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"website": {
"index": {
"operation": "We're Now Operational",
"in": "In",
"cameroon": "CAMEROON",
"indexDisc": "The No.1 real estate Property search, property listing &
construction company in Africa",
"saleBtn": "For Sale",
"rentBtn": "For Rent",
"postAddBtn": "Post free ad",
"conProBtn": "Construction & Property services",
"pType": "Select Property Type",
"type": "Type Region, City, Quarter",
"noLocation": "No Location Matched ",
"search": "SEARCH",
"yearServNo": "11",
"yearServ": "Years in service",
"dailyVisitorsNo": "987,012",
"dailyVisitors": "Visitors Daily",
"dailyPostedNo": "17,973",
"dailyPosted": "Properties Posted Daily",
"fProp": "FEATURED ",
"fProp1": "PROPERTIES",
"fPropDisc": "Here are some amazing properties for you",
"imgFeatured": "Featured",
"imgFeaturedNo": "8",
"imgFeaturedMonth": "25,000 FACFA/month",
"postDate": "Posted Date: 3 days ago",
"bedrooms": "2 Bedroom apartment for rent in Essos Yaounde",
"kitchens": "1 Kitchen",
"livingRooms": "1 Living Room",
"toilets": "1 Toilet",
"fPropBtn": "View Detail",
"serviceHeading1": "SERVICES",
"serviceDisc": "Select any service below to view our recent projects.",
"serviceBtn": "View all services",
"recommend": "RECOMMENDED ",
"recommend1": "PROPERTIES FOR YOU",
"recommendDisc": "Here are some hot offers that may interest you, take
a tour!",
"recommendApart": "Apartment",
"plot": "Plot/Land",
"halls": "Banquet halls/Event venue",
"equippedApart": "Equipped apartments",
"testimonial": "TESTIMONIALS"
"layoutHeader": {
"cUs": "Contact us",
"aUs": "About us",
"helpCenter": "Help Center",
"realEstateAgents": "Real estate agents",
"termsOfUse": "Terms of use",
"privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
"disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"aProp": "All properties",
"agent": "Agents",
"services": "Construction and Property Services",
"contact": "Contact",
"addWithUs": "Advertise with us",
"mPortal": "My Account",
"postProp": "Post Your Property",
"free": "Free",
"logSign": "Login / Sign up",
"menu": "MENU"
"layoutFooter": {
"p1": "The No.1 real estate property listing,property search and
construction company in Africa",
"p1a": "Read more....",
"ql": "QUICK LINKS",
"home": "Home",
"helpCenter": "Help Center",
"realEstateAgents": "Real estate agents",
"id": "Interior Decoration",
"renovation": "Renovation",
"apd": "Architectural plan(2D/3D)",
"bd": "Borehole Drilling",
"ses": "Solar energy solutions",
"sp": "Swimming pool",
"yaounde": "Yaounde",
"douala": "Douala",
"bafoussam": "Bafoussam",
"bamenda": "Bamenda",
"kribi": "Kribi",
"maroua": "Maroua",
"garoua": "Garoua",
"buea": "Buea",
"ebolowa": "Ebolowa",
"bertoua": "Bertoua",
"limbe": "Limbe",
"banner": "Banner",
"featuredAds": "Featured Ads",
"boostProperty": "Boost Property",
"postPropertyFree": "Post Property Free",
"msg": "Property descriptions and other information provided on our
website are intended for information and marketing purposes and while displayed in
good faith,we will not in any circumstances accept responsibility for their
accuracy.It is the responsibility of buyer to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy
of any property descriptions and the responsibility of agents to ensure the
accuracy of the descriptions provided.",
"copyRights": "Copy rights © TRUVOK-By Linkafrique Group.All rights
"exp": "Explore",
"des": "Discover a place you'll love to live in",
"pSale": "Properties for Sale",
"pRent": "Properties for rent",
"agentAgency": "Agents/agencies",
"aRent": "Apartment for rent",
"lSale": "Land for sale",
"hSale": "House for sale",
"offRent": "Office space for rent",
"comRent": "Commercial space for rent",
"iDec": "Interior Decorations",
"cons": "Constructions",
"ren": "Renovations",
"drill": "Drilling",
"cUs": "Contact us",
"aUs": "About us",
"logSign": "Login / Sign up",
"pFree": "Post property free",
"fUs": "Follow us",
"desc1": "“The No.1 real estate property listing, property search and
construction company in Africa”",
"desc2": "Copy right © TRUVOK- By Linkafrique Group. All rights
"aboutUs": {
"heading": "ABOUT US.",
"pl1": "Truvok is a top-notch property portal that caters to a global
market with its unique services and novel online features. Since its lunching by
linkafrique group, has quickly risen to being the No. 1 Property Portal
in Cameroon.",
"pl2": "The design is based on rigorous research, unique
product developments, and innovative initiative which has been readily accepted by
users. In an attempt to best serve the users, features on the Truvok mobile
platform are constantly reinvented, reevaluated and upgraded.",
"pl3": "In addition to all else, is synonymous with
internationally acclaimed property fairs. It is here that high-end properties in
Cameroon's major cities are showcased for audiences in Cameroon and abroad.",
"pl4": "As the largest real estate portal in Cameroon, we offer a
platform where users can buy, sell, rent, lease, or build anything real estate like
apartments, rooms, land, offices, shops, houses, hotels, etc. We focus on property
search and listing as well as property development and construction.",
"pl5": "We offer a universal construction solution. Notably, interior
decoration, borehole drilling, solar energy solutions, architectural
drawing/designs, construction, and consulting.",
"pl6": "Our technology platform connects buyers, sellers and renters to
the people and services they need in order to ensure that they have a seamless real
estate experience. We make it easy to own your dream home via our affordable rates
for quality houses.",
"fndprop": "Find properties for sale or rent",
"btngs": "Get Started",
"advprop": "Advertise your property here for free",
"getpro": "Get any construction related project done"
"advertiseWithUs": {
"awu": "Advertise With Us",
"over" : "With over",
"million" : "3 million",
"month" : "montly visitors, you can never go wrong advertising your
property here.",
"trusted" : "Trusted by more than<br> 211 Real estate agents",
"voted" : "Voted a Superbrand in <br>2019",
"leading" : "Leading real estate <br> platform in Cameroon",
"advantage" : "Take advantage of these winning advertising<br>
solutions we offer",
"bannerAds" : "Banner ads",
"far" : "This is by far the best way to get your business noticed by
potential customers.<br> Here is what banner ads look like",
"place" : "You can place your banner on the home page in any city
quarter or region of your choice.",
"try" : "Try our banner ads by filling the form below",
"upload" : "Upload the banner picture below. <br> The banner size
should be 8:1.",
"submitBanner" : "Submit Banner",
"emailUs" : "Need help? Email us at",
"featuredAds" : "Featured ads",
"real" : "Real estate like you are using Featured ads to find
buyers/renters Faster on this platform by always being at the top of search
"featured" : "Featured",
"properties" : "Properties for you",
"recommended" : "Recommended properties for you",
"apartment" : "Apartment",
"hotel" : "Hotel",
"mall" : "Mall",
"house" : "House",
"toFeature" : "To Feature your property",
"login" : "Login",
"account" : "to your account",
"onMenu" : "On the Menu, click My property",
"identify" : "Identify the particular property you want to feature
amongst the list of your posted properties.",
"pay" : "Click Feature property and Pay the minimal fee to enjoy this
"here" : "Here is a quick way to periodically push your property above
all properties that have been posted free in your desired location.",
"toBoost" : "To Boost your property",
"onExtreme" : "On the extreme right of the property you want to boost,
Simply click boost my property",
"payService" : "Pay the minimal fee to enjoy this excellent service",
"bFree" : "Being free, it's praised and used by many private owners and
real estate agent",
"toStart" : "To start enjoying this service, Register now!",
"once" : "Once registered, a confirmation email will be sent to you",
"after" : "After Confirming your email, you'll be redirected to your
"inAcc" : "In your account MENU, click my properties and then add
property to start posting",
"congratulations" : "Congratulations!!",
"c1" : "We've received your banner. Just one more step and it will go
live on our site.",
"c2" : "Open the confirmation email which we have sent to",
"c3" : "and click to activate your banner.",
"imgSize" : "Adjust Image Size",
"done" : "Done",
"eName": "Enter First Name",
"eReq": "First Name is required",
"fEx": "First Name should not exceed",
"char": "characters",
"eLast": "Enter last Name",
"lReq": "Last Name is required",
"lEx": "Last Name should not exceed",
"con": "Contact #",
"conReq": "Contact # is required",
"cEx": "Contact # should not exceeds",
"eEmail": "Enter E-mail",
"emReq": "E-mail is required",
"pReq": "Password is required",
"pEx": "Password must be atleast 8 characters",
"ePass": "Enter Password",
"conPass": "Confirm Password",
"conPassReq": "Confirm your password",
"conPassEx": "Password confirmation must be atleast 8 characters",
"title": "Title",
"tReq": "Title is required",
"sOp": "Select where your banner should appear Home page, Region City
"hTop": "Home Page TOP",
"hBot": "Home Page Bottom",
"city": "City",
"reg": "Regional",
"bReq": "Banner Type is required",
"bb": "Upload",
"hi": "Hi ",
"th": " Thanks for registering with us.",
"conEmail": "Please check your email and confirm",
"e1": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"e2": "Password confirmation does not match",
"s1": "You have successfully registered With us",
