scornfully and says, “I wanted to kill you because of the envy I felt. I
never had a family. The day you left Two-Edge’s workshop, I saw you from afar and
gently asked my son what you were doing there.”

Bladestorm: “Gently? You mean, you used your powers to torture him until he decided
to speak, did you now?”

Winowill: “I will not deny what I did, but you cannot prevent me from having what I
want, for the whole world must fear when pronouncing my name.”

Bladestorm: “The Wolfriders and I will stop you! You will never lay your hands on the
scrolls, for I know why you want them. You are dying! Although you have a body again,
you will soon be dead! That is the reason why you want to kill everyone before you die.”

As he finishes saying this, Bladestorm goes like lightning from behind Winowill, she
turns around, but the lightning elf is faster and manages to punch her, lifting her up in the
air, and falling on the ground.

Bladestorm grabs her by the neck, and says, “You have already had your head chopped
off. What will be the sensation of having your neck fractured?”


Ember and all the Wolfriders get surprised with Bladestorm’s attack. He managed to get
the black viper unprepared, but the fight is not over yet and it promises to be unsparing.

Bladestorm, madly angry, says, “You do not deserve to live. Get ready to say goodbye to
your life.”

Winowill laughs and says, “Man, I have a whole army with me. You said you would stop
me. Will that really happen? Like you tried to impede the slaughter of the girl who loved

Bladestorm gets surprised and distracts himself with the revelation, for he thought this
information was confidential and intimate. This was everything Winowill wanted, for as
he is distracted, a creature appears who lifts him up in the air, as if he were a feather.

The rest of the Wolfriders cannot do anything. Winowill gets happy and says, “You will
be the first to die. I want you to suffer a lot of pain before you go to the other world.”

As he finishes saying this, Winowill uses the sending as a weapon of torture. Bladestorm
supports it bravely, for her sending is stronger than ever, and the anger and hatred that
she transmits, are like a thousand needles penetrating through his whole body.

Winowill mocks him and says, “Unbelievable! You resisted my torture pretty well! You
have been the second person who has been able to resist it so much! The first one was as
stubborn as you.”

Bladestorm knows that Winowill is speaking about Strongbow. He even starts to think:
Bladestorm: “Where might Strongbow be? May Moonshade be dead? Have I possibly
killed her instead of healing her?”

Winowill is able to hear these thoughts and he delights in it, saying, “Are you thinking
about Strongbow? That rat is going to get what he deserves, for I will kill him in person!
But now my servant is going to squeeze you until you break.”

As she finished saying this, Winowill is surprised by an arrow that perforates the neck of
her creature. The death of it is immediate. With this, Bladestorm is able to get free and
pull out one of his swords to hit Winowill.

Winowill manages to dodge it just in time, but from behind her, there is an elf who is able
to hurt her on the neck using his knife. The black viper staggers backwards, and
Bladestorm, taking advantage of the turmoil, manages to get Moonshade away from there
at lightning speed. Then they all go back close to the Wolfriders.

Bladestorm cannot believe his eyes. He says, “Moonshade, you are alive! But how? It
was Strongbow who shot that arrow, was it now?”



Bladestorm is astonished, for our hero cannot believe that Moonshade is alive, right there
in front of him. As soon as they stop, the euphoric elf asks:

Bladestorm: “Moonshade, you are much more beautiful in person. My mother also told
me that you were an excellent dressmaker.”

Mooshade: “Bladestorm, you are a true Wolfrider. I would like to thank you for having
saved me from a certain death.”

Bladestorm answers, “There is no need to thank me. Now we need to gather our strengths
against the black viper, in order to defeat her once for all.”

In the meantime, Strongbow shows up accompanied by the other Wolfriders, not hiding
his joy for seeing his companion alive again, and also desiring to thank Bladestorm for
saving her.

Strongbow: “Bladestorm, you are very brave and impetuous, like a certain person I have

Bladestorm knows that Strongbow is referring to Cutter, the deceased leader of the
Wolfriders. This leaves him very constrained, for he knows that Cutter was a true hero,
who demonstrated this to the end of his life.

