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SECTION I • Aesthetic Surgery of the Face

Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop

sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives
Mark Laurence Jewell

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sometimes easier to fall in love with a single technique of facial

rejuvenation and not engage in critical thinking about the
shortcomings and trade-offs of that particular technique. At the
■ Limit undermining of skin to planned areas for suture loops or for
same time, when confronted with newer techniques and con-
redraping of skin. The indiscriminate delamination of skin of neck
cepts for facial rejuvenation, many surgeons adopt a defensive
structures or in the postauricular region can unduly influence outcomes.
Undermine only as necessary to accomplish the lift, not more. reasoning mindset that prevents adoption of these approaches.
■ Ensure that the neck loop suture has a good bite of platysma fascia.
MACS lift is an acronym for “minimal access cranial sus-
This is important to prevent failure of the necklifting component.
pension”.1 The first time that I (the author) read the MACS
■ Do not make the cheek loop too small. This can result in a wad of
short scar rhytidectomy paper by Tonnard et al.,2–5 it seemed
a puzzling principle that relied on suture loop suspension to
tissue that cannot be made smooth.
■ Understand the ability that you have to innovate with the MACS lift,
a cranial anchoring point, far different from the sheet tighten-
ing approach of the classic SMAS-lift that I was performing
based on your patient’s individual needs. Too often, we become
at the time. It took a trip to the anatomy lab and a visit with
wedded to a sequence of techniques and ancillary procedures that
limits our ability to individualize and adapt for each of your patients.
Tonnard and Verpaele in Belgium to convince me that there
■ The MACS suture loop suspension approach works nicely in
was something different (and possibly better) about the MACS
lift. Once this approach for facial rejuvenation was examined
secondary or revisionary situations, where there has been earlier deep
layer work and repeat deep layer dissections could be both challenging in light of other publications by Labbé,6 Mendelson,7 Besins,8
and risky. MACS loop sutures hold well in scar from previous surgery. Pessa/Rohrich,9 and Gardetto,10 there actually appeared to be
■ Critical evaluation of outcomes is part of the learning process in terms
a unifying concept that has scientific and biomechanical valid-
of determining what went right and areas that require improvement. ity as a mainstay technique for facial rejuvenation.
Refinement of technique comes with an honest analysis of the outcome. First, we should ask ourselves, “Why do we think that it is
necessary to delaminate the face in order to rejuvenate? Can
we accomplish volume redistribution/repositioning without
Introduction having to engage in complex, deep anatomic dissections? What
is the validity of using a cranial suspension platform to resus-
Facial rejuvenation surgery has had an interesting evolution pend facial structures over traditional ways?” And finally, “Can
over the last 75 years. It is an interesting exercise to examine we innovate a less invasive procedure for facial rejuvenation
the chronicle of progress of facial rejuvenation surgery and at that gives a durable outcome and allows for future revisions?”
the same time, critically ask ourselves, “What were they
thinking when they came up with that particular procedure
for facial rejuvenation?” Our concept regarding facial rejuve- Surgical foundation for the MACS lift
nation has evolved beyond surgical technique to now encom-
pass facial aesthetics, ancillary treatments, biomechanics of The surgical foundation for facial rejuvenation should address
facial rejuvenation, and consumer preferences for less invasive the biomechanical effects of facial aging and volume loss for
procedures with rapid recovery. each patient, depending on their particular needs. Surgeons
In retrospect, we have moved back and forth between a must be faulted in the past for not having a fundamental
variety of technical solutions versus a more holistic process of understanding of facial aging, volume loss, laminar anatomy,
how to optimally deliver operational excellence in facial reju- and biomechanical engineering. Our current understanding
venation for a diverse patient population. As a surgeon, it is of the anatomy of facial aging is thoroughly reviewed in

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154 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives

Chapter 6.1, giving insight into the complex biomechanics of how much force is required to vertically lift facial and neck
facial aging. Aging involves the gravimetric effects on skin structures and suspend them in place with approaches that
and musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS), loss of elastic are less prone to failure. Surgery is part of the solution for
property of tissue, volume loss and descent within in fat facial rejuvenation, but ancillary procedures found in cosmetic
compartments, and extrinsic effect of sun, genetics, weight medicine such as medical skin care, fillers, neurotoxins, and
loss/gain, and smoking.11–13 Fat within the face does not exist light-based treatments work synergistically to produce a
as a confluent mass, but in discreet compartments separated “wow effect” when used masterfully.
by septae, formerly known as ligaments. Facial anatomy The MACS lift concept involves the use of suture loops
involves a laminar concept in which movement between placed in a purse-string fashion in order to elevate deep facial
layers is possible without surgical delamination. Proponents tissue by anchoring to a fixed point. In the basic MACS lift,
of ligament release feel that such movement is inadequate for there is one anchoring point on the deep temporal fascia, just
facial rejuvenation, but experience with the MACS lift pro- above the lateral zygoma, and posterior to the passage of the
vides evidence that sufficient interlayer movement is, indeed, temporal branch of the facial nerve. This is a very robust
possible and surgically effective. anchor point that will hold a 0-0 or 2-0 suture without a
From the perspective of biomechanics, surgical approaches pull-out failure. The “CS” part of the MACS lift is “cranial
that rely on sheet tightening of attenuated facial structures suspension”, which refers to the deep temporal fascia’s
(SMAS) may not produce a long-term effect due to the loosen- attachment to the cranium along the temporal crest line. The
ing of this layer over time (shear yield). Suture line repairs MACS lift does not utilize sheet tightening of the SMAS,
such as linear plication or excision techniques (plication or SMAS plication, or SMASectomy, but relies purely on special-
SMASectomy) remain vulnerable to disruption (shear failure ized suture suspension. The basic MACS lift involves two
and “cheese wiring”) by down-pulling the platysma whose suture loops, one vertical and one oblique, while the “extended
fascia is contiguous with the SMAS. Facial rejuvenation is MACS lift” involves an additional suture to elevate the malar
therefore an exercise in biomechanical engineering in terms of fat to a more anterior anchoring point (Figs. 6.4.1 & 6.4.2).

