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What are the popular girls like at your school?

(Middle school) 

The popular girls at my school have long hair. It must be at least a half inch before your
shoulder blades-long. Their hair is pin-straight, ranging from light-brown to dark brown. They
have dark eyes, as well. Their skin is light-to-tan, perfect, blemish-free, and eyeliner,
eyeshadow, and mascara is the key. Two piercings in each ear is really in right now. 
They aren't mean to your face, but you know inside they talk about you sometimes, and they
don't pay any attention to you unless you talk to them yourself. They have so much money, get
manicures every three weeks, go to Bermuda, Disney, Florida, Hawaii for vacation, move to
huge houses on private streets even when they have perfectly nice houses that most would kill
to live in. They also have their own maids, housekeepers, lawn people. They go to the mall
almost every day. 

Plus they wear Juicy, Uggs, Hollister, Aeropostale, American Eagle....lots of designer
brands..and this is even in 6th, 7th, and 8th. They all have gone out with half the boys in the
school (one girl has dated almost every boy in my grade), talk a lot, teachers love them, are
natural flirts. Our school, despite it designer-wearing popular girls, is focused on athletics--and
so everybody is toned and muscular in a not-obvious way, they are skinny too. 
One of the most popular girls in our school (has her own Facebook page even though she is 12)
has super blonde, super straight hair and is super tall---.


They are so lovely and nice! ^~^ 

There are about 4 of them and there names are Nicole, Rhea, Athena and Ana. Ana and Nicole
both have dirty blonde hair while Rhea has black hair and Athena has dark brown hair. Athena
is the only one with wavy curls in her hair and the rest have straight super shiny hair!!! (Very
gorgeous in person) They have a superrr nice personality and they talk to EVERYONE (Even
the nerdy kids) Nicole doesn't do a very good job in math but they all get straight A's and B's. I
asked them how they got good grades and they told all me "Be nice to teachers and practice at
home." and gave a little wink at meee!!! Ahhh they are sooo nice... They all have black boots
with black leggings as a matching thingy, and they smell really good actually, haha! Most of
them are shy and talk quiet. 
- Angie


I'm going to be blunt. I was very popular in school, in fact, people dubbed me the "most popular
girl in school". I know that sounds lame and superficial, but it's a fact; it's what people called me.
It was an absolute blast. I was on a high, and I felt invincible. I did well in school, was pretty, got
invited EVERYWHERE, people wanted to be my friend and I always had someone to turn to.
There was NOTHING bad about it. To people who say "you're constantly being judged" - that's
bull! Nobody judges you - they think your life is perfect and don't question that, and when you're
that popular it always is perfect because EVERYONE is nice to you and you have no problems!
You have a lot of power, and because I've always been quite grounded, I never abused it. I was
popular because I was pretty, smart, kind and talented (I did a lot of sport and music) - not
because I was a bully. Don't waste time on facebook, or youtube. Spend EVERY minute trying
to better yourself! Learn things, be kind, be sociable, don't be afraid to talk to people, do well in
school! Don't be "afraid" of the popular people - they're just people and will probably really like
you and your company if you let them get to know you! 

Best advice I can give you - be yourself, but be the BEST you you can be! I really mean that -
people spend HOURS on facebook and things (like answering qns on yahoo answers - I'm such
a hypocrit HAHA!) WASTING time when they could be using that time to do better things! Focus
all of your energy on becoming a better person, inside, outside, spiritually, mentally, physically! 


I have friends who are "popular" who are genuinely nice people, but I feel like some of the
"popular" people are just fakey and plastic


Honestly, I think being a popular girl in high school must be tough. 

People are constantly judging you for every action 
However, I deal with some of these girls. They are either genuinely nice or bitchy as hell. 
So, it must be different for everyone


They actually repel the whole 'dumb, slutty' stereotype. The popular girls at my school are
actually all pretty, a few of them don't even wear make up. The others do though, and one or
two of them go overboard on the tanning and foundation. But they're actually really nice, and
quite smart, one of them is one of the best in our year at Maths, and a couple of them I've been
told, get As in Sociology etc. And before we broke up for Summer, one of them was reading
'The Fault In Our Stars' and she also listens to a lot of Alternative music. So they're not that bad.


In my school there all really short, bitchy and airheads, oh and not that great looking. But there's
one girl who's really sweet to everyone and I wish all the the other 'popular' girls would take
after her. They also date any guy even if their three grades above them. And they make every
designer brand seem chavy, their basically annoying and seem to only come to school to flirt. 


I'm in my 20s now but I was a 'popular' girl. I was slightly taller than most, thin (I was a dancer)
and I have/had dark blonde hair (never dyed it) and brown eyes. I wore make-up every day, but
not too much. I dressed trendy but not over the top. I also focused on getting good grades... I
was nuts about getting straight As! One of my best friend was a short brunette and the other a
tall blonde. 

