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Biography of Ignatius of Antioch: Apostolic

Father, Christian Martyr

Ignatius of Antioch (ca 50–ca 110 CE) was an early Christian martyr and an important figure in
the early Christian church. He was an "apostolic father," which means he had direct contact with
Christ's apostles and the second or third Christian bishop at Antioch in Syria. Ignatius is best
known for a series of letters he wrote during the journey he took from Antioch to Rome, at the
end of which he was executed in the Roman arena. 

Fast Facts: Ignatius of Antioch

 Also Known As: Theophorus "God-Bearer"

 Born: between 35-50 CE, in Asia Minor
 Died: about 110 CE in Rome
 Published Works: Epistle to the Christians of Ephesus (Pros Ephesious); of Magnesia
(Magnesieusin); of Tralles (Trallianois); of Rome (Pros Romaious); of Philadelphia
(Philadelpheusin); of Smyrna (Smyrnaiois); and to Polycarp (Pros Polykarpon).
 Key Accomplishments: First missionary bishop to reorder the church in Asia Minor, setting up
the beginnings of modern church theology
 Famous Quote: (on learning that he was sentenced to death) "I thank you, O Lord, that You
have vouchsafed to honor me with perfect love towards You, and have made me to be bound
with iron chains, like Your Apostle Paul." 

Early Life

Not much is known about his early life, but Ignatius was likely born between 30 and 50 CE,
probably someplace in Asia Minor. His name at birth was Ignatius, but he was given the name
"Theophorus" ("God-Bearer") at baptism. Christ's apostle Peter founded the church at Antioch
and (perhaps) named Ignatius to the See; Peter was the first bishop himself and, according to the
Christian historian Eusebius (263–239 CE), Peter named the second one, Evodius. Ignatius likely
held the bishopric beginning after Evodius' death in 66 CE until his own death about forty years

Bishop of Antioch

Between 105–106, the Roman Emperor Trajan (53–117 CE) waged a successful battle against
the Dacians and Scythians. In gratitude to his gods for the success, Trajan stepped up a massive
campaign against the Christian community in Asia Minor, in particular, those Christians who
refused to sacrifice to the gods. While he was in Antioch, Trajan interviewed Bishop Ignatius
who confessed his steadfast belief, and so Trajan condemned him to death. 

Because Ignatius was an important figure in the region, Trajan assigned 10 soldiers to chain him
up and escort him overland and by sea to Rome. Once in Rome, Ignatius would be torn apart by
wild beasts, as part of a 123-day long festival. Ignatius's reaction was to cry with joy: "I thank
you, O Lord, that You have vouchsafed to honor me with perfect love towards You, and have
made me to be bound with iron chains, like Your Apostle Paul." 

Ignatius' Journey to Rome

The details of Ignatius's journey from Antioch to Rome are found in "Martyrium Ignatii" ("The
Martyrdom of Ignatius"), a document which scholars believe has some problems. The earliest
existing copy dates to the 10th century, and there is some evidence that it was "interpolated," or
heavily embellished. 

After being arrested in Antioch, Ignatius and his team of guards (Ignatius called them "leopards"
in his letters) traveled to Seleucia, where they boarded a ship and then disembarked either at
Cilicia or Pamphylia. There, they traveled on foot to Philadelphia, then to Smyrna, where they
spent an extended time. 
"The Martyrdom of Saint Ignatius," 16th century triptych showing scenes from Ignatius of Antioch's life
and martyrdom. From the Abade de Basal Museum, Braganca, Portugal. Art Media/Print Collector/Getty

Writing the Letters

While they were in Smyrna, Ignatius went to see Polycarp (60–155 CE), an old friend of his who
was now the Bishop of Smyrna. Deputies from the churches at Ephesus, Magnesia, and Tralles
came to see Ignatius, and it was at Smyrna that Ignatius began to write his series of epistles—
letters to the Christian churches in different cities. In Smyrna, he wrote letters to the Ephesians,
the Magnesians, and the Trallesians, exhorting them to obey their bishops, avoid heresies, and
keep the faith. He also wrote to the church in Rome, begging them not to intercede for him. 

