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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

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On the influence of the sample preparation method on strain accumulation

in sand under high-cyclic loading
T. Wichtmann a, *, K. Steller b, T. Triantafyllidis c
Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Universit€
atsstraße 150, 44801, Bochum, Germany
DB Engineering & Consulting, Karlsruhe, Germany
University of Patras, Department of Civil Engineering, Patras, Greece


Keywords: A study on the influence of the sample preparation method on the cumulative strains in sand under high-cyclic
High-cyclic loading loading is presented. Numerous drained cyclic triaxial tests with 105 cycles were performed on samples prepared
Sample preparation method by either air pluviation out of a funnel, air pluviation using a multiple sieve apparatus, water pluviation, moist
tamping or dry loose deposition with a subsequent compaction by either vibration or tapping. The test results
Drained cyclic triaxial tests
reveal a significant influence of the sample preparation method on the intensity of strain accumulation. While
very loose samples prepared by moist tamping show much larger strain accumulation rates than their air-
pluviated counterparts at same density, it is the other way around at medium and high densities. Samples
prepared by procedures involving compaction in the dry state are more resistant against cumulative effects than
samples directly prepared to the same relative density. The differences in the rates of strain accumulation are the
result of a different initial fabric generated by the various constitution methods. A micromechanical explanation
based on the distribution of contact normal orientations is provided. In contrast, the direction of strain accu­
mulation (cyclic flow rule) and the elastic portion of deformation during the cycles (strain amplitude) are rather
insensitive to the choice of the sample preparation method.

1. Introduction pluviation techniques are usually assumed to be more anisotropic than

those constituted in the moist condition. When deposited by air or water
A high-cyclic loading of a foundation may be caused by traffic (e.g. pluviation, elongated grains tend to lie with their longer axis along the
high-speed railways), wind and wave action (e.g. onshore and offshore horizontal directions [8,25,30,32,33,84]. Samples prepared in the moist
wind power plants), machines (e.g. gas turbines) or repeated filling and condition are reported to possess a more random orientation of the
emptying processes (e.g. tanks, silos, watergates). Such loading is grains [84]. This is explained with the capillary forces that impede
characterized by many cycles (N � 103 ) of small to intermediate strain particle reorientations during the preparation process [17]. A random
amplitudes (ε ​ ampl � 10 3 ). It may cause an accumulation of permanent orientation of the grains is also reported for sand compacted by pene­
strains in the soil, leading to a progressively increasing settlement of a tration of a rod [32,33]. In some other experimental studies, however,
shallow foundation or a tilting of a pile foundation. In order to estimate no significant differences in the particle orientation between samples
the cumulative behaviour of a given soil, laboratory tests with drained prepared by either air-pluviation, dry vibratory compaction or moist
high-cyclic loading are performed. They are also necessary to calibrate tamping were detected [27].
high-cycle accumulation (HCA) models [1,5,7,12,16,22,29,38,40,41, Samples prepared by moist tamping show a high degree of contact
46] applied in numerical investigations of geotechnical structures under normals oriented in the vertical direction. This degree is significantly
high-cyclic loading. For the laboratory tests a suitable sample prepara­ lower for air-pluviated samples [27,85]. An additional dynamic
tion method has to be chosen. compaction (e.g. by tapping or vibration) causes the contact normals to
It is well known that different sample preparation methods lead to concentrate more in the vertical direction [31,32,85]. Therefore,
different initial fabrics of the sand, i.e. different preferred orientations of regarding the degree of vertical orientation of the contact normals,
the grains, grain contact normals and voids. Samples prepared by samples constituted by air pluviation with subsequent dynamic

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Wichtmann).
Received 14 April 2018; Received in revised form 30 December 2019; Accepted 30 December 2019
Available online 25 January 2020
0267-7261/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