"fileSize" : "Invalid file size. File size must not exceed 3MB",
"invalid" :"Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed"
"agentProfile": {

"clagt": "Call agent:",

"shn": "show number",
"nam": "Name:",
"adrs": "Address:",
"wap": "Whatsapp Agent:",
"nolst": "No of Listings:",
"adfb": "Add FeedBack",
"saprop": "See all properties by this agent",
"abagt": "About Agent",
"propagt": "Properties by this Agent",
"war": "Write a review",
"mnt": " month",
"XAF": "XAF",
"spxaf": "Sale Price XAF",
"rntxaf": "Rent XAF",
"wac": "Write a comment",
"p1": "I confirm that the information submitted here is true and
accurate. I confirm that I do not work for, am not in competition with and am not
related to this agent.",
"bpl": "Back to property list",
"soagt": "See other agents",

"wlcm": "You're welcome!",

"rv": "Reviews",
"oChr": "Other Charges?",
"pp": "Price Period:",
"bed": "Beds:",
"lr": "Living Rooms:",
"kt": "Kitchens:",
"toilet": "Toilets:",
"bl": "Balcony:",
"ps": "Parking Space:",
"fn": "Fenced:",
"nof": "Number of Floors:",
"ct": "Caution:",
"ar": "Area:",
"cl": "By clicking on",
"rm": "read more",
"info": " you can find more info",
"vDet": "View Details",
"rAgent": "Rate this Agent",
"cName": "Enter Your Name",
"cReq": "Name is required",
"rating": "Rating",
"eFeed": "Enter your FeedBack",
"fReq": "Feedback is required",
"sb": "Submit",
"rOn": "Reviewed On ",
"cRev": "Customers Reviews",
"nm": "Name:",
"rt": "Rating:",
"feed": "Feedback:",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"e1": "Please Fill in valid data in all fields and try again",
"s1": "Your review added successfully"
"agents": {
"need": "You might need these agents",
"pro": "Properties: ",
"con": "Contact #: ",
"email": "Email: ",
"cl": "By clicking on",
"rm": "read more",
"info": " you can find more info",
"aFeed": "Add Feedback",
"ag": "Agent",
"trust": "TrustEstate",
"vInfo": "View Info",
"feed": "Feedback",
"name": "Name",
"cName": "Enter Name",
"cReq": "Customer Name is required",
"rt": "Rating",
"eFeed": "Enter Feedback",
"fReq": "Feedback is required",
"submit": "Submit",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"e1": "Please Fill in valid data in all fields and try again",
"s1": "Your review was added successfully"
"contactUs": {
"heading1": "We are excited to hear from you",
"headingcus": "Contact us.",
"e1": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"thank": "Thank You!",
"rcv": "Your submission is received and we will contact you soon",
"enq": "Enquiry",
"fName": "Full Name",
"fReq": "Full Name is required",
"fEx": "Full Name should not exceed",
"char": "characters",
"email": "Email",
"eReq": "E-mail is required",
"eInv": "E-mail is invalid",
"eEx": "E-mail should not exceed",
"no": "Phone Number",
"cReq": "Contact Number is required",
"noEx": "Phone should not exceed",
"address": "Address",
"addEx": "Address should not exceed",
"tMsg": "Type Your Message Here",
"desReq": "Description is required",
"desEx": "Description should not exceed",
"btnsend": "SEND",
"fstrep": "For faster replies:",
"phno": "+(237) 674744444",
"whtapno": "+(237) 674744444",
"thkmsg1": "Thanks for your Message!",
"thkmsg2": "A dedicated team member will be contacting you shortly to
discuss your",
"thkmsg3": "query in detail and to provide whatever assistance you
"fastrep": "For faster replies:",
"eml": "",
"vrsocl": "We're Social ! Connect with us on.",
"btnbk": "BACK TO HOME",
"send": "Send Message",
"cInfo": "Contact Info."
"desclaimer": {
"h1": "Disclaimer",
"l6": "The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in this
Site (including all database rights, trademarks, service marks, trading names,
text, graphics, code, files and links) belong to us or our licensor(s). All rights
are fully reserved.",
"l7": "Subject to clause 3, you may download material from this Site
for the sole purpose of using this Site. No one may copy, transmit, modify,
republish, store (in whole or in part), frame, pass-off or link to any material or
information on or downloaded from this Site without our prior written consent.",
"l8": "The device and the word mark \"Truvok\" are our registered
trademarks. You must not use or copy them without our prior written consent.",
"l9": "This Site contains links to websites operated by third parties.
We have no control over their individual content. We therefore make no warranties
or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information
appearing in relation to any linked websites. The links are for your convenience
only. We do not endorse any products or services advertised on those websites. In
the event that you elect to access any third party website linked from this Site,
you do so at your own risk. We accept no liability for the content appearing on the
Website from any linked Website.",
"l10": "We are not an estate agency. The details of the properties
available on this Site are provided to us by third party estate agents, private
sellers, landlords or developers for your information only. We do not verify the
property details provided to us and therefore make no warranties or representations
as to their accuracy or completeness. If you rely on these details, you do so at
your own risk. We recommend that you check all property details with the
advertising estate agent, landlord, private sellers or developer before making any
decisions or taking any action in regards to a property advertised on our Site.",
"l11": "You are solely responsible for ensuring that your computer
system meets all relevant technical specifications necessary to correctly utilise
the full content of this Site and that your computer system is compatible with this
Site. We recommend using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer as your preferred
"l12": "You must not misuse our system or this Site. In particular, you
must not hack into, circumvent security or otherwise disrupt the operation of our
system and this Site, or attempt to carry out any of the foregoing. This includes
introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is or
could be malicious or technologically harmful.",
"l13": "You must not use or attempt to use any automated program
(including, without limitation, any spider or other web crawler) to access our
system or this Site, or to search, display or obtain links to any part of this
Site, other than the home page, unless the automated program
identifies itself uniquely in the User Agent field and is fully compliant with the
Robots Exclusion Protocol (a \"Permitted Program\"). Any such use or attempted use
of an automated program (other than a Permitted Program) shall be a misuse of our
system and this Site. Obtaining access to any part of our system or this Site by
means of any such automated programs (other than a Permitted Program) is strictly
"l14": "You must not include links to this Site in any other Site
without our prior written consent. In particular, (but without limiting the
foregoing) you must not include in any other Site any \"deep link\" to any page on
this Site. You may link to our home page provided that you do so in
a way that does not (in our reasonable opinion) damage our reputation or expose us
to risk. We reserve the right to unilaterally withdraw linking permission without
notice and for whatsoever reason. We bear no obligation to provide reasons for such
"l15": "You must not upload or use inappropriate or offensive language
or content or solicit any commercial services in any communication, form or email
you send or submit, from or to the Site.",
"l16": "All content that you upload to our Site will be considered non-
confidential and non-proprietary. We have the right to use, copy, distribute and
disclose to third parties any such content for any purpose. We also have the right
to disclose your identity to any third party who claims or alleges that content
posted or uploaded by you to our Site breaches that third party’s legal rights.",
"l17": "The views expressed by users on our Site do not represent our
views or values.",
"l18": "All content that you upload to our Site must:",
"l19": "Be accurate (where you state facts);",
"l20": "Be genuinely held (where you state opinions); and",
"l21": "Comply with the applicable law of the country from which they
were posted.",
"h5": "Your content must not:",
"l22": "Contain any material which is defamatory of any person;",
"l23": "Contain any material which is obscene, offensive, hateful,
discriminatory, unethical, immoral or inflammatory; or",
"l24": "Contain any material which does or could potentially infringe
the intellectual property rights of a third party.",
"l25": "At our sole discretion, we may refuse your application for
registration. Upon successful application for registration, you will receive email
notificationof such confirmation containing your account ID and password.",
"l26": "Each registration is reserved for a single user only. You are
not permitted to share your username and password with any other person or with
multiple users on a network.",
"l27": "You undertake that all information provided by you for the
purposes of registering with us is accurate and complete.",
"l28": "You accept sole responsibility for all use of and for keeping
secret any account ID and password that may have been given to you or chosen by you
for use on this Site. You will notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of
them or any other breach of security of this Site of which you become aware."
