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Name______________________________ Date _________

Animal Body Parts Animals have important body parts

that help them to survive. Dolphins have
fins that help them to swim. Polar
bears have
thick fur to keep them warm in the cold
and icy temperatures. Elephants have
trunks that they use to pick up food.
Their trunks are super long! Beavers
have long teeth to cut tree branches.
Beavers like to live in groups with other
beavers. Woodpeckers have sharp beaks
to peck wood. They make a noise while
they peck. Gorillas use their feet to climb trees and to pick up
food. The different body parts of animals allow them to live in
different places around the world and it helps them to survive.
1. What is the main idea?


2. Write two key details that support the
main idea.





3. Draw a picture.
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