Don't worry about being popular. It's stressful because people have certain ideas and
perceptions about you. I was popular and so were my friends and boyfriend so people just
assume things about you. People assumed I was a ***** but I actually went out of my way to be
a really good friend to the kids that most people picked on because I knew they were treated
unfairly. I also volunteered with animals and while I went to parties and drank alcohol
sometimes, I never tried a drug. 


Im popular in my grade. Guess what? My familys broke as hell. My other friend whos litterly the
prettiest girl in school has such bad problems at home its ridiculous. Me and my other friend cry
almost everyday at least once at school because of what people say to us. Popular girls are
bitches and stuck up? no they're not. shut the **** up. Your just stereotyping. I know some
people in my school who have like no friends (yes I feel bad for them, i have emotions to,
actually in study hall and sometimes lunch I sit with people sitting alone whether i like them or
not simply no one deserves to be treated like a nobody.) anyways ive seen people in my school
who have no friends and wear MUCH more expensive clothes than me. You want to punch all
popular girls in the face? No you want to punch those girls in your class. Who clearly are mean
to you. Dont sit here and start talking ****. Everyone has ******* problems. No ones life is so
simple they sit there and flirt with guys, wear expensive clothing and talk ****. No no ones like
that. If anything your like that. Your the one talking ****. Yeah NOW i seem like a stuck up
"popular girl" but it just ticks me off when people stereo type. like seriously? I want them to grow


kind of the leader 
long layered verrry straight brown hair with side bangs 
tall and skinny 
very rich 
high end designer clothes 
usually nice unless you piss her off 
very smart, in gifted classes but can be kind of ditzy 
really loud, has a big mouth, always in the center of attention 
single but dates around 
volleyball player and cheerleader 

follows Hannah like a puppy dog 
long dark brown hair in big loose curls 
short and skinny 
very rich 
high end designer clothes 
very nice 
verrrry smart, also in gifted classes 
straight a student 
laid back and quiet, focused on school 
cheer captain and golf player 

also follows Hannah like a puppy dog 
medium length, straight blonde hair 
tall and skinny 
well off 
lots of a&f, hollister, ae, aero, and forever21 
very nice 
has dyslexia, straight b student 
sweet, talkative, not too loud, always smiling 
track runner 

does more of her own thing 
long blonde wavy hair 
short and curvy 
no brand name clothes 
can be mean 
ditzy, D & C student 
loud and outgoing 
cheerleader and softball player 
slutty, has probably had 20 boyfriends just this year 

does more of her own thing 
medium length curly white/blonde hair 
average height & skinny 
a&f, hollister, ae, aero, wetseal, and pacsun 
can be mean 
very smart, gifted classes 
loud and outgoing 
soccer and softball player 

choppy scene hair, always dying it, (last time i saw her it was brown blonde & pink) really kinky
curls but she straightens them 
does more of her own thing 
short and skinny 
aeropostale, tilys, wet seal, and hottopic 
very fun and nice 
b and c student 
very loud, wild and funky 
doesn't play sports 


K - Sort of the 'main' girl. All of the guys love her. [Which I don't understand, to be completely
honest.] She has huge boobs and a big butt. She has dark brown hair, but has long extensions
that reach her bum that look awful in my opinion. She has super defined cheekbones. [Which
I'm jealous of] She's about 5'7. Not skinny; not fat. Her grades are fairly good. She's one of
those girls that smiles and giggles at everything. I personally don't like her. She's very fake.
Wardrobe consists of Hollister and Lacoste shoes. Meh. 

R - Out of the group, she's the most real. She's super outgoing but no where near fake. I envy
her for her upbeat personality. She's a singer and she's amazing. She's very petite. She's 4'11-
5'0 ish. One of her passions is sports, so she's quite built. She's always with guys. Her and I sat
together in some classes and she's actually quite nice. I wish we were closer to be honest. Her
eyes are blue and her hair is dirty blonde and always left natural. No makeup; naturally pretty.
Wardrobe is t-shirts and jeans. 

J - To he honest, I really dislike this girl. She follows the rest of them around. She changed
herself so much to fit in with these girls, and I wish she didn't. Her and I used to be friends. She
has short brown curly hair and blue eyes. She's really smart, but she spends too much time
obsessing over her appearance. She's 5'4 and a curvy girl. She's gorgeous but so rude. I tried
to talk to her once lately and she was a b*tch. 

K - Very sporty. Loves soccer! She's super tall [5'10] and so pretty. I'm jealous. She has freckles
and dark brown hair. She's really nice and down to earth. She has a good sense of fashion,
really good grades, and is friendly to everyone. Unfortunately she's dating my crush of 3 years.
-___- It's okay though, she deserves it. She's an awesome person. 

