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Environmental Microbiology
Microbiology (2016)
(2015) 18(2), 325–340 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13118


The role of biology in planetary evolution:

cyanobacterial primary production in low-oxygen
Proterozoic oceans

Trinity L. Hamilton,1* Donald A. Bryant2 and study of microbial metabolisms and evolution pro-
Jennifer L. Macalady3 vides an important link between extant biota and the
Department of Biological Sciences, University of clues from the geologic record. Here, we consider the
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA. physiology of cyanobacteria (the only microorgan-
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, isms capable of oxygenic photosynthesis), their
and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, co-occurrence with anoxygenic phototrophs in a
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA. variety of environments and their persistence in low-
Penn State Astrobiology Research Center (PSARC), oxygen environments, including in water columns as
Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State well as mats, throughout much of Earth’s history. We
University, University Park, PA 16802, USA. examine insights gained from both the rock record
and cyanobacteria presently living in early Earth ana-
logue ecosystems and synthesize current knowledge
of these ancient microbial mediators in planetary
Understanding the role of biology in planetary redox evolution. Our analysis supports the hypoth-
evolution remains an outstanding challenge to esis that anoxygenic photosynthesis, including the
geobiologists. Progress towards unravelling this activity of metabolically versatile cyanobacteria,
puzzle for Earth is hindered by the scarcity of well- played an important role in delaying the oxygenation
preserved rocks from the Archean (4.0 to 2.5 Gyr ago) of Earth’s surface ocean during the Proterozoic Eon.
and Proterozoic (2.5 to 0.5 Gyr ago) Eons. In addition,
the microscopic life that dominated Earth’s biota for Introduction
most of its history left a poor fossil record, consisting
primarily of lithified microbial mats, rare microbial Understanding the evolution of the Earth’s surface chem-
body fossils and membrane-derived hydrocarbon istry is one of the most exciting challenges in modern
molecules that are still challenging to interpret. geoscience. The prevailing view is that the early Earth
However, it is clear from the sulfur isotope record and was oxygen-poor in comparison with that of today, with
other geochemical proxies that the production of mildly reducing conditions characterized by a N2/CO2
oxygen or oxidizing power radically changed Earth’s atmosphere and trace amounts of CH4 during the Archean
surface and atmosphere during the Proterozoic Eon, Eon. Also during this time, Earth’s surface was sunlit, but
pushing it away from the more reducing conditions the sun’s brightness may have been ∼70% than what it is
prevalent during the Archean. In addition to ancient today because of a higher ratio of hydrogen to helium in
rocks, our reconstruction of Earth’s redox evolution is its core (Sagan and Mullen, 1972; Kasting, 2010). Despite
informed by our knowledge of biogeochemical cycles an Archean sun that was 20–30% less bright than today,
catalysed by extant biota. The emergence of oxygenic there is abundant evidence that the oceans of early Earth
photosynthesis in ancient cyanobacteria represents were liquid. The Great Oxidation Event (GOE), the first
one of the most impressive microbial innovations in permanent rise of oxygen in the atmosphere, occurred
Earth’s history, and oxygenic photosynthesis is the sometime between 2.4 and 2.1 Gyr ago (Lyons et al.,
largest source of O2 in the atmosphere today. Thus the 2014). Although there is considerable uncertainty about
atmospheric oxygen concentrations during the Protero-
zoic, oxygen levels after the abrupt increase (the GOE)
Received 24 August, 2015; revised 20 October, 2015; accepted 29
October, 2015. *For correspondence. E-mail; were less than the present atmospheric level (PAL).
Tel. +15135569700; Fax +15135565299. Current estimates range from 0.1% to 10% PAL (Fig. 1)
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326 T. Hamilton,
2 T. L. L. Hamilton,
D. A.D.Bryant
A. Bryant
and J.and J. L. Macalady
L. Macalady

Archean Proterozoic Phanerozoic lution of oxygenic photosynthesis in ancient

10 0 cyanobacteria, aided by geological changes such as

Oxygenic photosynthesis
–1 increased subaerial volcanism [which delivers oxidized
gases (H2O, CO2, SO2) in contrast to submarine volcan-

