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MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design


STUDENT ID:00274745T
WORD COUNT: 2700 words

Table of Contents

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................4

Create and document a Context Diagram for the System................................................................4

Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7

Task 3...............................................................................................................................................9

Task 4.............................................................................................................................................13

Task 5.............................................................................................................................................14

Task 6.............................................................................................................................................16

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Reference List................................................................................................................................22


MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

In the respective report, the enrolment system for a College will be demonstrated, the
enrolment system is an infrastructure which will help in managing the large amount of students
and their way of enlisting into the college and also project manager, time table officer will be
able to handle the records of the students successfully. In case of enrolment system, the
expectations of the students are not only confined to customized service but also speed service
which will enable them to maintain their records as well it will help them in connecting to the
college authorities to get updates regarding their class timetables, and submission and updating
details of their projects they are handling. In a overall basis this systematic operation will create
credibility for both parties.

The college that has been taken into consideration is the ABC university, established in
the year 2013 in Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. It has an overall student of 50, 000
consisting all the four branches. The report will thus emphasize the enrolment system by the help
of UML diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Context diagram to understand the
synchronising of the tasks done while enlisting a student.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Task 1.

Create and document a Context Diagram for the System.

Setting outline of student enlistment framework for the University of ABCU is appear
as underneath. It contains diverse data with respect to enlistment and substances. Here one side
of it secured with the understudies (New or existing understudies) and the opposite side is
secured with the University staff and different partners of University.

Figure 1: The Context diagram of ABC university

Using the context diagram leads to the high level understanding of the enrolment
system. It helps in synchronising the activities according to the entities in the system (Cowen &
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Creed, (2017). The ABCU enrolment system will have four major entities and their work related
to the enlistment which will be represented through a table, they are as follows:

Entities Activities
Student They can deliver their reports, submit projects
View as well see the updated timings of
classes and file submissions
They can pay their university fees through
online procedures
Enrolment manager They analyse the reports and tasks of the
enrolment and timetable manager
Courses and their fees structure are updated
by director
Subject changes and enlisting the degrees and
their respective credentials that are given for
the better understanding of the students
6 Timetable manager Timetables are created by the officer for the
student to view
Make update in the timetable as per change of
Addition, deletion of timetable as well as
students who have dropped out
Main Director The task of main director is similar to the
enrolment manager, the difference is the main
director checks and analyses the work of the
other manager and deliver subjective reports.
They analyse the reports and tasks of the
enrolment and timetable manager
Courses and their fees structure are updated
by director
Subject changes and enlisting the degrees and
their respective credentials that are given for
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

the better understanding of the students

Table: Explaining the entities in the ABCU enrolment system

(Source: Created by the learner)

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Task 2.
Create and document a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The Level 0 DFD should
contain all the major high-level processes of the System and how these processes are

The maintaining of timetable is mainly done as the initial step to elaborate the student
credentials and their records, the course and the enrol tab shows a single level process, which
clarifies the relationship among the various entities (Williams & Hennebry, (2016).). Wide
variety of students searching the system, will be able to add, delete and modify their timetable,
students can access the timing from the timetable manager, and the course details from the main
manager. Zero level DFD explains the high flow of the levels and the maintenance in the
enrolment system.

On the contrary side students are similarly huge portion of this selection structure.
Thus, they are moreover dependable while preparing programming for them. Programming
should be straightforward as it noteworthy for straightforwardness in the enrolment system.
Selection is set reliant on criteria. At the point when the student picks and enrolled into his/her
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

subjects consequent stage approach is portion. Student should pay their costs through the incited
portion door as it is ensured and secure portion entry. At the point when this strategy is done
receipt of his/her portion and selection for the subject is asserted in the allocated subject and

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Task 3.
Select three major and non-trivial processes from Level 0 DFD, decompose each of the processes
into a more explicit Level 1 DFD.

Here in this errand, data flow diagrams for online enlistment entry is portrayed in each
procedure. Past graph is appeared in the general of each term yet level 1 DFD is indicated for
every substance and partners

Here, next graphs are portrayed for Students, Enrolment Officer and Program Director.


Figure 3: Level 1 DFD for student done in Lucid chart

As we depicted before students are key partner for our venture of enlistment.
Understudies have their sign in id to get to the understudy gateway. Understudies can get to the
data about subject and course from their subject databases. In the wake of counselling with
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

speaker and course facilitator they can pick their subject for the trimester. When enlistment has
been done, they need to make instalment for the subjects before enumeration date to stay in the
subject or course. During this they can likewise change their subject's choice. Officials
previously made standards and guidelines for enlistment, so no contention ascend in the choice


Figure 4: Level 1 DFD for enlistment officer done in Lucid chart

Enlistment official or enrolment manager is the individual who ensure the subjects and
its accessibility in the understudy's entrance. Information of this all subjects and courses is put
away in the information stockpiling framework. He/she administers subjects for example,
Enrolment official take choice of the subject’s course, they are additionally qualified to include,
alter or expel the subject from the course according to prerequisites.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design