compaction lie somewhere between samples prepared by air pluviation particles with higher sphericity [3,13,31], for lower densities [3] and
(lowest degree) and moist tamping (highest degree) [85]. samples compacted by rodding [33]. However, even assemblies of
The sample preparation method should be chosen in accordance with almost perfect spheres may show such anisotropy due to a preferred
the depositional history of the sand in situ. It should lead to an inherent orientation of the contact normals [33], despite the absence of a
fabric of the laboratory sample that reproduces the structure of the grain preferred particle orientation.
skeleton in the field. Air or water pluviation can be considered as The investigations with undrained cyclic loading have demonstrated
representative for sand deposits formed by sedimentation through air or that the liquefaction resistance of sand strongly depends on the sample
water [10,35,53,58] (e.g. offshore conditions). Water sedimentation preparation method. Usually, the lowest undrained cyclic strength is
with a subsequent densification can simulate the in situ compaction of observed for uncompacted samples prepared by air pluviation, while
submerged artificially deposited sand layers [53]. Moist tamping is samples constituted in the moist condition are reported to withstand
appropriate for simulating the in situ compaction of moist sand deposits larger numbers of cycles till failure [17,18,24,26,27,37,39,42,43,50,53,
by vertical tamping on the ground surface [53]. Moist placement and 58]. Due to their inherent anisotropy, despite an isotropic initial stress,
subsequent vibratory compaction may be applied in the laboratory to air-pluviated samples are reported to show a larger accumulation of pore
reproduce moist sand layers in the field compacted by vibration [53]. water pressure on the extension side of the p-q plane, that means during
For parametric studies in the laboratory the choice of an appropriate the test phases with deviatoric stresses q < 0, compared to samples
sample preparation method sometimes depends on the grain size dis­ prepared by moist tamping [24], leading to the lower undrained cyclic
tribution curve of the test material. For example, sample preparation strength. Despite similar density, samples loosely placed and compacted
methods involving moist placement are advantageous in case of by vibration or tapping usually exhibit a larger liquefaction resistance
well-graded soils since they prevent particle segregation [84]. than their non-preloaded counterparts (i.e. samples directly prepared to
Previous studies on the influence of the sample preparation method the desired density) [10,24,26,27,53,55,82]. Consequently, samples
were primarily dedicated to the sand response to drained or undrained prepared by water pluviation and a subsequent compaction by vibration
monotonic loading or to undrained cyclic loading. In several in­ or tapping have been found stronger than air-pluviated sand of same
vestigations with monotonic loading, loose samples prepared by moist density [10,53,55]. Sometimes even the liquefaction resistance of
tamping were found to have higher values of stiffness and strength and uncompacted water-pluviated samples is reported to be larger than that
to exhibit a more dilative material behaviour than their air-pluviated of air-pluviated ones [80]. The positive effect of a vibrational preloading
counterparts [84,89]. In contrast, Miura & Toki [24] observed an on the undrained cyclic strength is less pronounced or even absent [53]
opposite (although not very strong) trend, that means a somewhat if the samples are vibrated in the moist condition.
higher stiffness and dilatancy for medium dense samples prepared by The higher strength and stiffness and the more dilative response in
pluviation using a multiple sieve apparatus than for specimens consti­ the monotonic tests as well as the higher liquefaction resistance in the
tuted by wet rodding. The latter method, however, differs from moist undrained cyclic tests observed for the samples prepared by moist
tamping, since a rod of 10 mm diameter is repeatedly penetrated into the tamping is sometimes argued with the higher degree of contact normals
wet sand, presumably leading to a more random distribution of particle oriented in the vertical direction [27]. With respect to the monotonic
and contact normal orientations. Vaid et al. [63] also noticed a stronger behaviour, this hypothesis has been confirmed by discrete element
dilatancy for medium dense samples prepared by water pluviation than (DEM) simulations of Yimsiri & Soga [85], who studied packings of
for those built by moist tamping. These contradictory conclusions give spherical particles with different initial distributions of the contact
hints that the effect of the sample preparation method may be affected normal orientations. Furthermore, the coordination number, that means
by other parameters like the tested material and density. A unique the number of contacts per particle, may influence the material
critical state ec ðpÞ, independently of the initial fabric, was concluded by response. Based on DEM simulations, Yang & Dai [83] reported on a
several researchers (e.g. Refs. [4,15]), while few other studies [50,63] decrease of the average coordination number during the contractive
found differences in the final states ðe; pÞ for different sample prepara­ phase of an undrained monotonic shearing, followed by a re-increase
tion techniques, probably due to inhomogeneities of the tamped samples during the dilative phase after passing the phase transformation point.
[63]. Inhomogeneities in the samples due to the preparation process are The course of the coordination number with axial strain was demon­
discussed in detail e.g. in Refs. [9–11,56,63]. strated to depend on the angle between the loading and deposition
Another question related to fabric concerns the influence of the angle direction.
α between the sedimentation direction and the direction of loading, i.e. In contrast to the undrained conditions, the influence of the inherent
the direction of major principal stress. Due to their more pronounced fabric on the sand response to drained high-cyclic loading has not been
anisotropy, pluviated samples are reported to respond stiffer and systematically investigated so far. This served as the motivation for the
stronger when the direction of major principal stress is parallel to the experimental study described herein. Prior to the cyclic tests some
sedimentation direction (α ¼ 0∘ ), i.e. parallel to the preferred orienta­ preliminary tests with monotonic loading have been performed on
tion of the contact normals and perpendicular to the preferred orienta­ samples prepared by the same methods.
tion of the elongated grains (bedding plane). In contrast, the behaviour
is weaker and more contractive if the major principal stress acts parallel 2. Test material
to the bedding plane (α ¼ 90∘ ). As a consequence samples prepared by
conventional air pluviation usually show a lower stiffness, a higher All tests of the present study have been performed on clean Karlsruhe
contractancy and a lower shear strength in triaxial extension (α ¼ 90∘ , fine sand (KFS). The grain size distribution curve of this sand is shown in
b ¼ ðσ2 ’ σ 3 ’Þ=ðσ1 ’ σ3 ’Þ ¼ 1) than in compression (α ¼ 0∘ , b ¼ 0) Fig. 1. Its mean grain size is d50 ¼ 0.14 mm and its uniformity coefficient
[14,24,25,61,62,81,86]. Triaxial compression tests with the loading Cu ¼ d60 =d10 ¼ 1.5.
direction perpendicular or parallel to the preferred particle orientation Fig. 2 shows an image of grains of this sand taken with an optical
show the same tendencies [30]. A more or less smooth transition microscope. Most of the particles have a subangular shape. The grain
(decrease of stiffness, dilatancy and shear strength) with increasing α (at shape of this sand was further quantified by means of an automated
b ¼ constant) is documented in several studies [2,3,20,21,23,28,31,33, analysis based on scanned grain images using the program ImageJ with
36,44,45,47–49,52,54,59,60,64,66,86], partly involving hollow cylin­ the plugin Particle8. The procedure is explained in detail in Ref. [77].
der torsional shear or biaxial shear tests. The residual stress ratio is The definition of two of the shape parameters, Aspect Ratio and Circu­
usually not affected by α [36], since the initial anisotropic fabric is larity, is illustrated in Fig. 3. Aspect Ratio is defined as the ratio of the
completely erased, at least within the shear bands. The effect of α on the length F of the longest axis divided by the length B of the largest
sand behaviour (at least on shear strength) is less pronounced for dimension in the orthogonal direction. Circularity is obtained as the

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

The following sample preparation methods have been applied in the

current experimental study. They are depicted by the schemes in Fig. 4:

� Dry air pluviation out of a funnel (Fig. 4a). The relative density has
been varied by chosing different outlet diameters of the funnel. In
this method the distance between the outlet of the funnel and the
actual sand surface in the mould is kept constant, while the funnel is
continuously moved in the horizontal direction.
� Homogeneous dry sand rain over the whole cross section of the
sample using a multiple sieve apparatus similar to the one proposed
by Miura & Toki [24] (Fig. 4b).
� Dry air pluviation by means of a large sand spreader (diameter d � 1
m), usually applied for model testing at the former institute of the
authors (Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics, IBF, at
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT) [79,88] (Fig. 4c).
� Water pluviation (Fig. 4d). In this method dry sand is pluviated out of
a funnel on the water surface. After submergence the sand grains sink
in the water column. The height of the water column has been varied
by means of a plexiglas tube that can be mounted on the mould.
Fig. 1. Grain size distribution curve of Karlsruhe fine sand.
Relatively unaffected by the height of the water column and the
volume flow of the sand poured onto the water surface, only rela­
tively low relative densities Dr0 ¼ ðemax eÞ=ðemax emin Þ⋅100 � 30%
were obtained by this sample preparation method.
� Water pluviation with subsequent compaction (for densities Dr0 >
30%) either by vibration applied with a shaking table (Fig. 4e) or by
tapping of the mould using a rubber hammer (Fig. 4f). The intensity
of compaction (duration and intensity of vibration, number of strikes
with the hammer) has been varied in order to reach different
� Dry deposition in the loosest state with subsequent compaction by
either vibration or tapping (Fig. 4g).
� Moist tamping in 8 layers (Fig. 4h) using the undercompaction
Fig. 2. Image of grains of Karlsruhe fine sand taken with an optical microscope. method of Ladd [19] with a water content of 10% and a degree of
undercompaction of 5%. Applying the undercompaction method
each layer is compacted to a slightly higher degree than the previous

Fig. 3. Definition of grain shape parameters Aspect Ratio ¼ F= B and Circu­

larity ¼ A ​ Grain =A ​ Circle

ratio of the cross-sectional area of the grain A ​ Grain divided by the area
A ​ Circle of a circle having the same perimeter as the original grain.
Circularity is thus a measure of how much the shape of a grain resembles
a circle. For Karlsruhe fine sand, the average value of Aspect Ratio is
1.29, while that of Circularity is 0.80.
Furthermore, index tests on KFS gave a maximum void ratio emax ¼
1.054, a minimum void ratio emin ¼ 0.677 and a grain density of ϱs ¼
2.65 g/cm3.

3. Sample preparation methods

All samples of the present study measured 100 mm in diameter and

100 mm in height. Smeared end plates, realized by a rubber disk
covering a layer of grease, and small central porous stones connected to
the drainage system were used. For a comparative study on the influence
of the sample geometry, including cylindrical samples of different di­
ameters (d ¼ 50, 100 and 150 mm) and height-to-diameter ratios (h= d
¼ 1 or 2) the interested reader is referred to Ref. [77].
Fig. 4. Applied sample preparation methods.

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

one, assuming that the compaction of a new layer leads to a further numerous other tests with undrained monotonic loading presented in
compaction of the underlying layers. For details of this method the Fig. 6 (see also [75,76]).
interested reader is referred to Ref. [19]. For samples with Dr0 >
80% a constitution procedure analogous to the Proctor test has been 4.2. Results of drained monotonic tests
alternatively used.
� Moist tamping in a large number (about 50) of layers (Fig. 4i). For In the drained monotonic tests all sample preparation methods
each layer, a small amount of moist sand was placed in the mould except those involving a homogeneous sand rain (Fig. 4b and c) or a
and compacted by the own weight of the same tamper also used for tamping in 50 layers (Fig. 4i) were applied. The drained shearing was
the undercompaction method. These tests belong to an earlier study started at an isotropic initial effective stress of p0 ¼ 100 kPa in all tests.
documented in detail in Ref. [68] and comprise only loose samples Fig. 7 compares the curves of deviatoric stress q and volumetric strain εv
(29% � Dr0 � 43%). versus axial strain ε1 measured for loose, medium dense and dense
samples prepared by either air pluviation, water pluviation (followed by
After preparation, all samples were handled in the same way, i.e. vibration in case of the higher densities) or moist tamping. The differ­
they were saturated with deaerated demineralized water. A back pres­ ences between the three sample preparation methods in Fig. 7 are less
sure of 500 kPa was applied in all tests. The B-values were generally evident than in the case of the undrained tests (Fig. 5). Nevertheless, a
larger than 0.99, confirming a high degree of saturation. After the B higher initial stiffness and a lower axial strain to peak for the samples
value test the samples were consolidated at the initial effective stress of prepared by moist tamping compared to both pluviation methods can be
the respective test, which was generally isotropic in the monotonic tests concluded from Fig. 7a.
and either isotropic or anisotropic in the cyclic tests. A closer inspection of the data from the drained tests is undertaken in
Fig. 8. The individual diagrams compare the peak friction angles φP , the
4. Monotonic triaxial tests axial strains at peak ε1;P , the Young’s moduli E50 (secant stiffness be­
tween q ¼ 0 and q ¼ qmax =2), the dilatation angles ψ (defined as the
Prior to the cyclic tests, the influence of the sample preparation maximum inclination of the curve of volumetric strain εv versus shear
method was studied in both drained and undrained monotonic triaxial strain γ, that means as the maximum value of the quantity
tests. A standard triaxial device was used for that purpose. The shearing arctanð_εv =_γÞ) and the stress ratios ηc d (η ¼ q=p) at the transition from
was started from an isotropic state of stress with different values of the the contractive to the dilative material response. Evidently, the influ­
mean effective stress p0 . Mean effective stress is defined as p ¼ ðσ 1 ’ þ ence of the sample preparation and compaction method on φP and ηc d is
2σ3 ’Þ=3, while deviatoric stress is calculated from q ¼ σ1 σ 3 . Keeping rather weak (Fig. 8a,e). In contrast, a significant effect on stiffness can be
cell pressure constant, the samples were compressed with a displace­ concluded (Fig. 8c). At similar densities, the samples prepared by moist
ment rate of 0.1 mm/min in the axial direction. In additional tests the tamping show a considerably larger E50 than their air-pluviated
influence of the bedding plane inclination has been investigated.