10–2 ism, which releases more reducing gases (H2, CO, CH4,
H2S) (Kump and Barley, 2007)], a decrease in the average
pressure of volcanic degassing (Gaillard et al., 2011) and
10–4 stabilization of the continents (Barley et al., 2005), trans-
formed Earth, ultimately providing conditions that ushered
in complex multicellular life forms.
4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 The deep oceans most likely remained anoxic until ∼0.5
Age (Gyr ago) Gya when oxygen levels in the atmosphere rose to near
present levels. The prevailing view is that during this time,
Fig. 1. Levels of atmospheric oxygen throughout Earth’s history.
The black line represents the ‘classical, two-step view’ of the
the deep ocean was oxygen-poor and iron-rich (Shen
evolution of atmospheric oxygen over time (Kump, 2008), ignoring et al., 2003; Planavsky et al., 2011) or sulfidic (euxinic)
proposed ‘whiffs’ in the Archean (Anbar et al., 2007) and the (Meyer and Kump, 2008), particularly in restricted basins
proposed dynamic ‘Great Oxygen Transition’ (Lyons et al., 2014).
The grey boxes indicate the range of oxygen concentrations
and along productive margins (Scott et al., 2008; Lyons
compatible with currently accepted proxies. (Modified with et al., 2009; Poulton et al., 2010; Planavsky et al., 2011;
permission from Kump, 2008). Poulton and Canfield, 2011). Euxinic conditions would
have been destabilized by increasing oxygen in the
(Kump, 2008; Planavsky et al., 2014a). Existing evidence atmosphere due to oxygenic photosynthesis (Eq. 1 below)
strongly suggests that oxygen levels did not rise to the and the geologic trends discussed above. In fact, multiple
present level for 2 Gyr after the GOE (Canfield, 2005). feedbacks that would act to destabilize Proterozoic-like
The final rise of oxygen to present levels ∼0.5 Gyr ago (sulfidic, low-oxygen) conditions in the world’s oceans
ended the nearly complete dominance of prokaryotes and have been identified (Lyons and Gill, 2010). Nonetheless,
ushered in a new era characterized by an abundance of there is evidence in Proterozoic rocks for persistently
multicellular life (Knoll, 2003). low-oxygen levels. The apparent loss of manganese (Mn)
The disappearance of mass-independent sulfur isotope from some mid-Proterozoic soils (palaeosols) and Cr iso-
fractionation in mineral sulfides and sulfates provides the topes ratios indicate limited terrestrial Mn oxidation
most convincing evidence of the rise in oxygen ∼2.5 Gyr (Catling and Buick, 2006; Frei et al., 2009; Lyons et al.,
ago (Farquhar et al., 2000; Bekker et al., 2004). Short 2014). Mn is particularly useful as a redox proxy because
wavelength photochemical reactions were responsible for the oxidation of Mn requires high-potential oxidants –
mass-independent fractionations of gas-phase sulfur namely O2 or photosystem II (Kopp et al., 2005; Clement
compounds released from volcanoes during the Archean. et al., 2009; Johnson et al., 2014). Photosystem II is a
The preservation of these signals in the rock record multi-subunit protein complex containing a Mn4CaO5
required very low-oxygen levels in the atmosphere where cluster that uses light energy to oxidize two molecules of
photochemical reactions were occurring (Pavlov and water to molecular oxygen during the light-dependent
Kasting, 2002), and thus the disappearance of this signal reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis.
in rocks dating to ∼2.5 Gyr indicates that oxygen was Feedbacks that would act to stabilize low-oxygen con-
present in the atmosphere. A peak in the deposition of ditions in the Proterozoic for 1–2 billion years have proven
banded iron formations is also observed around this time more difficult to envision, highlighting an important gap in
(Isley, 1995), as well as the appearance of rusty red soils our understanding of ancient biogeochemical cycling. A
(indicative of oxidized iron) (Holland, 2006) and the dis- plausible scenario invokes significant contributions to
appearance of sedimentary detrital grains made from primary production by anoxygenic phototrophs (Eqs 2–4)
easily oxidized minerals such as pyrite and uraninite (Johnston et al., 2009), including metabolically versatile
(Canfield, 2005). Cyanobacteria are the only microorgan- cyanobacteria capable of performing anoxygenic photo-
isms capable of oxygenic photosynthesis and presumably synthesis. In this scenario, the activity of anoxygenic pho-
provided the first large-scale biotic source of oxygen on tosynthesis in Earth’s oceans, where conditions of mildly
early Earth, although oxygen produced biologically by oxic water at the surface and euxinia below were common
nitrite-driven anaerobic methane oxidation by oxygenic in continental shelf areas, afforded the generation of
bacteria could have also contributed to the GOE (Ettwig organic matter via oxidation of reduced S (Eq. 2) with no
et al., 2010). There is still some debate regarding the O2 production. The resulting positive feedback would stall
timing of the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis rela- the accumulation of O2 at levels much lower than those
tive to intra-aerobic denitrification. Nevertheless, the evo- observed today, consistent with redox-sensitive proxies in
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Microbiology, 18, 325–340
production in Proterozoic
production oceans
in Proterozoic oceans3273

the rock record. The maintenance of euxinic conditions in modern cyanobacteria and propose that metabolically
this scenario relies on phototrophic sulfide oxidation as versatile (facultatively anoxygenic) cyanobacteria con-
the main source of electrons for organic matter fixation. A tributed to the protracted delay in the rise of oxygen
second idea perhaps complementary to the scenario after the initial GOE at the start of the Proterozoic
above considers the total flux of reductants and oxidants Eon.
to the atmosphere (Goldblatt et al., 2006). In this concep-
tual model, concentrations of atmospheric methane
Sources and Sinks for O2
resulting from anaerobic respiration are controlled by the
balance between input (methane) and loss of reductants – There are four known biological reactions that produce
due to hydrogen escape to space (Goldblatt et al., 2006). oxygen – oxygenic photosynthesis, perchlorate or chlo-
Today, fluxes of methane are regulated by aerobic rate reduction, detoxification of reactive oxygen species
methanotrophic bacteria, the methanogenic archaea, and such as superoxide (O2−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or
the anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) (Knittel the hydroxyl radical (.OH), and nitrite-driven anaerobic
and Boetius, 2009). The main inputs of methane to the methane oxidation (Ettwig et al., 2010). Oxygen can also
atmosphere are anaerobic respiration of organic matter be produced abiotically by photodissociation of H2O and
by acetoclastic methanogens (represented by the contri- the subsequent escape of hydrogen gas to space.
butions of both fermentation and methanogenesis in Eq. However, the rate of oxygen production through water
5) and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis (Eq. 6). This photodissociation is low (Walker, 1977; Kasting and
input of methane to the atmosphere is countered by Walker, 1981). Therefore, accumulation of oxygen to
methane oxidation. Aerobic methanotrophs oxidize appreciable levels required the emergence of at least one
methane (Eq. 7) using monooxygenase enzymes requir- biological pathway.
ing molecular O2, whereas anaerobic methanotrophs Water-splitting photosynthesis is most commonly
(ANME) catalyse the oxidation of methane using sulfate invoked as the only quantitatively important source of free
(Eq. 8) (Knittel and Boetius, 2009). A third, recently dis- oxygen on Earth’s surface. It is possible that oxygen pro-
covered route for the oxidation of methane occurs via duction from intra-aerobic denitrification – nitrite-driven
nitrite-driven anaerobic methane oxidation (Eq. 9) (Ettwig anaerobic methane oxidation – could have played a role
et al., 2010); however, the contribution of this process to in the production of oxygen during the Archean, when
methane oxidation on a global scale is not known. Oxygen methane was more abundant in the atmosphere (Pavlov
levels in the atmosphere are dictated by this balance et al., 2000; Ettwig et al., 2010). However it seems likely
between methane production and oxidation, in addition to that intra-aerobic denitrification evolved after oxygenic
the oxygen flux from the surface oceans due to net burial photosynthesis, as oxygenation began to increase the
of organic carbon produced by oxygenic photosynthesis availability of nitrogen oxides that can be used as electron
(Eq. 1). acceptors. Nitrate-dependent methane oxidation is a
recent discovery and the contributions of this process to
CO2 + H2O + hv → CH2O + O2 (1)
oxygen production and methane oxidation are still very
poorly constrained. Regardless, oxygen production from
CO2 + Sred + hv → CH2O + Sox (2)
nitrite should be considered in models that address the
CO2 + 4H2 + hv → CH2O + 8H+ (3) role of biology in planetary evolution.
In contrast, it is generally accepted that detoxification of
HCO3 − + 4Fe2+ 10H2O + hv → CH2O + 4Fe (OH)3 + 7H+ (4) reactive oxygen species evolved only after oxygenic pho-
tosynthesis, with the first mechanisms of defence based
2CH2O → CH4 + CO2 (5) on physical barriers (Bilinski, 1991) rather than enzymatic
conversion. Today, perchlorate occurs naturally but rarely
4H2 + CO2 → CH4 + 2H2O (6) in the environment. Elevated concentrations are found
in the Chilean saltpetre deposits or attributed to
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O (7) anthropogenic contamination (Rao et al., 2010).
Perchlorate can be generated in the atmosphere but only
CH4 + SO4 2− → HCO3 − + HS − + H2O (8)
in trace amounts by the oxidation of chlorine species
through pathways involving ozone or its photochemical
3CH4 + 8NO2 − + 8H+ → 3CO2 + 4N2 + 10H2O (9)
products (Catling et al., 2010). Thus, oxygen resulting
Below we consider in more detail the idea that organic from perchlorate or chlorate reduction would have only
matter burial in the absence of oxygen production played a role following the development of the ozone layer
delayed the accumulation of oxygen in Earth’s atmos- and even then, would only represent a small fraction of
phere. In particular, we discuss the physiology of known the oxygen budget.
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Environmental Microbiology,
Microbiology 18, 325–340
328 T. Hamilton,
4 T. L. L. Hamilton,
D. A.D.Bryant
A. Bryant
and J.and J. L. Macalady
L. Macalady

