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 Communication is defined as the process of exchanging ideas,

thoughts and feelings from one person to another with the use of
either verbal or non verbal symbols

 Latin word “communicare ”

- which means to make common

1. SENDER - source of the message
2. RECIEVER - refers to the one who gets the message from the
sender and who converts the ideas forwarded through the
decoding process
3. MESSAGE - idea or thought which conveys meaning given by
the sender to the receiver
4. CHANNEL - the means or medium in the communication
process either verbal or non-verbal in nature
5. POINT OF COMMONALITY - the common language the
communicators share in order for them to understand each other
6. FEEDBACK - determines the success of the communication
- the response or reply of the receiver to the
message sent by the sender

LANGUAGE plays an important role in the communication process. As

mentioned earlier, without language, there is no communication.
Language is the basic tool in the communication process, that without it,
communication never takes place.

4 stages in learning the language

1. Observation stage -
2. Imitation stage - process of listening o hearing
3. Analyzation - process of understanding/ able to associate
4. Formal education -

Oral -use of audible symbols

Written - using different symbols when talking someone

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