4.1. Results of undrained monotonic tests

The undrained tests have been restricted to loose samples prepared

by the two most popular sample preparation methods air pluviation and
moist tamping. The samples were isotropically consolidated under three
different initial pressures (p0 ¼ 100, 300 or 500 kPa). Fig. 5 presents
some of the test results. It compares the stress-strain relationships and
the effective stress paths measured for samples of similar density (27% �
Dr0 � 33%). The data in Fig. 5 reveal a strong effect of initial fabric on
the material response to undrained monotonic shearing at low to in­
termediate strains. The pluviated samples show a much larger relaxation
of mean effective stress p in the initial phase of a test, i.e. a more
contractive response, than those constituted by moist tamping. In
contrast to the tamped samples, the pluviated ones pass a quasi-steady
state (QSS), i.e. a local minimum of the deviatoric stress at phase
Fig. 6. States ðe; pÞ at ε1 ¼ 25% (approximately critical state ec ðpÞ) of samples
transformation. The samples prepared by both methods, however, reach
prepared with different initial densities by either moist tamping or air pluvia­
a similar effective stress (critical state) at large strains, which confirms a
tion and consolidated at different initial pressures (p0 ¼ 100, 300 or 500 kPa).
unique critical state ec ðpÞ. This is corroborated by the results of

Fig. 5. a) Stress-strain relationships and b) effective stress paths from undrained monotonic triaxial tests performed on loose samples prepared by either moist
tamping or air pluviation.

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

Fig. 7. Curves of a) deviatoric stress qðε1 Þ and b) volumetric strain εv ðε1 Þ measured in drained monotonic triaxial tests on loose, medium dense and dense samples
prepared by three different methods (air pluviation, water pluviation with subsequent vibration, moist tamping in eight layers).

Fig. 8. a) Peak friction angle φP , b) axial strain ε1;P at peak, c) Young’s modulus E50 , d) dilatatancy angle ψ and e) stress ratio ηc d at the onset of dilatancy as
functions of initial relative density Dr0 measured in drained monotonic triaxial tests on samples prepared by different methods.

counterparts (factor 2.5 at Dr0 � 60%). The stiffness of non-compacted tapping leads to an even larger initial stiffness than vibration. The cor­
water-pluviated samples is of similar magnitude as that of air- responding E50 values approach those of the samples constituted by
pluviated ones. At intermediate densities (50% � Dr0 � 90%), howev­ moist tamping. The stiffness moduli of samples compacted in the dry
er, the water-pluviated samples compacted by vibration are somewhat state lie somewhere between the water-pluviated specimens compacted
stiffer than those prepared by air pluviation, although their E50 values by either vibration or tapping. In case of the samples compacted in the
are still much lower than in case of the moist tamping method. At large dry state tapping also generates larger stiffness values than vibration.
densities (Dr0 � 100%) air- and water-pluviated samples deliver a In the diagram showing the axial strain at peak as a function of initial
similar stiffness again. Compaction of water-pluviated samples by relative density (Fig. 8b), the curve for the samples prepared by moist

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

tamping significantly differs from the data for all other sample prepa­ 4.3. Influence of bedding plane inclination
ration methods. The higher E50 values of the tamped samples are
accompanied by considerably smaller axial strains to peak ε1;P , at least at In order to investigate a possible influence of the bedding plane
densities Dr0 � 30%. In the range 60% � Dr0 � 100% the peak occurred inclination angle α, a procedure often applied in the literature [2,13,31,
at almost the same axial strain, independently of the initial density of the 33,34,36,51,54,57,87] has been followed in additional tests on Karls­
tamped specimens. Furthermore, the samples prepared by moist tamp­ ruhe fine sand. The mould was inclined by a certain angle α during
ing show slightly higher dilatancy angles than the pluviated ones sample preparation (Fig. 9a). The sand was then deposited in the vertical
(Fig. 8d). The higher stiffness and the more pronounced dilatancy of direction. Afterwards, the mould was rotated back into the horizontal
sand placed by moist tamping compared to air pluviation agrees well plane and a conventional drained triaxial compression test was per­
with the results from the undrained tests (Fig. 5). formed on that sample (Fig. 9a). Tests with four different α values (0� ,
The stiffer response and the more dilative material behaviour of the 15� , 30� and 45� ) have been performed on samples with different initial
samples prepared by moist tamping observed in the drained and un­ relative densities prepared by either air pluviation or moist tamping.
drained monotonic tests of the present study are in accordance with The data for α ¼ 0∘ were overtaken from Fig. 8.
several other investigations in the literature [84,89]. Following Yimsiri The tests on air-pluviated samples did not show any significant dif­
& Soga [85], these experimental observations can be explained by the ferences in the stress-strain and dilatancy behaviour between the four
different initial distributions of the contact normal orientations. The tested α values (Fig. 9b–d), that means the bedding plane inclination
samples prepared by moist tamping possess the highest degree of contact seems to be of minor importance for these types of samples. For the
normals oriented in the vertical direction, and consequently they show medium dense samples prepared by moist tamping, however, lower
the highest stiffness and dilatancy when loaded in the same (vertical) values of peak friction angle φP , initial stiffness E50 and dilatancy angle
direction. The much lower degree of contact normals with vertical ψ were obtained for α ¼ 45∘ than for α ¼ 0∘ (Fig. 9b–d). These obser­
orientation encountered in the air-pluviated samples leads to the lowest vations could be attributed to a loading direction deviating from the
values of stiffness and dilatancy measured in the current study. All direction of the main contact normal orientations, which is perpendic­
methods involving dynamic compaction, either by tapping or vibration, ular to the bedding plane. Insofar these results seem to confirm that with
increase the number of contact normals with vertical orientation [31,32, respect to the distribution of contact normal orientation the tamped
85] and therefore the properties of these samples lie in between those of samples are more anisotropic than the air-pluviated ones.
the air-pluviated and tamped specimens. Considering the higher stiff­
ness values, the re-orientation of the contact normals seems to be 5. Cyclic triaxial tests
stronger for the tapping than the vibration method. The differences in
the stiffness almost vanish at very low and very high densities. This gives A scheme of the cyclic triaxial device used for the present study is
hints that the initial distributions of contact normals could be quite shown in Fig. 10. In this device the axial loading is applied by means of a
similar in samples prepared to very low or high densities, independently pneumatic cylinder mounted below the pressure cell. The axial force is
of the applied constitution method. However, these assumptions have to measured at a load cell being located directly below the bottom end
be confirmed by micromechanical investigations in future. plate of the sample, i.e. inside the pressure cell. The axial deformation is
obtained from a displacement transducer attached to the load piston.
The system compliance was determined in preliminary tests on a steel
dummy and subtracted from the measured values. Volume changes are