Geochemical data including redox-sensitive proxies environments (Venter et al., 2004) and occurs in the
support the hypothesis that biological oxygen production genomes of diverse prokaryotes as well as several
evolved before the GOE. O2-consuming reactions multicellular organisms (i.e. fungi, green algae), although
coupled with volcanism and continent formation buffered the exact functions are not always known (Bryant and
the oxygen additions from oxygenic photosynthesis and Frigaard, 2006). Regardless of the function, phototrophy
maintained low levels of O2 in the atmosphere throughout employing rhodopsins appears to be a trait that can
the Archean. Today, almost all primary production is easily be horizontally transferred because it requires the
carried out by oxygenic phototrophs (plants, algae, acquisition of only two genes, bacteriorhodopsin and
cyanobacteria), and oxygen levels are therefore deter- β–carotene oxygenase, if an organism can already syn-
mined by the balance between organic carbon burial and thesize the common pigment β–carotene.
a diminished supply of reductants from the deep Earth via Unlike rhodopsin-based phototrophy, chlorophyll-based
volcanic activity and metamorphism (Holland, 1978; phototrophy (chlorophototrophy) probably has not been
1984). Thus, for oxygen to accumulate in the atmosphere, spread as promiscuously by horizontal gene transfer,
the sedimentary carbon burial rate had to exceed the rate although there is excellent evidence that Gemmatimonas
of O2 consumption by reductants supplied to the atmos- aurantiaca T-27 acquired an intact photosynthesis gene
phere and ocean by geologic processes. The accumula- cluster from a purple sulfur bacterium (Zeng et al., 2014).
tion of oxygen may have been aided by other processes This is probably due in part to the number of genes required
such as hydrogen escape to the atmosphere (Catling to assemble the more complex but also more efficient
et al., 2001). During the Archean, reducing conditions chlorophyll-based photosystems. All chlorophotrophic
were sufficient to scavenge free oxygen. Free oxygen organisms use photochemical RCs containing (bacterio)
would have been rapidly consumed by reduced metamor- chlorophylls (BChls or Chls) to capture solar energy
phic and submarine volcanism releasing reduced forms of and convert it into chemical energy (Bryant and Frigaard,
hydrogen, carbon, sulfur and iron (Catling, 2014). As a 2006; Gomez Maqueo Chew and Bryant, 2007). Photosyn-
result, oxidizing the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans thetic prokaryotes are currently found within seven
required oxidizing large reservoirs of reductants including bacterial phyla (Acidobacteria, Chlorobi, Chloroflexi,
reduced iron. Following this initial rapid rise and perhaps Cyanobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Proteobacteria and
overshoot (Lyons et al., 2014), atmospheric oxygen con- Firmicutes) (Fig. 2).
centrations remained well below current levels throughout
much of the Proterozoic. The cause of the protracted
delay in the oxygenation of Earth’s surface is the subject
of debate, and almost certainly involves feedbacks Cyanobacteria are the only chlorophototrophic bacteria
between Earth’s biota and elemental cycles – specifically that perform oxygenic photosynthesis, photo-oxidizing
the dominant primary producers and carbon cycle – as is water and evolving oxygen via two RCs, Photosystem
true for modern biogeochemical systems. (PS) I and PS II. PS I acts as an oxidoreductase, transfer-
ring electrons from cytochrome c6 or plastocyanin to the
electron carriers ferredoxin or flavodoxin. It produces a
weak oxidant and a strong reductant in doing so. PS II
The ability to harvest light and convert it to chemical catalyses the light-dependent oxidation of water and
energy represents one of the most elegant and complex reduction of plastoquinone by making a strong oxidant and
biological innovations to date – and notably it connected weak reductant. In this chlorophyll a-based system, blue
biology directly to the primary source of energy for Earth, and red lights are efficiently harvested. In oxygenic pho-
namely the sun (Sleep and Bird, 2008). Phototrophs tosynthesis water serves as the electron donor and
convert light energy to chemical energy employing either dioxygen is released as a by-product. Anoxygenic
photochemical reaction centres (RCs) containing phototrophs employ one RC, which may be either type 1 or
(bacterio)chlorophylls or rhodopsins. Rhodopsins (retinal type 2, but do not evolve oxygen and generally absorb light
binding proteins: bacteriorhodopsin, proteorhodopsin and in the blue and near-infrared regions of the solar spectrum.
xanthorhodopsin) are involved in light–energy conversion Anoxygenic photosynthesis relies on a supply of reducing
by direct transduction of photons into proton motive force equivalents from reduced sulfur compounds, organic
but do not mediate electron transfer reactions. During acids, hydrogen, nitrite or Fe(II) to drive CO2 reduction.
photosynthesis, both electrons and ATP are required.
Therefore organisms containing rhodopsins can produce
Niches of extant prokaryotic phototrophs
ATP using light (phototrophy) but cannot carry out photo-
synthesis (Bryant and Frigaard, 2006). The genetic The co-occurrence of cyanobacteria and anoxygenic
capacity to produce rhodopsins is widespread in marine phototrophs is common in euxinic lakes, phototrophic
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production in Proterozoic
production oceans
in Proterozoic oceans3295
Fig. 2. 16S rRNA tree highlighting lineages
with chlorophototrophic members. Green
branches represent phyla that contain
chlorophototrophs. Electron donors for
photosynthetic growth are indicated by filled