"FAQ": {
"faqTop": "HELP CENTER",
"faqDisc": "You'll will find answer to most of your questions
here.Don't worry if you still don't find the",
"faqDisc1": "answer you seek.Please Email us at",
"faqSupport": "",
"chooseCat": "Choose a category to quickly find the help you need.",
"proplist": "Property Lisitng",
"propSearch": "Property Search",
"propService": "Construction and services",
"expand": "EXPAND ALL",
"collapse": "COLLAPSE ALL",
"msg": "Didn't find the answer you seek?Please Email us at",
"msgSupport": ""
"forgotPassword": {
"fPass": "Forgot Password?",
"wlcm": "Welcome to ",
"tr": "Don't worry we'll help you.",
"eEmail": "Please enter your email address and we'll send you a link to
reset your password",
"eInv": "E-mail is invalid",
"yEmail": "Your E-mail",
"Submit": "Submit",
"s1": "Password link has been sent successfully",
"h1": "Instructions are available to those who wish to recover their
"enterEmail" : "Please provide Email"
"login": {
"pas": "Password",
"fPass": "Forgot Password?",
"Welcome": "Welcome",
"truvok": "This is TRUVOK!",
"most": "The most trafficked real estate platform in Cameroon.",
"signin": "SIGN IN",
"sToday": "Sign-in today and take advantage of this golden
"plLog": "Please log-in to your Account",
"free": "It's FREE",
"dAcc": "Don't have an account yet?",
"rh": "Register Here",
"pEmail": "Please provide your E-mail/Phone",
"yEmail": "Enter your E-mail/Phone ",
"pp": "Please enter your password"
"agentAgency": {
"descLine": "We want to give you a FREE truvok account where you can
manage all the properties you post on this platform.Create your account in less
than a minute.",
"p1": "You can still post a Free ad but you need to register in order
to proceed.",
"p2": "Please click here to get registered",
"freeAccnt": "Create a free account"
"privateOwner": {
"goodNews": "Good News!!",
"done": "You are almost done",
"ConfEmail": "A confirmation Email has been sent to",
"ConfEmail1": "Please confirm your email and you will be able to add
more details",
"ConfEmail2": "about your property.",
"e1": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"post": "Post Your Property",
"inr": "To post your property, fill out the form below",
"pt": "Property Type",
"proReq": "Property Type is required",
"title": "Property title is required",
"proEx": "Property title should not exceed",
"proTitle": "Property title",
"price": "Price",
"pReq": "Price is required",
"pCan": "Price cant be less then 0",
"pEx": "Price title should not exceed",
"char": "characters",
"email": "Email",
"eReq": "Email is required",
"vEm": "Please type valid email",
"Region": "Region",
"regReq": "Region is required",
"city": "City Or Town",
"cReq": "City is required",
"Quarter": "Quarter",
"qReq": "Quarter is required",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Proceed": "Proceed"
"privacyPolicy": {
"h1": "Privacy Policy",
"h2": "Effective date: __June 2020",
"p1": "Linkafrique Group (“Truvok”, “we”, “us” and “our”) abides by
relevant laws such as the Law relating to cybersecurity and cyber criminality in
Cameroon, the Law Governing electronic Commerce in Cameroon, Personal Information
Protection Act and any other applicable data privacy law and regulation for the
protection of personal information submitted by users of the Site.",
"p2": "This Privacy Policy, together with our Terms and Conditions and
any other documents referred to therein, describes how we will process any personal
data that we collect from you, or that you provide to us. Make sure to read the
following to comprehend our views and practices on your personal data, and how we
will treat it. By using our services, including the Truvok website at (\"Site\"), you consent to and agree to be bound by this Privacy
Policy and our Terms and Conditions.",
and Use",
"p3": "We may collect several different types of information for
various purposes to provide and improve our Service to you.",
"h4": "Types of Data Collected",
"h5": "Personal Data",
"p4": "While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with
certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify
you (\"Personal Data\"). Personally, identifiable information may include, but is
not limited to:",
"l1": "Email address",
"l2": "First name and last name",
"l3": "Phone number",
"l4": "Details of Property",
"l5": "Billing information for payments",
"l6": "Contact information",
"l7": "Identification documents",
"l8": "Any other information required to fulfill our services",
"l9": "Cookies and Usage Data",
"h6": "Usage Data",
"p5": "We may also collect information about how the Service is
accessed and used (\"Usage Data\"). This Usage Data may include information such as
your computer's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser
version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit,
the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic
"h7": "Cookies",
"p6": "We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the
activity on our Service and hold certain information. For more information on this
section, please review our Cookie Policy.",
"p7": "Truvok uses the collected data for various purposes:",
"l10": "To provide and maintain the Service",
"l11": "To notify you about changes to our Service",
"l12": "To allow you to participate in interactive features of our
Service when you choose to do so",
"l13": "To provide customer care and support",
"l14": "To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can
improve the Service",
"l15": "To monitor the usage of the Service",
"l16": "To detect, prevent and address technical issues",
"h8": "Transfer Of Data",
"p8": "Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to
— and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country or
other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than
those from your jurisdiction. If you are located outside Cameroon and choose to
provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including
Personal Data, to Cameroon and process it there.",
"p9": "Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission
of such information represents your agreement to that transfer. Truvok will take
all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in
accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take
place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place
including the security of your data and other personal information.",
"h9": "Disclosure Of Data",
"h10": "Legal Requirements",
"p10": " may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith
belief that such action is necessary to:",
"l17": "To comply with a legal obligation",
"l18": "To protect and defend the rights or property of",
"l19": "To prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection
with the Service",
"l20": "To protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the
"l21": "To protect against legal liability",
"h11": "Security Of Data",
"p11": "The security of your data is important to us, but remember that
no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is
100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your
Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.",
"h12": "Service Providers",
"p12": "We may employ third party companies and individuals to
facilitate our Service (\"Service Providers\"), to provide the Service on our
behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analysing how our
Service is used.These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to
perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for
any other purpose.",
"h13": "Links To Other Sites",
"p13": "Our Service may contain links to other sites that are not
operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that
third party's site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every
site you visit.We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the
content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.",
"h14": "Children's Privacy",
"p14": "Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18
(\"Children\"). We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information
from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware
that your Children has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we
become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without
verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our
"h15": "Changes",
"p15": "We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. You are
advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this
Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.",
"h16": "Contact Us",
"p16": "If you have any questions about Our Site or this Privacy
Policy, please contact us by email at"
"projectDetails": {
"hvp": "Have a Project in a mind?",
"ttexp": "Talk to our experts",
"pd": "Project Description",
"vsp": "View Similar Projects",
"vss": "View Similar Services",
"wap": "Wondering about the budget for your project? Our experts are
here to help ",
"bfc": "Book Free Consulation ",
"nh": "Need Help? ",
"cus": "Contact Us",

"h1": "Our unique Project",

"serv": "Our Exciting Services",
"h2": "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask",
"a2": "Have a same project in Mind?",
"conUs": "Contact us",
"diff": "Different Perspectives of our Projects",
"view": "View Other Projects"
"properties": {
"minmaxError": "Minimum price can't be greater then Maximum price",
"Region": "Region",
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"Quarter": "Quarter",
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"Rent": "For Rent",
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"Reset": "Reset",
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"iinp": "Interested in this property?",
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"nbloc": "Nearby Locations:",
"ame": "Amenities:",
"hvq": "Have a question",
"waa": "Whatsapp Agent",
"caa": "Call Agent",
"disc": "Disclaimer.",
"discp": "The information displayed about this property comprises a
property advertisement. TRUVOK makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness
of the advertisement or any linked or associated information, and TRUVOK has no
control over the content. This property listing does not constitute property
particulars. The information is provided and maintained by the real estate agent
whose information you can find on this page. TRUVOK shall not in any way be held
liable for the actions of any agent and/or property owner/landlord on or off this
"ssp": "See similar properties",
"boav": "Book a visit",
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"calag": "Call Agent:",
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"haveQues": "Have a question",
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"pb": "Posted By",
"sp": "Show Phone",
"pSer": "Properties Served",
"pa": "Property Areas:",
"pt": "Property Type:",
"ca": "Contact agent",
"nh": "Need help?",
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"nReq": "Name is required",
"nEx": "Name should not exceed ",
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"ee": "Enter Email",
"eReq": "Email is required",
"eEx": "Email should not exceed ",
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"pEx": "Phone number should not exceed ",
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"pDes": "Property Description",
"Description": "Property Description",
"rv": "Rental Value",
"Address": "Address",
"pnf": "Property Not Found!!",
"e1": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"unfr": "Bedroom Unfurnished Apartment for",
"furnished" : "Bedroom Furnished Apartment for",
"studio" : "Bedroom Studio for",
"modernRoom" : "Modern room with",
"toiletFor" : "Toilet for",
"villa" : "Bedroom House/Villa for",
"residential" : "Residential Land for",
"commercial" : "Commercial Land for",
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"rates": {
"pr": "Private Seller / Private Rental",
"p1": "Advertise and sell your property (Please Note: Credits purchased
after trial period never expire)",
"Price": "Price",
"sp1": "Free till 29th February 2020. Thereafter R130.00 per advert
valid for 30 days.",
"ex": "Free trial expires on",
"Limit": "Limit",
"ad": "Advert/s",
"er": "Estate Agency / Rental Agency",
"agAs": "Agency can load and assign advert credits to agents (Please
Note: Credits purchased after trial period never expire)"
"registration": {
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"btncl": "Company Logo",
"gn": "Good News!!",
"aldon": "You are almost done",
"cfeml": "A confirmation Email has been sent to",
"plzcf": "Please confirm your email and you will be able to add more
details ",
"abpr": "about your property. ",
"adjimg": "Adjust Image Size",
"btndn": "Done",
"wlcm": "Welcome to Truvok",
"ins": "Instructions are available to those who wish to register
"signup1": "Take control! Reach millions of buyers/renters on the
largest real estate Platform in Cameroon",
"signup2": "It's Free",
"signup3": "SIGN UP",
"im": "I am ",
"po": "Private Owner",
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"cEx": "Password confirmation must be atleast 8 characters",
"eAdd": "Address",
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"bs": "By signing up you agree to ",
"tc": "Terms of use",
"ac": "Already have an account? ",
"labelUsername": "Username",
"reqUsername": "Username is required",
"limitUsername": "Username should not exceed",
"Login": "LOG IN",
"Hi": "Hi ",
"th": "Thanks for registering with us.",
"check": "Please check your email and confirm",
"e1": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"e2": "Password confirmation doesn't match",
"s1": "You have successfully Registered With us",
"fileSize" : "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"invalid" : "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed"
"resetPassword": {
"e1": "Please enter valid data in all fields and try again",
"e2": "Password and confirm password are not matched",
"ins": "Instructions are available to those who wish to register
"rp": "Reset Password",
"wlcm": "Welcome to ",
"Truvox": "Truvok",
"pEx": "Password code is expired",
"ePass": "Please enter new password",
"Password": "Password",
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"cp": "Confirm Password",
"cReq": "Confirm password is required",
"Reset": "Reset"
"serviceDetails": {
"projectBelow": "We have completed more than 200 projects, big and
small. Find our recent project below",
"op": "OUR PROMISE",
"highest": "Highest Quality Standard",
"ourMain": "Our main focus is customer satisfaction. To achieve that.
