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The Inlernationol Journal of Periodorlics & Restorative Dentistry


Guided Tissue Regeneration implants. Polytef membrones were

for Implants Placed placed over implant dehiscences in
into Extraction Sockets and robbits. Membranes were placed
(or Implant Dehiscences:
Surgical Techniques and over implants to isolate them from
Case Reports flop connective tissue ond epithelium.
Isolotion of the implants with mem-
brones creoted o spoce for dot re-
tention and bone growth. Control
sites did not receive membrane
plocement. At retrievol, the test sites
had on average of 3.8 mm of co-
ronal bone formotion, while control
sites had on averoge of 2.2 mm of
bone regenerotion.
Becker et ol' ploced titonium im-
fleeter, DOS*
on £. Becker, DD9 plants into the mandibles of dogs,
Dehiscences were creoted on the fo-
cial aspects of the implants, exposing
two to three implont threads. Spe-
Guided tissue regenerotion ¡s a bio- cially prepared polytef implant aug-
logic principle based on selective cell mentation materiol (Gore-Tex Aug-
populotion. This concept hos been mentotion Moterial, W. L. Gore ond
used to ottoin new ottochment in vor- Associates) wos fitted over the ex-
ious types of periodontal osseous le- posed threods and held in ploce with
sions,'"^ Dohlin et al' used exponded the implant cover screw. Control sites
polytetrafluorethylene |e-PTFE or were not protected by membranes.
polytef) membrones to exclude con- At 18 weeks the implants were ex-
nective tissue from contacting stand- posed, measured, ond retrieved. For
ardized defects in the mandibles of test sites the meon midbuccal in-
rots. Control defects were not pro- crease in bone height over the pre-
tected by membranes. At 6 weeks the viously exposed threods wos 1.38
membrane-treated defects heoled mm, while the change in bone height
with bone, while mmimol heoiing oc- for the controls was 0.23 mm.
curred ot the control sites. Recently, Lozzaro' used polytef membranes to
Dohlin et ol' used membranes to re- cover implants placed into extraction
generate bone over dehisced dento! sockets. The membranes were not
covered by the surgicoi flops ond
were removed between 4 to 6 weeks
öfter surgen/. At the second-stage
procedure, clinicol evidence dem-
• University of 5outhem Colifornio School onstroted varying omounts of bone
of Dentistry, Department of Periodonics,
ond Universily of Texas ot Houston, De- formotion odjocent to the implonts.
partment of Periodontics Nymon et al'" reported two cases
' University of Texos at Houston, Depart- where polytef membranes were used
ment of Penodontics. for dental implants. One membrane
Correspondence address: Dr William was ploced over an implant in an
Becker, 801 N Wilmot B-2, Tucson, Ariîona extroction socket, while the other site

Volume 10, Number 5, 1990


received a membrane far the pur- The purpose of these case reports Surgical technique
pose of ridge augmentation. At the is to present surgical techniques for
second-stage procedure, bone was placing implant ougmentotion mo- A periodontal evaluation is neces-
present against the implant, and the terial over dental implants. These sary prior to tooth extraction, Ploce-
ridge appeared widened. techniques were developed in order ment of implonts into overtly infected
The concept of placing implants to enhance bone growth over dehis- extraction sockets is controindicoted,
into extraction sites and protecting cences and implants ploced into ex- Maxillory and mondibulor premolars,
them vvith materials that favor bone traction sockets. These reports pres- canines, and incisors are ideal can-
growth is interesting. If predictable, ent o flap design for attaining max- didates for extraction and immediate
this procedure may help prevent imum tissue coverage over implants implant plocement. These teeth
postextraction ridge résorption, there- placed into extraction sockets. Fur- should hove odvonced periodontal
by increasing the bone volume avail- thermore, a method will be described disease as evidenced by deep prob-
able for implant placement. Further- for preventing the augmentation ma- ing depth, advanced clinical ottoch-
more, the time necessary for com- tenal from collopsmg ogoinst ex- ment loss, radiographie evidence of
pletion of the restorative phase of re- posed implant threads after flap clo- bone loss, and moderate to severe
construction will be shortened. If the sure, A simple method for harvesting mobility. Teeth with root fractures, en-
alveolar crest is norrow, dehiscences autogenous bone during implant dodontic failures, or compromised
can occur during implant placement. plocement will be described. If nec- tooth position should olso be consid-
Exposed threads decreose the bone essary, this bone may be used during ered for extraction followed by im-
volume thot supports the implant, implant placement. Patients treoted mediate implant plocement. If there
which may couse gingivol problems by these methods will be presented is adequate bone over the mandi-
once the implant has been exposed OS cose reports. bular canal or inferior to the moxillaiy
and restored. Isolating dehiscence- sinus, molar sites may also be can-
type defects with membranes may didates for extraction and immediote
selectively favor bone growth. impiont placement.