T - Real party girl. Goes out and gets drunk nearly every weekend and has sex with a random
guy. She had an abortion earlier this ear. She's such a b*tch too. I have nothing else to say
about her haha. She's tall and pretty. Wears Hollister and Billa Bong. 


My popular girls: 

Long brown wavy hair 
big blue eyes 
Wears expensive clothing 
Strangley hasn't had a boyfried all year 
can be nice but also snotty 
b&c student 
loud and outgoing 
does competitive cheerleading 
knows how to stand up for herself 


red head with a lot of feathers 
wears expesive clothing 
is compared to her brother A LOT 
has/ has anorexia 
super skinny 
greened eyed 
has braces 
b student 
sees the world as her own 


short blond 
extremly skinny(u can see bones) 
wears hollister and abricombie 
blue eyes 
long eye lashes 
makes fun of kids with accents 
A students 
lots of boys droll over her 


dresses slutty 
has a lot of boyfriends(at the same time) 
wont eat lunch 
mean, rude 
brown eyes 
short fake(extensions) hair brown wavy 
wears whatever brands 
think she's fat 
medium height 


super short 
wears hollister only 
medium weight 
long wavy brown hair 
sorta nice 
some times rude 
has a new boyfriend


Okay so I'm not gonna name names but there are 4 girls C, K, KE, and A 
C and KE are closer and then K and A are closer but they all hang out. These four girls are
honestly so nice.C nad KE are probably the two "main girls". They all get all A's also 

C- is a cheerleader and a flyer (the girl that goes up in the air), biggestgsweethearteart in the 
yearbook and was nominated for princess of winter formal (which is something the goody girls
win), she has super long brown hair she has blue eyes, white freckles on her face and is skinny
but toned. 

**all of them have good style but not the typical hollister, they dress well.I also happen to know
that they all are kind of poor except for KE 

K- She won princess of winter formal, is also one of the soccer stars of the school, she has
brown hair just past her shoulders tan and brown eyes, she is also in student council. She
always goes out of her way to be nice to everyone same with C 

KE- also a cheerleader, big green eyes shoulder length blonde hair taller than C but shorter
than K I think, shes pretty muscular but not in a gross way,she is also known by many people as
the b**** but if you're nice to her shes a sweetheart. 

A- tallest of the 4, she is on swim team and also in student council, she is always laughing about
some dorky joke (she is kind of the quirky one of the group but in a good way) she has the most
mature style as in most professional, she has blonde hair, blue eyes kind of gangly but still cute 


The most popular girl in my school is named Kendall. She is tall and skinny. She has black hair
which looks perfect every day. She has green eyes. She has a tattoo on her hip of a dove. She
hangs around with her boyfriend everywhere, who is just as popular as her. She's kinda shy.
Has perfect teeth. Doesn't play sports anymore, but hangs around with the cheerleaders & is
friends with almost all of the cheerleaders. She's one of my best friends tooo, i'm a little jealous
though haah.


Anyway, the popular girls at my school are pretty wealthy, as well as smart. They are very
outgoing and a lot of guys like them. The most popular ones actually don't look super fake,
either. They are actually naturally pretty and are not sl***. 

Buuuuuut, they are sorta stand-offish. They act like they love everyone, but no one loves
everyone lol. 


The most popular girl in my grade is named Margaret. She's not bitchy, but she does hang out
with just her group of friends.She rarely talks to you unless you talk to her first.But she does it in
a way that everyone still likes her. She is slim, average height, normal wealth, brown short hair,
and like a Forever 21 look.

At my school they are fashionable, funny, slutty sometimes, they drink, do sexual stuff to get
attention, skip class but get good grades (somehow). Also they just make themselves popular.
They call eachother "baby jay" and "baby ay", have facebook, take slutty pictures and edit them
to make them "classy", make what they are typing "look good" (likee thiss ! very annoying
double letters.), know all of the hot guys, throw parties but only invite "the populars", ect. 
I'm in grade 9 and I know about 10 couples who have had sex ! I think this is so crazy, I don't
know about you. I think they just want attention. 


Most kids at my school that are what I would consider "popular" (which actually includes myself)
1. Very smart 
2. Athletic 
3. Fun-loving 
4. Act crazy at parties and dances 
5. Are friendly to everyone 
6. Don't bias friends on gender 
7. Ethical 
8. Flirtatious 


The popular girls at my school are blonde/brunette. They straighten their hair practically every
day, unless it's curled for a more dressy look. They wear Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister.
They have a more dressy look which usually consists of a nice top (sometimes with a
cardigan/sweater), jeans, and sandals or uggs (depending on the season). They're usually very
athletic, therefore skinny. They also have decently long hair. They always wear some type of
jewelry, nails painted, and makeup perfect.


My recollection is that they were mean in junior high school but got nicer in high school. 

I was fairly indifferent to them in high school though. I had my punk rock friends, who were not
school mates, for the most part.

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