our team of architect, project engineers, quality control engineers and skilled
contractors ensure highest quality standards. Along with Skills, we also ensure the
use of branded materials for the project.",
"Warranty": "Warranty",
"weProvide": "We provide a 1 year warranty on structure and on
underground sump and a 1 year warranty on seepage on all construction services and
6 months general warranty on other services in plumbing. electrical or carpentry.",
"hassle": "Hassle-Free Experience",
"once": "Once the deal is sealed, every step from plan approval to
handover will be our responsibility, managed 100% by our qualified team. Our tech
capabilities does wonders In taking a customer's doubts and stress away from the
entire process. No more hassle of dealing with contractors and worry of execution
"onTime": "On-Time Completion",
"master": "We provide a master schedule and monthly schedules, and
commit to completing projects on time. To ensure clients are aware of the progress,
weekly reports are consistently shared. We also follow a penalty policy in case of
any delay.",
"Recent": "Recent",
"Projects": "Projects",
"Status": "Status",
"pMind": "Have a project in mind?",
"talk": "Talk to our expert",
"sm": "See More",
"excuted": "We are excited to work with you",
"cu": "Contact us",
"discuss": "to discuss you project",
"get": "Get your project done with ease. Start now with these few
"Inquiry": "Inquiry",
"inquire": "You inquire about our service, and dedicated experts are
assigned to address all your concerns FREE",
"plan": "Plan of action",
"offer": "We discuss, design, offering you professional advice and plan
the execution of your project based on your budget.",
"Finalization": "Finalization and execution",
"budget": "Once you are satisfied with our offer, we sign a contract,
receive downpayment, execute and handover project.",
"Satisfaction": "Customer Satisfaction",
"satisfied": "Client is 100% satisfied, brings more projects in future,
and recommend us to friends.",
"rs": " Other related services",
"hti": "How Truvok is",
"different": "different",
"Convenience": "Convenience",
"Responsibility": "100% Responsibility from Plan Approval to Handover",
"Transparency": "Transparency",
"material": "Transparent at every level (progress. Payment, material
"Cost": "Cost",
"Fixed": "Fixed pre-agreed project cost",
"ot": "On-Time",
"set": "Set project schedule tracked & managed",
"Quality": "Quality of finish",
"team": "Strong team of contractors, in-house team of architects,
engineers, project managers.Only branded material used",
"Technology": "Technology",
"Powered": "Powered by technology - starting from vendor on-boarding
"automated": "",
"has": "Hassles of managing stakeholders (including plan approval)",
"Limited": "Limited mostly on trust",
"Standardized": "No Standardized packages",
"delayed": "Project often delayed with no progress visibility",
"Unskilled": "Unskilled labour force & unmonitored quality of
"use": "Limited to no use."
"services": {
"serviceHeading": "Welcome to Truvok Property Services!",
"tagLine": "Here, you’ll find solutions to all your real estate
property needs in one place.",
"comingSoon": "Coming Soon",
"interested": "I’m Interested",
"status": "Status: ",
"locationVar": "Location: ",
"testimonialHead": "TESTIMONIALS",
"bf": "Be our first client. Avail amazing offers",
"vPro": "View All Projects"
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"verifyEmail": {
"e1": "Please Enter Code to check Code status",
"wait": "Please wait while we are verifying you",
"ver": "Your email has been verified.",
"red": "Redirecting you to Dashboard.",
"ex": "We are sorry your request for registration is expired.Please
register again.",
"Submit": "Submit",
"enter": "Please Enter Code to verify your account"
"termsAndConditions": {
"h1": "Effective date: __June 2020",
"h2": "1. Introduction",
"p1": "Welcome to the Truvok website which is located on
(“Site” or “Website”).This website is owned and operated by Linkafrique Group from
Cameroon. Throughout the Site, the terms “we”, “us”, “Truvok”, “Truvok Platform”
and “our” refer to Linkafrique Group. We offer this website, including all
information, tools, and services available from this site to you, the user,
conditioned upon your acceptance of all terms, conditions, policies, and notices
stated here.",
"p2": " By visiting our website and/or using any of our features, you
accept to use our \"Service\" and agree to abide by the following terms and
conditions / terms of use (\"Terms\"), including those additional terms and
conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available via hyperlink. These
terms apply to all site users, including users who are browsers, property owners,
real estate agents / agencies, property seekers, individuals, businesses, and/or
content contributors, without limitation.",
"p4": "You hereby agree to these Terms and all applicable laws by
accessing or using our Services. You should not use the Services if you do not
agree with these Terms, our Privacy Policy or any other of our Policy.",
"h4": "2. Permitted use",
"h5": "3. Truvok Services",
"h6": "What we provide.",
"h7": "Truvok Construction Services",
"h8": "Sole Discretion",
"h9": "Limitation",
"h10": "Control",
"h11": "4. Eligibility",
"h12": "5. Registration",
"h13": "Adverts",
"h14": "7. Advert Disclaimer",
"h15": "8. Payment",
"h16": "9. No Refund Policy",
"h17": "10. User Content",
"h18": "11. Limited License and Site Access; Acceptable Use",
"h19": "12. Accounts, Registrations, and Passwords",
"h20": "13. Intellectual Property Rights",
"h21": "14. Monitoring Activity",
"h22": "15. Disclaimer",
"h23": "16. Limitation of Liability",
"h24": "17. Indemnification",
"h25": "18. Governing Law",
"h26": "19. Privacy & Cookies",
"h27": "20. Changes",
"h28": "21. Electronic Communications",
"h29": "22. Severability",
"h30": "23. Entire Agreement",
"h31": "24. Contact Us",
"p5": "You agree to use the Site and the Services only for the purposes
permitted by these Terms and Conditions and in accordance with all applicable laws,
regulations, and generally accepted practices or guidelines within the
jurisdictions concerned.You will not (and will not attempt to):",
"p6": "We are an online property portal which helps property owners,
property seekers, real estate agents, agencies, tenants, landlords, construction
entities and general visitors in the Real estate and Construction industry to
connect. Users of the platform can post adverts and interact with each other. Users
of the platform can place paid Property Adverts on the site. The Services can be
purchased through various methods of payments offered.",
"p7": "Truvok also provides on-demand construction services which are
solely operated by our company. The services include without limitation;
construction of buildings, renovation, and interior decoration, architectural
drawing, designing, bore whole drilling and solar panel installation.",
"p8": "Truvok uses the collected data for various purposes:",
"p9": "Truvok reserves the right to add and discontinue any service or
restrict any user from using the Truvok services at sole discretion.",
"p10": "For the Property Advert service, Truvok only operates as a
property advertising and matching platform. In particular we accept no
responsibility for the selection or non-selection of any property. Truvok is not a
real estate agency for, and does not represent those persons, companies and other
organizations whose adverts may be displayed or referred to on the Site. You
acknowledge that you are solely responsible for all use you make of the Platform.",
"p11": "Truvok is not an estate agency but a property search engine and
advert classified service, which disseminates information about available
properties, which are being marketed by others on the web. No principal / agent
relationship shall be implied from the provision of this service. Users, not us,
are responsible for preparing the property details, fielding enquiries directly
from the buying public and effecting introductions between the buyer and seller.
Regarding the Truvok Construction services, they are offered solely by our company
and controlled by us through our own team/employees.",
"p12": "Details on the Services offered by Truvok are provided on",
"p13": "To access and use the Truvok Platform or register a Truvok
Account you must be an individual at least 18 years old or a duly organized,
validly existing business, organization or other legal entity in good standing
under the laws of the country you are established and able to enter into legally
binding contracts.",
"p47": "User verification on the Internet is difficult and we do not
assume any responsibility for the confirmation of any Member’s identity.