Membranes used for enhancing In the mandibular arch there

bone formotion adjacent to dental should be a minimum of 3 to 4 mm
implants should maintain sufficient of bone inferior to the root apex and
space for clot organization and bone coronal to the mandibular canal. In
formation. In order to minimize pa- order to stobilize the implant in the
tient trouma, the membrone should moxillary orch, there should be suf-
remoin covered until the second- ficient bone superior fo fhe root apex
sfage implant procedure is per- and inferior to the maxillary sinus.
formed. Once the decision has been made
to extract the tooth and to place an
immediate implant, the patient must
be counseled on the risks and ben-
efits of such procedures.
The patient is prepared for surgery
in the usual manner, and an appro-
priate local anesthetic ogent is od-
ministered. Figures l a to g show the
surgical technique for plocing im-
plants in extraction sockets. Prior to
extraction, the gingiva should be de-
tached from the tooth, A surgical el-
evator can be used to corefully luxote

The Internolional Journal ol PenodonNcs & Reslorolive Dentisliy


Figs to to g Diagrams represent ftap design for placement of an imptant inta an extraction socket.

Fig ta Initiât incisions odjocent to a moxitlary premotor. tnci- Fig Ib Buccal and palatal flops hove been rejected.
sions are extended one tooth anterior lo the tooth to be ex-
tracted. Note vertical incisions.

Fig tc The implani has been placed superiar to Ihe apicat Fig td A titonium washer has been placed on top of the im-
extension of Ihe extraction socket. plant. This will keep the material fram collapsing against the
imptont once the flaps ore sutured

Volume 10, Number 5, 1990


Fig le impiant augmentatian material has been fixed ta the Fig If A pedicle flop from the canine has been rotated dis-
implant with a cover-screw. tally and completely covers the implant The flops ore sutured
with vertical mattress sutures

Fig tg The flaps adjacent to the implant are sutured.

