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Accessing Activated Analysis Tools

The Activation dashboard appears just below the ribbon, above the main workspace. It may appear in
one of two forms, either minimized as a single line of text:

Or full size with more detailed results:

At the right end of the dashboard you can click this button:

to switch between these views. If the

whole dashboard does not fit on your screen, you can click the arrows at either end to scroll it.
Use the dashboard to perform economic, energy, and exchanger analysis of your Aspen
HYSYS simulation.

Use this panel



Perform economic analysis with Aspen Process Economic Analyzer


Perform energy analysis with Aspen Energy Analyzer

Exchanger Design and

Analyze results and risks for rigorous heat exchangers modeled with Aspen


Exchanger Design & Rating

Activated economic evaluation

Using Activated Economic Analysis
Activated Economic Analysis makes it easy to access key results from Integrated Cost Estimation.

Dashboard Panel
Initially, the Economics button appears in the Activation dashboard without results and turned off:

Before you begin to use the dashboard panel, use the Costing Options in the Economics Ribbon
section Prepare , to specify the costing template, scenario name and description, and optionally the
operating life of the plant, length of plant startup, and the date for the start of basic engineering. In
order to get raw material results, specify stream prices as well, and configure your model to
use utilities. For more details on this configuration, see Integrated Cost Estimation.
Run the simulation. After your run is complete, in the Economics panel on the Activation dashboard,
click off to turn the activated economics on and perform cost analysis.
When you do so, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer calculates costs and shows them in the panel:

If there are warnings from economic analysis, such as some unit operations whose costs could not be
calculated, a yellow warning icon

will appear on this panel. Click it to open the Equipment tab of

the Equipment form; information about the warnings appears in the Evaluation Errors column at the
far right of this screen. This area can also display

when economics is not available, a green check

mark (as above) when results are available, and a status message when economics is calculating.

Economic Equipment Data Summary View

Detailed economic results appear in the Economic Equipment Data Summary View. Click the capital
cost result on the dashboard panel to see a summary of the costs. Click the utility cost result to see
details of the utility costs. You can click the other tabs on the Equipment form to see information about
specific types of equipment.

Flowsheet Overlays

When you click the dashboard panel for Economics, the flowsheet displays green circles
around the blocks on the flowsheet with the highest costs. Click

Settings on

the Economics tab of the ribbon to specify settings for flowsheet overlays. By default the 3
blocks with the highest operating costs are highlighted. You can specify 1 to 10 highest cost
blocks; specify operating cost, capital cost, installed cost, or weight as the ranking
mechanism; or turn off the display of the rings completely

About the Equipment/Economics Form

Installed cost represents the total direct material and labor costs associated with the project
component (including installation bulks).

Equipment cost represents the bare equipment cost associated with the project component.

Equipment weight represents the empty shipping weight of the equipment.

Total installed weight is the equipment weight plus the weight of all bulks for installation such
as piping, civil, and electrical.
These tabs appear:

The Summary tab provides overall cost figures.

The Utilities tab provides overall usage and cost of each utility.

The Unit operation tab displays a summary of equipment and utility costs for all models

The Equipment tab provides a summary of costs for each piece of equipment. It also displays
any errors encountered while sizing or evaluating the equipment. The equipment names on
this tab are links to the tabs where the detailed results for the corresponding equipment types

Additional tabs for each type of equipment present in the simulation display sizing information,
materials of construction, installation options, and so on. Buttons at the top of these tabs allow
you to interactively size and evaluate selected blocks. Hold the Shift or Control key to select
multiple blocks.
You can right-click in the list of variable names to access additional commands for sorting,
changing units, and filtering data:

You can sort the blocks in any tab by the value of any field (including Remarks).

You can select the units of measure for any set of variables.

Toggle Filters enables a filter feature which allows you to only show blocks matching a chosen
filter value on any given field(s). The filtering options include specific values, Blanks, NonBlanks, and Custom filters which can contain a combination of equalities, inequalities,
substrings at start/end/anywhere, and regular expressions.
The view Equipment command in the Economics tab of the ribbon and the Equipment view
in the Results Summary folder of the navigation pane provide access to this view.

How to Select and Modify Economics Templates

To select an economic template:

On the Economics tab of the ribbon, click Cost Options.

Next to Template, click Browse. A file browser opens to the Economic Evaluation templates

Open the folder for the template you want to use, click the .IZT file, and click Open.