Fig. 6.4.1  The basic MACS lift involves two suture loops
placed into the SMAS in a purse-string fashion. The vertical
loop captures the platysma muscle below the angle of the
mandible, elevating soft tissues of the neck. The cheek loop
captures and elevates soft tissue of the midcheek and jowl.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Surgical foundation for the MACS lift 155

Fig. 6.4.2  The extended MACS lift adds a third suture to

elevate the malar fat pad. The “hockey stick” dissection

Suture loops placed within facial tissues results in a gathering the platysma. By not dissecting skin off the platysma, there is
and suspension of tissue. Tonnard and Verpaele describe this tightening of the neck skin when the platysma is tightened.7
as “microimbrication” (Fig. 6.4.3). The zone of adherence just anterior to the earlobe, called
How the loops are designed and sequenced is crucial, as Lore’s fascia, can be used as a fixed structure to pull against
once the platysma is pulled upward, it is possible to rotate the in order to achieve vertical tightening of the platysma as
layers of the face without a downward traction component of described by Labbé.5
The traditional skin incision for the MACS lift utilizes a
“short scar” anterior hairline approach with no retroauricular
dissection. After deep tissue reposition, skin redraping is
designed in a purely vertical direction (Fig. 6.4.4).
The amount of skin excision with the vertical approach of
the MACS lift is much less than seen with the classic SMAS-
lift. Attention must be paid to a tension-free skin closure in
order to promote excellent healing and avoid earlobe distor-
tion. In a divergence of philosophy and practice from Tonnard
and Verpaele, patients with greater facial and neck laxity will
require extending the incision into the retroauricular area in
order to manage lax skin (Fig. 6.4.5).
Therefore, the “MA” (minimal access) portion of the MACS
terminology must be expanded to address situations where
Fig. 6.4.3  MACS sutures result in a bunching up of soft tissue. This has been there is more tissue laxness necessitating a retroauricular
termed “microimbrication”. incision. In optimal situations, with younger patients, the

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156 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives


1.8 2.0

Fig. 6.4.4  The short scar incision used in the standard MACS lift.

short scar approach is preferable yet can be modified when

the amount of loose tissues cannot be managed with a short
scar approach. Extending the incisions into the postauricular
region resolves bunching of loose skin at the level of the
There are numerous advantages of the MACS lift. Deep
tissues are readily repositioned without the deep plane dis-
section that risks injury to the facial nerve. Less dissection is
also likely to result in faster recovery. The short scar approach
avoids dissection over the sternocleidomastoid muscle and
therefore removes the potential for injury to the great auricular
nerve. MACS sutures are anchored at fixed points that avoid
the temporal branches of the facial nerve (Fig. 6.4.6). Fig. 6.4.6  The temporal branches of the facial nerve course over the middle third
It has outcomes that are acceptable over time and favorable of the zygomatic arch. The MACS suture anchor points are designed to avoid
biomechanics that address volume redistribution and facial damage to these nerve branches.
tightening without deep layer work. This technique appears
very adaptable to most patients seeking primary and second-
ary facial rejuvenation. It also has the advantage of being
reversible during surgery, as suture loops can be changed or
the entire technique abandoned for a more traditional
Patient evaluation
approach. The learning curve for successful adoption of the Each patient is unique with respect to their particular needs
MACS lift is something that can be mastered by most surgeons for facial rejuvenation. It then is incumbent on the surgeon to
who are willing to invest the time required to learn a new formulate a strategy that will provide solutions for each
approach to surgical facial rejuvenation. patient. In the author’s experience, a more holistic approach
works best in his own patient population. This involves both
cosmetic medicine and aesthetic plastic surgery, allowing for
care to be ongoing and to advantage each patient with adjunc-
tive services of medical skin care, fillers, neurotoxins, and
light-based treatments.
The following components of a patient’s face require evalu-
ation and strategy.

Facial skeletal structure and asymmetry

Structural needs such as cheek or chin deficiency must be
addressed. Evaluate for facial nerve function, muscular func-
tion, any asymmetry.

Skin quality, character, and looseness

Photodamage and photoaging must be addressed and consid-
eration given for medical skin care or light-based treatments.
Fig. 6.4.5  Vertical skin advancement in the standard short scar approach for a Rhytides and looseness in the perioral area cannot be resolved
MACS lift. with rhytidectomy.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Surgical strategy 157