The Inteinolioiiat Jojmol ot Penodonlics & Restorafive DerBslry


the tooth from its socket. The tooth during the implont procedure. The The material can be placed over
should be mobile before it is re- anatomy of the site will dictóte the defect and held in position by
moved. These steps are importont whether a countersink is possible. If coreful flop apposition, or it con be
because fracture of the buccol or lin- possible, a countersink is prepored fixed to the implant with the cover
gual alveolar plates moy jeopordize within the bone. screw. Early experience with dehis-
implant plocement. Once the site hos been prepared, cence-type defects showed o tend-
Placement of multiple implonts ot the implant is pioced in the extraction ency for the material to collapse
one visit requires odequate surgical socket. It is not necessary to pretap against the implant surface. Mainte-
access. A buccal horizontal incision the site before placing the implont. nonce of the spoce adjacent to the
is made 2 to 3 mm opicol to the Once the implant hos been pioced implant is critical for clot protection
mucogingival junction and on ade- it should be evaluated for stability. An and ultimately bone grovAh. There-
quate distance distal to the extraction implant placed into on extraction fore a method to maintain space
site. This incision is mode to bone. socket must be immobile. If implant once the materiol was fixed to the
The horizontal incision is joined by a threads are exposed or part of the implant was needed. Commerciolly
vertical incison at the distal aspect of buccal or lingual plates have been pure titonium washers were manu-
the extraction socket. Using sulculor destroyed, placement of implant factured as a custom device. These
incisions, the palatal flap is extended augmentation material should be were prepared in 5-mm and 5.5-mm
from the distal aspect of the extrac- considered. The moterial is manufac- diameters. The inner diometer of the
tion site to the mesiol aspect of the tured from expanded polytef and washer is 3 mm, and they are 0.4
adjacent tooth. A veh^ical releasing consists of a loosly woven outer mm thick. The wosher extends over
incisian is made at the mesiopolotol structure ond a tightly woven inner the implant and prevents collapse of
line angle. On the distal buccal flap structure. The outer portion of the ma- the motenal against the implont once
ospect, intrasulcular incisions are ex- teriol will allow tissue integrotion, the flaps have been sutured. The mo-
tended anteriorly to the mesial aspect whereas the inner portion is occlusive terial is extended a minimum of 3 to
of the adjacent tooth A ven"ical re- ond minimizes cellular penetration. 4 mm lateral to the borders of the
leosing incision is made at the me- implont and 3 to 4 mm opicol to the
Augmentation material is placed
siobuccal line angle ond is carried exposed port of the implant. The cor-
over the implant to protect the ex-
into the vestibule by partial thickness ners of the material should be round-
posed implant threods from flap con-
dissection. This incision vyill releose ed in order to keep the edges from
nective tissue, thereby allowing bone
tension on the flop so it con be ro- perforating the flap. Once the ma-
to grow onto the exposed implant
tated over the extroction site. The terial is shaped, o rubber dam punch
buccal and polotol flaps are reflect- is used to make a small hole in the
ed to goin occess for implant place- material. The washer is placed over
ment. The extraction socket should be the implant, and the material and
debrided of granulation tissue. Var- washer are fixed to the implont with
ious straight instruments can be used the cover screw.
to explore the depth and direction of
The buccal flap from the tooth an-
the socket. In the maxillary premolar
terior to the extraction socket is re-
region the polotal root is usually cho-
laxed from the periosteum by sharp
sen as the implant site. The site is
dissection and is rotated distally. Re-
properly prepored, extending the ap-
sistance to distal pedicle plocement
ical aspect of the socket a minimum
should be relieved by sharp dissec-
of 3 to 4 mm. When the drills are
tion. The flap should be passively
removed from the site, bone lining the
placed over the extraction site and
drill flutes should be horvested with o
sutured with a combination of vertical
sterile instrument and pioced in small
and horizontal mattress sutures. There
container. This bone may be used
should be minimum suture tension on