Bladestorm ponders about that:

“All the Wolfriders, including Ember, tell me that I am similar to Cutter. I hope that is so,
for we should be ready for the battle against Winowill.”
Suddenly, Winowill shows up again and she is not alone, for she brought a real army with
her. This army contains thousands of creatures, all willing to destroy the Wolfriders and
any other elf who may cross their path.

Bladestorm notices that the situation changed sides, and says:

Bladestorm: “Ember and all the brothers and sisters from the wolf pack. Know that for
me it will be an honor to fight and die by your side for, although I have lived in the exile,
I have never forgotten the way of the Wolfriders.”

All the Wolfriders are touched by these words and howl, as a sign of approval, for this
may be their last battle. However, something unexpected is about to happen.


Bladestorm gets happy and surprised at the same time with the sudden appearance of
many elves, who came to help the Wolfriders get rid of the black viper once for all.

Rayek, Leetah, Adhri and Two-Edge came to participate in the last battle. However,
Bladestorm gets surprised with the presence of Two-Edge and asks:

Bladestorm: “Two-Edge, are you really sure you want to fight against the black viper?
Somehow or other, she is still your mother.”

Two-Edge laughs out loudly and says, “She has not been my mother for a long time, man.
Moreover, I want to pay off a debt I have with you.”

Bladestorm gets surprised and asks, “What would this debt be?”

Two-Edge: “Man, I remember as if it were yesterday, when we had our little talk, while
you watched me forge your swords. I was telling the truth when I told you that I envied
you and your family. You had the life I had never had. Therefore I am ready to sacrifice
my own in order to do what is right.”

Bladestorm gets extremely admired with Two-Edge’s decision, that he begins to ask:

“I am the one who is jealous of Two-Edge. After all, you have someone who likes you. I
may never have anyone to call my soul mate or love mate.”

Both sides of the conflict are excited for the battle that is about to happen. It will be a
battle that will decide the destiny of the world of the two moons, and it shall be
remembered for a long time.


Winowill is very confident in her victory, for she will soon have the scrolls, which will
cause her powers to increase, since she knows she will soon die. So all should die with
Ember, the leader of the Wolfriders, as well as her allies, all know that the battle will be
horrifying. Bladestorm is anxious to get rid of the person who tried to kill him and his
whole family, once for all.

Winowill mocks the Wolfriders, “You all will die in this place today! It will be something
interesting, since some of our ancestries were killed by the humans, as soon as they
stepped into this world.”

Ember answers, “You viper! You are the one who will be buried here to not torment
anybody ever again with your lies, your manipulations and your excessive hatred against
everything and everybody!”

Bladestorm starts thinking about his family and asks Sunstream to send a message to his
family, saying, “Mother, father and brothers and sisters. I am fighting for you and for all
who were impaired by Winowill’s wickedness. This may be my last battle. I love you

After finishing transmitting the message through Sunstream, Bladestorm approaches

Rayek and asks:

Bladestorm: “Are you sure you are ready to fight against Winowill? As far as I found out
from Savah, she was your love mate.”

Rayek, very serious, answers, “Bladestorm, I want to confess something to you. I too
have already been like her, someone who was obsessed with power. So much so that I
became the master of the Palace of the High Ones. However, I learned a valuable lesson:
absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

As Bladestorm hears this, he begins to think about how Winowill went through the
tortuous path, which took conducted her to her current moment:

Bladestorm: “When I met Winowill, she seemed like a true angel of sweetness and
kindness. She also told me that she had a love mate called Lord Voll, the leader of the
Gliders. She also told me how much he was kind and fair with others.”

As he concludes his thoughts, Bladestorm is even more confident and determined to fight
for the destiny of his people and for the safety of each inhabitant in the world of the
moons, since this will be a life or death battle for the entire elf race.


There is tension in the air. Both sides are agitated and ready for the imminent battle. The
respiration is paused for a few seconds, and then, Ember and Winowill give the final
order: “Attack! Let’s finish them all!”

Both armies rush furiously to the decisive conflict. The victory will be of those who will
show more determination to destroy the adversary. Bladestorm starts to transform himself
into an energy lightning being and, when this happens, clouds begin to take form and
from the clouds lightning begin to come out.
Bladestorm gets to the creatures first and is able to defeat many of them with a single
strike. Then he tries to go straight to Winowill, but his way is blocked by other monsters,
who form a rope of protection around the black viper, and will kill anybody who gets too

Bladestorm gets distracted for an instant and is caught by one of the creatures, who throws
him far away, but he is saved by Rayek at the last second, who, using his powers, manages
to catch him right in the air.

