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 When the placement sheet is copied to a new quotation when I view to the placement

sheet list screen the actions edit and delete should be disabled.


Scenario: Availability of Create a Placement Sheet Screen

Given that I already navigated to the Transaction Module
When I clicked the “Create a Placement Sheet” from the Transaction Module
Then the system should redirect to the Create a Placement Sheet Screen containing of
dropdown fields for insurance company and for line. And there should be a button for next and
cancel. There should be a place holder on the field of insurance company “Select an Insurance
Company” and line “Select a Line”.

Scenario: Selection of Insurance Company and Line

Given that I already navigated to the Create a Placement Sheet Screen
When I selected “Liberty Insurance Corporation” as Insurance Company, “Fidelity Guarantee”
as Line and click the Next button.
Then the system should redirect to the Create a Placement Sheet for Comprehensive General
Liability screen.

Scenario: Field Validation in Create a Placement Sheet Screen

Given that I already navigated to the Create a Placement Sheet Screen
When I leave the fields blank and clicked the Next button.
Then the system should display a warning message “Please fill out the fields”.

Scenario: Clicking Cancel in the Create a Placement Sheet Screen

Given that I already navigated to the Create a Placement Sheet Screen
When I clicked the Cancel button.
Then the system should redirect to the Main Menu”.

Scenario: Availability of Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee

Given that I’m in the Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen.
When I inputted the data for each corresponding field from this file (“PS-CGL(Input).xlsx”) and
clicked the Save button.
Then the system saves the data to the database, and should generate a placement sheet
control number in this format PS-YYYY-MM-XXXXXXXXX. PS is the prefix, YYYY means year
(ex. 2019), MM means month (Ex. 09 for the month of September), XXXXXXXXX means series
number: continuous number (Ex. 000000001)

Scenario: Clicking done on Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen
Given that I’m in the Create Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and already clicked
the Save button
When I clicked the Done button
Then the system will redirect to the Placement Sheet List screen.
Scenario: Clicking cancel on Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen with data
filled on the fields
Given that I’m in the Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen
When I clicked the Cancel button with data on the fields
Then the system should display a modal with alert message “Any changes will be left unsaved,
do you wish to continue?” and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I clicked the
No button it should retain on Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and if
clicked the Yes button it should redirect to the Main Menu screen.

Scenario: Clicking back on Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen with data or
without data filled up on the fields
Given that I’m in the Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen.
When I clicked the Back button with data or without data on the fields
Then the system should display a modal with alert message “Any changes will be left unsaved,
do you wish to continue?” and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I clicked the
No button it should retain on Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and if
clicked the Yes button it should redirect to the previous screen.

Scenario: Clicking print preview on Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen
with data filled up on the fields
Given that I’m in the Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and already
clicked the Save button
When I clicked Print Preview button
Then the system should display the details from this file (“PS-CGL.pdf”), there should be a
buttons for “Copy to a New Placement Sheet”, “Copy to a New Quotation” and Back to
Placement Sheet List”.

Scenario: Field Validation in Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee

Given that I’m in the Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen.
When I leave the mandatory fields empty and clicked the save button
Then the system should display a warning message “Please fill out the form” and retain to the
Create a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen so that I can transact again.

Scenario: Availability of Placement Sheet List

Given that I’m the Placement Sheet List screen
When I navigate to the screen entitled Placement Sheet List
Then the system should have search fields containing of search criteria (Placement Sheet No.
Name of Insured and Location of Risk), search text field, search button and cancel button and
should have a table containing the following columns: Placement Sheet# No., Insurance
Company, Name of Insured, Location of Risk, Line, Date Created and Actions (View, Edit and
Delete). There should have be a button for “Add New Placement Sheet” and “Back to Main
Menu” located at the bottom part of the Placement Sheet List

Scenario: Searching a placement sheet on the Placement Sheet List screen

Given that I’m in the Placement Sheet List screen
When I selected the Placement Sheet No. as a search criteria the placeholder of search text
field should be “Search the Placement Sheet No.”, I typed PS-2019-09-0042 and clicked the
Search button. (Note: If I selected Name of Insured as search criteria the placeholder of search
text field should be “Search the Name of Insured”, I typed Total Information Management Corp.
and if I selected Location of Risk as search criteria the placeholder of search text field should be
“Search the Location of Risk”, I typed 5600 Segio Osmena Highway, Makati City, Metro Manila)
Then the system should filter the data shown on the Placement Sheet List according to the
selection criteria.