• 10, Number 5, 1990


the flaps. This method of suturing ev- Case reports [ndsions were mode as described
erts the flap morgins. previously. After flap reflection ond
Once the flops have been sutured, The following ore reports of patients socket debridement, the site was ex-
a porfió I-thick ness Ioteroiiy posi- who were treated using the surgical amined. The buccal plate of the ex-
tioned flop is token from the odjocent techniques and methads described troction socket was inferior to the al-
tooth. The pedicle flap is used to cov- above. These potients ore port of a veolar crest, and the palatol bone
er the roof odjocent to the extraction multicenter study and the results will wos intact. The extraction socket wos
site. If anatomy or other limitotions be reported in the future. deepend 3 to 4 mm beyond the op-
preclude covering the donor site, the icol extension of the socket. A 15-
oreo con be ougmented with o soft mm stondard Brônemarf<® implant
Cose ' (Nobelphorma USA Inc) was ploced
tissue autogroft at o later date.
into the prepored site and wos im-
The potient is given appropriote An endodonticoliy treated moxiliary
mobile after implont installotion ¡Fig
posloperotive ontibiotics, onolgesics,, left first premolor hod a short root
4), On the buccal ospect eight
and instructions. The patient is seen ond was fractured at the gingivoi
threads were exposed (4.8 mm],
in 24 hours for wound inspection, and morgin (Figs 2 and 3). The tooth was
while on the palatol aspect there wos
in 1 week the sutures ore removed, considered to have o poor prognos-
o 2-mm spoce between the implont
Ideoliy, the material should remoin in is. During the treatment planning
and surrounding bone. A piece of
place for the entire heoiing period. phose of theropy it was decided to
augmentotion materiol was shaped
During the first 4 to ó weeks of heoi- remove the maxillary first premolar,
to cover the exposed threods. The
ing, the cover screw and moteriol oc- place an implant into the extraction
moteriol wos extended 4 to 5 mm
cosianolly become exposed. If there site, ond place one odditional im-
laterally and polotally beyond the
is gingival inflammation ond material plont distal to the extraction site. The
implant margins. A rubber dam
exposure, the area should be ones- patient was anesthetized ond the first
punch wos used to make o smoll
thetized and a partial-thickness flap premolor was removed.
hole in the material, after which the
should be reflected in order to re-
moteriol wos fixed to the implont v/ith
trieve the augmentation moteriol. The
the implont cover screw ¡Fig 5).
cover screw is removed and the
wosher ond material ore gently re-
The flop from the canine was ro-
moved from the underlying gronulo-
tated over the material and sutured
tion tissue. The gronulotion tissue thot
(Fig 6). The potient was given appro-
has formed beneath the material
priate onalgesics and ontibiotics. The
must not be probed or removed. The
wound was exomined for closure in
cover screw is replaced and the flaps
24 hours ond the sutures were re-
are sutured.
moved at 7 doys.
At 4 weeks a smoll area of the
cover screw became exposed. By 6
weeks the cover screw wos exposed
and the odjocent tissues were mod-
erotely inflomed (Fig 7). The patient
was onesthetized and the material
was removed ¡Fig 8), There wos o
large moss of gronulotion tissue cov-
ering the areo beneath the moterial
(Fig 9); this tissue wos not disturbed,
and the flops were sutured (Fig 10).

The Intemolionol Jojmol of Periodontics & Reîloraiive


Fig 2 Preoperaiive photograph of a

maxillary left first premolar. The crown he
been fractured at the gingival margin.

Fig 3 Preaperatwe radiograph of maxil- Fig 4 The firsf premolar has been re- Fig 5 Implant augmenlalian material
lary left first premolar moved and on implant has been placed hos been secured ta the implant with the
inta the extractian sacket Note the ab- cover screw
sence of bone aver the buccal aspect of
the implant and the wide osseous well an
the polatal implant aspect. There are
eight exposed threads.

10, Number 5, 1990


Fig 6 The flaps hove been sutured aver Fig 7 At 6 weeks the cover screw was Fig 8 A partial-thickness ftap was re-
the implant sile. Note complete soft tissue exposed. ftected in order to retrieve the augmenta-
coverage of material-augmented implant tion material

Fig 9 ¡tefti Granulation tissue was

beneath the augmentation material
This materiat must not be disturbed

Fig 10 (right! The partiat-thickness ftap

has been sutured to the adjacent tissues.

Fig 11 ¡left! At 8 months a futf-thickness

flap has been elevated, exposing the
implant. Note the bone growth over Ihe
previousty exposed implant threads. Two
threads remain expased.

Fig 12 ¡rtghtl Radiograph af restored

impfonts. Radiograph taken 14 months
atter imptant foading.