microbial mats, hot springs and hypersaline lagoons where Solar Lake, Sinai, a hypersaline pond, undergo drastic
sufficient fluxes of reduced compounds are available to yearly changes in temperature, salinity, oxygen, light and
support anoxygenic photosynthesis. The ability to harvest H2S. Cyanobacterial mats in Solar Lake are dominated by
light and tolerance to oxygen are most often cited as the metabolically diverse cyanobacteria such as Oscillatoria
key factors governing occurrence of phototrophs in eco- species that are capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis
logical niches along stratified water columns and mats. For and phototaxis (Cohen et al., 1975a; Krumbien et al.,
instance, green and purple sulfur bacteria (GSB and PSB) 1977). Similarly, Phormidium species survive freezing and
are found in most sunlit, sulfidic environments, where PSB desiccation in Antarctica (Taton et al., 2003) and persist in
are generally found at more shallow depths in the water the low O2 conditions in the Middle Island Sinkhole of
column or mats (Overmann and Garcia-Pichel, 2006; Lake Huron (Voorhies et al., 2012).
Meyer et al., 2011). GSB have lower light requirements and In some extant environments such as photic zones
are generally less tolerant to oxygen. In addition, GSB where oxygen and sulfide coexist, the ecological niches of
have higher affinity for sulfide than PSB, conferring a com- anoxygenic phototrophs and cyanobacteria can overlap
petitive advantage over PSB when reduced sulfur com- (Klatt et al., 2011; 2013). For instance, in some stratified
pounds are limiting (Van Gemerden, 1984; Pringault et al., lakes, the oxic/anoxic interface is shallow and supports
1999). In contrast, a combination of sulfide and tempera- dense layers of anoxygenic phototrophs. These condi-
ture appears to inhibit photosynthesis in alkaline hot tions mimic those thought to be present in areas of the
springs above ∼70°C (Cox et al., 2011; Boyd et al., 2012). Proterozoic oceans, especially along continental shelf
Extant members of the phylum Cyanobacteria are margins. In these systems today, anoxygenic photosyn-
metabolically diverse and include species that can thesis can be the main source of primary production (Van
perform anoxygenic photosynthesis in the presence of Gemerden and Mas, 1995).
high sulfide (Cohen et al., 1975a,b) in environments
where sulfide is present in the photic zone (Jørgensen
Facultatively anoxygenic photosynthesis
et al., 1983; 1986). Some cyanobacteria can also use
among cyanobacteria
hydrogen as an electron donor (Cohen et al., 1986),
perform sulfide-dependent nitrogen fixation (Belkin et al., Despite their crucial role in the oxygenation of Earth’s
1982), and/or grow photoheterotrophically (Kenyon et al., surface and atmosphere, cyanobacteria persisted under
1972; Rippka et al., 1979). This phenotypic diversity low oxygen and/or sulfidic conditions throughout much of
enables cyanobacteria to tolerate a variety of environ- Earth’s history. Because PS II can be inhibited by sulfide,
mental extremes, and results in their ability to occupy taxonomically diverse extant cyanobacteria display a wide
niches in almost any environment where light is available, range of sulfide tolerances. The species most sensitive to
including many in which they are important primary pro- sulfide are typically planktonic cyanobacteria, which
ducers. For example, benthic cyanobacterial mats in occupy sulfide-free environments in the modern oceans.
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Environmental Microbiology
Microbiology published
Environmental Microbiology,
Microbiology 18, 325–340
330 T. Hamilton,
6 T. L. L. Hamilton,
D. A.D.Bryant
A. Bryant
and J.and J. L. Macalady
L. Macalady