Rayek through the sending, says:

Rayek: “Be careful, Bladestorm. I know you have already been a soldier but now you are
fighting a completely different battle. If you get killed, many here will die too.”

Bladestorm starts to reflect about what Rayek said: “Rayek is right. I brought this battle
to the Wolfriders. Now I must think like an elf, like my master Gravis once said, “Use
your enemy’s power against himself.”

The problem will be to find out what Winowill’s weakness is, for she never demonstrated
to have a weak point in all these years and it does not seem like she has one now.

Bladestorm then remembers that Winowill had a mortal hatred by her son, Two-Edge
and, while the Wolfriders are fighting against the creatures, he sends to Ember:

Bladestorm: “Emeber, I have an idea, but you and the others need to keep Winowill and
his army busy for as long as possible. Can you do that, fearless leader?”

Ember answers, “Count on us, ok? I liked it when you called me “fearless leader.”

Bladestorm leaves the battlefield quickly to meet Two-Edge. However, this will not be
an easy task, because the battle is well balanced and many dangers will appear on his


Bladestorm continues to look for Two-Edge throughout the battlefield. However, this is
not an easy task, because all the creatures of Winowill’s army try to block his way.

Bladestorm with all his strength is able to defeat the creatures once for all, until he finds
Two-Edge, who is fighting next to Adhri and Windklin.

Bladestorm gets happy to find Two-Edge: “Two-Edge is fighting on our side? He seems
to really like Adhri. The one who is flying is Windklin, the other companion of Adhri.”

Suddenly, one of the creatures tries to hit Windklin from behind, but Bladestorm throws
one of his swords charged with lightning energy, which hits the creature and destroys it
into pieces.

Two-Edge, Adhri and Windklin, get happy to know that Bladestorm is on their side. Our
hero sends a message through the sending to Two-Edge:
Bladestorm: “Two-Edge, I need you to tell me exactly what your mother wants to do, for
if it is what I am thinking, we can all consider ourselves dead if she lays her hands on the
scrolls of our ancestors.”

Bladestorm continues to speak: “I have an idea that may work out well. I have already
spoken to Ember and with the others, to gain time. Adhri, Windklin, you both have to do
your part in order for this to work out.”

Adhri gets worried and, through the sending, she answers, “Please, be careful! Especially
you, Bladestorm! And you too, my companion, Two-Edge.

Two-Edge says goodbye to Adhri and Windklin, saying, “Try to gain as much time as
possible, for Bladestorm and I will go where the scrolls of the ancestors are kept. My evil
mother cannot lay her hands on them under any circumtances.”

Bladestorm and Two-Edge head to the place where the scrolls are kept. As they are doing
this, Bladestorm asks something important:

Bladestorm: “Savah told me that these scrolls reveal the story of our ancestors since when
they came to the world of the two moons, until when they had to abandon the Palace of
the High Places, due to the hostility of the humans. However, I feel that the scrolls are
much more than a historical record, are they not?”

Two-Edge answers, “The scrolls do not only record our history, but they also contain
powers that are beyond the human understanding. If my dying mother manages to use
them, she will be able to increase the reach of her sending and kill all the inhabitants in
the world of the moons.

As he hears this, Bladestorm’s blood runs cold in his veins and he starts thinking:

Bladestorm: “So my dream was right. Now I have to prevent the black viper from
achieving her goal.”

Bladestorm and Two-Edge are near the place where the scrolls are and they find out that
they are not alone, for Winowill sent her creatures to the same place with the same
purpose as our heroes.



Bladestorm gets surprised with the sudden appearance of Winowill’s creatures. It seems
that she was capable to protect her plan, for Savah told her that she could also use her
sending to spy the thoughts of the enemies, and also cause people’s thoughts go back
against themselves.

Bladestorm quickly thinks about a plan and tells Two-Edge: “We cannot let these
creatures take the scroll away from here; otherwise it will all be lost.”