Creating a New Template

The presupplied templates are named according to the geographic location and units which it
uses. You can create your own templates to modify other settings, such as the default
mappings from simulator models to equipment. To do this:

Start Aspen Process Economic Analyzer standalone (outside of Aspen HYSYS).

Click File | New Template.

In the Create New Template window, enter a Scenario Name. This is the name of the
template. Click OK.

In the Project Properties window, you can set the base unit set to IP (inch-pound) or Metric,
and optionally enter a description and remarks for the template. Click OK.

In the Input Units of Measure Specifications window, you can change certain specific units
used, and the labels for other units. To modify any category of units, click it and then
click Modify. Enter your changes for the units and then click OK. ClickClose to close
the Input Units of Measure Specification window when you are done.

In the General Product Data window, you can change the country and currency basis for the
template. Click OK.

Now the template is open, and you can make further modifications. In the tree under Project
Basis, open Process Design, right-click Simulator Type, and click Edit. To make a template
for use in Aspen HYSYS, click Aspen HYSYS, then click OK.

Still under Process Design, right-click Project Component Map Specifications, then
click Edit. The Project Component Map Specifications window appears.

To change the mapping for any model, click it in the Simulator Models list. Then:

To change the mapping for the model, click the equipment model to replace from
the Current Map List, then clickReplace Mapping, then double-click selections in
the hierarchy of equipment models until you get to the specific equipment model.
The selected equipment replaces the previous mapping.

To add an additional mapping (so that the model maps to multiple pieces of
equipment), click New Mapping. Select the model as above. Additionally, you
must specify a unique Component Name Suffix to ensure each mapped
equipment for this model has a unique name.

To delete a mapping, select the equipment model in the Current Map List, then
click Delete One Mapping.

To delete all mappings, click Delete All Mappings.

Note: Models which are not mapped to any equipment will not be included in the cost estimates. Models which
are mapped have an asterisk (*) before their names in the Simulator Models list.

For models representing columns, there are multiple configurations defined. You can select
among these in the Configuration list. For these models, each portion of the column has a
predefined Component Name Suffix:

Component Name Suffix

bottoms split

Bottoms splitter

bot exchanger

Bottoms exchanger

bottoms pump

Bottoms pump


Condenser for the tower

cond acc

Condenser accumulator

ovhd exchanger

Overhead exchanger

overhead split

Overhead splitter

ovhd pump

Overhead pump


First heat exchanger in split configuration


Reboiler for the tower

reflux pump

Reflux pump

sc cooler

Heat exchanger in the Spray Condenser configuration that cools the total recycle

sc tot recycle splitter

Splitter in Spray Condenser configuration that generates the total recycle stream

sc tot recycle trim splitter

Trim splitter in Spray Condenser configuration 2

sc trim

Heat exchanger in Spray Condenser configuration that cools the total recycle


Main tower


Second heat exchanger in split configuration

Click OK to close the Project Component Map Specifications window.

Click File | Save to save the template. The template is saved in the Economic Evaluation
templates folder, where it can be immediately selected for use in Aspen HYSYS.

Activate Economics and Auto-Evaluate

Check the Economics Active box in the Economics tab of the ribbon to start Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer running in the background. You will not see the application. No data is sent at this
time; this command merely enables the interface, including all the other commands which interact
with Aspen Process Economic Analyzer.

This command toggles the availability of costing. You can use it again to shut down Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer. If you do so, your costing files are retained, and if you start it again, the data from
these files will be available.
Check Auto-Evaluate to automatically perform a costing evaluation with Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer after every successful flowsheet run (one which completes without errors; if there are only
warnings, costing will be run). If Auto-Evaluate is not checked, then you need to click Evaluate to
perform a costing analysis.

Costing Status Indicator

The Status group on the Economics tab of the ribbon displays three status indicators:



Each of these indicators can display these status icons:




Economic analysis not started

This part of the evaluation is being performed (or waiting for input, if
performed interactively)

This part of the evaluation completed

This part of the evaluation has not been performed since the last input
change (or it is due to be performed next, if performed interactively)


This part of the evaluation did not complete due to an error in the
APEA engine. This can occur if APEA crashes or be related to file

Activated energy analysys

You can use Aspen Energy Analyzer to optimize the energy consumption of a process in Aspen
HYSYS. To do this:

Specify utilities for each energy stream.

Ensure the simulation is fully specified and has no errors. Locate the Activated Energy panel,
which appears as follows (or in a minimized form of this):

Click the Energy panel. The Configuration sheet appears. Use this sheet to configure
Activated Energy Analysis.

