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Daniel Steven Hernández Rodríguez Code: 1019090156

Practica 2
The sensationalism of the 21st Century

During the recent Cumbre Mundial de Arte y Cultura Por La Paz de Colombia (World
Summit of Art and Culture Peace), Alfredo Molano, León Valencia, Jane Taylor and
Fernando Vallejo spoke during a forum. Alfredó Molano talked about his work and about
how important it was for him to counter the official discourse with a different one in order
to try to balance the story that was being told about the country.

León Valencia said it was necessary for radicals on both the left and the right to respect
each other’s ideologies, and that they must abandon the pretense of imposing only one

South African Jane Taylor told the forum how the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in
her country helped the victims to build their own stories, their own version of what

Fernando Vallejo took out a text, hunched over and read without looking at the audience or
his fellow speakers. He bad-mouthed the peace process, Santos, Petro, the guerrillas, the
negotiators in Havana, and all Colombians. He spoke highly of dogs and other animals. No
one burst out in applause as they had when he entered the room. There was more silence
than applause when he finished his speech.

The next day, newspapers, radio stations, online news sites and TV news shows only
reported Vallejo’s words. The silence of the audience at the Jorge Eliécer Theatre was not
reported, nor did the words of Valencia, Molano or Taylor. On that day, Monday April 6,
there were only Vallejo’s words.

This biased way of reporting, of only showing one side, can also be seen as a general
symptom of Colombian journalism. I am talking about the journalism of mass media, of big

Vallejo’s speech wasn’t replicated because of its ideas or its literary quality or the
sharpness of its arguments. I dare say that it was repeated because it was scandalous and
polarised public opinion about the peace process. Both reasons are equally despicable for a
mass media whose mission is to inform people about the situation of the country and the
world on a grand scale.
Colombian journalism (I am talking exclusively about big media) is addicted to
pyrotechnics, to fireworks. It seems that its only ethical position is to generate scandal.
With the passing of the years they have stopped trying to provide tools to analyse reality,
and instead have dedicated themselves to the construction of cheap divisive realities
regarding humanity and its complexity.

This form of information contaminates the Colombian imagination. This extreme duality:
the good and the bad; the beautiful and the ugly; the nice and the nasty; the intelligent and
the stupid, etc. They are very effective when it comes to generating ratings and producing
“express opinion”, and is without a doubt a very attractive combination for companies that
are looking to advertise their products in the media.
Daniel Steven Hernández Rodríguez Code: 1019090156
Practica 2
Scandals, extremes, ratings, the “express opinion” and economic benefits are the elements
that perfectly describe sensationalist journalism. The sensationalism of the 21st century.

The big question is why has our journalism mutated towards sensationalism? The
undoubtable economic benefits that come from this way of doing journalism give weight to
a suspicion that our mass media is inclined to maintain the status quo in exchange for their
continued existence. The idea of change could threaten the well-being of the financial
tentacles and therefore threaten the existence of big media.

This fear of change can be seen in different ways in newspapers, magazines, radio stations
and TV news, all with the point of convincing mass media consumers. And we all know by
now that fear is the first step towards anger, and anger is the first step towards violence.

Deep down it seems to be a problem of ignorance since no one has time to think critically
anymore. As usual, the most urgent becomes the most important. As absurd as it might
seem, the owners and directors of mass media have to think about the role of the media in
terms of this very long war, and in this very violent way of being Colombian.

If ignorance of the unknown yields a daemon to be defeated, then thinking about the
unknown brings a great opportunity for human, economic and social development. The new
journalism of the 21st century should promote reflection, analysis and creativity in its

Journalism in Colombia. (2020). Abstract Retrieved 15 October 2020, from
Daniel Steven Hernández Rodríguez Code: 1019090156
Practica 2
1. The teacher starts reading the article called “The sensationalism of the 21st

2. Later, the students take turns to discuss and provide arguments about the content of
the article.

3. Then students are given a worksheet with multiple choice questions which are the


1. Who were the four speechers that took part in the (World Summit of Art and
Culture Peace)?

a) Alfredo Molano, León Valencia, Jane Taylor and Fernando Vallejo

b) Gustavo Petro, León Valencia, Holman Morris, Antanas Mockus

c) Jane Taylor, Gabriel Garcia Marquez., Fernando Vallejo, Alfredo Molano

d) Enrique Peñaloza, Fernando Vallejo, Miguel Uribe, Leon Valencia

2. What is the communicative intention of the author?

a) To criticize the sensationalist aspect of mass media

b) To show disagreements towards Vallejo’s opinions

c) Criticize Vallejo’s thoughts towards Colombia.

d) To foster people to think critically

3. According to the author what seems to be the ethical position of mass media in
Colombian journalism?

a) To generate Scandal

b) To show the country´s realities.

c) To show ways of being critical thinkers.

d) To be unbiased

4. What does “This biased way of reporting” means?

Daniel Steven Hernández Rodríguez Code: 1019090156
Practica 2
a) The best way of reporting

b) The lack of objective information regarding a specific topic.

c) Really precise way of reporting

d) Accurate Information
Daniel Steven Hernández Rodríguez Code: 1019090156
Practica 2

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