Two-Edge answers through the sending, “You are totally right. How will we do this?”
Bladestorm answers, “The oldest existing way. A distraction.”

Two-Edge asks Bladestorm to explain how he will distract two monsters who are much
bigger than they are. Bladestorm carefully explains it to Two-Edge through the sending,
whom smiles satisfied.

Bladestorm then starts to execute his plan. First, he appears to the two creatures and says:

Bladestorm: “Hey you two horrible and awful things! I am here. Come get me.”

As the two creatures see the enemy right in front of them, they leave their goal aside and
go after Bladestorm. The first part of the plan works out well.

Two-Edge takes advantage of the distraction to enter the place where the scrolls are kept.
But as he gets there, he encounters an unpleasing surprise. In the meantime, after taking
the creatures away as far as possible, Bladestorm begins to fight against them. In the
beginning, the creatures are in advantage for, in spite of their size, they are incredibly

To balance the battle, Bladestorm switches to pure energy form and manages to overthrow
the adversaries with pure brute force, and with his swords, he literally chops them up into
pieces. With this, the battle is over.

Bladestorm runs to the place where he left Two-Edge, thinking:

Bladestorm: “I wonder if Two-Edge managed to get the scrolls. I wonder if he did not
have any unpleasant encounter.”

As he gets there, Bladestorm runs into Two-Edge who is sad and crestfallen, saying, “The
scrolls of our ancestors are not here. My mother managed to get here before us. We have
to get back quickly to help the Wolfriders and my dear Adhri, before it is too late.”

Bladestorm gets furious swears to himself: “You are going to pay for this, you black

With this, our hero and Two-Edge go back in a rush to help the Wolfriders, for now
Winowill has a weapon with the power to destroy any being in the world of the two


Bladestorm and Two-Edge are worried with their enemies, who are fighting with
Winowill’s monsters.

Bladestorm: “For the High Ones, Winowill got what she wanted. She has our ancestor’s
scrolls, with this she can use the Palace as an amplifier of her own powers to kill any
being with a thought.”

Two-Edge: “My mother will have no scruple in using the scrolls, because for her, both
the humans and the elves have to pay for what she suffered.”
Bladestorm answers Two-Edge through the sending, “What do you mean, pay for what
she suffered? Your mother got involved with a man of war, blood thirsty, and you even
worked for him, teaching other men how to forge metal. Who are the ones who should be
angry? Are we not the ones who should be angry?”

Two-Edge remains quiet after Bladestom’s answer. He starts reflecting about this, since
the elves, as well as the humans, have reasons to hate Winowill.

Bladestorm and Two-Edge see the battlefield and notice that the situation did not change
much. The only thing is that Winowill is observing from afar how the events are

Bladestorm communicates the plans of Winowill to Ember and the Wolfriders through
the sending:

Bladestorm: “Ember, listen to me carefully. We have to attack Winowill with all we have
immediately. She has the scrolls of our ancestors. I tried to get them before her, but she
was as cunning as a serpent. She is going to use the scrolls to increase her own powers
and kill us all with one thought, as it happened in my dream. This cannot happen at all.”

Ember, the Wolfriders and their allies, get terrified with the cruelty of Winowill. Ember
then takes a decision:

Ember: “Wolfriders, make way, for Bladestorm and I will take the battle to the black

The Wolfriders begin to fight like never before, in order to make way to Winowill.
Winowill only smiles with this, for her plan is in action and nothing can stop her.


The battle continues in a frenetic way, with Ember leading the Wolfriders against the
army of the creatures of Winowill. The creatures are wiped out one by one, until only
Winowill is the only one left.

Winowill does not seem preoccupied at all with the destiny of her allies, for she had an
ace up her sleeve. When Bladestorm knocked out the last creature, he said:

Bladestorm: “Ember, be careful! Winowill is planning to kill us and, now, since we have
destroyed her army, it would be the perfect moment for that.”

Ember answers Bladestorm saying, “We will not even give time to the black viper to
attack us.”

However, Winowill shows up to the Wolfriders and, mocking, he says:

Winowill: “Well done, Ember, daughter of Cutter and Leetah. I am impressed.