However cyanobacteria are often observed in the surface of electron flow to PS I via sulfide-quinone oxidoreductase
layers of stratified (euxinic) lakes, where they may be in anoxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria is not well
exposed to sulfide (Melak and Kilham, 1974; Cohen et al., studied, and thus the evolutionary history of anoxygenic
1975a; 1986). In species that inhabit sulfide-rich environ- photosynthesis by cyanobacteria is still rather mysterious.
ments, PS II often displays higher tolerance to sulfide to Anoxygenic photosynthetic cyanobacteria studied to date
maintain oxygenic photosynthesis. In sunlit environments have low affinity for sulfide compared with PSB and GSB;
where sulfide is present, some cyanobacteria can use this suggests that cyanobacteria should not be competi-
sulfide as the electron donor to PS I in the absence of tive where these phototrophic groups coexist and sulfide
oxygen generation (Cohen et al., 1975a,b; Padan, 1979; is limiting (de Wit and van Gemerden, 1987; Castenholz
Padan and Cohen 1982; Castenholz et al., 1990; 1991), et al., 1990; 1991). More recent observations suggest that
enabling PS II-independent photoassimilation of CO2 with the light-independent enzyme kinetics of Sqr control the
the same efficiency as oxygenic photosynthesis (Oren rates of anoxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria
et al., 1977; Oren and Padan, 1978). when the sulfide concentration is low. In contrast, at
Biochemical characterizations suggest that higher levels of sulfide, light intensity dictates the upper
cyanobacteria employ a sulfide-quinone oxidoreductase limit of anoxygenic photosynthesis rates (Klatt et al.,
(Sqr) to oxidize sulfide, providing electrons to PS I. Some 2015). These observations are further complicated by our
anoxygenic phototrophs such as members of the phyla the lack of understanding of the mechanism of sulfide inhibi-
Chloroflexi and Chlorobi also employ Sqr to oxidize sulfide tion of PS II, and underscore the need for further charac-
for anoxygenic photosynthesis. Members of the terization of anoxygenic photosynthetic activity in modern
Chlorobiales (GSB) oxidize elemental sulfur and sulfide to cyanobacteria.
sulfate, and several strains also oxidize thiosulfate. Sulfide
is the preferred substrate and GSB typically have a high
Geochemical proxies for the emergence of
affinity for sulfide (Brune, 1995; Frigaard and Bryant,
oxygenic photosynthesis
2008). In pure cultures, GSB typically oxidize sulfide to
elemental sulfur, which is deposited extracellularly, until Cyanobacteria are the only prokaryotes capable of produc-
sulfide is depleted, then these organisms oxidize ing O2 (via oxygenic photosynthesis) and were presumably
extracellular elemental sulfur to sulfate (Frigaard and the earliest organisms to do so, yet there is no consensus
Bryant, 2008). Other anoxygenic phototrophs, including on the timing of the emergence of this metabolism. Current
some GSB and PSB, have evolved the thiosulfate- estimates span almost one third of Earth’s history – from
oxidizing Sox enzyme complex to oxidize reduced sulfur 3.7 to 2.3 Gyr. Definitive organic biomarkers for
compounds (Frigaard and Dahl, 2008). Using the Sox cyanobacteria during this time are lacking, leaving geo-
system, GSB and PSB oxidize thiosulfate, producing chemical proxies in the form of isotopes or trace metals as
polysulfide and sulfate. Other reduced substrates such as the best evidence for O2 in the atmosphere before the
H2 and Fe(II) often serve as electron donors for anoxygenic GOE. Interpretation of these geologic signatures remains
photosynthesis. However, members of the phylum challenging due to the fact that at least three other biologi-
Cyanobacteria are not known to utilize substrates other cal pathways are known to produce oxygen, one of which
than sulfide for PS II-independent photosynthesis. may have emerged before the phylum Cyanobacteria. The
Stoichiometric oxidation of sulfide to thiosulfate has been presence of banded iron formations before the GOE
observed in pure cultures of Microcoleus chtonoplastes strongly suggests local oxygen production through biologi-
strain 11 (de Wit and van Gemerden, 1987), whereas other cal means because abiotic oxidation of iron is slow in the
anoxygenic Cyanobacteria (i.e. Oscillatoria spp.) oxidize absence of oxygen and because UV-induced Fe oxidation
sulfide to elemental sulfur that accumulates extracellularly has not been demonstrated in seawater. Fe(II) oxidation
(Cohen et al., 1975a,b; Castenholz and Utkilen, 1984). can be catalysed by chemoautotrophs in microaerophilic
Oxidation of thiosulfate (requiring the Sox pathway) has environments (Canfield, 2005 and references therein) or
not been demonstrated in cyanobacteria. by anoxygenic phototrophs (Widdel et al., 1993). Given
Examples of characterized cyanobacteria capable of that oxygen could have been produced under anoxic con-
anoxygenic photosynthesis are relatively rare. A number ditions from nitrite via intra-aerobic denitrification (Ettwig
of Oscillatoria spp. have been isolated from sulfidic envi- et al., 2010), both chemoautotrophic Fe(II) oxidation and
ronments, and most of the cyanobacteria capable of per- photoferrotrophy could account for the presence of banded
forming anoxygenic photosynthesis appear to belong to iron formations before the GOE (Konhauser et al., 2002;
this genus (Cohen et al., 1975a,b; Jørgensen et al., 1986; Kappler et al., 2005; Crowe et al., 2008).
de Wit and van Gemerden, 1987; Castenholz et al., 1991; In addition to the disappearance of mass-independent
Voorhies et al., 2012). However, the Oscillatoria spp. are fractionation of sulfur isotopes (Farquhar et al., 2000;
paraphyletic. In addition, the biochemical underpinnings Bekker et al., 2004), post-GOE marine sediments
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in Proterozoic oceans3317