The Intemalianal Joumol of PeriodonHcs S Restoralive DertUhy


Tfie second-stage implant proce- Cc

dure was performed 8 months after
implant insertian. Canventionally Three implants were placed in the
plaeed implants in the maxillary arefi mondibular anterior region. After im-
are usually uncovered after ó months plant placement, one of the implants
of healing. Because this was a new had a 3-mm linguol bone dehis-
procedure and maximum bone for- cence [Fig 13). The defeet was 3 mm
mation was neeessary, it was decid- wide. A pieee of polytef material was
ed to waif 8 months before uneav- fitted to cover the defeet |Fig 14). The
ering tfie implant. Under loeal anes- material was punehed and fixed to
thesia, a partial-tfniekness flap v/as the implant with the cover serew. The
raised over tfie implant in the extrac- flops were sutured with a combina-
tion site. After careful implant exam- tion of horizontal and vertical matress
ination, tfie partial-thiekness flap was sutures. Postoperative healing was
stripped off tfie underlying perios- uneventful. After 5 months a radio-
teum, exposing tfie underlying bone. graph was taken [Fig 15). The im-
Tfie previously absent buccal alveo- plant hod apparently healed with the
lar plate fiad almost completely re- surrounding bone. The patient was
generated, and ó of the 8 initially ex- anesthetized and the implants were
posed implant tfireads were covered exposed with ful I-thickness mueo-
with bone. Tfiere wos a 3.6-mm in- periosteal flaps.
crease in bone heigfit [Fig 11). Al-
The augmentation material ad-
tfiough tfie widtfi of tfie adjacent al-
hered firmly to the underlying bone.
veolar n'dge was not measured, it ap-
Removal of the membrane from the
peared ta have increased.
bone was aeeomplished by shorp
The remaining implant was ex- disseetion. Inspection of the area
posed and appropriate abutment demonstrated that bone had cov-
eyiinders were plaeed. An implant- ered the previously dehisced implant
supported fixed partial denture was [Fig 1Ó). The amount of new bone at
fabncated- Radiographie and clinical the midlingual probing site was 3
evidence indicate tfiat the implant mm. Abutment cylinders were at-
placed in tfie extraetion socket as tached to the implants. The restora-
well as the distal implont were inte- tion comprised o bar and overden-
grated withi bone ¡Fig 12}. ture. The implants have been in fune-
tian for 4 months.

10, Number 5, 1990


Case 3

Implonts were placed in the mondib-

ular anterior region At the time of
plocement the alveolar crest wos
considered to be nan'ow. During the
drilling procedures, outogenous bone
was horvested from the drill flutes.
After an implant was placed in the
Fig 13 Lingual 3-mm dehiscence adja- Fig 14 Augmentation material has been right conine orea, it was noted that
cent to a mandibular implant. adjusted to caver the dehiscence and is there was a 3-mm bone dehiscence
held in place with the caver screw.
on the buccal surface of the implant
(Fig 17). A piece of augmentation
material was shoped to cover the de-
hiscence. A titanium washer and
augmentation material were fixed to
the implant with ihe cover screw (Fig
18]. Autogenous bone shovings were
packed around the exposed implant
threods, and the moterial was adopt-
ed to the adjacent bone (Figs 19 ond
20). The flops were sutured with ver-
tical and horizontol mattress sutures,
ond the postoperative course was
uneventful [Fig 21). The sutures were
removed at 7 doys. At the 5-month
second-stage implont procedure, the
ridge odjacent to the implant op-
peared to have v>^dened ¡Fig 22).

A partial-thickness flap was made

over the crest of the ridge, and buc-
cal-lingual flops were reflected. There
appeared to be a thin membrane
over the implont. This membrane was
removed in order to expose the ma-
terial. The cover screw and wosher
were removed and the membrane
was dissected from the underlying
Fig 15 Radiogroph af implant taken at Fig 16 The material has been partially bone (Figs23and24).Thebonewas
the 5-monih second-stage procedure. remaved from the adjacent bane Nate
complete bone growth over area af pre- coronal to its original position and the
vious dehiscence. adjacent ridge appeared to hove
widened ¡Fig 25). Removal of this
bone was necessary to place the
abutment cylinder (Fig 26]. Figures 27
and 28 ore the radiographs taken
before the second-stoge procedure
and öfter the abutment cylinder con-

Tiie Internotional Joumol of Penodontits & Restorative Dentistry


Fig IB (abave) Titanium washer ond

augmentation moteriol prior to placement
aver dehisced implont.

Fig 17 ¡left) After implant placemen!

there was a 3-mm labial dehiscence.