Fig. 9. Influence of the bedding plane inclination α on the results of drained monotonic triaxial tests: a) Sample preparation procedure with inclined mould, b) peak
friction angle φP , c) stiffness E50 and d) dilatancy angle ψ as functions of initial relative density.Dr0

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

ðσ 1 ’ ​ av þ2σ 3 ’ ​ av Þ=3 and deviatoric stress q ​ av ¼ σ1 ’ ​ av σ3 ’ ​ av and their

ratio η ​ av ¼ q ​ av =p ​ av , respectively. Afterwards the cyclic loading in the
axial direction with the amplitude σ1 ’ ​ ampl ¼ σ1​ ampl ¼ q ​ ampl was su­
perposed to this average stress. In the tests of the present series the
lateral effective stress σ3 ’ has been kept constant, i.e. σ 3 ’ ​ av ¼ σ3 ’ ¼
constant and σ 3 ’ ​ ampl ¼ 0 holds.
The first irregular cycle was applied with a low loading frequency of
0.01 Hz, considering that the first quarter of this first cycle represents a
first loading and usually generates significantly larger residual strains
than the subsequent cycles (Fig. 11). A higher frequency of 0.2 Hz was
chosen for the subsequent 105 regular cycles. Using these loading fre­
quencies for the first or the subsequent cycles, respectively, fully drained
conditions during the cycles were guaranteed and thus a build-up of
excess pore water pressure was prevented.
From the measured changes of height and volume the axial (ε1 ) and
the volumetric strain (εv ¼ ε1 þ 2ε3 ) are calculated. The deviatoric
strain is obtained from εq ¼ 2=3ðε1 ε3 Þ and the total strain from ε ¼
ðε1 Þ2 þ 2ðε3 Þ2 . All these components of strain are functions of time or
the number of cycles, respectively. They can be split into a portion ε ​ irreg
resulting from the irregular cycle, an accumulated portion ε ​ acc
remaining after the completion of a full regular cycle and an elastic
portion ε ​ ampl (strain amplitude), as shown for the vertical component in
Fig. 11b. Typical data of axial strain during the regular cycles from a
drained cyclic triaxial test on an air-pluviated sample are shown in
Fig. 12. The data of all transducers were recorded during the whole 105
cycles, with 100 data points per cycle. However, Fig. 12 shows only ε1 ðtÞ
Fig. 10. Scheme of the cyclic triaxial device used for the present study.
data for selected cycles, including the first 24 cycles and a package of 5
cycles each (i.e. 5 � 100 ¼ 500 recorded data points) after N ¼ 50, 100,
determined via the pore water being sucked in or squeezed out from the
200, …105 cycles. Therefore, there are time gaps between the individual
sample, using a burette system and a differential pressure transducer
packages of data shown in Fig. 12. The determination of the accumu­
(not shown in Fig. 10). Two pressure transducers are applied for
lated and elastic portions of strain based on the measured data is
monitoring cell pressure and back pressure. The data of all transducers is
explained in more detail in Ref. [72].
continuously recorded by a data acquisition system, with 100 data lines
In the following the effect of the sample preparation method on the
per cycle. For the purpose of noise reduction an averaging over a very
intensity of strain accumulation (expressed by the rate of total strain
short time period is done when gathering each of these data lines.
accumulation ε_ ​ acc ¼ ∂ε ​ acc =∂N or by the total accumulated strain ε ​ acc ),
The stresses and strains in the cyclic tests are shown schematically in
its direction (cyclic flow rule, expressed by the ratio ε_ v​ acc =_εq​ acc of the
Fig. 11. Following the B value test, the desired average stress was
rates of volumetric and deviatoric strain accumulation or by the strain
applied and kept constant for 1 h. This average stress is described by the
average values of vertical and horizontal effective stress σ1 ’ ​ av and σ3 ’ ​ av path in a εq​ acc -εv​ acc diagram) and the strain amplitude ε ​ ampl is discussed.
or by the average values of effective mean pressure p ​ av ¼ The splitting of the strain in an elastic and a plastic portion, and of the
strain accumulation rate in an intensity and a direction follows several
previous publications on the high-cycle accumulation (HCA) model of
Niemunis et al. [29] (e.g. Refs. [69,71,74]). In agreement with these
earlier experimental studies, only the accumulation during the regular

Fig. 11. a) Axial effective stress σ1 ’ and b) axial strain ε1 versus time in a Fig. 12. Axial strain ε1 versus time during selected phases of a drained cyclic
drained cyclic triaxial test. triaxial test on an air-pluviated sample.