Notwithstanding the above, for transparency and fraud prevention purposes, and as
permitted by applicable laws, we may, but have no obligation to (i) ask Members to
provide a form of government identification or other information or undertake
additional checks designed to help verify the identities or backgrounds of Members,
(ii) screen Members against third party databases or other sources and request
reports from service providers ",
"p14": "You will need to register with us in order to post any adverts
on the Platform. You can register by clicking on the \"Register\" or “Sign up” on
our homepage and submitting the information required. You’ll need to provide a
valid email address and a password; which you will be required to submit each time
you log into the Platform. You may also be required to submit some additional
personal information about yourself as part of the registration process.",
"p15": "You agree that all registration information you submit to the
Platform will be truthful and accurate and you will maintain the accuracy of this
information. This includes the user type you register as. Users found to be falsely
registering will be removed from the Platform.",
"p16": "Your account is for your use only and you agree that you will
not share your account with any other person.",
"p17": "Each Advert must be an advert of one property",
"p18": "Adverts can be in the form of Featured ads and banners",
"p19": "Users can place their adverts themselves by using the featured
ads and banner services or they can hand over the property to us so we advertise on
their behalf and then get a commission upon completion of the transaction related
to the said property",
"p20": "All Verified users can pay an extra fee featured adverts and
placing banners which may boost viewership of adverts.",
"p21": "All prices and details on Advert packages are provided on our
"p22": "All adverts posted to the Platform must be for the purpose
allowed on the Platform (Real estate; buy, sell and rent and Construction) and must
be compliant with all appropriate legislation.",
"p23": "Any photos or videos you include in your advert will be current
and accurate representations of the room(s) you are advertising;",
"p24": "You have all necessary rights and permissions to advertise
and/or rent or let the applicable room or property (note we reserve the right to
request proof of such rights and/or permissions);",
"p25": "(i) free of encumbrance, charge or any other unexpired right in
the item; or",
"p26": "(ii) that such advertising is a statement or representation of
fact. You should carry out any checks or searches that may reveal faults in the
title or suitability of the item for your own purposes and receive independent
advice before you purchase such item.",
"p27": "Truvok does not provide any guarantee that the adverts will
generate any leads, response or will complete a successful sale. Users agree and
understand that Truvok cannot be held responsible if the ads did not get any
response or caused any profit/losses to the user.",
"p28": "The advertisements placed on the Site by you or any other third
party does not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Truvok makes no
warranty or representation that the items advertised for sale via the Site are
"p29": "Our Site uses the major payment methods which include:",
"p30": "We reserve the right to add or change our payment methods at
sole discretion anytime.",
"p31": "Due to the nature of the products and services, All Sales are
final and Truvok follows a no refund policy for any purchase of Services made on
its Site. Once payment is received, we are unable to refund you. Once the advert is
no longer required it is your responsibility to delete your advert using the 'My
Account' facility on the website.",
"p32": "You grant us a royalty-free , non-exclusive, perpetual,
irrevocable license to use, copy, edit, adapt, publish, reproduce, translate, sub-
license, create derivative works from, make your \"Content\" available,
communicate, display, store and/or distribute it in other works in any form,
format, media or technology now known or subsequently developed (including without
limitation in print, digital and electronic form). By submitting your Content, you
warrant that you are entitled to grant this license. You waive all moral rights in
your Content, to the extent permitted by law.It is our sole discretion whether or
not we choose to publish or otherwise make available Content on the Site.",
"p33": "We grant you a limited license to use the Site. You may not:
(a) resell or make any commercial use of this Site or any of the contents of this
Site; (b) modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or
convert any of the contents of this Site not intended to be so read; (c) copy,
imitate, mirror, reproduce, distribute, publish, download, display, perform, post
or transmit any of the contents of this Site in any form or by any means; or (d)
use any data mining, bots, spiders, automated tools or similar data gathering and
extraction methods on the contents of the Site or to collect any information from
the Site or any other user of the Site.You use this Site at your own risk. You
agree that you will be personally responsible for your use of this Site and all of
your communication and activity on this Site. If we determine, in our sole
discretion, that you engaged in prohibited activities, were not respectful of other
users, or otherwise violated the Terms and Conditions, we may deny you access to
this Site on a temporary or permanent basis and any decision to do so is final.",
"p34": "If you use this Site and such use requires setting up an
account and/or password(s), you are solely responsible for maintaining the
confidentiality of your account and password(s) and for restricting access to your
computer. If you open an account, register, or otherwise provide us with any
information, you agree to provide us with current, complete, and accurate
information as requested by any forms. Truvok is not responsible for any errors or
delays in responding to any inquiry or request caused by any incorrect, outdated,
or incorrect information provided by you or any technical problems beyond the
control of Truvok. You acknowledge and agree that any login, identifier, or
password issued in connection with this Site (each a \"Password\") is confidential
information and must be kept secure. You may not disclose such a Password to
another person or entity or permit another entity to access the Site using such a
Password. You must notify Truvok immediately of any breach of security or
unauthorized use of your account. Truvok cannot be responsible and disclaims all
liability in connection with, the use of any information that you post or display
on this Site",
"p35": "Your use of the Site and its contents grants no rights to you
concerning any copyright, designs, and trademarks and all other intellectual
property and material rights mentioned, displayed, or relating to the Content
(defined below) on the Site. All Content, including third party trademarks,
designs, and related intellectual property rights mentioned or displayed on this
Site, are protected by national intellectual property and other laws. Any
unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or other use of the Content is prohibited
and may result in civil and criminal penalties. You may use the Content only with
our prior written and express authorization. To inquire about obtaining
authorization to use the Content, please contact us at
addition to the intellectual property rights mentioned above, \"Content\" is
defined as any graphics, photographs, including all image rights, sounds, music,
video, audio, or text on the Site.",
"p36": "TRUVOK has no obligation to monitor this Site or any portion
thereof. However, we reserve the right to review any posted content and remove,
delete, redact or otherwise modify such content, in our sole discretion, at any
time and from time to time, without notice or further obligation to you. TRUVOK has
no obligation to display or post any content. TRUVOK, subject to the Privacy Policy
reserves the right to disclose, at any time and from time to time, any information
or posted the content that it deems necessary or appropriate, including without
limitation to satisfy any applicable, law, regulation, contractual obligation,
legal, dispute process, or governmental request. TRUVOK shall have no liability in
connection with any content or content submitted to, transmitted via, or displayed
or posted on this Site, regardless of whether provided by TRUVOK or any other
"p38": "You agree that in no event shall Truvok be liable to you, or
any third party, for any lost profits, incidental, consequential, punitive,
special, or indirect damages arising out of or in connection with the Site or the
Terms and Conditions, even if advised as to the possibility of such damages,
regardless of whether the claim for such damages is based in contract, tort, strict
liability or otherwise. This limitation on liability includes, but is not limited
to, any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies in any Content or for any loss or
damage of any kind incurred by you as a result of your use of or reliance on the
Content; (ii) the transmission of any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses or the like
which may infect your equipment, failure of mechanical or electronic equipment;
(iii) unauthorized access to or use of the Site or Truvok' secure servers and/or
any personal information and/or financial information stored therein; or (iv)
theft, operator errors, strikes or other labor problems or any force majeure.",
"p39": "You agree to indemnify and hold Truvok and its subsidiaries,
affiliates, officers, directors, agents, and employees, harmless from and against
any suit, action, claim, demand, penalty or loss, including reasonable attorneys’
fees, made by or resulting from any third party due to or arising out of your use
of the Site, breach of the Terms and Conditions or the materials it incorporates by
reference, or your violation of any law, regulation, order or other legal mandates,
or the rights of a third party",
"p40": "All matters relating to the Website and these Terms and
Conditions, and any dispute or claim arising there from or related thereto (in each
case, including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of Cameroon without giving effect to any
choice or conflict of law provision or rule. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding
arising out of, or related to, these Terms and Conditions or the Website shall be
instituted exclusively in the courts of Cameroon. You waive any and all objections
to the exercise of jurisdiction over you by such courts and venue in such courts.",
"p41": "For more information on how we collect your information and
cookies, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy",
"p42": "We reserve the right to update and revise these Terms and
Conditions at any time. You will know if these Terms and Conditions have been
revised since your last visit to the website by referring to the \"Effective Date
of Current Policy\" date at the top of this page. Your use of our Site constitutes
your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions as amended or revised by us from time
to time, and you should, therefore, review these Terms and Conditions regularly",
"p43": "When you visit the Site or send us e-mails, you are
communicating with us electronically. In so doing, you consent to receive
communications from us electronically. You agree that all agreements, notices,
disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy
any legal requirement that such communication is in writing.",
"p44": "If any of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed invalid,
void, or for any reason unenforceable, that term shall be deemed severable and
shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining terms or
"p45": "These Terms and Conditions set forth the entire understanding
and agreement between you and Truvok concerning the subject matter herein and
supers all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether
electronic, oral or written concerning the Site. A printed version of these Terms
and Conditions and any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in
judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these Terms and
Conditions to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business
documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. Any
rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. You may not assign the Terms and
Conditions, or assign, transfer or sublicense your rights therein. A failure to act
concerning a breach by you or others does not waive Truvok's right to act
concerning subsequent or similar breaches.",
"p46": "For any questions, complaints, and queries or to report any
violations, kindly send an email on",
"l1": "Access any of the Services by any means other than through the
interface that is provided by Truvok;",
"l2": "Gain unauthorized access to Truvok’s computer system or engage
in any activity that interferes with the performance of, or impairs the
functionality or security of the Site, the Services, Truvok’s networks, and
computer systems;",
"l3": "Access any of the Site or the Services through any automated
means or with any automated features or devices (including use of scripts or web
"l4": "Access or collect any personally identifiable information,
including any names, email addresses or other such information for any purpose,
including, without limitation, commercial purposes;",
"l5": "Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell any aspect of
the Site or the Services for any purpose; and",
"l6": "Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade or resell any products
or services bearing any trademark, service mark, trade name, logo or service mark
owned by Truvok in a way that is likely or intended to confuse the owner or
authorized user of such marks, names or logos;",
"l7": "Post anything which contains any material which is defamatory of
any person;",
"l8": "Post anything which contains any material which is obscene,
offensive, hateful, discriminatory, unethical, immoral, unlawful or inflammatory.",
"l9": "MTN Mobile money",
"l10": "Orange Money",
"l11": "Visa (credit and debit cards)",
"l12": "MasterCard (credit and debit cards)",
"l13": "Any other payment method mentioned on the Truvok Site."