Click the off switch to turn on Activate Energy Analysis.

The model is sent to Aspen Energy Analyzer and when calculations are complete, the results are
displayed in the panel:

The potential utility savings found by Activated Energy Analysis are shown in the global enthalpy flow
units for the flowsheet, and as a percentage of the actual current utility usage.
Note: These results show the maximum possible savings opportunities as dictated by thermodynamics. These
do not represent any specific set of design changes. For more information, see Energy Targets.

When calculations are completed the Energy Analysis Activation form appears, open to
the Summary sheet. This displays the current values and target values determined by the
analysis, for utility usage and carbon emissions (if Greenhouse Gas Emissions are
configured). You can use the other tabs on this form to see more details of analysis results.

Carbon Emissions
Design Changes

View total utility and carbon emissions results.
View a summary of the usage of each utility.
View a summary of the carbon emissions from each utility.
View information about all the exchangers considered by Activated Energy Analysis.
View details on design changes considered by Activated Energy Analysis.
Specify options for Activated Energy Analysis.

On the Design Changes sheet, click Energy Savings Design Changes to view the design
changes Activated Energy Analysis.
You can use the Energy Analysis environment to explore combinations of the process
changes suggested by Activated Energy Analysis.
Note: If you have activated Energy Analyzer, exporting your HYSYS simulation to an xml file is not

Energy analysis activation

Energy Analysis Savings Summary Tab
This view displays a summary of the results calculated by Activated Energy Analysis.

For each of total utilities, heating utilities, cooling utilities, and carbon emissions, the current value and
target value are displayed. The Basis at the top lets you switch between displaying the results as flow
or cost values.

Note: Carbon emissions are only shown if they are configured in utilities. For carbon cost, you must
also specify the Carbon Fee on the Configuration sheet.

Buttons at the bottom of the view allow you to send the results to Excel or switch to
the Design Changes sheet, where you can see the specific design changes Activated Energy
Analysis tried.

Energy Analysis Utilities Tab

Use this dialog to view a summary of utility usage. For each utility, and for the total of hot utilities and
total of cold utilities, the following values are displayed:

Current usage, as the flowsheet is configured.

Target usage

Saving potential

Potential energy cost savings in Cost/Yr

Potential energy cost savings as a percentage of the total for that utility.

Temperature approach applied to the utility.

Utility status

Target usage represents an ideal situation for the minimum utilities required to satisfy the process
stream requirements. Saving potential, and energy cost savings are calculated based on these
The minimum temperature approach allowed for an exchanger is the average of the approach
temperatures for the two streams in that exchanger. For process streams, this is the Approach
temperature on the Configuration View; this cannot be set for individual process streams in
Activated Energy Analysis. For utility streams, the approach temperature can be set separately for

each stream in the Tmin column of the Utilities View. The default for each utilitys Tmin is
taken from the DTmin specified for that utility in the Process Utilities Manager .
Utility status can be:



The temperatures of the utility streams are cool enough or hot enough to satisfy
the cooling and heating demands of the system, respectively. Individual utilities
are not marked with status icons if the utilities are sufficient; only the total hot or
cold utility is marked sufficient.


The temperatures of the utility streams are not cool enough or not hot enough to
satisfy the cooling and heating demands of the system. This icon also appears
by specific utilities assigned to exchangers which are insufficient for the task.


The outlet temperature of any cold utility stream is higher than the cold pinch
temperature, or the outlet temperature of any hot utility stream is lower than the
hot pinch temperature.

Energy Analysis Carbon Emissions Tab

Use this dialog box to view a summary of carbon emissions and carbon cost savings from
utilities. These are only available if utilities are configured with carbon capture data. For
carbon cost savings, you must also specify the Carbon Fee on the Configuration View.
For each utility, the current carbon emissions as the flowsheet is configured, the target
emissions, (after the single design change considered by Activated Energy Analysis which
yields the greatest savings), the Reduction Potential for that design change, and the carbon
cost savings (per year and as a percentage of the total energy cost). Totals for all hot utilities
and all cold utilities are also displayed.

Energy Analysis Exchangers Tab

Use this dialog box to view the following information for each heat exchanger:

Name. For blocks representing heat exchangers, the block name is used. Condensers,
reboilers, and the heat exchangers associated with duties in other blocks have tags attached
to the block name. For blocks inside one or more layers of hierarchy, the full path is given.