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

cycles is discussed in the following, since only the regular cycles are the number of layers and the degree of undercompaction. In­
described by the HCA model. In finite element simulations with the HCA homogeneities within the samples may be a possible cause. As evident in
model at least the first two cycles are calculated with a conventional Fig. 14a, the sample preparation method affects the shape of the curves
constitutive model, e.g. an elastoplastic or hypoplastic model. There­ ε ​ acc ðNÞ. At lower numbers of cycles, the sample prepared by moist
fore, it is not necessary to capture the residual strain caused by the first, tamping in 8 layers shows lower strain accumulation rates than those
irregular cycle in the HCA model. In the following the values of initial constituted by either air or water pluviation. The opposite conclusion
relative density Dr0 specified for the cyclic tests describe the state before applies for larger numbers of cycles, resulting in a considerably larger
the start of the regular cycles. permanent strain after 105 cycles in case of the tamped specimen. In
All sample preparation methods mentioned in Section 3 have been contrast, the direction of accumulation is quite similar for all loose
applied in a first series of cyclic tests. Therein, for each constitution samples (Fig. 14b), irrespective of the constitution procedure applied.
method several drained cyclic triaxial tests with different initial relative The differences between the various preparation methods are much
densities but same average and cyclic stresses (p ​ av ¼ 200 kPa, η ​ av ¼ more pronounced for medium dense samples (51% � Dr0 � 65%,
0.75, q ​ ampl ¼ 60 kPa) were performed. The effective stress path during Fig. 14c and d). While samples prepared by water pluviation and com­
the cycles in these tests is shown in Fig. 13b. In a second test series, pacted by either vibration or tapping showed almost similar intensities
samples prepared by the two most common methods, air pluviation and of strain accumulation ε_ ​ acc as specimens built by air pluviation (using
moist tamping, were also compared at different stress amplitudes q ​ ampl , either the funnel or the multiple sieve apparatus), the cumulative rates
average mean pressures p ​ av and average stress ratios η ​ av . The corre­ were much less for samples constituted by loose dry deposition followed
sponding effective stress paths are given in Fig. 13a,c,d. For comparison by compaction in the dry state (Fig. 14c). The residual strains of the
some characteristic lines for medium dense (Dr ¼ 60%) Karlsruhe fine sample prepared by moist tamping in eight layers were comparable to
sand have been added in Fig. 13, based on the results of the testing the latter two types of samples. Differences in the shape of the ε ​ acc ðNÞ
program described in Ref. [75]: the failure line FLd (η ¼ 1.56) from curves between the tamped and the pluviated samples were observed
drained monotonic triaxial tests, corresponding to the peak friction also for medium density (Fig. 14c).
angle φP ¼ 38:3∘ , the failure line FLu (η ¼ 1.43) from undrained Compared to the air-pluviated samples, the direction of strain
monotonic triaxial tests, the critical state line CSL (η ¼ 1.34) derived accumulation measured for the medium dense samples prepared by
from the critical friction angle φc ¼ 33:1∘ and the phase transformation water pluviation and compacted by either vibration or tapping was
line PTL (η ¼ 1.10) also obtained from the undrained monotonic triaxial found somewhat more volumetric (Fig. 14d). The deviations were even
tests. With the exception of the tests with higher values of η ​ av in the more severe for the samples densified in the dry state. In the range of
series with a variation of the average stress ratio, the cycles have been medium densities, also a sample preparation by moist tamping resulted
applied in a sufficient distance to the critical state and failure lines. A in considerably higher ε_ v​ acc =_εq​ acc values than obtained for air pluviation
third series of tests has been performed to investigate the influence of (Fig. 14d).
the bedding plane inclination on the response of air-pluviated samples to If the density was further increased the influence of the sample
cyclic loading. preparation method got negligible. Neither the strain accumulation
curves ε ​ acc ðNÞ in Fig. 14e nor the εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain paths in Fig. 14f
5.1. Results of first test series: comparison of various sample preparation measured for dense samples (81% � Dr0 � 94%) reveal a significant
methods at different initial densities effect of the constitution method.
In Fig. 15 the accumulated strains ε ​ acc after 105 cycles are given as a
Fig. 14 presents results from the first test series. In those diagrams the function of the initial relative density. The data are subdivided into four
development of the accumulated strain ε ​ acc with increasing number of separate diagrams for the sake of clarity. The diagram in Fig. 15a con­
cycles N and the εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain paths measured for loose, medium firms that samples prepared by the different dry pluviation techniques
gave almost identical results. The conventional air pluviation technique
dense and dense samples prepared by the different methods are shown.
and the procedure involving a multiple-sieve apparatus, leading to a
As obvious in Fig. 14a, loose samples (Dr0 ¼ 25 30%) prepared by
homogeneous sand rain over the whole sample cross section, seem thus
either air or water pluviation (without any further compaction) show
to generate a similar initial fabric. Similar conclusions were drawn by
similar cumulative strains when subjected to the same cyclic stresses.
Miura & Toki [24] from monotonic tests on samples prepared by both
The only exception pertains to large numbers of cycles N � 104 where
pluviation methods. Somewhat conflicting results have been gathered
the water-pluviated sample shows somewhat larger strain accumulation
by Tatsuoka et al. [55] who observed a substantially smaller undrained
rates ε_ ​ acc than its air-pluviated counterpart.
cyclic strength for medium dense sand samples prepared by a
Considering the loose samples prepared in the moist condition, the
multiple-sieve pluviation (MSP) apparatus than for air-pluviated (AP)
number of layers seems to play a role. Despite similar density, the
samples. At large densities, however, the liquefaction resistance of the
sample prepared in 8 layers shows considerable larger cumulative rates
MSP samples in Ref. [55] was even slightly larger than that of AP ones.
than that constituted in 50 layers (Fig. 14a). This effect is not completely
The good agreement between the results for the conventional air-
understood yet and needs further testing, with a systematic variation of

Fig. 13. Stress paths in the cyclic tests shown in the p-q diagram: Variation of a) stress amplitude q ​ ampl , b) initial relative density Dr0 , c) average mean pressure p ​ av
and d) average stress ratio η ​ av . FLd ¼ failure line for drained conditions, FLu ¼ failure line for undrained conditions, CSL ¼ critical state line, PTL ¼ phase
transformation line, all lines evaluated for medium density (Dr ¼ 60%) based on [75].

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

Fig. 14. Strain accumulation curves ε ​ acc ðNÞ and εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain paths for a,b) loose (without compaction), c,d) medium dense and e,f) dense samples prepared by
different methods.

pluviated samples and those constituted by means of the model test sand whether these samples deliver higher or lower rates of strain accumu­
spreader (Fig. 15a) confirms that parameters (e.g. material constants of lation than the air-pluviated specimens. The tamped samples constituted
constitutive models) obtained from conventional laboratory samples are in eight layers showed higher permanent strains in the loose state, but
representative for the sand in the model tests, i.e. may be regarded as lower rates at medium density (Fig. 15d), leading to a considerably
appropriate for FE simulations of the model tests (see e.g. simulations of different shape of the ε ​ acc ðDr0 Þ curve. Considering the differences in the
small-scale model tests on offshore wind power plant foundations pre­ shape of the curves ε ​ acc ðNÞ of the tamped and the pluviated samples
sented in Ref. [88]). (Fig. 14), the deviations between both types of samples in a ε ​ acc -Dr0
The data in Fig. 15b reveals that for Dr0 ¼ constant, water-pluviated diagram are additionally dependent on N. Within the range of tested
samples compacted by vibration show similar or even slightly larger densities, the samples constituted in 50 layers always showed lower
cumulative strains than those constituted by air pluviation. Likewise, the cumulative rates than those built in only eight layers (Fig. 15d).
residual strains measured for the water-pluviated samples compacted by Although no double tests with identical initial and loading conditions
tapping scatter around the data for the air-pluviated specimens. In have been performed for the individual sample preparation methods, a
contrast, in the range of medium densities considerably lower residual good repeatability of the test results can be concluded from the ε ​ acc ðDr0 Þ
strains were generated in samples prepared by dry loose deposition data points for the samples prepared by air pluviation and moist tamping
followed by compaction in the dry state (Fig. 15c). These samples in eight layers in Fig. 15a,d, which both can we well approximated by a
showed, however, similar residual strains as the air-pluviated ones at curve. The reproducibility of the test results for air-pluviated samples
lower and higher densities. has been already demonstrated in Ref. [67], where four tests with
Analyzing the data for moist tamping, it is a matter of density identical average and cyclic stresses gave almost the same results. The