Figure 5: Level 1 DFD for Program Chief/Director done in Lucid chart

Program chief is situated at the top-level administration who is dealing with every
one of the courses and subjects and related quarries. That individual chooses the course and
related subjects include, alter substance or erase subjects in the course. Pre-imperatives for
understudies are likewise chosen by Program chief, so understudies must completion those
subjects before beginning different subjects.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design


Diagram for student course enlistment

This is the level 1 DFD of the timetable procedure. The procedure is partitioned into
three procedures. All procedures happen in a steady progression. The database is put away and
taken from the database and it is in effect unmistakably obvious in the level 1 DFD. Enlist and
Timetable databases have a place with the timetable procedure (Bahr & Christensen, (2015).).
Timetabling Officer and Student outer elements have a place with a similar procedure. Every one
of the exercises identified with timetable have a place with this procedure.

Task 4.
Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the
information provided in the case study: (i) Identify all the entities and their relationships in
the System (ii) Create and document an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Elements are generally significant into the graph as it makes each procedure
straightforward with their significance and association with different substances. Here in the
accompanying framework elements are recognized and depicted.


Figure 6: the entity relationship diagram for the enrolment system

The entities in the Student Enrolment system are as follows:

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

“Enrolment entity: Enrolled Student_id, course_id, course_fees”

“Student Entity: Student University_id, Student_name, student_email, student_address(contact


“Course Entity: Course_id, Course_name”

“Subject Entity: Subject_code,subject_id”

(Source: Created by the learner)

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Task 5.
Should data be stored in files in a file system or in a database for the System? Justify your

There are two types of procedures in which files can be stored that is in a file system or
by creating a database.

Advantages of the File framework:

 Execution can be superior to doing it in db. To legitimize this storing enormous records
in database then it might hinder the presentation in light of the fact that a basic inquiry to
recover the rundown of documents or filename will likewise stack the record information
on the off chance that you utilized Select * in your question. While Files framework
getting to a record is very straightforward and light weight (Jacob & Jose, (2016,
 Sparing the records and downloading them in the document framework is a lot more
16 straightforward than database since a basic Save as capacity will enable you to out.
 Savvy as It is Economical in the vast majority of the cases to grow your web server as
opposed to paying for specific Databases.
 Simple to move it to Cloud stockpiling like Amazon S3 or CDNs and so on later on.

Cons of the File framework:

 Inexactly pressed. No ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) tasks social

mapping which mean there is no assurance.
 Low Security. Since your documents can be spared in an organizer where you ought to
have given compose consents, it is inclined to security issues and welcomes
inconveniences like hacking. So it is ideal to abstain from sparing in fs in the event that
you can't bear to bargain regarding security.
 It is mostly preferable by On the off chance that your application is at risk to deal with
Large documents of size more than 5MB and the gigantic number say a large number of
record transfers. On the off chance that your application can arrive you incandescently
happy, I mean your application will have countless clients.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

 Most ideal approach to do: Though File System accompanies some expense and certain
cons, A great Internal Folder Structure and picking an organizer area which might be a
little hard to access by others.

Advantages of Database:

 Corrosive consistency which incorporates a rollback of an update that is convoluted when

the documents are put away outside the database.
 Records will be in a state of harmony with the database so can't be stranded from it which
gives you a high ground in following exchanges.
 Reinforcements consequently incorporate document doubles.
 More Secure than sparing in a File System.

Disadvantages of Database:

 A need to change over the documents to mass so as to store it in db.

17  Database Backups will turn out to be progressively strong and overwhelming.

 Memory ineffectual. To include more, frequently RDBMS's are RAM driven. So all
information needs to go to RAM first. Better believe it, the truth is out. Had you at any
point considered what happens when a RDBMS needs to discover and sort information?
RDBMS tracks every datum page even most reduced measure of information
read/composed, and it needs to follow if it's in memory or if it's on circle if it's ordered or
arranged physically and so on.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Task 6.
Translate the ERD you developed in Task 4 into a physical relational database design.
Document database tables and their relationship in MSWord file. Normalise your database
design to the Third Normal Form (3NF).

Database normalisation, or only standardization regularly which is commonly known as a

technique to synchronise information demonstrating or creating database, where arrange
information is done in tabular form so it very well may be included and refreshed productively.
The normalisation activity is generally done by managers of the particular system.

The above given ERD diagram explores the student enrolling system, which comes
with student id, university id and contact details. The normalisation explains every single details
of the student and projects it in third normal form

Student table can have various traits, for example, understudy id subject name,
18 subject code, subject course. Understudy id for this substance is an essential key segment and
courses id is considered as an outside key.