Congratulations to you too, Bladestorm. However, it is a pity that you are not able to stop
me, because of what I have now.”
Winowill calls upon the Scroll of the High Ones, which contains all the history of the elf
people, and begins to absorb the energy poured out of the scrolls to strengthen her
sending. Rayek tries to stop Winowill from doing this, but with the power of thought, she
throws him away and knocks him out.

All the Wolfriders try to attack him at once, but they all are knocked out by Winowill’s
amplified sending, except Bladestorm, Ember and Shuna. Two-Edge gets extremely
terrified and hides himself, fearing his mother’s new power.

Shuna is the first one to attack her with her sword, but Winowill avoids all the attacks and

Winowill: “So it was you who led the revolt against Gromal Djunn? It will be a pleasure
to kill the adoptive daughter of Cutter.”

As she says this, Winowill with a single touch makes Shuna to fall on the ground dying
in pain. As Ember sees this, she attacks the black viper and says:

Ember: “You rat! You will pay for this and for insulting the name of my father.”

Winowill grabs ember by the neck, throws her sword away and says with her astounding
sending, “You father always siturbed me, since the day I met you and your brother. I
wanted to kill you, and now I will have that chance.”

With this, Winowill starts to torture Ember with her sending, but Bladestorm is faster and,
transforming himself into pure energy, he manages to strike Winowill in the chest,
throwing her backwards, and causing her to let go of Ember.

Bladestorm goes over to rescue Ember, and asks, “Are you alright, fearless leader?”

Ember, with a soft smile, says through the sending, “Do not call me ‘fearless leader’
anymore. Ember is fine. You are going to fight her, are you not?”

Bladestorm: “Yes, it seems like it is my destiny. Take care of Shuna and the others, while
I give this viper what she deserves.”

Ember gets up and goes over to help her adopted sister and the Wolfriders, once her
interest for Bladestorm starts to increase, besides the fact that, the elf he kissed is totally
in love with him.

Bladestorm starts to fight against Winowill. He pulls out his swords and says, “Not it is
only the two of us. I am going to finish up what Cutter started.”

As he says this, Bladestorm jumps towards Winowill with his swords, ready for the battle
that will decided the destiny of an entire race.


The fight between Winowill and Bladestorm starts very well balanced, for our veteran
hero who has fought so many battles with the humans, will have to go beyond his
capacities in order to defeat her. Winowill starts attacking our hero straight away with her
dark sending, but Bladestorm is able to dodge it and throw one of his swords towards her.
However, Winowill manages to repel it with a thought, and it returns right back to its

Winowill gets surprised with Bladestorm’s determination and asks him through the
sending, “Why are you so obsessed to defeat me? I have the right to take vengeance on
those who hurt me, and you owe me your like, because I was the one who saved you.”

Bladestorm gets angry with this statement and talks back, “It is true that you saved me,
but the Winowill I met died a long time ago, and this was when she started killing, hurting
and torturing whoever was around her.

Winowill says, “It is a pity indeed that you think like this. You were my only good deed
and now I will have to undo it forever.”

As she finishes saying this, Winowill sends with all her power towards Bladestorm. The
sending crumbles the rock and throws our hero backwards, who falls on the ground

Leetah and Ember get shocked with Winowill’s power, because she has become capable
of destroying anything now in a blink of eyes. Winowill goes over to where Bladestorm
lies fainted and prepares to deal the final blow. However, something incredible happens.
Two-Edge surprisingly grabs her hand and bangs her with all his might!

The Wolfriders get surprised with this attitude, since Two-Edge always feared his own
mother. Winowill, angry with her son, says:

Winowill: “You monster! How dare you interfere? Do you want to die with him?”

Two-Edge answers, “I would rather die a thousand times, than continue being your toy,
mother. Bladestorm never loved anybody intensely, but he had a family and was very
happy. You on the other hand, always had it, but you chose to throw it all away because
of your selfishness.”

As Winowill hears this, she determines the death of her own son and begins to torture
him to death. Two-Edge starts to scream. In the meantime, Bluelight, Bladestorm’s wolf,
goes over to him and licks him until he eventually wakes up with Two-Edge’s screams.
Bladestorm is furious and transforms himself into pure energy to attack Winowill.