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

Fig. 15. Accumulated strain after 105 cycles versus initial relative density for all tested sample preparation methods.

samples prepared by water pluviation followed by dynamic compaction crushing were detected in these experiments. For a discussion of
in the present study show a somewhat larger scatter of the ε ​ acc ðDr0 Þ experimental investigations on grain crushing in sand under drained
data, however (Fig. 15b). high-cyclic loading the interested reader is referred to Refs. [77,78].
Some of the tendencies in the accumulated strains among the Despite the obvious differences between the various εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain
different sample preparation methods are quite similar to those paths for medium dense samples in Fig. 14d, the collection of the
observed in the stiffness E50 from the drained monotonic tests (Fig. 8c). εq​ acc -εv​ acc data at N ¼ 105 for various densities in Fig. 16a suggests that
It can be assumed that the distribution of contact normal orientations the influence of the sample preparation method on the direction of
influence the rates of strain accumulation in a similar way as it affects accumulation may be disregarded as a first approximation, particularly
the initial stiffness and the dilatancy behaviour under monotonic with regard to the much larger dependence on the average stress ratio
loading. At medium densities the samples prepared by moist tamping η ​ av [70,73] (see also Fig. 18).
possess a higher degree of contact normals oriented in the vertical di­ In contrast to the cumulative rates, the elastic strains depicted in
rection, and thus a cyclic loading applied in the same direction leads to Fig. 16b show only a moderate dependence on the sample preparation
lower strain accumulation rates compared to air-pluviated samples. All method. At medium dense to dense states the strain amplitudes
dry pluviation methods seem to result in a similar initial fabric, since measured for samples prepared by moist tamping are generally slightly
their cumulative strains do not differ much. A dynamic compaction of lower than those obtained from the tests on the air-pluviated samples.
dry samples causes the degree of contact normals with vertical orien­
tation to increase, and thus these samples show lower rates of strain
accumulation than samples prepared to the same density by air pluvi­ 5.2. Results of second test series: comparison of tamped and air-pluviated
ation. In agreement with the conclusions from the monotonic tests, samples at different amplitudes and average stresses
samples constituted by the different methods must have a similar fabric
at very low and very high densities, considering that the measured re­ In the second test series samples prepared by either air pluviation or
sidual strains were quite similar in those cases. The only exception are moist tamping were subjected to a drained cyclic loading with different
the samples prepared by moist tamping, which show considerably larger amplitudes and average stresses. All samples of this series were medium
residual strains at low relative densities. These unexpected large strains dense (54% � Dr0 � 65%). For each sample preparation method, four
could be due to some kind of honeycomb-shaped fabric [6,65], with a tests were performed with the same average stress (p ​ av ¼ 200 kPa, η ​ av
denser matrix surrounding larger pores. The larger pores may result in ¼ 0.75), while the amplitude was varied between q ​ ampl ¼ 20 kPa and
the higher compressibility under cyclic loading. Some differences be­ 80 kPa from test to test (see effective stress paths in Fig. 13a). In three or
tween the tendencies in the static and cyclic tests should be mentioned. four additional tests the average mean pressure was chosen between
For example, with reference to the air-pluviated specimens, p ​ av ¼ 50 kPa and 300 kPa, while the average stress ratio η ​ av ¼ 0.75 and
water-pluviated sand compacted by either vibration or tapping showed the amplitude-pressure ratio q ​ ampl =p0 ¼ 0.30 were kept constant (see
higher values of stiffness E50 in the static tests, but comparable or even effective stress paths in Fig. 13c). Finally, different average stress ratios
larger residual strains in the cyclic tests. Also with respect to the cyclic between η ​ av ¼ 0 and 1.25 were tested at p ​ av ¼ 200 kPa and with an
behaviour the role of microstructure needs further investigations in amplitude q ​ ampl ¼ 60 kPa (see effective stress paths in Fig. 13d). Again,
future. 105 cycles were applied in all tests of this series.
It should be stressed that the accumulation of residual strains in the The upper row of diagrams in Fig. 17 shows mean values of the strain
cyclic tests is solely a result of particle reorientations, including rolling
amplitudes ε ​ ampl over the applied 105 cycles measured in the tests with
and slipping of the particles at their contacts. No visible signs for grain
a variation of stress amplitude (Fig. 17a), average mean pressure

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

Fig. 16. Influence of the sample preparation method on a) pairs of accumulated deviatoric and volumetric strain (εq​ acc , εv​ acc ) at N ¼ 105 and b) mean values of strain
amplitude ε ​ ampl over 105 cycles.

Fig. 17. a-c) Average values of strain amplitude ε ​ ampl during 105 cycles and d-f) accumulated strain ε ​ acc after 105 cycles in dependence of stress amplitude q ​ ampl ,
average mean pressure p ​ av and average stress ratio η ​ av for samples prepared by either air pluviation or moist tamping.