Forehead and glabellar rhytides

Patient expectations
Forehead rejuvenation may involve the use of neurotoxins or
rejuvenation surgery through the endoscopic or transpalpe- The management of patient expectations becomes a major part
bral approach. of facial rejuvenation, whether surgical or medical. It is essen-
tial that patients see themselves for who they are before treat-
Facial volume ment and that realistic portrayal of outcomes be communicated.
Occasionally, there is the need for revisionary surgery/
Assessment of the loss of facial volume is made. Volume procedures that must be addressed prior to treatment rather
enhancement in the submalar sulcus may be done with than afterwards. Revision surgery may not be successful.
surgery, autologous fat grafts, or synthetic fillers. The recogni- The better informed that patients are regarding their par-
tion of volume loss that occurs due to attritional lipoatrophy ticular needs and your recommendations, both surgical and
is underestimated. non-surgical, the more likely they will be able to obtain the
best outcome. If a patient does not appear to be capable of
Ocular region obtaining an outcome from treatments/procedures, it is better
to communicate this upfront and avoid the vexing problem of
Dermatochalasis, brow position, brow ptosis, fat bags, lower a dissatisfied patient who had unrealistic expectations.
eyelid looseness requiring lateral canthal work, lower eyelid
skin, and malar bags should all be assessed. Given the sub-
stantive lift of the MACS lift, a lower eyelid blepharoplasty is
often an integral part of this approach. Surgical strategy
The use of worksheets and templates has proven useful in
Neck many areas of aesthetic surgery and cosmetic medicine. A
Neck laxness and platysmal banding will influence the need simple form based on your practice helps you develop your
to consider extended incisions and possibly a submental surgical strategy for each patient’s care. It allows you to make
approach for direct work on platysma banding. The presence notes, show specific details, and more importantly determine
of submental fat may be addressed either through lipoplasty the trade-offs involved. Such a form is a nice fit with your
if superficial, or direct excision if submuscular. Direct man- informed consent(s) for the surgical procedure or cosmetic
agement of platysmal bands and fat layers is commonplace treatments (fillers, neurotoxins, etc.).
and adds to the quality of outcomes. How you choose to communicate your strategy with the
patient is also important. Simple aids such as a 10 × 15 cm
print from a digital camera on which you can draw, can be
Jowls useful. Other approaches involve drawing on the patient with
The squareness of the jawline is largely influenced by the an eyeliner marker (easily removed) and taking a photograph.
downward descent of facial structures. Depending on the Both of these are good communication tools to make certain
severity, dissection into the premasseteric space may be that your plans are in alignment with the patient’s expecta-
required. tions and needs. Even something as simple as displaying a
digital photograph on a large-screen LCD television works far
better than using a hand mirror.
Previous surgery Anesthesia for the MACS lift can be (1) minimalistic – local
anesthetic with conscious sedation; or (2) more complex with
Patients seeking additional refinements or “maintenance” of monitored anesthesia care (MAC) deep sedation or general
facial rejuvenation from previous surgical procedure may anesthesia (GA). If general anesthesia is contemplated, the
present with distorted changes due to conflicting traction author prefers an endotracheal tube (ET) over the laryngeal
vectors or ineffectual outcomes. This type of patient requires mask device because the ET causes less neck distortion. Other
thoughtful consideration of what can be safely addressed important considerations would be DVT prophylaxis and a
with reoperative surgery. warming blanket for prevention of hypothermia. Although
some surgeons consider chemoprophylaxis with fractionated
heparin on long cases, there are reasonable concerns of
Medical history increased risk of hematoma incidence. Some anesthesiologists
prefer GA over MAC because of better airway management
Patients seeking facial rejuvenation may have medical and the ability of a gas analyzer to measure end tidal CO2 as
conditions that can influence their safety during facial an index of ventilation.
rejuvenation. Not everyone seeking facial rejuvenation Care should be given during the procedure to installing
surgery is a candidate for surgery, based on chronic medical protective eye ointment in order to prevent corneal exposure
disorders. Attention should be paid to a thorough review problems. Sterile tape strips may also be used to prevent
of systems with emphasis on cardiac and circulatory issues. eyelid opening. Individuals with a history of laser-assisted in
Unique subsets of patients with surgical weight loss pro- situ keratomileusis (LASIK) procedures are especially at risk
cedures may present with additional factors such as facial for corneal problems due to diminished corneal sensory
lipoatrophy, tissue wasting, and obstructive sleep apnea. innervations that trigger tearing. When operating on a post-
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) risk must be assessed and LASIK patient, consider an evaluation by an ophthalmologist
managed. for adequacy of tear production and tear film quality.

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158 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives

Surgical sequence (Video 6.4.1 )

The patient is marked before the start of the procedure; key
points are the planned incision, the degree of undermin-
ing, and the location of suture loops. The degree of skin
flap undermining typically extends inferiorly just past the
mandibular angle and anteriorly 5–6 cm in front of the
ear. If an extended MACS lift is planned, undermining is
marked over the malar prominence. The sequence of per-
forming a MACS lift is straightforward. If autologous fat
grafting is considered, the author harvests and processes
fat at the beginning, followed by injection prior to the inci-
sions for the MACS lift. It is preferred not to store fat graft
tissue at ambient temperature for long periods during the
procedure. Any anterior neck surgery, such as lipoplasty,
is performed first. The cheek flap is then dissected and the
loop sutures are placed. If a temporal lift or endobrowlift is
contemplated, it is done next. A blepharoplasty, if planned, is
done last.

