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© 2015, All Rights Reserved First edition by Bobby Rio (TSB Magazine, LLC)
and Rob Judge (Date Hotter Girls, LLC) © 2015, All Right Reserved
n this transcript you’ll see how a “typical” Tinder interaction usually unfolds.
I picked this interaction in particular because it demonstrates the principles
from Steps 6-10 in the 10 Step Tinder Solution in action. Moreover, it’s a nice
balance of “normal” conversation spiked with some emotional high points.

Since this is a longer interaction, notice how I’m always keeping the mo-
mentum moving forward. Even when we hit some friction (e.g., the obvi-
ous yellow light response on page 8), the conversation doesn’t derail or fiz-
zle. Also, some of her responses early on seem to imply low interest. Rather
than get hung up on it, I just keep things moving toward the end goal: a date.

Another funny thing you’ll probably notice is when she accuses me of a pro-
file that “lacks profile diversity.” This interaction actually goes back to when I
was still experimenting with different secondary picture line-ups. While wom-
en don’t give helpful “dating advice,” in this case, she hit the nail on the head!

Finally, most of all, notice how I’m reading the subtext of the interac-
tion and “giving her what she needs” to feel comfortable to meet me
for a date. Examine her responses closely and see if you can “read be-
tween the lines.” Then, notice how my responses fit that need accordingly.

While this isn’t license to be a chump and just tell women what you think they want
to hear, it does demonstrate how to give women what they NEED to hear. Every
woman will need to feel certain emotions before she’ll meet a guy off a mobile dat-
ing app in real life. Some women need to feel more trust. Other women need to feel
more attraction. While other women still will need to feel something else entirely.

Part of the fun of interacting with women is trying to uncover the emotions
she seems to respond to most. Not only will that help you steer the conversa-
tion in the right direction, it will also tell you a lot about her personality. While
it may sound like a “tactic” (and, in some ways, it absolutely is), it’s also a
great social skill that will help you become a more likable person in general.

So, here’s your baseline. This conversation is more or less what you
should expect from most of your mobile dating interactions. Obvi-
ously you’ll quickly see that some interactions escalate faster, where-
as others may take more time. However, this presents a nice “me-
dian” case study to set the stage for the other volumes of this series.

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