acquired with drill cores rich in redox-sensitive trace enced sedimentary structures. Throughout the Protero-
metals such as Mo have been cited as evidence for O2 in zoic, the fossil record of photosynthetic microbial
the atmosphere, implying oxidative weathering of sulfide communities is robust – stromatolitic carbonates (lami-
minerals in the continental crust. For instance, the enrich- nated, lithified sedimentary structures) identified along
ment of Mo and Re in organic-rich shales dated to 2.5 Gyr continental margins in Proterozoic rocks have been attrib-
lead to the idea that ‘whiffs’ of O2 accumulation occurred uted to cyanobacteria (Walter, 1976). If these structures
before the GOE (Anbar et al., 2007). Recent studies are well preserved, relationships between microbial com-
exploiting Mo isotopes as proxies for manganese oxides munity and environmental characteristics can be dis-
date oxygen production to ∼3 Gyr (Planavsky et al., cerned (Awramik and Semikhatov, 1979; Seong-Joo and
2014b). In this study, large isotopic shifts are constrained Golubic, 1999; Knoll et al., 2013). However, microbial
to a thin horizon, which the authors interpret as localized fossils older than ∼2.5 Gyr are both rare and potentially
oxygen production and consumption in an otherwise obscured by multiple generations of geologic events, and
reducing environment. Similarly, Cr isotopes and redox- linking them to specific metabolisms or taxonomic groups
sensitive metals in rocks from the Pongola Supergroup in remains difficult. Furthermore, the biogenicity of
South Africa indicate the presence of atmospheric oxygen stromatolites and microbially induced sedimentary struc-
∼3 Gyr (Crowe et al., 2013). Other evidence bolstering the tures dating to the Archean are still controversial (Bosak
accumulation of atmospheric oxygen around 2.5 Gyr et al., 2013) and these structures rarely contain definitive
include the persistence of redox-sensitive uraninite, microbial body fossils (Mackey et al., 2015). In addition,
pyrite, and siderite detrital grains in Archean sedimentary recent analyses indicate that previously sampled Archean
rocks (Rasmussen and Buick, 1999), increased iron in sedimentary rocks host biomarker contaminants accumu-
paleosols (Rye and Holland, 1998), and the enrichment of lated during sample collection and processing and
Cr and U in iron-rich sedimentary rocks (Konhauser et al., overmature hydrocarbons (French et al., 2015). Thus,
2011; Partin et al., 2013). previously reported Archean biomarkers do not provide
Shales rich in organic matter dating to the Archean are good evidence for the rise of oxygenic phototrophs
common. These deposits of organic carbon are isotopi- prior to the GOE (French et al., 2015). Regardless,
cally indistinguishable from modern deposits deposited in cyanobacteria today are key primary producers in lami-
similar environments (Lyons et al., 2014). Given the mildly nated mats that also host anoxygenic phototrophs,
reducing atmosphere and anoxic oceans present at the sulfate-reducing organisms and methanogenic archaea.
time, the deposition of large amounts of organic matter These modern microbial mats provide model systems for
due to biological activity in Archean sediments is difficult interpreting Archean and Proterozoic stromatolites. These
to interpret. Sulfide-dependent anoxygenic photosynthe- structures are common in hypersaline and alkaline envi-
sis is difficult to maintain in the absence of an external ronments as well as at geothermal and other groundwater
source of organic carbon (for sulfide production via SRB) springs. The morphology of stromatolites and laminated
(Overmann et al., 1996; Hamilton et al., 2014). Further- mat structures is influenced by both environmental char-
more, the Archean oceans were low in sulfate, which did acteristics and microbial processes and thus these
not accumulate until oxidative weathering of sulfides on modern analogues inform the processes and microbial
the continents increased sulfate fluxes to the ocean. In the taxa that created the ancient structures. There are numer-
absence of sulfate and sufficient organic carbon, biologi- ous examples of modern analogues of actively forming or
cal sulfate reduction sufficient to fuel significant primary recently formed stromatolitic structures such as those in
productivity via anoxygenic photosynthesis does not Lake Joyce and Lake Fryxell, Antarctica (Mackey et al.,
seem likely. Further evidence against a total organic 2015; Sumner et al., 2015), alkaline salt lakes (Arp et al.,
carbon (TOC) pool driven by H2S-based primary produc- 1999) and marine environments (Reid et al., 2000;
tivity is that organic-rich Archean shales appear to have Visscher et al., 2000; Burns et al., 2004; Pagès et al.,
originated in Fe2+-rich waters (Reinhard et al., 2009). 2014) as well as 2000-year-old structures in Lagoa
Alternative electron donors such as ferrous iron (Fe2+) or Salgada, Brazil, (Birgel et al., 2015). Examples of modern
hydrogen (H2) may have been less abundant than H2O, stromatolites and mats in low-oxygen environments
the electron donor for oxygenic photosynthesis, but could including riverbed, lacustrine, estuarine, and benthic sedi-
nonetheless have fuelled significant anaerobic primary ments are of particular interest because these environ-
production (anoxygenic photosynthesis) in the Archean. ments may have served as oxygen oases before the GOE
(Lalonde and Konhauser, 2015; Sumner et al., 2015). Fur-
thermore, examples of well-preserved mats and
Biomarkers for oxygenic photosynthesis
stromatolites from the Mesoproterozoic (Knoll et al.,
Microbial life leaves a poor fossil record and much of the 2013), the Jurassic (Hefter et al., 1993) and Early Triassic
geological record for life is recorded in microbially influ- (Heindel et al., 2015) are consistent with the presence of
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332 T. Hamilton,
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D. A.D.Bryant
A. Bryant
and J.and J. L. Macalady
L. Macalady

layered mats containing both oxygenic and anoxygenic monomethylalkanes could be promising biomarkers for
phototrophs in saline, low-oxygen marine environments ancient cyanobacteria.
thought to be prevalent on early Earth.
In addition to stromatolitic structures, biomarkers for
cyanobacteria and other phototrophs include lipids,
Phylogenetic reconstructions dating the emergence
carotenoids and chlorophylls, and the recovery of these
of oxygenic photosynthesis
fossil hydrocarbons have been used to infer phototrophic
community structure (Brocks et al., 2005). For instance, The increasing availability of genomic sequence data,
the carotenoid pigment okenone is preserved as the coupled to the study of model organisms, is greatly
hydrocarbon fossil equivalent okenane. Some members enhancing our ability to examine the phylogenetic related-
of the Chromatiaceae, anoxygenic phototrophic PSB, ness of extant life and can aid in the elucidation of the
make okenone (Vogl and Bryant, 2012), and thus timescale of the evolution of life. In the absence of concrete
okenane has been used as biomarker for PSB. Similarly, fossil evidence for the earliest life forms, intense debate
some GSB synthesize isorenieratene (some of the BChl has led to diverse hypotheses regarding the timing, form
e-producing species) or chlorobactene (BChl c/d- and physiological capabilities of the first forms of life. A
producing spp.) (Maresca et al., 2008), which are pre- common hypothesis invokes a thermophilic origin with
served as isorenieratane and chlorobactane, respectively, subsequent spread and diversification of physiological
upon diagenesis. Other hydrocarbons that are typical strategies including photosynthesis. Some reconstructions
breakdown products of aromatic carotenoids have been suggest that the emergence of photosynthesis occurred
identified as biomarkers of photosynthesis (Brocks and early in the evolution of life (∼3.6 Gya) although the time
Summons, 2004) although many organisms that do not estimate is very broad (2.80–3.63 Gya) (Battistuzzi et al.,
harvest sunlight for growth also produce carotenoids. For 2004). These estimates are consistent with geological
cyanobacteria, 2-methylbacteriohopanepolyols were evidence for life that indicates that Earth has been inhab-
originally thought to be synthesized exclusively by ited for at least 3.8 Gya. However, the early emergence –
cyanobacteria (Summons et al., 1999). The hopanoid 3.6 Gya – of photosynthesis requires high rates of evolu-
hydrocarbon backbone and methylation at the C-2 posi- tion and innovation. Evidence for a rapid increase in
tion is preserved upon diagenesis. Recent studies indi- genetic innovation from 3.3 to 2.8 Gya emerges from the
cate that organisms from several clades make these analysis of O2-binding gene families during this ‘Archean
lipids, including some anoxygenic phototrophs (Rashby Expansion’ (David and Alm, 2011) – consistent with a
et al., 2007; Welander et al., 2010), and they are not syn- stable source of oxygen, even if restricted to local environ-
thesized in the most abundant modern cyanobacteria ments (Anbar et al., 2007; Olson et al., 2013). However,
(Talbot et al., 2008). Components of cyanobacterial lipids, multiple lines of phylogenetic evidence suggest that the
specifically mid-chain branched monomethylalkanes, less complex anoxygenic mode of photosynthesis evolved
have been used to infer the presence of cyanobacteria before oxygenic photosynthesis (Blankenship, 2001;
(Shiea et al., 1990; Schirmer et al., 2010). The production Xiong and Bauer, 2002; Sadekar et al., 2006; Bryant and
of mid-chain branched monomethylalkanes is nearly uni- Liu, 2013). Debate remains regarding the nature and
versal among cyanobacteria and the major product is phylogenetic affiliation of the first anoxygenic phototrophs.
7-methylheptadecane. There are examples of other Molecular evolution studies support geochemical and
organisms that produce 7-methylheptadecane although organic biomarker data, which date the emergence of
those organisms employ a different biosynthetic oxygenic photosynthesis to ∼2.5 to 2.8 Gya (Rye and
pathway. The biosynthesis of 7-methylheptadecane in Holland, 1998; Brocks et al., 1999; Des Marias, 2000;
cyanobacteria proceeds through a pathway that to date Hedges et al., 2001; Xiong and Bauer, 2002) (Fig. 1).
has only been observed in members of the cyanobacterial Unfortunately, phylogenetic reconstructions are often con-
clade (Coates et al., 2014) and requires the presence of strained using absolute dates derived from studies of
molecular oxygen (Li et al., 2011; 2012). Methylated biomarkers, isotopic signatures or geochemical proxies
heptadecanes have been recovered from a variety of recorded in the rock record. These data are further con-
environments including freshwater microbial mats of cal- founded by evidence for lateral gene transfer between
cifying cyanobacteria (Thiel et al., 1997), hot spring phototrophic bacteria (Raymond et al., 2002). As such,
cyanobacterial mats (Shiea et al., 1990), microbial building an independent and robust phylogenetic record of
carbonates (Arp et al., 1999), carbonate samples the emergence of chlorophototrophy remains a difficult
from the Late Jurassic (Hefter et al., 1993) and challenge, evidenced for example by the growing contro-
stromatolitic carbonate rocks that have been inhabited versy regarding the interpretation of Archean biomarker
by cyanobacteria since the Cenozoic Eon (Hoshino records (Rasmussen et al., 2008; Brocks, 2011; French
and George, 2015). Thus, mid-chain branched et al., 2015). Regardless, the majority of geologic, isotopic
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production in Proterozoic
production oceans
in Proterozoic oceans3339