Skin incision and undermining Fig. 6.4.7  The short scar incision has been made, and the skin flap raised. The
zygomatic arch is marked in purple. Note the marks on the skin designating the
Local anesthetic containing epinephrine is injected along location of the suture loops. The scissors are dissecting a window down to the deep
the incision line. In the area of flap undermining, the author temporal fascia that will be used as the anchor point for the vertical and cheek
prefers lipoplasty wetting solution that contains epinephrine suture loops.
1 : 500 000. The short scar incision extends from the earlobe
below to the anterior hairline above. It follows the attach-
ment of the earlobe from the retroauricular crease, around to The neck suture
the anterior attachment of the earlobe, following the tragal The suture loop for the neck is placed first. Going inferiorly
edge, the anterior helical attachment to the root of the helix, in the natural sulcus that is anterior to the tragus, firm bites
then across the lower portion of the sideburn and up the between 1 and 1.5 cm long are taken into the SMAS. Progress-
anterior hairline. Anteriorly, the incision is made in a zigzag ing inferiorly past the angle of the mandible, two or three
pattern 1–2 mm within the hairline. The zigzag incision effec- suture bites are taken into the platysma before the suturing is
tively increases the length of the temporal incision to better directed upward and back to the anchor point. A U-shape
receive the elevated cheek flap. In the standard MACS lift, loop about 1 cm wide is created, and the knot is then tied at
the incision is carried up to the level of the lateral canthus, the anchor point under tension. The suture loop is tied without
while in the extended MACS lift, the incision extends up any instrument that might be used to hold the first knot. This
to a point opposite the tail of the eyebrow. Flap elevation diminishes the possibility of suture damage and breakage. In
is accomplished with scissor dissection. If an extended my (the author’s) first few cases, I found that I did not have
incision in the retroauricular zone is required, this is done an adequate grip on the platysma fascia and that neck tighten-
early in the procedure as it generally facilitates suture loop ing was not optimal; for neck tightening to occur, adequate
placement and skin redraping when the neck is tightened suture purchase of the platysma below the angle of the man-
vertically. dible is imperative. When performing the short scar variation,
a fiber-optic retractor is helpful to visualize correct suture
placement in the depth of the dissection. Additional reinforce-
Anchor point ment of the neck is accomplished by engaging the platysma
The deep temporal fascia anchor point is chosen to avoid the fascia and pulling both superiorly and slightly retrograde by
superficial temporal vessels and the temporal branch of the using the mastoid fascia as a secondary anchor point. Remain-
facial nerve. Small scissors are used to create a window in ing barbed suture is then run through the region of Lore’s
the subcutaneous tissue approximately 1 cm above the zygo- fascia and then back up along the pretragal area (Fig. 6.4.8).
matic arch and 1 cm in front of the helical rim in order to
expose the deep temporal fascia (Fig. 6.4.7).
When placing the suture into the temporalis fascia, the
The cheek suture
author sews away from the temporal vessel location. A single The cheek loop is placed next. It originates at the same anchor
anchor point is used for both the neck loop and the cheek loop point from the deep temporal fascia. Taking bites of the SMAS,
in order to diminish the amount of suture used and the pal- suturing progresses inferiorly just anterior to the first loop and
pability of knots. Absorbable monofilament sutures such as then curves more anteriorly, creating a wider loop above the
barbed 0-polydioxanone are preferred over non-absorbable jowl extending anteriorly as far as the skin flap has been
polypropylene or braided polyester suture. Bunching in the raised. The author has found that the loop works best when it
cheek region can be nicely managed by serpentine imbrication is in the configuration of a logarithmic spiral, like a nautilus
with the barbed suture and minor amounts of scissor shell. This allows for upward rotation of facial structures and
snipping. volume repositioning. The overall angle of the cheek loop is

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A personal evolution of the MACS lift 159

and replace the loops until satisfied with their placement and
tissue gathering.
Tissue bunching is an integral problem with the MACS
suture loops. It is resolved with serpentine imbrications with
the 0-polydioxanone barbed suture or 4-0 polyglactin imbrica-
tions with 4-0 polyglactin braided suture. The author prefers
the version of this suture that contains triclosan, an antibacte-
rial agent, in order to diminish risk of stitch abscess. Before
leaving the deep tissue, it is necessary to place the skin flap
over the tissue and observe for unresolved bunching and
tissue tethering at the margins of the undermined area. Scissor
removal of protruding fat may be needed in order to produce
a smooth tissue surface inside the loops. Imbrication of tissue
in the region just anterior to the tragus is important in order
A to preserve this normal sulcus.

Skin advancement and resection

The skin flap is then redraped along a vertical axis, and the
excess skin is resected. If there is excess skin at the level of the
earlobe, it must be resolved by incisions in the posterior ear
region. My philosophy is to resolve this skin by extending my
incisions in the posterior sulcus of the ear, instead of dealing
with skin bunching post-surgery. If necessary, the author uses
a classic rhytidectomy incision in the postauricular region,
depending on the patient’s neck laxity. The goal for skin exci-
sion is to have a tension-free closure with wound margins
coapted against each other.
The author’s personal technique uses approximately 1 cc
of fibrin glue (5 units/mL dilution) that is sprayed on the flaps
and held for 3 min. I find that this diminishes ecchymosis
B formation and eliminates the requirement for drains. Care
must be given to not apply excessive fibrin glue as it can
Fig. 6.4.8  (A,B) Cadaveric example demonstrating placement and the effect of the interfere with revascularization of the flaps.
vertical neck suture. The orientation is vertical, and neck traction depends on Wound closure is also straightforward with absorbable 5-0
achieving excellent suture purchase of the platysma muscle below the angle of the
monofilament in the deeper layers and 5-0 and 6-0 polypro-
pylene skin sutures placed as interrupted and continuous
(horizontal mattress).
Dressings involve customary facelift dressings. The author
approximately 30° across the cheek, as compared to the verti-
personally prefers some silicone-backed foam for the anterior
cal neck loop. The suture is then tied under tension. Novice
neck if lipoplasty has been performed. Otherwise, aftercare is
MACS lift surgeons tend to make too small a cheek loop and
similar to standard facelift procedures.
are then faced with a situation of a peculiar wad of tissue when
Three representative cases utilizing the MACS lift concept
the loop is tied. Experience teaches that if a suture loop appears
are shown in Figs. 6.4.9 and 6.4.10.
unsatisfactory, the best strategy is to take it out and replace it.