Fig 19 PlacemenI af autogenous bone Fig 20 Moterial has been adjusted to Fia 21 Flaps hove been sutured to com-
chips over exposed implant threads cover exposed threods and adjacent pletely caver implant and augmentatian
bone. material

Fig 22 Saft tissue ot 5 man&is. Note

opporent widening af ridge odjacen! to Fig 23 Exposure of moteriol at second- Fig 24 Caver screw has been remaved
the augmented implant stage procedure to expose titanium washer


Volume 10, Number 5, 1990


nectlon. The flaps were sutured and

the bone was fixed in 4% formalin
and submitted for histologie process-
ing. The implants were connected by
o tissue bar, and a mandibulor over-
denture was constructed The im-
plants have been in function for 4
Histologie evaluotion of the mo-
terial ond bone proved interesting.
Bone was present within the material
¡Fig 29}. This bone could hove oc-
tually formed within the material or
may hove adhered to the material
during the removal procedure, Evoi-
uotion of the biopsy indicated pres-
ence of woven bane, osteoblostic
formation, and osteocytes within their
lacunae (Fig 30], The bone was
stained with Dohl's coldum stoin Fig 25 Bone has grown coronal to im- Fig 26 In order lo ploce the abutment
plant Fixture head is beneath marginal cylinder il wos necessary lo remove bone
[which is specific for colcified mate- bone. adjacent lo the impiant.
riols), hemotoxylin—eosin, and Mili-
can trichrome.

Fig 28 Abutment cylinder has been

Fig 27 Radiograph prior to implant un- ploced after adjacent bone was re-
covering. Note bone level and its rela- moved. Implant restored with a bar and
tionship to the titanium washer overdenlure.

The Inrerrotionol Joumol of Periodontics S. Restorotive Dentistry


Case 4

The mandibular tight second pre-

molar had o vertical root fracture and
wos given a poor prognosis ¡Figs 31
and 32]. After administrotion ot local
anesthesia, intrasulcular buccal and
lingual incisions were made from the
mesial ospect of ihe second molar
lo the mesial aspect of the first pre-
molar. Vertical incisions were mode
at Ihe mesial aspect of the first pre-
molar and buccol and lingual flaps
were reflected. The second premolor
was removed and the socket was
cureled. The sockel was deepened,
ond a 13-mm standard Brânemark
implant was inserted in the socket (Fig
33). The implantwas immobile. Three
Fig 29 Bone adhering directly to augmentation motenal. implant threods were exposed. Be-
cause ihe lingual alveolar cresl was
superior to the buccal cresl, it was
decided lo overlay the ougmenlation
material over the implant (Fig 34¡,
The discrepancy in the linguol-buccal
cresl provided sufficient space for clot
retention. The tissue from the first pre-
molar was rotated distally and su-
tured over the implant (Fig 35j. A por-
lial thickness pedicle flap was taken
from the faciol aspect of the canine
and rotated lo the focial aspect of
the first premolor. The pedicle flap
was held in place with 4-0 silk ond
Dexon sulures. At ó weeks ihe im-
plont and augmentation material re-
mained completely covered by soft
tissue |Fig 36j. The secand-stoge im-
plant procedure will be completed
after 5 months of heoling.

Fig 30 Biopsy of bane removed from

coronal and lateral aspects af implant
Note woven bone witfi osteobiostic activi-
ty and osteocyles wilhin their tacunae.

Volume to. Number 5, 1990


Fig 31 Radiograph of the mandibular Fig 32 Nate vertical root fracture on la- Fig 33 A l3-ni:-:i Sianemarl. impiuril tios
right second premolar suspected af hav- bial aspect af the mandibular right sec- been inserted into the extractian sacket.
ing a raat fracture. ond premolar

Fig 34 The materiol has been averlayed Fig 35 The buccal flap from the first Fig 36 Note complete soft tissue heating
onto the implant. premolar has been rotated distally and over the augmented implant This implant
sutured over the Implant with vertical mot- will be uncovered after 5 rnanths of heal-
tress sutures. A partial thickness pedicle ing
flap was taken from the canine ond
rotated to the first premolor.