(Fig. 17b) and average stress ratio (Fig. 17c). Evidently, the almost trends for both sample preparation methods are similar: ε ​ acc ðN ¼ 105 Þ
linear increase of ε ​ ampl with the amplitude, its underproportional in­ increases slightly faster than linear with the stress amplitude (Fig. 17d),
crease with p ​ av and the moderate reduction with η ​ av is similar for both strongly faster than linear with the average stress ratio (Fig. 17f) but
sample preparation methods. However, for all test conditions the strain shows only a small variation with average mean pressure (Fig. 17e). If
amplitudes of the tamped samples are slightly smaller than those of the the data in Fig. 17e is purified from the influence of the different strain
pluviated ones. This moderately higher secant stiffness of the tamped amplitudes (Fig. 17b), i.e. if ε ​ acc ðN ¼ 105 Þ data for a constant strain
samples is in good agreement with the data for medium density in amplitude ε ​ ampl are compared, then the residual strain decreases with
Fig. 16b. Furthermore, it fits well to the higher initial stiffness E50 of the p ​ av for both sample preparation methods. In accordance with the con­
tamped samples derived from the initial stage of the drained monotonic clusions for medium dense samples from Fig. 15d the diagrams in
tests (Fig. 8c). Fig. 17d–f reveal about twice lower values of the residual strain after the
The accumulated strain ε ​ acc after 105 cycles is presented as a func­ application of the 105 cycles for the tamped samples compared to their
tion of q ​ ampl , p ​ av and η ​ av in the second row of diagrams in Fig. 17. The pluviated counterparts. The only exception is the pair of tests with the

T. Wichtmann et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131 (2020) 106028

samples of KFS also for drained high-cyclic loading.

6. Summary and conclusions

The influence of the sample preparation method on the strain accu­

mulation in fine sand under drained high-cyclic loading has been studied
in numerous tests with 105 cycles. Some of the samples were prepared by
different methods of air pluviation, using either a funnel, a multiple-
sieve apparatus or a large model test sand spreader. Samples prepared
by water pluviation were generally loose, not exceeding relative den­
sities of Dr0 ¼ 30%. Therefore, for reaching higher densities they were
compacted by vibration on a shaking table or by tapping of the mould
with a rubber hammer. In a similar way, samples deposited in a dry loose
state were densified. Another group of samples was prepared by moist
Fig. 18. εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain paths in tests with different average stress ratios η ​ av tamping.
for samples prepared by either air pluviation or moist tamping. Some preliminary tests with undrained or drained monotonic
loading already revealed a significant effect of the sample preparation
smallest amplitude q ​ ampl ¼ 20 kPa, where the data for both preparation method. The higher dilatancy of the samples prepared by moist tamping
methods lie closer to each other. compared to air-pluviated specimens was the most striking result of the
Finally, Fig. 18 presents the εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain paths from the tests with undrained tests. In contrast, the critical state reached at large strains was
rather unaffected by the initial fabric. In the drained tests, amongst
different average stress ratios η ​ av . For both sample preparation
others tamped samples showed a considerably higher initial stiffness
methods, the strain accumulation becomes more deviatoric with
than air-pluviated ones, while the peak friction angles were almost
increasing η ​ av . An almost purely volumetric strain accumulation
identical for all sample constitution methods.
(_εv​ acc > 0, ε_ q​ acc ¼ 0) is observed for isotropic average stress conditions
In the cyclic tests all samples prepared by the different dry pluviation
(η ​ av ¼ 0), while the cumulative response is almost purely deviatoric
techniques showed a similar accumulation of permanent strain. Similar
(_εv​ acc ¼ 0, ε_ q​ acc > 0) at an average stress ratio η ​ av ¼ 1.25. For both
or slightly higher rates of strain accumulation were measured for sam­
sample preparation methods the εq​ acc -εv​ acc strain paths show some slight ples constituted by water pluviation and a subsequent compaction by
curvature, meaning that the strain accumulation is rendered somewhat either vibration or tapping. In contrast, the samples prepared by dry
more volumetric (increasing strain rate ratio ε_ v​ acc =_εq​ acc ) with increasing loose deposition followed by a compaction in the dry state revealed
number of cycles. For both sample preparation procedures, the influence considerably lower residual strains at medium density, independently of
of the stress amplitude and the average mean pressure on the direction the compaction method. At low densities the accumulated strains in
of strain accumulation was found negligible. It may be concluded that samples prepared by moist tamping in eight layers significantly excee­
the influence of the sample preparation method on the direction of strain ded those in air-pluviated specimens. With increasing density this ten­
accumulation is rather small. The conclusions drawn from the present dency is reversed, leading to considerably lower strain accumulation
test series for both sample reconstitution methods are in good agreement rates of the tamped samples in the medium dense to dense state. Despite
with the results from earlier experimental investigations on the cyclic the differences in magnitude, the dependencies of the strain accumula­
flow rule of air-pluviated samples [70,73]. tion rate on stress amplitude, average mean pressure and average stress
ratio are similar for samples prepared by either air pluviation or moist
5.3. Influence of bedding plane inclination
The slight dependence of the direction of strain accumulation, i.e. the
ratio of volumetric and deviatoric strain accumulation rates, on the
The tests on the influence of the bedding plane inclination α were
sample preparation method can be neglected as a first approximation.
restricted to air-pluviated samples of KFS with either α ¼ 0∘ (prepared
For the two most popular sample preparation methods, moist tamping
conventionally) or α ¼ 45∘ (prepared with the inclined mould). All
and air pluviation, a similar dependence of the direction of strain
samples were medium dense (56% � Dr0 � 65%), consolidated at the
accumulation on the average stress ratio was found, while the cyclic
same average stress p ​ av ¼ 200 kPa, η ​ av ¼ 0.75 and loaded by 105 cycles
flow rule was rather unaffected by a variation of stress amplitude,
with the same amplitude q ​ ampl ¼ 60 kPa. At similar initial density, the average mean pressure or initial relative density. The strain amplitudes
differences in the intensity of accumulation between both α values are were found slightly smaller for the tamped samples than for their air-
negligible (Fig. 19a), while the samples with α ¼ 45∘ showed a slightly pluviated counterparts.
larger volumetric portion of the direction of accumulation (Fig. 19b). The results of the various test series have demonstrated a significant
These tests confirm the rather isotropic response of air-pluviated

Fig. 19. Influence of the bedding plane inclination α in tests with drained high-cyclic loading.

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