Scenario: Clicking cancel on the search field of Placement Sheet List after searched
Given that I already searched successfully
When I leave the search field blank and clicked the Cancel button
Then the system should display all the data in the Placement Sheet List removing the filter

Scenario: Making the Placement Sheet List display all the data
Given that I already searched successfully
When I leave the search field blank and clicked the search button
Then the system should display all the data in the Placement Sheet List removing the filter.

Scenario: Viewing a Placement Sheet using the view button on the Placement Sheet List
Given that I’m in the Placement Sheet List screen
When I clicked the view under of actions column on the same row of Placement Sheet you want
to view
Then the system should redirect to new screen as depicted in PS-CGL.pdf and should have a
button for “Copy to a New Placement Sheet”, “Copy to a New Quotation” and Back to Main

Scenario: Copying a placement sheet to a new placement sheet

Given that I’m in the View Placement Sheet Screen
When I clicked the Copy to a New Placement Sheet button
Then the system will prompt a modal with alert message “Do you wish to copy this placement
sheet to a new placement sheet?” and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I
clicked the No button it should redirect to the View Placement Sheet Screen and if I clicked the
Yes button it should copy the entire data encoded to the new placement sheet (except for the
transaction date, it depends on the date when did you copied), generate a new placement sheet
control number and redirect to the Placement Sheet List screen (Note: New Placement Sheet
should be located at the first row of the Placement Sheet List).

Scenario: Copying a placement sheet to a new quotation

Given that I’m in the View Placement Sheet Screen
When I clicked the Copy to a New Quotation button
Then the system will prompt a modal with alert message “Do you wish to copy this placement
sheet to a new quotation?” and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I clicked the
No button it should redirect to the View Placement Sheet Screen and if I clicked the Yes button
it should copy the data of the following fields: Insurance Company, Line, Name of Insured,
Address of Insured, Location of Risk, Limit of Liability, Coverage and Extension of Cover, will
redirect to the quotation list screen.

Scenario: Editing and Making changes to a placement sheet in the edit placement sheet screen 
Given that I’m in the Placement Sheet List screen
When I clicked the edit under of actions column on the same row of Placement Sheet you want
to edit
Then the system should redirect to the Edit Placement Sheet screen (same as the Create a
Placement Sheet Screen, the fields have pre-filled up data that are ready to modify.

Scenario: Clicking save when editing a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee
Given that I’m in the Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen
When I clicked the Save button
Then the system will redirect to the Placement Sheet List screen.

Scenario: Clicking done when editing a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee
Given that I’m in the Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen
When I clicked the Done button
Then the system will redirect to the Placement Sheet List screen.

Scenario: Clicking cancel when editing a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee
Given that I’m in the Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen
When I clicked the Cancel button with data on the fields
Then the system should display a modal with alert message “Any changes will be left unsaved,
do you wish to continue?” and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I clicked the
No button it should retain on Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and if I clicked
the Yes button it should redirect to the Placement Sheet List.

Scenario: Clicking back on Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen with data filled
on the fields
Given that I’m in the Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen.
When I clicked the Back button with data on the fields
Then the system should display a modal with alert message “Any changes will be left unsaved,
do you wish to continue?” and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I clicked the
No button it should retain on Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and if I clicked
the Yes button it should redirect to Placement Sheet List screen.

Scenario: Clicking print preview when editing a Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee
Given that I’m in the Edit Placement Sheet for Fidelity Guarantee screen and already clicked the
Save button
When I clicked Print Preview button
Then the system should display the details from this file (“PS-CGL(Input).xlsx”), there should be
a buttons for Copy to a New Placement Sheet, Copy to a New Quotation and Back to
Placement Sheet List.

Scenario: Deleting Placement Sheets

Given that I’m in the Placement Sheet List screen
When I clicked the delete under of actions column on the same row of Placement Sheet you
want to delete
Then the system should prompt a modal with alert message “Are you sure you want to delete?”
and the modal should have a button for Yes and No. If I clicked the No button the placement
sheet should retain on placement sheet list and If I clicked the Yes button the placement sheet
should remove from the database and placement sheet list (Note: The system should only
delete the placement sheet if this is not yet copied to a new quotation. If the placement sheet is
already copied to a new quotation, the system should prompt a warning message “This is
already copied to a new quotation” and there is a button for “OK”. If I clicked OK, the system
should not delete the placement sheet and redirect to the Placement sheet list).

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