"p1":"In Just 2 minutes your property will be posted on the",
"p2":"most visited real estate platfrom in Cameroon",
"p3":"Please tell us who you are ?",
"p4":"I am a LANDLORD.",
"btngs":"Get started",
"p5":"I am a REAL ESTATE AGENT."

"agencyPanel": {
"dashboard": {
"Logout": "Logout"
"listAgents": {
"s1": "Agent deleted successfully!!",
"agentList": "Agents List",
"addAgent": "Add Agent",
"fn": "First Name",
"ln": "Last Name",
"un": "User Name",
"email": "E-mail",
"Gender": "Gender",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Del": "Del",
"sure": "Are you sure to delete agent?",
"No": "No",
"Yes": "Yes"
"addAgent": {
"e1": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"e2": "Password doesnot Match",
"s1": "Changes saved successfully!!",
"s2": "Agent added successfully!!",
"e3": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"e4": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"add": "Add/Edit Agent",
"char": "characters",
"labelFirstName": "First Name",
"phFirstName": "Enter First Name",
"reqFirstName": "First Name is required",
"limitFirstName": "First Name should not exceed",
"labelLastName": "Last Name",
"phLastName": "Enter Last Name",
"reqLastName": "Last Name is required",
"limitLastName": "Last Name should not exceed",
"labelGender": "Gender",
"maleGender": "Male",
"femaleGender": "Female",
"labelUsername": "Username",
"phUsername": "Enter Username",
"reqUsername": "Username is required",
"limitUsername": "Username should not exceed",
"labelEmail": "E-mail",
"phEmail": "Enter E-mail",
"reqEmail": "E-mail is required",
"labelPassword": "Password",
"phPassword": "Enter Password",
"reqPassword": "Password is required",
"limitPassword": "Password must be atleast 8 characters",
"labelConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"phConfirmPassword": "Enter Confirm Password",
"reqConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password is required",
"limitConfirmPassword": "Password must be atleast 8 characters",
"labelPrimaryContact": "Primary Contact #",
"phPrimaryContact": "Enter Primary Contact #",
"reqPrimaryContact": "Primary Contact # is required",
"limitPrimaryContact": "Primary Contact # should not exceeds",
"labelSecondaryContact": "Secondary Contact #",
"phSecondaryContact": "Enter Secondary Contact #",
"limitSecondaryContact": "Secondary Contact # should not exceeds",
"labelAddress": "Address",
"phAddress": "Enter Address",
"reqAddress": "Address is required",
"limitAddress": "Address should not exceeds",
"browseImage": "Browse Image",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjuct Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save"
"agecyProfile": {
"ePro": "Profile",
"iDoc": "Document"
"agecyProfileData": {
"char": "Charaters",
"save": "Save",
"labelCompanyName": "Agent/Agency Name",
"phCompanyName": "Agent/Agency",
"reqCompanyName": "Agent/Agency is required",
"limitCompanyName": "Agent/Agency should not exceed",
"labelAgentName": "Name Of Agency Representative",
"phAgentName": "Name Of Agency Representative",
"reqAgentName": "Name is required",
"limitAgentName": "Name should not exceeds",
"labelMobile": "Phone Number",
"phMobile": "Phone Number #",
"reqMobile": "Phone Number is required",
"limitMobile": "Phone Number should not exceed",
"whatsApp": "Whatsapp Number",
"whatsApprequired": "Whatsapp Number is required",
"errWhatsAppExceeds": "Whatsapp Number should not exceed",
"labelLandline": "Landline #",
"phLandline": "Enter Secondary Contact #",
"reqLandline": "Landline # is required",
"limitLandline": "Landline # should not exceed",
"labelRegistration": "Registration #",
"phRegistration": "Enter Registration #",
"labelAddress": "Address",
"phAddress": "Enter Address",
"labelAbout": "About",
"phAbout": "Enter About",
"browsePicture": "Browse Picture",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjust Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"agentPanel": {
"changePasswors": {
"h1ChangePassword": "Change Password",
"plEnterOldPassword": "Enter Old Password",
"rOPassword": "Old password is required",
"plEnterNewPassword": "Enter New Password",
"rNewpasswordrequired": "New password is required",
"plConfirmpassword": "Confirm your password",
"rconfirmPassword": "Please confirm your password"
"profile": {
"h1EditProfile": "Edit Profile",
"btnSave": "Save",
"lbFirstName": "First Name",
"plEnterFirstName": "Enter First Name",
"chr": "characters",
"rFirstNameRequired": "First Name is required",
"erm": "First Name should not exceeds",
"phLastName": "Last Name",
"rLastNameRequired": "Last Name is required",
"eLastNameexceeds": "Last Name should not exceeds ",
"lGender": "Gender",
"oMale": "Male",
"oFemale": "Female",
"rGenderRequired": "Gender Required",
"lMobile": "Mobile",
"Mobilerequired": "Mobile # is required",
"errMobileNumberExceeds": "Mobile # should not exceed",
"lLandline": "Landline",
"rLandlineRequired": "Landline # is required",
"errLandlineexceeds": "Landline # should not exceed",
"lAddress": "Address",
"phEnterAddress": "Enter Address",
"lAboutMe": "About Me",
"phAboutMe": "About Me",
"lBrowsePicture": "Browse Picture",
"lAdjuctImageSize": "Adjust Image Size",
"validData": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"updatedSuccess": "Profile updated successfully",
"fileSize": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"fileType": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"bDone": "Done"
"leads": {
"myLeads": "My Leads",
"enquiryDate": "Enquiry Date",
"property": "Property",
"personDetails": "Person Details",
"message": "Message",
"actions": "Actions",
"delAgentMessage": "Are you sure to delete agent?",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"deleted": "Lead deleted successfully!!"
"privateRental": {
"changePasswors": {
"h1ChangePassword": "Change Password",
"plEnterOldPassword": "Enter Old Password",
"rOPassword": "Old password is required",
"plEnterNewPassword": "Enter New Password",
"rNewpasswordrequired": "New password is required",
"plConfirmpassword": "Confirm your password",
"rconfirmPassword": "Please confirm your password"
"profile": {
"h1EditProfile": "Edit Profile",
"btnSave": "Save",
"lbFirstName": "Name",
"plEnterFirstName": "Enter Name",
"chr": "characters",
"rFirstNameRequired": "Name is required",
"erm": "Name should not exceeds",
"phLastName": "User Name",
"rLastNameRequired": "User Name is required",
"eLastNameexceeds": "User Name should not exceed ",
"lGender": "Gender",
"oMale": "Male",
"oFemale": "Female",
"rGenderRequired": "Gender Required",
"lMobile": "Phone Number",
"Mobilerequired": "Phone Number is required",
"errMobileNumberExceeds": "Phone Number should not exceed",
"username": "Username",
"usernameRquired": "Username is required",
"errUsername": "Username should not exceeds",
"whatsApp": "Whatsapp Number",
"whatsApprequired": "Whatsapp Number is required",
"errWhatsAppExceeds": "Whatsapp Number should not exceeds",
"lLandline": "Landline",
"rLandlineRequired": "Landline # is required",
"errLandlineexceeds": "Landline # should not exceeds",
"lAddress": "Address",
"reqAddress": "Address is required",
"phEnterAddress": "Enter Address",
"lAboutMe": "About Me",
"phAboutMe": "About Me",
"lBrowsePicture": "Browse Picture",
"lAdjuctImageSize": "Adjuct Image Size",
"validData": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"updatedSuccess": "Profile updated successfully",
"fileSize": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"fileType": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"bDone": "Done"
"leads": {
"myLeads": "My Leads",
"enquiryDate": "Enquiry Date",
"property": "Property",
"personDetails": "Person Details",
"message": "Message",
"actions": "Actions",
"delAgentMessage": "Are you sure to delete agent?",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"deleted": "Lead deleted successfully!!"
"advertiserPanel": {
"dashboard": {
"Logout": "Logout"
"profile": {
"char": "characters",
"editProfile": "Edit Profile",
"labelFirstName": "First Name",
"phFirstName": "Enter First Name",
"reqFirstName": "First Name is required",
"limitFirstName": "First Name should not exceed",
"labelLastName": "Last Name",
"phLastName": "Enter Last Name",
"reqLastName": "Last Name is required",
"limitLastName": "Last Name should not exceed",
"labelMobile": "Mobile #",
"phMobile": "Mobile # Name",
"reqMobile": "Mobile # is required",
"limitMobile": "Mobile # should not exceed",
"browsePicture": "Browse Picture",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjuct Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"save": "Save"
"homeBanner": {
"list": {
"homeBannerList": "Home Banner List",
"addHomeBanner": "Add Home Banner",
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"status": "Status",
"openIn": "Open In",
"action": "Action",
"BannerNo": "Banner #",
"topBanner": "Top Banner",
"bottomBanner": "Bottom Banner",
"defaultBanner": "Default Banner",
"noTimeline": "No Timeline",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"expired": "Expired",
"remainig": "days remaining from",
"days": "days",
"sameWindow": "Same Window",
"newWindow": "New Window",
"edit": "Edit",
"del": "Del",
"confirmation": "Are you sure to delete?",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"deleted": "Home Banner Deleted Successfully!!"