The malar suture

A personal evolution of the MACS lift
Once the cheek loop is tied, it is possible to add a third loop
for elevation of the malar fat; this constitutes the “extended Overview
MACS lift” variant. A different anchor point is used anterior
to the temporal branch of the facial nerve. This point can The original procedure as described by Tonnard, Verpaele,
either be the deep temporal fascia just lateral to the lateral et al. has evolved into a more holistic approach for compre-
orbital rim, or the periosteum of the zygoma, approximately hensive facial rejuvenation. While originally described as a
1.5 cm lateral to the lateral canthal area. Access to either of “minimal access cranial suspension” approach, the procedure
these anchor points requires a small window in the orbicularis has evolved into “cranial suspension rhytidectomy” (CSR),
muscle where the fibers run vertically. This purse-string where facial structures are resuspended from a cranial anchor
suture travels obliquely toward the malar fat pad where at a point. This approach uses a strong anchor point versus relying
point 2 cm below the lateral canthus, the direction is reversed, on sewing age-attenuated SMAS layers back together with
creating a narrow U-shaped loop that is tight under tension. a linear suture repair. Additionally, experience with the origi-
In my experience, the direction of pull will be oblique, but nal MACS and its failures dictates a better approach for
ideally should be as vertical as possible. If the surgeon is management of the lax neck and platysmal bands than
dissatisfied with the placement of the loops, it is easy to cut described by the originators of the MACS lift.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
160 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives



Fig. 6.4.9  Preoperative (A–C) and 12-month postoperative (D–F) photographs of a 61-year-old woman who underwent a three-loop extended MACS lift, submental
liposuction, autologous fat graft to submalar region, and hyaluronic acid fillers to the perioral area.

The technical evolution of the CSR includes the use of Surgical facial rejuvenation as part of
barbed sutures (polydioxanone; PDO), volume restoration
with autologous fat grafting, selection of postauricular inci-
the continuum of beauty
sions as needed to address lax neck skin, use of fibrin glue to While we as surgeons are fascinated with the technical
mitigate ecchymosis, and open anterior neck platysmaplasty. approaches for facial rejuvenation surgery, the aesthetic mar-
The concept of cranial suspension remains valid, but evolu- ketplace around us is changing with regard to what patients
tion of technique and strategy encompasses a more compre- are seeking in facial rejuvenation and the utility of non-invasive
hensive approach of surgery to reposition lax tissues of face procedures. Formerly, we would abandon one surgical
and neck, volume restoration of orbit and midface, medical approach for another in order to stay ahead of what competi-
skin care, correction of brow ptosis, tissue fillers, neurotoxins, tors were offering in facial rejuvenation. There was little
and energy-based treatments to improve skin quality/texture appreciation of the biomechanics of aging or facial fat compart-
and tighten subsurface layers. ments, but rather a fixation on technical factors because all that

Descargado para micky stalin abanto valencia ( en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en junio 12, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
A personal evolution of the MACS lift 161

we knew was surgical facial rejuvenation. Most plastic sur- Patients find tremendous value in the results that cosmetic
geons were dismissive of non-surgical treatments because it injectables deliver when administered by a skilled injector.
was not surgery that they knew and loved. “After all, all of this There has been an evolution from filling wrinkles to facial
non-surgery nonsense was being championed by those who volumization with long-lasting hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. The
could not operate”, said one plastic surgeon. effects of cosmetic neurotoxins when correctly placed produce
In the current era, much has changed regarding what patients natural outcomes without the stigma of a frozen face. Injections
are seeking from facial rejuvenation and their willingness to of lipolytic drugs can reduce fat deposits in the jawline without
only utilize surgery as their treatment of choice. Sure, there is liposuction. Micro-focused high-intensity ultrasound or radio-
no substitute for a well-performed, comprehensive rhytidec- frequency energy can be an adjunct for skin tightening.
tomy, but patients are looking for more than just surgery, both Surgical facial rejuvenation appears to be part of a contin-
before needing it and afterwards to help maintain its results. uum rather than the entire focus for patients. A holistic concept



Fig. 6.4.10  This 56-year-old woman developed a relapse of neck soft-tissue laxity after a MACS lift. She underwent a secondary procedure with the placement of both neck
and cheek sutures. The result shown preoperatively (A–C), after the MACS lift (D–F), and 12 months after revision surgery (G–I). Continued

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162 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives


Fig. 6.4.10, cont’d

of facial rejuvenation and maintenance of beauty has now Cranial suspension techniques are useful as a primary form
evolved. The combination of non-surgical treatments and of facial rejuvenation, in secondary and even tertiary situa-
facial rejuvenation surgery provides better, more natural, and tions over the traditional subSMAS approaches. Other tech-
satisfying outcomes for patients. niques involving deeper plane lifts, SMAS plication, or
In the first part of the chapter, I focused on the MACS lift SMASectomy have not held up over time with regards to
as envisioned by Tonnard and Verpaele. Since applying the suitability or durable, natural-appearing outcomes that have
MACS lift principles, I have evolved my technique and believe an acceptable recovery time.
that I have been able to achieve improvements over what was
originally described. I also decided to add additional sub-
components as needed for each patient, depending on the Technical evolutions and innovations
concept of “What does it take to achieve a satisfactory facial
rejuvenation outcome for this particular patient?” Moreover,
of the original MACS lift
my appreciation of the value of a comprehensive program of
medical skin care, cosmetic injectables, and energy-based treat- Barbed sutures
ments has increased, given the benefits that they provide My current CSR technique has evolved to include the use of
patients. barbed polydioxanone sutures, typically in the #1 or 0 size. This
Within the naming conventions of surgical procedures, I has been a useful advance that seemingly has improved out-
renamed the MACS lift, the “cranial suspension rhytidectomy” comes by better resuspension of facial structures, including the
(CSR). I believe that this should no longer be called a minimal neck. Barbed sutures can produce a powerful lift within the
access procedure and that the surgeon should have the ability mobile SMAS and neck. I have also found that they permit
to manage what incisions are needed to accomplish the intended better management of tissue bunching in the cheek region by a
outcome. For example, I believe that it is permissible to utilize serpentine form of imbrication versus relying on multiple inter-
the classic rhytidectomy incision in the retroauricular area if rupted 4-0 absorbable sutures. I hardly ever use the midface
you are planning on extensive neck tightening. I still believe loop any longer as described by Tonnard and Verpaele.
that the sideburn incision offers the greatest utility versus inci-
sions in the temporal scalp or a 90° “London Chop” incision.
The concept of cranial suspension or, actually, cranial
Neck relapse
“resuspension” remains valid as a way to reposition the One of the known shortcomings of the original MACS lift was
mobile SMAS layer upward and to passively move other its propensity for neck relapse due to a single point of fixation
facial structures along. Personally, I like a non-delamination within the platysma below the angle of the mandible. This
procedure like the CSR over a subSMAS dissection. I believe became apparent in several patients who required revisionary
that I can accomplish almost as much from the CSR approach neck tightening after having a classic MACS lift. My lesson
as a procedure that delaminates the face to rejuvenate. Skin that I learned out of this was that a better approach for neck
resection in the pre-/postauricular area remains as described rejuvenation was required with the primary procedure.
by Tonnard and Verpaele. Skin closure should be without Currently, I utilize what I would call a “hockey stick” dis-
tension and signs of skin tethering to deeper layers. section pattern below the angle of the mandible that allows