Winowill is distracted and does not notice Bladestorm approaching her, until it is too late.
Bladestorm punches the black viper in the face, who falls on the ground with the impact.
Everyone starts to cheer for Bladestorm and send encouraging thoughts of hope.
Bladestorm notices that not only the Wolfriders encourage him, but all the elves who
came from the planet of origin to Adobe, the world of the two moons.

Bladestorm approaches Two-Edge and says, “Thank you, my friend. You are very brave.”

Two-Edge: “Finish her! For me and for everyone who is here.”

Bladestorm as a lightning bolt attacks Winowill, but as he does this, he starts having
visions of people who have been gone for a long time like, Cutter, Bearclaw, Joyleaf,
Rillfisher, Kahvi e many other elves. Yet, the most disconcerting vision was that of a little
being of yellow energy running around him and saying in the elf language:


Bladestorm bangs Winowill right in the face with all his might, she tried to hit back, but
our hero is faster than ever, and she fails to hit him. Bladestorm manages to strike the
black viper several times, who begins to desperate, sending her strongest sending against
him. It does not work, and Bladestorm has an idea:

Bladestorm: “Since you have already healed me Winowill, I am going to return the favor.”

Nobody understands such act, until Bladestorm grabs Winowill and pushes her to the
ancestor’s scrolls, and begins to heal her damaged body and spirit. Winowill stats
screaming trying to escape the hands of Bladestorm, but he does not let her go. Then, at
the last moment, he shouts to everyone:

Bladestorm: “Everybody, get down!”

There is a great explosion, which throws Bladestorm and Winowill far. The entire Palace
of the High Ones feels the quake and there is great silence. Who is the winner of this


The battle ended. There is great cloud of dust spread throughout the entire palace, which
starts to dissipate slowly. Bladestorm is lying on the ground unconscious, but Moonshade,
Strongbow and Skywise, look for him but cannot find him.

Skywise sends a sending to him saying, “Wake up, you sleeper! You did it! You cannot
die, now.”

Moonshade and Strongbow through their sendings, try to revive him: “Winowill was
defeated! You and Two-Edge performed a true miracle!”

Bladestorm wakes up and asks, “So, we won? Where is Two-Edge? What happened to

Skywise answers, “We do not know. Ember told us to go after you, and we just found
you here lying on the ground.”

Bladestorm asks Skywise, “How is Yun? She missed you so much and was anxious to
see you.”

Skywise, all happy, says, “She is fine. She only got a strong headache. It would be better
for us to go back quickly, for the black viper is known to have more lives than a wolf.”
After being helped by Moonshade and Strongbow, Bladestorm gets up and starts walking,
but he is a little dizzy due to the explosion of energy. As they get to the battlefield, they
notice that there are many elves in the area, including Shuna, Ember, Leetah, Sunstreeam
and Chad, who look surprisingly to Winowill who is crying over Two-Edge, who is on
the verge of death.

Winowill cries uncontrollably over Two-Edge, saying, “Son, what have I done to you?”

Bladestorm gets angry at that and goes up against Winowill. He manages to grab her,
drop her on the ground and ask, ironically:

Bladestorm: “He is on the verge of death, thanks to you. You treated him like a toy, and
now the toy is broken.”

Adhri is very sad with the loss of her companion. She goes over to talk to Bladestorm

Adhri: “He wants to talk to you before he leaves.”

Bladestorm goes over to Two-Edge and bends down to hear him:

Two-Edge: “Man, I told you I would pay the debt I have with you. I paid it with my own

Bladestorm, sadly answers, “I never meant it to be this way, old friend. You, as any other
creature, have the right to have a better life.”

Two-Edge: “I do not regret my choices, but as a last request, look after Adhri for me,
because she hasa daughter who cannot stay alone.”

As he finished saying this, Two-Edge died and Winwill tries to run after him, but she also
notices that she is disappearing. She screams, desperately:

“What is happening with me?”

Bladestorm answers, “You are now pure light, Winowill. I cleansed you. You will be a
spirit that will dwell in the Palace of the High Ones, and you will finally be able to find
the peace you have never had.