"add": {
"addEdit": "Add/Edit Home Banner",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"chars": "characters",
"labelBannerTitle": "Banner Title",
"phBannerTitle": "Enter Banner Title",
"reqBannerTitle": "Banner Title is required",
"reqBannerLimit": "Banner Title should not exceeds",
"labelBannerType": "Banner Type",
"phBannerType": "Select Banner Type",
"reqBannerType": "Please select banner type",
"labelPlanStartDate": "Plan Start Date",
"phPlanStartDate": "Start From",
"reqPlanStartDate": "Start From is required",
"labelPlanEndDate": "Plan End Date",
"phPlanEndDate": "End At",
"reqPlanEndDate": "End at is required",
"labelBannerLink": "Banner Link To",
"phBannerLink": "Enter Banner Link",
"reqBannerLink": "Banner Link is required",
"limitBannerLinkLimit": "Banner Link should not exceeds",
"labelWindowType": "Window Type",
"phWindowType": "Select Window Type",
"reqWindowType": "Window Type is required",
"labelOtherDetails": "Other Details",
"phOtherDetails": "Enter Description",
"limitOtherDetails": "Description should not exceeds",
"browseBanner": "Browse Banner",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjuct Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"dateLimit": "End Date can't be less then Start Date",
"fill": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"errorMg": "Please upload banner image",
"added": "Home Banner added successfully!!",
"sizeLimit": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"invalid": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"saved": "Changes saved successfully!!"
"regionalBanner": {
"list": {
"homeBannerList": "Regional Banner List",
"addHomeBanner": "Add Regional Banner",
"province": "Province",
"contactPerson": "Contact Person",
"daysLeft": "days Left",
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"status": "Status",
"openIn": "Open In",
"action": "Action",
"BannerNo": "Banner #",
"topBanner": "Top Banner",
"bottomBanner": "Bottom Banner",
"defaultBanner": "Default Banner",
"noTimeline": "No Timeline",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"expired": "Expired",
"remainig": "days remaining from",
"days": "days",
"sameWindow": "Same Window",
"newWindow": "New Window",
"edit": "Edit",
"del": "Del",
"confirmation": "Are you sure to delete?",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"deleted": "Banner Deleted Successfully!!"
"add": {
"addEdit": "Add/Edit Regional Banner",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"chars": "characters",
"labelBannerTitle": "Banner Title",
"phBannerTitle": "Enter Banner Title",
"reqBannerTitle": "Banner Title is required",
"reqBannerLimit": "Banner Title should not exceeds",
"labelBannerType": "Banner Type",
"phBannerType": "Select Banner Type",
"reqBannerType": "Please select banner type",
"labelPlanStartDate": "Plan Start Date",
"phPlanStartDate": "Start From",
"reqPlanStartDate": "Start From is required",
"labelPlanEndDate": "Plan End Date",
"phPlanEndDate": "End datet",
"reqPlanEndDate": "End date is required",
"labelBannerLink": "Banner Link To",
"phBannerLink": "Enter Banner Link",
"reqBannerLink": "Banner Link is required",
"limitBannerLinkLimit": "Banner Link should not exceeds",
"labelWindowType": "Window Type",
"phWindowType": "Select Window Type",
"reqWindowType": "Window Type is required",
"labelOtherDetails": "Other Details",
"phOtherDetails": "Enter Description",
"limitOtherDetails": "Description should not exceeds",
"labelCountry": "Country",
"phCountry": "Select Country",
"reqCountry": "Please Select Country",
"labelProvince": "Province",
"phProvince": "Select Province",
"reqProvince": "Please Select Province",
"fill": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"dataLimit": "End Date can't be less then Start Date",
"browseBanner": "Browse Banner",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjust Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"errorMg": "Please upload banner image",
"added": "Provincial Banner added successfully!!",
"sizeLimit": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"invalid": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"saved": "Changes saved successfully!!"
"cityBanner": {
"list": {
"homeBannerList": "City Banners List",
"addHomeBanner": "Add City Banner",
"region": "Region",
"province": "Province",
"daysLeft": "days Left",
"contactPerson": "Contact Person",
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"status": "Status",
"openIn": "Open In",
"action": "Action",
"BannerNo": "Banner #",
"topBanner": "Top Banner",
"bottomBanner": "Bottom Banner",
"defaultBanner": "Default Banner",
"noTimeline": "No Timeline",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"expired": "Expired",
"remainig": "days remaining from",
"days": "days",
"sameWindow": "Same Window",
"newWindow": "New Window",
"edit": "Edit",
"del": "Del",
"confirmation": "Are you sure to delete?",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"deleted": "Banner Deleted Successfully!!"
"add": {
"addEdit": "Add/Edit City Banner",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"chars": "characters",
"labelBannerTitle": "Banner Title",
"phBannerTitle": "Enter Banner Title",
"reqBannerTitle": "Banner Title is required",
"reqBannerLimit": "Banner Title should not exceeds",
"labelBannerType": "Banner Type",
"phBannerType": "Select Banner Type",
"reqBannerType": "Please select banner type",
"labelPlanStartDate": "Plan Start Date",
"phPlanStartDate": "Start From",
"reqPlanStartDate": "Start From is required",
"labelPlanEndDate": "Plan End Date",
"phPlanEndDate": "End date",
"reqPlanEndDate": "End date is required",
"labelBannerLink": "Banner Link To",
"phBannerLink": "Enter Banner Link",
"reqBannerLink": "Banner Link is required",
"limitBannerLinkLimit": "Banner Link should not exceeds",
"labelWindowType": "Window Type",
"phWindowType": "Select Window Type",
"reqWindowType": "Window Type is required",
"labelOtherDetails": "Other Details",
"phOtherDetails": "Enter Description",
"limitOtherDetails": "Description should not exceeds",
"labelCountry": "Country",
"phCountry": "Select Country",
"reqCountry": "Please Select Country",
"labelProvince": "Province",
"phProvince": "Select Province",
"reqProvince": "Please Select Province",
"labelCity": "City",
"phCity": "Select City",
"reqCity": "Please Select City",
"fill": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"dataLimit": "End Date cant be less then Start Date",
"browseBanner": "Browse Banner",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjuct Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"errorMg": "Please upload banner image",
"added": "City Banner added successfully!!",
"sizeLimit": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"invalid": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"saved": "Changes saved successfully!!",
"dateLimit": "End Date can't be less then Start Date"
"quarterBanner": {
"list": {
"homeBannerList": "Quarter Banners List",
"addHomeBanner": "Add Suburban Banner",
"region": "Region",
"province": "Province",
"quarter": "Quarter",
"daysLeft": "days Left",
"contactPerson": "Contact Person",
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"status": "Status",
"openIn": "Open In",
"action": "Action",
"BannerNo": "Banner #",
"topBanner": "Top Banner",
"bottomBanner": "Bottom Banner",
"defaultBanner": "Default Banner",
"noTimeline": "No Timeline",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"expired": "Expired",
"remainig": "days remaining from",
"days": "days",
"sameWindow": "Same Window",
"newWindow": "New Window",
"edit": "Edit",
"del": "Del",
"confirmation": "Are you sure to delete?",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"deleted": "Banner Deleted Successfully!!"
"add": {
"addEdit": "Add/Edit Quarter Banner",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"chars": "characters",
"labelBannerTitle": "Banner Title",
"phBannerTitle": "Enter Banner Title",
"reqBannerTitle": "Banner Title is required",
"reqBannerLimit": "Banner Title should not exceeds",
"labelBannerType": "Banner Type",
"phBannerType": "Select Banner Type",
"reqBannerType": "Please select banner type",
"labelPlanStartDate": "Plan Start Date",
"phPlanStartDate": "Start From",
"reqPlanStartDate": "Start From is required",
"labelPlanEndDate": "Plan End Date",
"phPlanEndDate": "End At",
"reqPlanEndDate": "End at is required",
"labelBannerLink": "Banner Link To",
"phBannerLink": "Enter Banner Link",
"reqBannerLink": "Banner Link is required",
"limitBannerLinkLimit": "Banner Link should not exceed",
"labelWindowType": "Window Type",
"phWindowType": "Select Window Type",
"reqWindowType": "Window Type is required",
"labelOtherDetails": "Other Details",
"phOtherDetails": "Enter Description",
"limitOtherDetails": "Description should not exceed",
"labelCountry": "Country",
"phCountry": "Select Country",
"reqCountry": "Please Select Country",
"labelRegion": "Region",
"phRegion": "Select Region",
"reqRegion": "Please Select Region",
"labelProvince": "region",
"phProvince": "Select region",
"reqProvince": "Please Select region",
"labelCity": "City",
"phCity": "Select City",
"reqCity": "Please Select City",
"labelQuarter": "Quarter",
"phQuarter": "Select Quarter",
"reqQuarter": "Please Select Quarter",
"fill": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"dataLimit": "End Date cant be less then Start Date",
"browseBanner": "Browse Banner",
"adjuctImageSize": "Adjuct Image Size",
"done": "Done",
"errorMg": "Please upload banner image",
"added": "City Banner added successfully!!",
"sizeLimit": "Invalid file size. File size must not exceeds 3MB",
"invalid": "Invalid file type. Only png, jpg or jpeg are allowed",
"saved": "Changes saved successfully!!",
"dateLimit": "End Date cant be less then Start Date"
"common": {
"inbox": {
"hInbox": "Inbox",
"Sr": "Sr",
"Dated": "Dated",
"Message": "Message",
"Actions": "Actions",
"p1": "Your advert has been placed",
"p2": "on Hold",
"p3": "and is temporarily delisted. Our Moderators have checked",
"p4": "Your advert has been",
"p5": "rejected",
"p6": "and is delisted. Our Moderators have checked",
"p7": "read more",
"edit": "Edit Property",
"youHave": "You have",
"unreadMessage": "unread message.",
"goToInbox": "Go to Inbox",
"close": "Close"
"propertyAction": {
"Dear": "Dear",
"p1": "Your advert has been placed on hold and is temporarily delisted.