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Understanding the learning curve of CSR 163

for more exposure of the platysma. This affords better expo- I have found that my evolution of Tonnard and Verpaele’s
sure of the platysma for passage of barbed suture versus a original MACS rhytidectomy has enabled me to get beyond
single point of fixation as originally described. Better exposure the shortcomings of their procedure. While there is no substi-
also offers open defatting with a flat liposuction cannula. tution for a well-planned and performed rhytidectomy, I have
Now, I place the barbed sutures below the mandible in the been able to holistically improve the quality, durability, and
mobile platysma and utilize a biaxial tightening, primarily patient satisfaction with my version of facial rejuvenation
vertical, but with some retrograde pull. The immobile mastoid through the addition of other complimentary non-surgical
fascia offers a robust secondary anchor point for barbed procedures.
sutures used for neck tightening. My personal opinion here is As far as what’s next, I would say that more thought is
that the mastoid fascia is a stronger anchor point for the neck needed to find a predictable way to manage the lateral brow
than Lore’s fascia. region and a device to help with the lateral canthopexy that is
used to help stabilize the lower eyelid during a blepharoplasty.
Management of anterior platysma
I believe that anterior platysma techniques of liposuction and Understanding the learning
open management of platysma banding has enhanced my
outcomes for the neck. Bands must be treated openly, and fat, curve of CSR
whether above or below the platysma, must be managed in The successful integration of a new surgical technique into
order to produce a crisp, angular anterior neck outcome. one’s armamentarium can be challenging. It involves auditory
Barbed absorbable suture is useful for anterior platysmaplasty, and visual learning, bioskills, and ways to deal with events
in my experience. that are normal occurrences when one performs this proce-
dure. It is a daunting task from the perspective of adult educa-
Fibrin glue avoids drains tion how surgical educators can transfer a knowledge and
Another advance in technique is the use of pre-diluted fibrin skills set to intelligent individuals, especially when the
glue to mitigate ecchymosis after the procedure. The combina- approach is counterintuitive.
tion of fibrin glue and silicone-faced liposuction foam in the Successful performance of the CSR lift demands technical
dressings has solved the bruising issues associated with excellence in the placement of suture loops and the resolution
rhytidectomy. I no longer use drains. of bunching that occurs once the loops are tightened. The CSR
lift effect is equivalent to a gathering phenomenon on the
Facial volume restoration barbed suture loops to produce volume redistribution and
tightening of deep layer facial structures without delamina-
The matter of facial volume restoration during a rhytidectomy tion procedures seen in subSMAS procedures. You also may
deserves mentioning. I think that the use of a small amount of want to familiarize yourself with some of the reference articles,
autologous fat grafting to restore attritional lipoatrophy in the as they are a foundation for the procedure.
submalar or suborbicularis areas during facial rejuvenation
surgery is straightforward. Newer suborbicularis compart- Advice for how to succeed with the CSR
ment injections of HA fillers or autologous fat as described by
Lamb, Jelks, and Surek appear promising. Equally, the microfat Planning for a successful outcome
injections just under the eyelid skin as described by Tonnard
and Verpaele appear to produce good outcomes. I personally First start with a straightforward, relatively easy facelift situ-
do not like to inject large volumes of autologous fat into the ation rather than a challenging situation that would prove
face, unlike some colleagues, as I believe that it alters facial difficult with any technique. Most likely, your patient will
appearance and has a long, swollen recovery for months. need the CSR lift (two strands) with extended postauricular
Conversely, long-acting HA fillers that have been devel- incisions. Relatively few patients are candidates for the short
oped for facial volumization deserve a mention because they scar variant of the CSR.
are predictable, long lasting, and time-efficient. Personally, I
like the “what you see is what you get” with volumizing Consider the range of complimentary
fillers in contrast to autologous fat. I prefer a 0.9-mm cannula surgical procedures
for the deep layer injections of volumizing fillers in the face
and orbit, which reduces risk of accidental intravascular injec- Planning for a patient’s facial rejuvenation usually involves
tion and ensuing catastrophe. additional complimentary procedures such as submental lipo-
plasty, anterior platysmaplasty, upper/lower blepharoplasty/
canthopexy, fillers (fat or non-animal stabilized hyaluronic
The value of non-surgical treatments to acid (NASHA) fillers), and management of the brow region.
maintain outcomes after CSR Be certain that you have planned adequately with regards to
complimentary procedures and consider using a worksheet
There is much utility in the non-surgical treatments after a
or checklist that will help you remember the steps that you
CSR procedure. This includes neurotoxins for management of
planned for each patient.
dynamic rhytids, HA fillers for lines and volume restoration/
maintenance, and energy-based treatments to skin and deeper
layers. Medical skin care never stops. High-intensity micro-
Selection of anesthesia
focused ultrasound (Ulthera, Inc., Mesa, AZ) has been useful From the perspective of patient safety, the CSR lift can be
to add skin tightening in the brows and neck after a CSR. performed under monitored anesthesia care, local anesthesia