Winowill disappears in a ray of light and the Wolfriders as well as their allies, get sad
with the death of Two-Edge, who will never be forgotten. Two-Edge, the half-breed, son
of two races who will be remembered by his courage and sacrifice.


Sometime goes by after the death of Two-Edge, and life starts getting back to normal in
the Palace of the High Ones. Bladestorm is very sad with the death of a person whom he
considered a friend, so much so that he gets some time alone to reflect on the last
Bladestorm: “I have never felt so sad in my whole life. Poor Two-Edge. He had a happy
life away from his mother. He had even managed to find a partner, while I still do not
have anyone to share my sorrow with.”

The other elves, including the Wolfriders, are so worried with this behavior that Ember
goes after the elf who beat Bladestorm, called Littlebird.

Ember: “Littlebird, you have to go speak to Bladestorm. He has spent his entire life alone
and has never had any intimate relationship with anyone.”

Littelbird: “I am going to try to speak with him, but you could help me too, Ember. He
called you ‘fearless leader’ and he stole a kiss from me. He may even have stolen my

Ember starts thinking of a way she might encourage Bladestorm, and begins to think about
the thigs he said a few days ago:

Bladestorm: “My first intimate experience must be in a very special way. Something

With this, Ember has a great idea and runs to put it to practice. In the meantime, Savah
and Rayek discuss about the best place in the world of the two moons for the People of
the Sun to get settled, because now there are hundreds of elves who live in the Palace and
who want to go to the world of the two moons.

Bladestorm is very thoughtful concerning what happened to Two-Edge, for he gave his
life so that many could be saved. However, something goes through Bladestorm’s mind:

Bladestorm: “I wonder if I should leave and go back to where I came from. My mission
is accomplished and there is nothing that holds me here. I think it would be better for the
wolf pack to leave, but I think that Ember and my family would not forgive me.”

Suddenly, Strongbow and Moonshade hear the thoughts of Bladestorm through the
sending and decide to intervene. Moonshade is the first one to speak:

Moonshade: “Do you really want to leave? You save my life. If you leave now, maybe I
will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Strongbow: “You should not leave. Cutter would not like this if he were here, and Ember
is interested in you. Do you want to disappoint here?”

Bladestorm gets pensive about what he has just heard from his friends, and decided to
think about the matter. For this, he starts walking and says:

Bladestorm: “Maybe you are right. I will think about it. I will not leave yet.”

Bladestorm gets lost in his thoughts and memories about a human girl whom he met a
long time ago, and that she loved him deeply, in spite of the fact that he considered her a
sister. A tragic story that he would like to share with someone.
Amid this time, Ember looks for Yun, the daughter of Skywise, for her plan is to make
Bladestorm to have an intimate experience in a nice and loving way. Ember manages to
meet with Yun, who gets happy to be able to help her leader.

Bladestorm takes a walk inside the Palace and notices that not all the stories his parents
told him, served to describe how that place was beautiful. However, he sees a wolf similar
to Bluelight. He calls it through the sending:

Bladestorm: “Bluelight! Come here, friend!”

The wolf though, looks at him and challenges him to follow it. Bladestorm follows it until
what seems to be a boscage. Bladestorm thinks of how there could be a boscage inside
the Palace of the High Ones. The wolf which he followed, is stopped as if it were waiting
for him. Bladestorm gets closer and notices that the wolf he followed is not Bluelight. He

Bladestorm: “Who are you? Why have you brought me here?”

The wolf starts to transform itself into an elf and Bladestorm recognizes it as being Kimo,
the son of Newstar and Luthei, who died in the final battle against the soldiers of

Kimo answers through the sending, “I brought you here for your test.”

Bladestorm: “What kind of test?”

Two elves appear from behind him, who are ready to strike him with their swords.
Bladestorm dodges them just in time and tries to turn into the energy form, but he cannot
do it, that is, somehow, his powers are not working.

Bladestorm then pulls out his sword and begins the fight. For someone who almost died
some time ago, the fight is rather difficult, since the two elves he is fighting against are
very strong. Bladestorm does not give up and grabs one of the elves by the hand and
throws her against the other. The elf gets knocked out, but the other is still standing and

Khavi: “So you are the handsome Bladestorm? If I were alive, you would soon be one of
my many love mates.”