and phylogenetic analyses indicate that oxygenic photo- Although vertical redox stratification is the most
synthesis emerged before the GOE. often cited condition of Proterozoic oceans, many current
conceptual models overlook lateral mixing, which could
have important consequences, especially in the photic
Proterozoic oceans
zone. Assuming that sulfide-rich deep-water upwelling
Models of Earth’s surface oceans throughout the Prote- would deliver sulfide to the surface oceans, the flux of
rozoic range from fully oxic to euxinic to ferruginous which could exceed the downward mixing of oxygen
(anoxic and rich in reduced iron). Ferruginous conditions (Meyer and Kump, 2008). In the absence of ample wind-
are likely to have prevailed in the open oceans through- mixing, sulfide would reach the surface in areas where the
out most of Earth’s history, whereas continental shelf upward sulfide flux exceeds wind-mixed oxygen flux
margins were most likely euxinic and host to the majority (Kump et al., 2005). This flux of sulfide to the photic zone
of marine primary production (Lyons et al., 2014). Today, would have been sufficient to support anoxygenic
biological sulfate reduction serves as the main pathway photosynthesis.
for the anaerobic mineralization of organic matter on
continental margins (Jørgensen, 1982), and presumably,
Proterozoic cyanobacteria
these regions would have had the highest organic matter
loading during the ancient past. If Proterozoic oceans Although an important role for cyanobacteria in the rise
were mostly ferruginous, it is plausible that primary pro- of oxygen on early Earth is not disputed, the cause of
ductivity driven by Fe2+-dependent anoxygenic photosyn- the ∼2 billion year period following the GOE during
thesis could have been widespread in the open ocean. which atmospheric levels of oxygen remained far below
However, appreciable amounts of oxidized iron from this those observed today remains poorly understood. Extant
time are not apparent in the geologic record, and it has cyanobacteria occupy diverse habitats, some of which
been hypothesized that upwelling Fe(II) would react with are sulfide rich; however, given the large differences
oxygen, producing reactive oxygen species that are toxic in energetics between oxygenic and anoxygenic
to phototrophs (Shcolnick et al., 2009). Indeed, labora- chlorophotrophs and the ubiquity of H2O as an electron
tory experiments on Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and donor, a scenario selecting for abundant PS
geochemical modelling indicate that Fe(II) toxicity would II-independent CO2 photoassimilation by Proterozoic
have limited primary productivity in zones of Fe2+ marine cyanobacteria seems unlikely. Assuming the rela-
upwelling (Swanner et al., 2015). In addition, examples tively simple model of Sqr-catalysed sulfide oxidation
of extant anoxygenic phototrophs that utilize Fe2+ for CO2 providing electrons for PS I-dependent photosynthesis,
photoassimilation are rare compared with those that Sqr-containing cyanobacteria could presumably utilize
prefer reduced forms of sulfur (Fig. 2). One notable either H2O or H2S in sulfide-rich photic zones such as
example is Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain TIE-1, a those present at continental margins throughout much of
purple non-sulfur bacterium that grows photo- Earth’s history. Modern anoxygenic photosynthetic
autotrophically by oxidizing Fe2+ or H2 (Jiao et al., 2005). cyanobacteria oxidize sulfide to S(0) or polysulfide as
TIE-1 synthesizes 2-methyl hopanoids and a significant the end-product (Cohen et al., 1975a,b). In the model of
variation in methylation at the C-2 position was observed Earth’s middle age that was sustained by anoxygenic
between electron donors – an observation that may be photosynthesis (Johnston et al., 2009), S(0) production
relevant to interpreting biosignatures in the sedimentary by Proterozoic primary producers is involved in a second
record (Eickhoff et al., 2013). In any case, Fe2+ as an feedback loop that results in pyrite precipitation and
electron donor for anoxygenic photosynthesis in burial, a necessary step for balancing sulfide concentra-
cyanobacteria has not been demonstrated among extant tions. According to the model, organic matter-associated
organisms. The distribution and activity of terrestrial S(0) or polysulfide (formed through the reaction of S(0)
cyanobacteria during this time also remains poorly with sulfide in the water column) is exported to the
defined. Based on currently available evidence, the sediments and, with H2S and Fe2+, forms pyrite. It is
major sources of primary productivity on early Earth worth noting that ancient cyanobacteria performing
appear to have been marine, especially at ocean anoxygenic photosynthesis in a sulfidic water column
margins and in restricted basins where euxinic conditions could have also contributed polysulfide, similar to
were prevalent (Lyons et al., 2014 and references extant cyanobacteria, and thus played a role in
therein). Some models indicate that areas experiencing preventing runaway sulfide production. In fact, pyrite for-
vigorous vertical mixing or strong upwelling could mation involving iron(II) and polysulfide is one of only
have hosted high productivity, potentially resulting in three established mechanisms for pyrite formation
mild oxygenation even before the GOE (Olson et al., (Rickard, 1975; Luther, 1991; Rickard and Luther,
2013). 2007).
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Environmental Microbiology,
Microbiology 18, 325–340
10 T.T.L.L.Hamilton,
Hamilton,D. D. A. Bryant
A. Bryant and and
J. L. J. L. Macalady