Type of exchanger: Heat exchanger type: Process Exchanger, Heater, or Cooler

Status icon, indicating the success at exporting the exchanger to Aspen Energy Analyzer and
its feasibility. A tooltip over the status icon gives a more detailed status message. See Data
Extraction issues, below, for possible causes of any problems indicated here.

Base Duty. The heat transferred in this exchanger.

Recoverable Duty. This is the cross-pinch load when a heat exchanger has a stream with inlet
and outlet temperatures on different sides of the pinch temperature. It is the smaller of the two
loads if this heat exchanger was split into two exchangers, one on each side of the pinch. For
more information about the pinch temperature, see Energy Targets.

Hot Inlet Temperature

Hot Outlet Temperature

Cold Inlet Temperature

Cold Outlet Temperature

Hot Side Fluid. The stream or utility on the hot side of the exchanger. Its outlet is cooler than
its inlet.

Cold Side Fluid. The stream or utility on the cold side of the exchanger. Its outlet is hotter than
its inlet.
The Hot Side Fluid and Cold Side Fluid can be a utility name, inlet and outlet streams
connected by _To_, or a description of the column location for exchangers associated with a

column. A tooltip on each of these fluid names gives the inlet and outlet temperatures, the
temperature change, and the heat flow associated with this fluid. For utilities this is the total
duty for the utility. A tooltip on the Hot Side Fluid and Cold Side Fluid headings tells the pinch
temperature for each side. For more information about the pinch temperature, see Energy
A more detailed version of this table is available as the Saving Potentials form in
the Energy Analysis environment.
The minimum temperature approach allowed for an exchanger is the average of the approach
temperatures for the two streams in that exchanger. For process streams, this is
the Approach temperature on the Configuration sheet; this cannot be set for individual
process streams in Activated Energy Analysis. For utility streams, the approach temperature
can be set separately for each stream in the Tmin column of the Utilities sheet. The default
for each utilitys Tmin is taken from the Minimum approach temperature specified for that
utility on its Specifications sheet.

Data Extraction Issues

Please refer to the following troubleshooting tips to find solutions for resolving data extraction
warnings such as "Heat Exchanger is extracted but infeasible in Aspen Energy Analyzer":

Unused streams and unit operations: If your flowsheet contains streams or unit operations you
don't want Aspen Energy Analyzer to consider, remove them or set the scope on
the Configuration sheet to exclude them.

Flowsheet convergence failures: If the simulation completed with errors, some streams may
not have results will not be extracted. Resolve the flowsheet convergence issues before using
Activated Energy Analysis. Avoid recycle loops with loose tolerances to ensure that the heat
exchanger network (HEN) is accurately represented.

Heat exchangers with zero duty: Either remove the heat exchanger or give it a small duty so it
can be considered in the HEN.

Pure component streams undergoing phase transition, with non-zero pressure drop: This is a
problem when the stream is on the hot side of the exchanger, but the pressure drop causes
the outlet stream to have lower temperature than the inlet stream. To avoid this problem, set
the pressure drop to zero on the side of the exchanger with the pure component stream.

Heat exchangers on non-equilibrium trays of columns (condensers, reboilers, side

heater/cooler, pumparounds). The tray efficiency must be 1 for the exchanger to be extracted
into Aspen Energy Analyzer.

Two heaters connected by a heat stream must be in the same level of hierarchy to be
recognized as a two-sided heat exchanger. If the heat stream crosses a hierarchy boundary,
the heat streams on opposite sides of the boundary are considered separate streams and the
heaters will not be recognized as a two-sided exchanger.

Aspen Energy Analyzer does not handle MHeatX blocks, Dupl blocks, Selector blocks,
Transfer blocks, solids-processing models and solid substreams, HeatX blocks in which one
side has multiple outlet streams (split by phases), or heat streams split by FSplit blocks.

Use of pseudostreams can cause double-counting of energy usage in the analysis because
Aspen Energy Analyzer considers pseudostreams to be real process streams. Either avoid
using pseudostreams or put them in a hierarchy that is excluded from the energy analysis
scope on the Configuration sheet.

Energy Analysis Design Changes Tab

Use this dialog to view the design changes considered by Activated Energy Analysis. You can
also limit the maximum number of additional or relocated exchangers which Activated
Energy Analysis considers. Click Energy Savings Design Changes to calculate and display
the improvements after changing these options.
Tables in collapsible sections display the results for each type of change, with each change of
that type listed in a separate row. For each change, the energy savings, payback period in
years, new area, and capital cost are display, along with data describing the design change.