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164 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives

with minimal/oral sedation, or general anesthesia. Find a skin dimples underneath the flap will require scissor work to
technique of anesthesia that you are comfortable using. Do release them. Other approaches to manage bunching use
not forget the matter of keeping patients warm, addressing excess barbed suture that is used to flatten bunching by
DVT prophylaxis, and preventing eye dryness if general placing sutures in a serpentine pattern (very effective).
anesthesia is used. I personally use tumescent anesthesia with
500 mg lidocaine per liter and 1 : 500 000 epinephrine concen- Preliminary closure
tration. Typically, I will use ~50 ml in the anterior neck and
60–75 ml per side for the CSR. I wait 10 min after injection for Skin excess in the CSR lift is resolved by a vertical approach.
the epinephrine effect to occur. I’ll tumesce the opposite side Take the time to arrange the skin flap after you are satisfied
of the face when I start the closure on the first side. with the work done on the deeper layers in terms of sym-
metrical tension, resolution of bunching, and hemostasis. You
Sequencing of the procedure will become a believer in the vertical approach if you pull
your skin flap in the wrong (horizontal) direction. You will
My first sequence in CSR facial rejuvenation is the lipoplasty rapidly realize that horizontal traction on the skin flap creates
and open anterior neck work. I have found the VASER ultra- the need for a postauricular incision versus the vertical
sonic lipoplasty device very effective in the anterior neck and approach in patients with minimal/moderate face laxness.
jawline. The process of VASER ultrasonic lipoplasty is very Other patients who need extensive neck tightening will
precise and allows for accurate removal of fat. If anterior require a “classic rhytidectomy” incision.
platysma band correction is planned, I do this first, before the Skin resection is made in order to avoid skin tension on the
CSR. wound. This is crucial in order to obtain a favorable postop-
Typically, I will infiltrate both the neck and the first face erative scar. Skin resection in the elevated skin is made to
side for the CSR with liposuction wetting solution containing mirror the preauricular regional incision that you made at the
epinephrine 1 : 500 000. I find that this helps dissection. In the start of the case. Fortunately, due to local anatomic “anchor
case of secondary/tertiary rhytidectomy, the use of wetting points”, the sideburn and tragal areas do not move and facili-
solutions facilitates creation of an accurate surgical plane tate the closure process. A lack of facial flap tension is really
through previously operated tissue. While not every patient important in the closure. Tragal definition requires surgical
needs submental lipoplasty, the combination of wetting solu- defatting of the skin flap with scissors.
tion and the VASER helps with dissection in this area and When performing a short scar variant of the CSR, you may
access to platysmal bands and subplatysmal fat. find yourself in a situation of having too much loose skin and
Next, I go on to the incisions of the rhytidectomy and flap worry about skin bunching in the preauricular area; it is
elevation. Once this has been accomplished, attention is permissible to go behind the ear on its backside in order to
directed to the neck and cheek loops of the CSR lift. Currently, inset the looseness. Remember, this does come with the price
I use 0 or #1-PDO barbed suture (Angiotech, Surgical Special- of more dissection and skin shifting to finalize the closure. If
ties Corporation, Braintree, MA) or 0 Stratafix PDS barbed you have to leave behind some bunching in your closure, do
(clear) (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) with a robust anchor point in it behind the earlobe and not in front.
the temporalis fascia, approximately 1 cm anterior to the ear.
Once the loops have been placed, I will determine if the third Skin closure
loop, the midface, is required. It is anchored approximately
1.5 cm lateral to the external canthal area on the periosteum Tonnard and Verpaele use small drains that come out in the
of the maxilla. area of the earlobe. I prefer fibrin glue (Artiss, Baxter Health-
It is important, especially with the neck loop, that you place care, Deerfield, IL) that is supplied at 5 units/mL instead
it in the platysma below the angle of the mandible. The origi- of drains. I find that fibrin glue also has the advantage of
nal MACS lift as described by Tonnard and Verpaele has a diminishing ecchymosis in the postoperative period. Fibrin
high neck relapse propensity, presumably due to poor engage- glue can produce healing problems if excessive amounts are
ment of the platysma. This has been overcome with the use sprayed in the wound. I have found that a 2-mL syringe of
of barbed sutures, anterior dissection below the angle of the Artiss is adequate for both sides of a CSR lift (use <1 mL
mandible, and a secondary anchor point in the mastoid fascia per side).
(behind the concha of the ear). After first loop is secured, next As mentioned earlier, skin closure is performed under no
go on to the second cheek loop without cutting the suture at tension. I use some 5-0 Monocryl (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ)
the anchor point. This helps minimize the amount of suture sutures in the subdermal area to hold the wound and 5-0 and
material in the temporalis region. Bidirectional barbed suture 6-0 Prolene (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) in the skin (horizontal
can also be utilized for the cranial suspension of the platysma mattress sutures). A few 5-0 rapid-absorbing plain gut sutures
and the cheek loop. The excess barbed suture can be placed (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) can also be used. Be certain to
in a serpentine fashion in the cheek region to flatten areas of remove all silk temporary sutures that you may have used in
tissue bunching. the planning stage of the closure.
Eyelid procedures are performed at the end of the CSR lift
because there may be a significant amount of vertical skin Eye and brow procedures
recruitment after the suture loops have been placed.
I wait to perform the eyelid procedures until I have com-
pleted the CSR lift. A significant amount of skin has been
Tips on how to manage bunching of tissue recruited into the orbit with the midface loop, and a lower
Depending on the amount of tissue involved, this may require eyelid blepharoplasty will be necessary in many cases. Brow
scissor work and flattening of the ridges with 4-0 Vicryl. Small procedures, whether a lateral temporal lift, transpalpebral

