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The game is named for Badminton, the country estate of the dukes of Beaufort in Gloucestershire,
England, where it was first played about 1873. The roots of the sport can be traced to ancient Greece,
China, and India, and it is closely related to the old children’s game battledore and shuttlecock.
Badminton is derived directly from Poona, which was played by British army officers stationed in India in
the 1860s.

Badminton can be played indoor and outdoor but mostly indoor because of weather condition.
Badminton can be played in single and double, it can be mix double also.

The goal of this game is to get 21 points first

Lesson 5

The aim of badminton is to hit the shuttle with your racket so that it passes over the net and lands
inside your opponent’s half of the court. Whenever you do this, you have won a rally; win enough
rallies, and you win the match.
Your opponent has the same goal. He will try to reach the shuttle and send it back into your half of
the court. You can also win rallies from your opponent’s mistakes: if he hits the shuttle into or under
the net, or out of court, then you win the rally.

In serving dapat alam niyo yung odd and even. Basically kapag sinsabi natin even 0,2,4,6 and so on
while odd numbers 1,3,5,7 and so on. Why should a player know this point. It is because of the
serving pattern. So in starting a game the serving player stay on the right side of the court which is
the even number spot.

To start a game. To know who will serve first thw umpire will ask both player via toss coin.

Base on the figure where should the first seever stand if he/she will serve first

Serving is how you start the rally: someone has to hit the shuttle first! To prevent the server gaining
an overwhelming advantage, there are special restrictions placed on serving that don’t apply during
the rest of the rally.

There are four types of badminton serve. BUT before we proceed watch this video first to have idea
In badminton, the serve must be hit in an upwards direction, with an underarm hitting action. You are
not allowed to play a tennis style serve.
The main rule here is that when you hit the shuttle, it must be below your waist. To be exact, the
rules define this to be a height level with the lowest part of your ribcage. In other words, you can
serve from a bit higher than the top of your shorts, but not much.

High serve uses to move your opponent tonthe to the back of his/grr side of the court. Ang purpose
neto para hindi siya madalong makapg smash kasi kapag nasa likod ka at mataas yung bigah ng
shuttle mahirapan mong tamana yun

Low serve to make your opponent have to get under thw shuttle. Ang purpose naman netonpara
pagbalik sayo ng shuttle ay parang yung sinasbai nila pa rainbow para makapg smash ka

Next for the Pros naman ito. Flick serve is used to comfuse your opponent. Amg purpose neto
lilituhim mo siya kung low or high serve ang gagamtin mo

While drive serve is where you hit the shuttle low but fast. Wala sigang pinagkaiba sa low serve yun
nga lang mabilis ang drcie serve

Basically it is the way to retrieve certain shots from your opponent and gaya ng sinaabi niyo to avoid
injury, to cover wide angles and smoothly movement


Basically there’re 3 types of badminton stances, They are:

Attacking Stance Defensive Stance Net Stance

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