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Quality Control Theory

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This paper is founded on Quality Control. This is an imperative part of the economic world.

Virtually all corporations, firms, and business utilize some form of Quality Control to make sure

that their commodities are of high quality. The paper touches on the various fields that Quality

Control is utilized and how every zone puts their Quality Control preparation into effect. Further,

it also touches on why Quality Control is crucial and how it impacts companies that have Quality

Control practices in place.


Statistical Process Control

There are several things that ought to be taken into account when starting a new business and

ensuring that all its operations runs smoothly. One of those things would be quantity and

inventory although Quality is among the top issues that must be considered. Quality is essential

when it comes to attempting to sell merchandise to customers. While bearing in mind quality,

there is a level of upkeep that assists the corporate which is known as Quality control theory. It is

vital throughout the corporation.

Quality control is intended to guarantee that measures conform with specific criteria and meet

the requirements of those principles. Moreover, quality assurance and quality control share some

of the same problems. The only discrepancy is that quality assurance is intended to guarantee the

measures completed comply to precise principles before the process is carried out (Ross, 2017).

Quality control ensures that the process meets certain criteria before the work is finalized. It is

crucial for manufacturing and services company to remain at the top level of quality in their

commodities. This is achieved by employing the most vital statistical methodology known as

Statistical Process Control.

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Statistical process control can be defined as an industry-standard procedure for controlling and

computing quality during the manufacturing progression. SPC aids corporations to remain on top

of its level of quality for the merchandises being traded to customers. It enables the firm to keep

track of what is working for clients and what is not working for them to by some means to

upsurge production (Burr, 2018). When the clients are pleased and satisfied, thus it enables the

organization to make a more stable, higher profit since they are generating and maintaining long

term customers.

Statistical process control also performs numerous operations to assist the corporation by

creating and monitoring standards, taking corrective action, and making measurements as a good

or service is being produced. It permits the organization to assess the appropriate time to seek a

different technique or make some minor/major alterations within their system of quality (Mittag,

2018). Monitoring the Statistical Process Control is essential because quality has a direct

relationship to the revenue from the commodities. SPC also take into account the assignable

causes and natural discrepancies.

Variation and Assignable Causes.

The resolution of control charts is to differentiate amongst natural discrepancies and

discrepancies due to transferrable causes and then see how they are connected in keeping the

firm’s quality developing. Discrepancies are crucial to statistical process control charts since it

shows whether a process is working properly. On the chart, the disparities indicate when the

points are out of control and if the points of disparities are big enough when it is out of control,

then the discrepancies are assignable or non-natural (Peres, 2018). The two kinds are

referred to as a common cause variation, and the special cause variation. The common cause

disparity is fundamental to the statistical process control and will always be presented. On the

other hand, the special cause discrepancy originates from outside sources and shows that the

procedure is out of statistical control in which various test can assist in determining which sort of

event has happened.

Total Quality Management (TQM)


Not only does business people require to be able to use the table, graphs, and charts to monitor

how the quality of commodities are going every month, but they also need to acquire feedback

from their customers. To obtain feedback from clients, using total quality management (TQM)

makes gaining and monitoring negative and positive effects of the quality within the

organization. TQM refers to a quality prominence that includes the overall company from dealer

to consumer (Kiran, 2016). Meeting the client’s expectations necessitates an importance on total

quality management if the corporation is to compete as a leader in the international market.

Utilizing Statistical Process Control

Understanding how to utilize the Statistical Process Control is fundamental after taking into

account what a SPC is, what it does and looking at the discrepancies that can be produced along

with the total quality management. In addition, information gathering and planning requires to be

managed first before one can even consider using the SPC chart (Burr, 2018). The statistical

examination should be suitable for the information to be gathered. To ensure information is

fitting, there are stages that should be observed to assure data is collected properly.

The first step involves planning and recognizing the issue and probable causes. The next stage

entails to make alterations intended to correct or enhance the situation. Thirdly, this step

encompasses to examine the effects of the alterations in the condition. Throughout this phase,

utilizing the control chart will reveal the effects of alterations over time. The final step involves

to act on the circumstance. As a consequence, if the outcome is good then keep the alterations

and attempt to work on enhancement for the upcoming issue. Conversely, if the result is adverse,

then the firm needs to explore other means to change the progression and figure out what went


Quality Control Theory

The quality control theory of how customer’s age is the outcome based on aging is a reduction.

The cell genetics is premeditated to last a life time. There numerous theories regarding the cell

system. Moreover, there are also a few things that could influence the manner in which a person

age. There are also medications that triggers certain cells to aid with the effect of aging skin.