Our Moderators have checked your property listing",
"p2": "and found the following is not in line with the standards set
out in our terms.",
"p3": "Your advert has been rejected and delisted. Our Moderators have
checked your property listing",
"p4": "Please make the necessary changes to relist your advert. Your
advert can be accessed for editing in the INBOX on your control panel. Once
updated, your advert will be relisted on our website.",
"p5": "With thanks",
"p6": "The Truvok Team"
"propertyList": {
"poa": "P.O.A",
"propertyType": "Property Type",
"date": "Date",
"agent": "Agent",
"listingId": "Listing ID",
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"publishedDate": "Published Date",
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"action": "Action",
"rent": "Rent",
"sale": "Sale",
"saleAndRent": "Sale & Rent",
"approved": "Approved",
"rejected": "Rejected",
"onHold": "On Hold",
"inReview": "In Review",
"edit": "Edit",
"del": "Del",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next",
"conMessage": "Are you sure to delete property?",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"deleted": "Property deleted succesfully",
"addProperty": "Add Property",
"propertyList": "Property List"
"propertyEditAdd": {
"details": {
"chars": "Characters",
"labelTitle": "Title",
"phTitle": "Enter Title",
"reqTitle": "Title is required",
"limitTitle": "Title should not exceeds",
"labelagent": "Agent",
"phAgent": "Select Agent",
"reqAgent": "Please select Agent",
"labelPrice": "Price",
"phPrice": "Enter Price",
"reqPrice": "Price is required",
"limitPrice": "Price cant be less then 0",
"orPOA": "Or P.O.A",
"poa": "P.O.A",
"forSaleOrRent": "For Sale or Rent",
"saleRent": "Sale/Rent",
"sale": "Sale",
"rent": "Rent",
"labelCountry": "Country",
"phCountry": "Select Country",
"reqCountry": "Please select Country",
"labelRegion": "Region",
"phRegion": "Select Region",
"reqRegion": "Please select Region",
"labelCity": "City",
"phCity": "Select City",
"reqCity": "Please select City",
"labelQuarter": "Quarter",
"phQuarter": "Select Quarter",
"reqQuarter": "Please select Quarter",
"labelPropertyType": "Property Type",
"phPropertyType": "Select Property Type",
"reqPropertyType": "Please Select Property Type",
"labelPricePeriod": "Price Period",
"phPricePeriod": "Select Option",
"reqPricePeriod": "Please Select Price Period",
"daily": "Daily",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"yearly": "Yearly",
"bedrooms": "Bedrooms",
"reqBedrooms": "Bedrooms cant be less then 0",
"livingRooms": "Living Rooms",
"reqlivingRooms": "Living Rooms can't be less then 0",
"kitchens": "Kitchens",
"reqKitchens": "Kitchens can't be less then 0",
"toilets": "Toilets",
"reqToilets": "Toilets can't be less then 0",
"balcony": "Balcony",
"reqBalcony": "Balcony size can't be less then 0",
"phBalcony": "Select Option",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"parkingSpace": "Parking Space",
"reqParkingSpace": "Parking Space can't be less then 0",
"fenced": "Fenced",
"reqFenced": "Fenced size can't be less then 0",
"phFenced": "Select Option",
"nFloors": "Number of floors",
"reqnFloors": "Number of floors can't be less then 0",
"caution": "Caution",
"reqCaution": "Caution cant be less then 0",
"downPayment": "Required Down Payment",
"reqdownPayment": "Required Down Payment cant be less then 0",
"surfaceArea": "Surface area",
"reqSurfaceArea": "Surface area cant be less then 0",
"phSurfaceArea": "Select Unit",
"topography": "Topography",
"reqTopography": "Topography cant be less then 0",
"shape": "Shape",
"reqShape": "Shape cant be less then 0",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"reqDocumentation": "Documentation cant be less then 0",
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"reqVenueType": "Venue Type cant be less then 0",
"phVenueType": "Select Option",
"intdoor": "Indoor",
"outdoor": "Outdoor",
"carryingCapacity": "Carrying Capacity",
"reqCarryingCapacity": "Carrying Capacity cant be less then 0",
"cateringServices": "Catering Services",
"reqCateringServices": "Catering Services cant be less then 0",
"dj": "DJ",
"reqDj": "DJ cant be less then 0",
"phDj": "Select Option",
"floorNumber": "Floor Number",
"reqfloorNumber": "Floor Number cant be less then 0",
"status": "Status",
"location": "Location (optional)",
"description": "Description",
"phDescription": "Enter Description",
"t1": "I have read and agreed to the",
"t2": "Terms and Conditions",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"saveNext": "Save & Next",
"fill": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"agreed": "You should agreed to Terms and Conditions to proceed",
"updated": "Property Updated successfully",
"added": "Property added successfully",
"dropImagesHere": "Drop Images Here",
"mainImageUpload": "Main Image Upload",
"galleryImageUpload": "Gallery Image Upload",
"back": "Back",
"next": "Next",
"adjustImage": "Adjust Image",
"done": "Done"
"images": {
"dropImagesHere": "Drop Images Here",
"mainImageUpload": "Main Image Upload",
"galleryImageUpload": "Gallery Image Upload",
"back": "Back",
"next": "Next",
"adjustImage": "Adjust Image",
"done": "Done"
"locations": {
"location": "Location",
"description": "Description",
"distance": "Distance",
"unit": "Unit",
"del": "Del",
"reqDistance": "Distance is required",
"remove": "Remove",
"notAdded": "You have not added any location yet",
"skip": "Skip",
"back": "Back",
"saveNext": "Save & Next",
"nearBy": "Select Nearby Locations",
"close": "Close",
"confirmation": "Are you sure to remove location?",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"fill": "Please fill-in valid data in all fields & try again.",
"deleted": "Location removed Successfully!!",
"added": "Reference location added successfully"
"amenities": {
"back": "Back",
"skip": "Skip",
"submitProperty": "Submit Property",
"added": "Amenities saved added successfully"
"steps": {
"details": "Details",
"images": "Images",
"locations": "Locations",
"amenities": "Amenities"
"sideBar": {
"advertiserPanel": "Advertiser Panel",
"advertiser": "Advertiser",
"pRpanel": "PR Panel",
"agentPanel": "Agent Panel",
"agent": "Agent",
"agencyPanel": "Agency Panel",
"agency": "Agency",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"website": "Website",
"profile": "Profile",
"Inbox": "Inbox",
"myLeads": "My Leads",
"addProperty": "Add Property",
"myProperties": "My Properties",
"agents": "Agents",
"logout": "Logout",
"banners": "Banners",
"homeBanners": "Home Banners",
"regionalBanners": "Regional Banners",
"cityBanners": "City Banners",
"quarterBanners": "Quarter Banners"
"agecyProfileDoc": {
"dl": "Download",
"iDoc": "Document",
"aDoc": "Add Document",
"dType": "Type",
"des": "Description",
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"uAgain": "Upload Again",
"del": "Delete",
"AddDoc": "Add Document",
"addDoc": "Add Document",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"title": "Title",
"docType": "Document Type",
"doc": "Document",
"allowedType": "Allowed Types",
"delCon": "Are you sure you want to delete document?",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"success1": "Document Deleted successfully"
"agecyProfileAddDoc": {
"AddDoc": "Add Document",
"addDoc": "Add Document",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"title": "Title",
"eTitle": "Title",
"docType": "Document Type",
"doc": "Document",
"allowedType": "Allowed Types",
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"iDoc": "Document",
"aDoc": "Add Document",
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"sType": "Document Type",
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"eDes": "Enter Description",
"aResNote": "Response Note",
"status": "Status",
"action": "Action",
"uAgain": "Upload Again",
"del": "Delete",
"error1": "Please enter valid data in all fields and try again",
"success1": "Document uploaded successfully",
"success2": "Document updated successfully",
"error2": "You can,t add same document type again as you already added this
document type.",
"delCon": "Are you sure you want to delete document?",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"tEx": "Title length cant exceed ",
"desEx": "Description length cant exceed",
"char": "Characters",
"error3": "Document size must be less then 3MB",
"error4": "Documnet type is invalid",
"tReq": "Title is Required",
"dtReq": "Document Type is required",
"desReq": "Description is required"

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