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April 20,

To make the sloth you're going to need three different colours of yarn - white, beige and
brown. I've used DK yarn and a 4mm hook. You can use different weight yarn and the
appropriate hook size but you will end up with a smaller or larger ear saver. It's a great way
to use up and yarn you have left over from other projects as you'll only need a really small

White, brown and beige DK yarn

2 buttons



4mm hook

US Terms

ch - chain

sl st - slip stitch
sc - single crochet

hdc half double crochet

dc - double crochet

trc - treble crochet

inc - 2 single crochet in same stitch

Back strap
Round 1: Using white yarn ch 17, trc in 4th ch and all remaining chs, 6 trc in final ch.
DO NOT TURN, continue working down the opposite side of the chain. Trc in every ch,
5 trc in final ch, sl st with 1st st, change to beige yarn.

Round 2: ch 1, *sc in each trc until the 6 trc, inc in each of the 6 trc* repeat to end and
sl st with 1st st.

Fasten off

Eye patches
Round 1: Using brown yarn ch 7, trc in 4th ch and all remaining chs, 6 trc in final ch.
DO NOT TURN, continue working down the opposite side of the chain. Trc in every ch,
5 trc in final ch, sl st with 1st st.

Fasten off

Using brown yarn 6 sc in magic ring, sl st with first st.

Fasten off

Sew the eye patches onto each end of the strap then add the buttons and sew the
nose on in the middle. Finally, weave in the ends.


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