O2 anoxygenic phototrophs (including cyanobacteria) occu-

pying the sulfide-rich lower layer of the photic zone

Photic Zone
Oxygenic (Fig. 3). Other sulfur-oxidizing strategies (i.e. Sox, sulfur
storage) such as those present in PSB and GSB could
Mixed also be ancient relics of Proterozoic oceans. For
instance, thiosulfate concentrations would have
Anoxygenic HS– increased in waters where oxygen and sulfide are
present and fluctuating sulfide concentrations could have
mineralization Photic Zone

HS– O2
provided the selective pressure to store elemental sulfur.
Versatile cyanobacteria would have consumed some of
S(0) the sulfide, enabling evolution and fine-tuning of oxygenic
photosynthesis in the upper oxic layers. These organisms

Corg would have produced some oxygen, providing selective
PO43– pressure for anoxygenic phototrophs to adapt to varying
sulfide concentrations as well as to retreat to deeper
regions of the water column. This metabolic versatility
SO42– HS–
would provide cyanobacteria a selective advantage over
oxygen-sensitive phototrophs, especially given that
C,S FeS2 surface oceans were most likely heterogeneous with
burial Pyrite respect to redox gradients (Olson et al., 2013). These
characteristics are especially apparent in GSB, which are
Fig. 3. A schematic model of marine primary productivity in the very sensitive to oxygen, produce strong reductants
photic zone of euxinic regions of Proterozoic oceans. Inset
demonstrates the consumption of nutrients (fixed nitrogen, organic through carbon fixation via the reverse TCA cycle and
carbon and phosphate) through the deep waters and into the photic occupy the lowest light niches of extant phototrophs
zone, leading to nutrient-poor surface waters. SRB, (Frigaard and Bryant, 2008).
sulfate-reducing bacteria.
A further complication in our picture of primary produc-
tivity in early Earth oceans emerges from evidence that
Although examples are rare, observations of fixed sources of nitrogen (ammonia, nitrate) may have
cyanobacteria performing both oxygenic and anoxygenic been limiting, especially in surface waters. Nitrogen fixa-
photosynthesis simultaneously have been documented tion, the biologically mediated reduction of N2 to ammonia,
(de Wit and Gemerden, 1987; Klatt et al., 2015). In extant would have been a major source of fixed N for primary
cyanobacteria, a 2-h induction time is observed before producers within the photic zone. Nitrogen fixation has a
sulfide-dependent anoxygenic photosynthesis unless significant biological cost – the process is energetically
sulfide is provided during the previous diel cycle (Klatt demanding, requiring 16 ATP to reduce one mole of N2,
et al., 2015). It is plausible that early in the evolution and and the enzymatic machinery is oxygen sensitive. Among
fine-tuning of PS II and oxygen production, both pro- extant organisms, only a small subset of microorganisms
cesses occurred in parallel. Considering that PS I and PS is known to catalyse dinitrogen reduction. These organ-
II have different absorption spectra (Oren et al., 1977) isms include some cyanobacteria and anoxygenic
and that oxygenic photosynthesis requires both photo- phototrophs, and some methanogenic archaea. To date,
systems, the spectral quality of light reaching the photic nitrogen fixation has not been observed in eukaryotes. In
zone would impact the efficiency of these processes. the nitrogen-poor Proterozoic oceans, a steady supply of
Indeed, in a cyanobacterium performing both oxygenic ATP would be required for use in N2 fixation among
and anoxygenic photosyntheses simultaneously, rates of phototrophic diazotrophs. This supply could come from
anoxygenic photosynthesis are governed by light and photosynthetic activity or fermentation. An intriguing pos-
H2S concentration and are not affected by oxygenic pho- sibility is that ancient cyanobacteria exploited energy pro-
tosynthesis (Klatt et al., 2015). In phototrophic mat duction using PS I alone or PS I and PS II together to fuel
systems, cyanobacteria switch between oxygenic and both primary productivity and nitrogen fixation. The
anoxygenic photosynthesis on a daily cycle, consuming genome of a globally distributed, uncultivated marine
sulfide in the early morning when this substrate is more cyanobacteria, UCYN-A, lacks genes encoding
abundant. In Proterozoic oceans, niche overlap and niche photosystem II and carbon fixation, indicating it cannot
separation of phototrophs could have been similar to perform oxygenic photosynthesis; however, the organism
those observed in stratified water columns today. A sim- appears to use photosystems I to fuel a light-dependent
plified model of the Proterozoic water column would fermentative metabolism and fix nitrogen (Zehr et al.,
consist of oxygenic cyanobacteria in the upper layers with 2008; Tripp et al, 2010). In Geitlerinema sp. PCC 9228
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Primary in Proterozoic
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in Proterozoic oceans 335

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