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Understanding the learning curve of CSR 165

corrugator resection, or an endoscopic brow can be performed believes that he or she cannot obtain a satisfactory outcome
in conjunction with the CSR lift. with the CSR technique. Alternatively, the suture loops can be
kept in place and the skin redraped according to a traditional
Dressings and aftercare approach.
After a surgeon has performed their first ten CSR lift cases,
A simple dressing afterwards is all that is needed. I use there will be a sense of comfort in the technique and how to
silicone-backed foam that is used for lipoplasty procedures in deal with the nuances of the procedure versus feeling uncom-
the anterior neck to control skin wrinkling after neck lipo- fortable with the CSR short scar rhytidectomy technique and
plasty and anterior platysma work. Foam also is a great idea its variants.
after an endoscopic browlift to control forehead swelling. We are still not at the end of innovation and refinement in
Patients generally recover more rapidly from a CSR lift facial rejuvenation surgery or treatments. Thanks to Patrick
than a “classic” rhytidectomy. In most cases, swelling resolves Tonnard and Alex Verpaele, we have discovered a new
in 10–14 days and the feeling of “tightness” in 4 weeks. approach that repositions fat and deeper layers back to their
natural points of fixation in the younger face through innova-
Additional comments regarding the CSR lift tive use of suture loops versus surgical delamination of facial
structures. Other considerations relate to isolated necklifting
The CSR lift represents a very flexible approach for facial and the innovative use of HA fillers or autologous microfat
rejuvenation. It can deliver a very natural outcome without grafting in the periorbital area.
the stigma of inappropriate tension vectors, flattening of the
face, and the telltale sweep deformity. This approach also can
address midface laxness and repositions midface fat. It is
Troubleshooting CSR lift
important to avoid excessive undermining of the neck because During the time that it take for you to develop your per-
this separates the skin from its anatomic attachments to the sonal approach to the CSR lift, you are bound to encounter
underlying platysma fascia that is being tightened. situations where something does not work, does not look
The other remarkable thing about the CSR lift is that it can right, or you do not feel that subsurface lifting is occurring.
be undone and converted back to a traditional under the Some situations and recommended solutions are set out in
SMAS dissection and retroauricular incision if the surgeon Box 6.4.1.

BOX 6.4.1  Troubleshooting

Problem: Neck loop pulls out of tissue Problem: Dimples in skin, just beyond the zone of dissection
Solution:  Neck loop needs to be in the fascia of the platysma – Solution:  Use your scissors in a vertical spreading motion to stretch
place it again, with emphasis on correct technique that includes more bands that are producing the dimpling. Be careful that this may
anterior dissection below the angle of the mandible to expose more cause bleeding, if you are at the edge of where you have infiltrated
of the platysma. A secondary anchor point in the mastoid fascia with wetting solutions/local anesthesia.
the barbed suture is useful to avoid suture pull-out. Problem: Bunching is hard to correct after you have tied the
Problem: You have placed the cheek loop, but nothing moves cheek loop
when it is tightened Solution:  Excessive tightness in the cheek loop or a small diameter
Solution:  You have placed too large a loop that is over tissue that loop will produce a wad of tissue that defies imbrication. Replace the
has a zone of adherence (non-mobile SMAS) to bone, e.g. maxilla. cheek loop, but with less tension. Also, some scissors snipping is
Replace the loop in the correct location. helpful if there are small dimples of tissue that are particularly visible
Problem: Midface loop does not lift midface through the skin. Imbrication stitches may be used to control skin
fullness in all areas underneath the flap in order to improve contour.
Solution:  Look for midface tissue that is mobile and place the loop
The “art” of the CSR lift requires that you address these as needed to
achieve the best outcome for your patient. The use of barbed suture
Problem: You note a lot of lower eyelid skin has been pushed in a serpentine pattern is really useful to help with tissue smoothing in
upward the cheek or anterior sternocleidomastoid areas.
Solution:  Given the vertical nature of the CSR lift, eyelid skin is Problem: You are doing a secondary rhytidectomy and wonder
pushed upward and a lower eyelid blepharoplasty is required. A about using the CSR technique
simple pinch blepharoplasty can be performed to address skin
Solution:  There are additional options with the CSR lift to utilize
the loops as your “lifting engine” for the cranial suspension of
Problem: You have too much skin excess to make this a short facial structures and to redrape skin, if excessive with a traditional
scar facelift postauricular approach, if needed. This also works well in
Solution:  You may need to consider extending the incisions behind secondary rhytidectomy situations where subSMAS dissection is
the ear to address skin excess. Even though the MACS lift was challenging and dangerous. The use of uni- or bidirectional barbed
envisioned as a short scar facelift, consider the cranial suspension suture of similar size may be a consideration also. In situations of
part of the CSR lift as the lifting engine and the incision management neck laxness, considerations may be given for additional anchor
as up to the surgeon. points in Lore’s fascia or mastoid fascia. Generally, a secondary
Problem: You are worried about neck relapse rhytidectomy should be planned with a sideburn incision in order to
Solution:  Neck management, both in terms of bands and tissue avoid narrowing/obliteration of the sideburn. Most likely, there will be
laxness, requires a comprehensive approach. This encompasses neck laxness that require postauricular incisions and dissection to
both the possibility of open anterior platysmaplasty with band manage.
transection and the consideration of secondary anchor points in the
mastoid fascia or Lore’s fascia with the barbed sutures.

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166 SECTION I CHAPTER 6.4 • Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures – the MACS lift and its derivatives

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