Energy Analysis Configuration Tab

Use this view to specify the minimum temperature approach allowed in heat exchangers, the
fee for carbon emissions, and which unit operations to optimize.

Activated exchanger design and rating analysis

Using the Activated Exchanger Design and Rating Analysis
Exchanger Design Toolbar
Aspen HYSYS Heat Exchanger Design and Rating
The Activated EDR Analysis lets you take advantage of AspenTech's advanced Exchanger Design
and Rating program to examine the thermal and mechanical design specifics of certain HYSYS heat
transfer models in the context of the whole flowsheet. Activated EDR lets you convert these HYSYS
models into "rigorous" EDR models. After conversion, Aspen HYSYS passes process conditions for
these models including stream and property curve data to the EDR program. The EDR Analysis can
report operational problems, evaluate performance under changing conditions, and size, rate, and
cost equipment over the full design life cycle.

EDR Eligible Calculations and Equipment Models

Sizing is using process conditions from the simulator to design the geometry of the unit. Rating is
using simulation inlet conditions and specified geometry to calculate outlet conditions. The following
models are eligible to take advantage of activated EDR to do these calculations with the methods
shown below:



Sizing Comment



Perform all from the HYSYS flowsheet



Perform all from the HYSYS flowsheet



*For sizing, import operation into standalone

Shell & Tube


Air Cooled

LNG Plate Fin

EDR to do the calculations, then save the


.edr file and import it back into the rigorous

HYSYS model.



Fired Heater

Calculate outlet conditions based on a fixed

fuel flow rate.

EDR Available Exchanger Workflows

Another way of looking at rating and sizing rigorous exchangers in HYSYS is shown in the diagram

All four exchanger operations are eligible for rigorous calculations via EDR. The Air Cooled
and the Shell and Tube Exchanger are the unit operations that can be sized from the
HYSYS simulation environment.

Starting the Analysis

"Feasibility" is the eligibility of a flowsheet model design for EDR calculations. Use the EDR
Exchanger Feasibility panel on the Activation dashboard to view a summary of the results
and risks associated with rigorous heat exchangers that are already modeled with Aspen
Exchanger Design & Rating (EDR).
The Feasibility display looks like this:

The Unknown value shows the number of non-EDR heat transfer models in the case. These
models are not configured to use Aspen EDR, so no other status information can be displayed
for them. These are the models that are eligible for conversion to "Rigorous."
The OK value shows the number of rigorous models that have no operational risk.The At
Risk value indicates how many exchangers are reporting EDR errors or warnings. Risks are
problems such as vibration, erosion, and excessive operating temperature and pressure.

The Exchanger Summary Table

The Exchanger Summary table is the main navigation tool for Activated EDR. Click the main
part of the EDR Exchanger Feasibility panel to open the view:

This view lists each exchanger in the flowsheet, its hierarchy level, its model status (and a
button which lets you convert simple exchangers to rigorous and vice versa), and its
operational risk summary, as well as icons for each type of risk. Click the summary icon to see
the details for all risks for a specific exchanger:

You can click any heading in this table to sort the exchangers by that column.

Highlighting Exchangers on the Flowsheet

Activated EDR uses on-flowsheet highlighting of exchanger objects to help you navigate the
unit operations it is dealing with .

Use the Feasibility Panel pull down menu to activate the flowsheet exchanger highlighting.
Check or uncheck Show Model Status or Show Risk Status to show or hide the
highlighting. The legend shows the colors assigned to the status Simple or Rigorous, and for
the risk status OK, Warning or Risk.

Show Model Status Highlights

Show Model Status activates color-coded marker-rings around all exchangers in the
Hover the cursor over the ring to see a shortcut summary of the exchanger. From the shortcut
menu you can also convert the selected simple model to rigorous, or convert a rigorous model
back to a simple one.

Show Risk Status

The Show Risk option uses a wider ring to highlight models with at-risk status. Here (below)
Activated EDR has highlighted two at risk EDR models in yellow as having warnings attached
to their information. You can hover the cursor over the highlight to see a summary of the error
types. Go to the Exchanger Summary Table for complete information.

Note: Activated Economics has a similar feature to highlight blocks on the flowsheet. When you turn
on one of these features, the other is automatically turned off.

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