Figure 7: example student information

This table monitors a couple of snippets of data:

 “The student names”

 The fees student must pay
 Classes that are taken by the student, assuming any
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

The table which has been depicted is not a standard one, as it has many issues still remaining.
Third ordinary structure is the last phase of the most widely recognized standardization process.
The standard for this is:

 Satisfies necessities of “Second normal form” OR “2NF”

 It has less transitive useful reliance

The transitive practical reliance implies that each property that isn't the essential key must rely
upon the essential key and the essential key as it were.

For instance:

Section A decides segment B

Section B decides segment C

Accordingly, segment A decides C

This implies section A decides segment B which decides segment C. As a transitive useful
reliance, ought to be expelled. Segment C ought to be in a different table.

“Student ID, course ID, Student name, charges paid, date of birth, address”, it must be analysed
that any of the non-essential key fields rely upon an option that is other than the essential key. It
came as a result that none of them relies on any one (Harrison & Chen, (2015, March).
Notwithstanding, in the event that we take a gander at the location, something intriguing can be
seen, they are given below:


“3 Main Street, North Boston 56125”

“16 Leeds Road, South Boston 56128”

“21 Arrow Street, South Boston 56128”

“14 Milk Lane, South Boston 56128”

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

It will be observed a connectivity in the postal code and city. The most relevant
process in depicting addresses, and you may have seen this in the event that you have rounded
out any structures for addresses online as of late.

The ZIP code, or postal code, decides the city, state. For similar kind of situation,
“56128 is South Boston, and 56125 is North Boston”. It can be considered as an example
referenced before: “A decides B which decides C. Student decides location ZIP code as it
decides the particular place”. The table will now resemble this:

(“Student ID, course ID, Student name, charges paid, date of birth, road address, address code

(“Address Code (address code ID, ZIP code, suburb, city, state”)

Another table called Address Code, and connected to Student table. I made another section for
the location code ID, on the grounds of the postal code may allude with many cities or states.
Along these lines catching reality, projected in different table to ensure it's just put away in one
20 spot.

It has been investigated in different tables:

 (“Subject ID, subject name”)

 “Subject Enrolment (Student ID, subject ID)”

In both the tables there are no sections that is reliant on essential key. Instructor
(“educator ID, educator name, educator address”). There should be utilization of a similar
methodology for putting away address.

So further table would resemble this:

 Educator (instructor ID, educator name, road address, address code ID)
 Address Code (address code ID, ZIP code, suburb, city, state)

It utilizes a similar “Address Code table “referenced previously. There is no making another
location code table.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

At long last, the “” course table:

(“Course ID, educator ID, course name”)

The table now will represent the following identities

 (“Student ID, course ID, Student name, charges paid, date of birth, road address, address
code ID”)
 “Address Code (address code ID, ZIP code, suburb, city, state)”
 “(Subject ID, subject name)”
 “Subject Enrolment (Student ID, subject ID)”
 “Educator (instructor ID, instructor name, road address, address code ID)”
 “(Course ID, instructor ID, course name)”

By this procedure , the third form normalisation is generally done.

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

In the report it has shown the various enrolment system procedures and it helps in the
synchronizing of the student registration and they can connect the database by giving their
credentials. Candidates are not just searching for customized consideration at each progression
yet in addition hoping to get it speedy. Like never before, important, significant and auspicious
data could be adequate determinants in a possibility's choice. Enlistment frameworks, when
actualized effectively, give confirmation groups a superior influence over Student needs and
inspirations. With the help of the following context diagram , DFD it has been projected that a
level to level; process is very necessary to create synchronisation in system of ABC university.

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Reference List
Cowen, J. M., & Creed, B. (2017). Public School Choice and Student Achievement: Evidence
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Points, Issue VIII: New Policies, New Students, New Direction? Trends in International
Student Enrollment in Ontario’s Changing Policy Landscape.

Bahr, P. R., Gross, J. L., Slay, K. E., & Christensen, R. D. (2015). First in line: Student
registration priority in community colleges. Educational Policy, 29(2), 342-374.

Weiler, S. C., & Vogel, L. R. (2015). Charter School Barriers: Do Enrollment Requirements
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Ahmar, A. S., Rusli, R., & Rahman, A. (2017). Steps in designing queue and interview process
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Makassar. Jurnal Internasional, 9(1), 52-57.

Sugiarto, E., Kom, S., & Kom, M. (2015). Contex Diagram dan Data Flow Diagram.

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Zhuchenko, A. I., Osipa, L. V., & Cheropkin, E. S. (2017). Design database for an automated
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(IJEM), 7(4), 36-50.

Harrison, S., Villano, R., Lynch, G., & Chen, G. (2015, March). Likelihood analysis of student
enrollment outcomes using learning environment variables: A case study approach.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And
Knowledge (pp. 141-145). ACM.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

Phankokkruad, M., Jaturawat, P., & Pongmanawut, P. (2016, August). A real-time face
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Jacob, P. M., Jose, J., & Jose, J. (2016, August). An Analytical approach on DFD to UML model
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Feng, G. (2018, September). The Design and Optimization of Database. In Journal of Physics:
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MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design



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