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Tyrah Urie

Philosophy of Education

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” 
― Phil Collins
This quote strongly describes my belief as a teacher. One of my main goals as a teacher is
to not only teach my students to become as successful children, adults and humans as possible
but to learn from them to become a successful teacher and human being. My classroom will be
one that is supportive, open/diverse, respectful, caring, and encouraging when it comes to
creating the best possible environment for the children to explore, experience, learn and feel
most confident.
Experiencing the child grow and mature, developing new skills along the way is just as
crucial as seeing them at the beginning stage. I expect that there may be just as many challenges
as successes, but having ability the to support all of my students through those obstacles is what
will promote the best potential for growth and development.
I believe in positive guidance in my classroom. I have experienced that positive guidance
allows a child to build a positive self image which helps them develop, self regulation, and skills.
I believe that at a preschool age it is important for my students to develop their own regulation
skills in a structured positive environment. It is a teachers responsibility t provide that external
environment so children can feel safe enough to internalize those lessons. My view is that it is
not our job as teachers to eliminate all conflict, anger, and disappointment, from children’s lives
but to teach them how to appropriately deal with the circumstances and their strong emotions.
I know that everyday will come with both positive and negative situations, and how I
chose to react and teach through the situation is what will make me a successful teacher.
Everyday is a time for not only the children to grow but for myself. Knowing what resources are
available inside/out of the classroom and using my collaboration techniques with other
staff/faculty will further support me and my students in the classroom
From being African American, adopted into an all white family/town I grew up to learn
that without diversity, children lose several opportunities to learn new things. Whether it be race,
culture, beliefs, religion, views or knowledge, my classroom will be open to sharing all
differences and similarities as one. I as a teacher will be open to all, new and old approaches to
teaching and learning that will be in the best interest and support for each individual child.
Family involvement is pivotal in a classroom. I strive to create close relationships not
only with my students, but with their families as well. I strongly support that understanding
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory can help aid in building positive healthy
relationships with the child’s family, which in turn I believe is a substantial pathway in
supporting children and their families in the child’s success.
I believe that there are two P’s that are key in the classroom. The ability to be patient and
pliable are required to be a classroom teacher of any age. As teachers, we should be patient and
flexible in understanding that all children, learn and develop at their own pace. It is not our job to
speed up their learning process and force them along, but to support them in providing
accommodations, modifications, alternative approaches and differentiated instruction.
Children learn through a variety of methods including books, pencil and paper, and
through play. I believe that a large portion of children’s social/emotional, physical, cognitive,
and literacy areas in education in the classroom develop best through play. When students are
able to explore and experience real life experiences through play based learning, it can have just
as big of an impact on them in learning growth in these areas as book based learning might.
I believe preschool is a pivotal start in student’s educational experience as it provides the
first foundational experience for students. A preschool student develops their first understandings
of what learning is like and what education has to offer them. It is the preschool experience that
helps provide a positive outlook on education, and I strive to provide that for my students.

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