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(A million dreams - Background music)

JOY (Narrator):

Have you ever wonder what are the struggles of a student behind their success? What are
their sacrifices in pursuing their dreams? What are the reasons behind those? In this story, we
will learn what are those, and what will happen if you study hard and pursue your dreams.

(Place: School)

RONNIE (Narrator):

Cavite State University is one of the famous prestigious state universities in our country. In
this university, there is a student named Mary, first year taking up degree in Bachelor of
Science in Office Administration.
(Main character enters)
She was excited in attending her first day in school, she looks so happy.
(Ms. Steph enters the room)
(Background music stop)

Teacher: Good morning class

Class: Good morning mam
Teacher: My name is Ms. Steph De Castro, you can call me Ms. Steph, our subject for today
is Stenography, do you have an idea what steno is?
(Everyone look confuse)
(The teacher teach students about steno)
Teacher: That’s all for now, see you later.
(A million Dreams - Background Music)

(Place: Mary’s House)

(Main character look anxious)

RONNIE (Narrator):
Mary is so anxious; she was challenged about the fact that Stenography is her major subject.
She started to put her efforts to learn steno. As time passes, it becomes more challenging.
(Mary started to have sleepless nights)
(She wakes at 3am and review about stenography)

(Background music stop)

JOY (Narrator): After 2 months

(Place: School)
Teacher: We will have a midterm examination today.
(Mary look so nervous; she was not prepared for this)
(The teacher gives examination)
(A million Dreams - Background Music)

RONNIE (Narrator):
As more time passes by, Mary still make a lot of sacrifices.

(Background music stop)

JOY (Narrator): After a month

(Place: School)
Teacher: Good morning class, we will do some readings today.
(Everyone looks nervous)
Teacher: Ms. Jen, please read lesson 29.
(Jen couldn’t read the paragraph)
(Fight song - Background Music)
Teacher: Ms. Mary please help Ms. Jen, kindly read lesson 29.
(Mary stood up and read aloud)

(Place: Mary’s house)

(Someone knocks on the door and calls Mary’s name)
Jen: Mary! Mary!
(Mary opens the door)
Mary: Oh! Look who’s here! Hi Jen!
Jen: Hello there! Let’s hang out!
Mary: Oh, I’m sorry.
(Mary realizes that she need to practice reading stenography and she needs to transcribe
lessons and she needs to pass it)
Mary: I can’t, I have a lot to do, I need to read and write shorthand.
Jen: That’s fine, hope to hang out next time.
(Mary realizes that she needs to make sacrifices for her dreams)

(A million dreams - Background Music)

JOY (Narrator): After 4 years
RONNIE (Narrator): After 4 years of hard work, sacrifices and patience, Mary graduated as
cum laude.
(Mary looks happy and teary eyed)
JOY (Narrator): Right after she graduated, she was called in to work in a big company named
Steone Corporation (Steno One Corporation). After getting hired she started to work as a
rookie, as a stenographer.
(Mary started to transcribe)

RONNIE (Narrator): After 6 months, she was recognized as “Best employee of the year” and
got promoted.

(Mary sat on a bench and think)

JOY (Narrator):
All her sacrifices and hard works during school days was all worth it. She is starting to harvest
all the fruits that she planted during those hard times.


Lesson Learned:
Don’t count your sacrifices and hard works just continue to pursue your dream because
someday, you will witness how those sacrifices makes you into a success full person, a best
version of yourself.

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