nal ot Penodontics & Reslorotive Denlislry


Discussion and Summary Titonium woshers were used to cre-

ate and maintain space between im- Refe
This report applied the principle of plants and augmentation material.
guided tissue regeneration to im- The titonium woshers are eosy to use, 1. Nyman 5, Lindhe J, Komng T, Rylarder
plonts placed into extraction sockets ore retreivoble, and offer a simple H' New attachment following surgical
treatment of human periodontal dis-
and for the treatment of implant de- method for maintaining space adja- eose. J Clin Periodontai i 982;9:2óO.
hiscences. The purpose of this report cent to a materia I-augmented im- 2. Gottlow J, Nymon S, Korring T, Lindhe
was to present surgicol techniques for plont. The woshers ore not reused. A J: New ottochment formation as o re-
sult of controlled tissue regeneration.
enhoncing bone regeneration after biopsy of bone adjacent to a ma- J Gin Penadonton9eA•.^^ 494.
implant placement. A surgical tech- terial-augmented implant provides 3. Gottlow J, Nyman S, Lindhe J, Korring
T, Wennstrom J: New attochment for-
nique is described that offers the pos- evidence of new bone formotion. mation in the humon perodontium by
sibility for ottoining flop coverage These case reports hove demon- guided tissue regeneration: Cose re-
ports. J din Penadantan9^6,\Z:60A
over implonts which have been strated that the principle of guided 4. Becker W, Becker BE, Prichord J, Caf-
placed in extraction sockets and tissue regenerotion may have impor- lesse R, Rosenberg E, Gion-Grosso J:
augmented with polytef moteriol. tont applications to implant dentistry. Root isolation for new ottachment pro-
cedures: A surgical ond suturing meth-
In order to reduce the possibility od: Three cose reports J Periodontol
of postoperative infection and in-
Ackn owledg ment 5 Becker W, Becker BE, Berg L, Prichard
flammation, it may be importont to J, Caffesse R, Rosenberg E: New at-
The authors wish to thank Drs Leonard Tib- tachment öfter treotment with root iso-
attain complete flap closure after im- betts and Ulf Lekholm for their help with the lation procedures: Report for treated
plant placement. Ideally, the surgicol preparation of this poper. Closs III ond Closs II furcations ond
sites should remain covered until the verticol osseous defects, int J Periodont
Rest Dent •\988-,8{2]:9
second-stage implant procedure. If 6. Dohlin C, Linde A, Gottlow J, Nymon
the moterial becomes exposed dur- S: Healing of bone defects of guided
tissue regenerotion J Piast Reconstr
ing healing, it should be removed be-
Surg ^98%8^\ .672.
tween 4 ond 6 weeks. There have 7. Oahlin C, Sennerby L, Lekholm U,
been cose reports on the use of aug- Linde A, Nyman S: Generotion of new
bone oround titanium implonts using a
mentation material to cover implants membrane technique: An experimental
placed in extroction sites. Lozzora' study in robbits. Int J Orai Maxiliafac
left the materiol exposed for 4 to 6
8. Becker W, Becker BE, Ochsenbein C,
weeks. The materiol was stabilized by Hondelsmon M, Langer B: Bone for-
placing sutures across the material. motion ot dehisced dental implont sites
treated with implont ougmentation mo-
The sutures were onchored in the terial: a pilot study in dogs Int J Peri-
buccal ond polatol flops. Nymon et odont Rest Dent 1990; 10:93.

ol'° reported complete healing after 9. Lozzoro RJ: Immediote implont ploce-
ment into extroction sites: Surgicol ond
placement of moterial over on im- restorative odvontoges Int J Periodont
plant that was pioced into an ex- Rest Dent ]9B9,9:333.
10. Nyman S, Long NP, Buser D, Brogge
traction socket. Soft tissue coverage Ü: Bone regenerotion odjocent to ti-
of the material was maintained for tanium dentol implants using guided
tissue regeneration: A report of two
the 6-month healing period.
coses int J Oral Maxiilofac implants
] 990,5:9.
We feel that, where possible, the
moteriol should be fixed to the im-
plont. This facilitates flop closure by
immobilizing the moterial and may
prevent moterial displacement during
suturing. These factors may minimize
soft tissue inflammation during heol-

Volume 10, Number 5, 1990

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