Bladestorm recognizes the voice of Khavi, the fearless leader of the Go-Backs, and
answers, “So you are the inconsequential leader of the Go-Backs, who one day attacked
the People of the Sun, in order to obtain the little palace. Why have you not sought
someone your size and with bare hands?”

Khavi gets more impressed with the young elf and says, “We are very similar, did you
know that? Both of us fell into magic wells of the High Ones and we lived for a long time.
Enough talking! I will defeat you.”

As he finished saying this, Khavi departs like a lightning towards Bladestorm. He notices
that she is as strong as him, and already punches her in the face. Bladestorm punches
back, grabs her foot and throws her far away, but she falls standing and attacks again with
her spear. However, Bladestorm manages to grab her and break her spear in half with a
single strike.

Bladestorm pushes her backwards and throws himself on top of her, grabbing her by the
arms. Khavi all smiley, says:

Khavi: “Go ahead! Finish me. You will feel very well.”

Bladestorm gest very tempted by those words, but then then he perceives that it is a test.
So he simply bends down and kissed Khavi on the cheek, making her stained and

Khavi immediately answers, “You are really seducing. My daughter Vaya will be happy
to be your love mate.”

Suddenly, an unknown voice says, “You passed the test, my grandson.”

Bladestorm turns around and sees Bearclaw, Joyleaf and all the Wolfriders who lived a
long time before he was born. Bladestorm also sees an elf who looks a lot like him, with
the exception of a lightning scar on the forehead. Scared, Bladestorm says:

Bladestorm: “Who are you? I have never met my grandparents?”

Fastlightning: “I am Fastlightning. It is good to know that my legacy is in good hands.”

Bladestorm gets emotional and runs towards his grandfather to hug him, but a familiar
face with blond hair and blue eyes, stops him, saying:

Cutter: “Thanks for saving the Palace of the High Ones, Bladestorm and for helping my
daughter. She has always been a very stubborn cub. I would like you to look after her,
and give her some advice, for she has a special surprise for you.”

Bladestorm does not really understand what Cutter said, and tries to figure out what he
meant with that. However, he and all the other spirits disappeared, as if they had never
been there.

Bladestorm gets happy to have found Cutter and the other Wolfriders, and heads to the
village of the People of the Sun. As he gets there, everyone asks him where had been, but
he tells them he will tell them tomorrow, for he is too tired.

He enters the home and gets his clothes off to lie down. He lies down, but and familiar
sending comes to him, saying:

Ember: “You fearless leader! I would like to lie down with you. I am too tired. Yun also
is with me. You made us get too worried.”

Bladestorm answers, “I apologize, Ember. I kept thinking of Two-Edge, how he sacrificed

himself to save everybody from your cruel mother. Maybe I should have done this
Ember and Yun: “Do not be harsh on yourself. Think about loving freely and without any
stumbling block.”

As they finish saying this, Ember and Yun say goodbye to each other and lie down next
to Bladestorm. He starts to kiss both of them with lots of love and compassion. The
sensations are so torrid and fresh to him, but he manages to do pretty well and both remain
extremely satisfied with his dedication.

Emeber and Yun sleep next to Bladestorm, who is happy for having spent the first night
of love, but the surprises are not over. Suddenly, Littlebird appears at the door and gets
close to Bladestorm, who tries to say something, but she sticks her finger in his mouth
and says:

Littlebird: “Come with me. I know a place where we can stay alone.”

Bladestorm: “It is ok.”

Bladestorm before leaving, kisses Ember and Yun and, with a warm sending, says, “You
are very beautiful. I hope this always gets repeated.”

Bladestorm leaves running after Littlebird, and follows her all the way to a small lake,
where both of them start swimming naked and enjoy each other in an intense way, without
anyone or anything disturbing them, until dawn.

The day breaks and Bladestorm is next to Littlebird. He contemplates the serene sleep of
his love mate and kiss her on the cheek. She is very happy, for until that moment, she was
a virgin. Bladestorm is ready to encounter his family. However, there will be many
challenges for the Wolfriders and all the other elf tribes. How the elves will interact with
the humans now that they know that the Djunn family has been destroyed. These
questions will be kept for the next story.

The end.

Signed by: T.F.B

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