Furthermore, some medicines target cells and either assist with aging or influence aging. Control

limits are based on the ability of the process. Several limits are defined by what the consumer is


Real World Examples

There are numerous areas in which SPC quality control or Statistical Process Control theory is

utilized. It is among the quality control theories that have been in use for an extensive period of

time in the world. It has been utilized in corporate world, military, police and even individual

life. SPC is utilized as a technique to measure and control the quality of the commodities and

monitoring the industrial progression to find parts that can be enhanced upon when utilized in a

corporate setting (Mittag, 2018). Additionally, in a modest form, Statistical Process Control is

utilized as manner of assessment that aids the person or the group monitor and control the

situation to acquire the anticipated result. There are constant opportunities to make the procedure

better and effective as SPC is endlessly monitoring information for every aspect of the process.

In the military, Statistical process control Shewhart u-charts were created for 49 US Army

installations using quarterly injury medical encounter rates, 2007–2015, for active duty soldiers

obtained from the Defense Medical Surveillance System. Injuries were defined according to

established military injury surveillance recommendations. Charts display control limits three

standard deviations (SDs) above and below an installation-specific historical average rate

determined using 28 data points, 2007–2013. Charts are available in Army strategic management

dashboards. The results obtained from 2007 to 2015, Army injury rates ranged from 1254 to

1494 unique injuries per 1000 person-years. Installation injury rates ranged from 610 to 2312

injuries per 1000 person-years. Control charts identified four installations with injury rates

exceeding the upper control limits at least once during 2014–2015, rates at three installations

exceeded the lower control limit at least once and 42 installations had rates that fluctuated

around the historical mean.

Another example of utilization of SPC is the business world where it can be used to show the

performance of a certain company as shown in the table below. The existing SPC chart provides

data on those accidents that could be prevented by the corporation and accidents that could not be

avoided. The firm ought to work out solutions for accidents that could have been prevented by the


Table 1
Average Wait
Mont Company Non-
Accidents - 2016 time for Lost Revenue
h Preventable Preventable
18 JAN 6 12 17.23 45,000
7 FEB 2 5 10.05 12,000
18 MAR 10 8 16.82 130,000
13 APR 7 6 9.21 57,000
13 MAY 6 7 12.77 69,000
9 JUN 3 6 8.02 75,000
6 JUL 3 3 15.28 44,000
14 AUG 9 5 19.44 180,000
19 SEP 8 11 9.73 15,000
14 OCT 6 8 13.92 61,000
19 NOV 7 12 16.54 170,000
13 DEC 4 9 15.04 80,000

Accident Chart

Accidents 2015

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Existing Examples

There numerous various examples concerning how and where the Statistical Process Control

quality control theory is applied in everyday activities. Subsequently SPC is utilized to track

quality which could imply the quality of the commodity or the quality of a process. In the

assembly line, SPC would monitor the waste from the line, every part of the assembly, the

amount of time inspection and assembly per merchandise and then the commodity itself. In the

modern world, individuals are very much conscious of the amount of waste that they generate

and put out. Tracking the waste output makes it easier to realize where the amount of the waste

from the procedure can be decreased and thus, the organization can recycle the unused product or

reuse some of the materials (Burr, 2018). In corporate setting, a cattle farm operation is a good

example of Statistical Process Control. Here, it becomes possible to monitor the breeds of cattle

that are the most required and have the best revenue margins. In addition, one must also look at

the fodder for the cattle if they are not utterly fed from grazing, and then select fodder that is of

best quality and most profitable. Every aspect of these affects the price and alters the quality of

the overall product.

Past Examples

Statistical Process Control was also used during the initial process of Henry Ford cars

production. It was constantly utilized to find out new and improved ways to manufacture the cars

and also how to make a better-quality car. The Statistical Process Control was a critical tool to

figure out the appropriate method to produce this new development since production of cars was

a new process that had no prior research behind it.




Burr, I. W. (2018). Statistical quality control methods. Routledge.

Kiran, D. R. (2016). Total quality management: Key concepts and case studies. Butterworth-


Mittag, H. J. (2018). Statistical methods of quality assurance. Routledge.

Mitra, A. (2016). Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley & Sons.

Peres, F. A. P., & Fogliatto, F. S. (2018). Variable selection methods in multivariate statistical

process control: A systematic literature review. Computers & Industrial

Engineering, 115, 603-619.

Ross, J. E. (2017). Total quality management: Text, cases, and readings. Routledge.

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