The group left Smyrna by boat to Troas, where Ignatius wrote three more epistles to the
Philadelphians, to the Smyrnans, and finally one to Polycarp. He wanted to address the
multitudes in Troas, but the guards were finally impatient to get to Rome—the 123-day-long
festivities planned by Trajan were wrapping up. They left Troas, went by foot to Epirus and then
by ship to cross the Adriatic. Ignatius wanted to stop at Puteoli, where the apostle Paul of Tarsus
(d. 67 CE) had lived, but a storm blew up and they had to pass on to Rome. 

Death of Ignatius 

When they reached Rome, Ignatius was brought to the Roman arena just in time for the last days
of the festival, and there he was thrown into the beasts' den where he was torn to pieces.
According to the "Martyrium Ignatii," before Ignatius died he increasingly invoked the name of
Jesus, explaining to tormenters that he was "the God-bearer" and Jesus's name was written on his
heart. When his heart was cut open, the story says, all of the pieces had the name of Jesus Christ
written on them in gold letters. 

The pieces of Ignatius' broken body were collected and wrapped in linen and taken back to
Antioch by the deacon of Cicilia Philo, and a Syrian Christian named Rheus Agathopus: (these
two men are usually credited with writing the original version of the Martyrium Ignatii). He was
buried outside the city gates; his body was moved to the Temple of Fortune by Theodosius II
(401–450); and finally moved again to St. Clement's Basilica in Rome in 637, which is where
they are said to remain to this day.

Ignatian Epistles 

There are seven widely-accepted letters that Ignatius wrote on his way to be executed. They were
probably originally written in Greek, but all but one of the surviving codexes are in Latin or
Coptic. By the middle ages, the number of the Ignatian Epistles had grown to 13, but those extra
six are now thought to have been written by someone else, perhaps as early as the 6th century
CE, but not by Ignatius. 

The accepted letters are: 

 Epistle to the Christians of Ephesus (Pros Ephesious);
 Epistle to the Christians of Magnesia (Magnesieusin);
 Epistle to the Christians of Tralles (Trallianois);
 Epistle to the Christians of Rome (Pros Romaious);
 Epistle to the Christians of Philadelphia (Philadelpheusin);
 Epistle to the Christians of Smyrna (Smyrnaiois); and
 Epistle to Polycarp (Pros Polykarpon).

Content of the Letters

The content of those Ignatian Epistles is enormously important to religious scholars. The
surviving copies have been intensively studied for the light they shed on the early Christian
church in Asia Minor, and for Ignatius's personal theology in its historical context. They reveal
that in the second century CE, Christianity was undergoing a struggle within its adherents, some
of whom followed pagan and Gnostic beliefs and rites that Ignatius thought were heresy. 

There were some new Christians who wanted to believe in both Moses and Christ (called
Judaizers). There were others such as the Docetists, who believed that Christ was never human,
but rather a divine being. He had a body made of a superior substance, said the Docetists, that
used visual deceptions to make it look like he was born of a human and suffered and died.
Ignatius argued that if someone kept the Jewish Sabbath (on Saturday) rather than the "Lord's
day" (on Sunday), they were denying that Christ died at all. 


There are several odd things about the letters, which are nonetheless considered authentic by
most scholars. His letters are the earliest known references in Greek or Latin to the words
"Christianity," "Catholic," and "leopard." As Bishop of Antioch, he was not important enough to
be telling the churches in Magnesia and Philadelphia what they should be doing. If Trajan had
wanted to, and assuming he was the one who condemned Ignatius to death, he could have had
him executed in Antioch. Ignatius strongly urged the church in Rome to not attempt to stop him
from being martyred; and although his captors kept him in chains, they took their time getting
him to Rome, and they allowed access to him by other bishops and many representatives of other
Christian churches along the way. 

It's possible that the Roman guard thought that giving people access to Ignatius was good for
warning others about the dangers of practicing Christianity; they may have stayed so long in
Smyrna to get the timing of the execution right. But during that trip, Ignatius clearly recognized
that his identification as a martyr (although he apparently never used that word) made his letters
significant: he became a credentialed missionary.

The importance of the Ignatius epistles is that they document the work and theology of the first
missionary bishop to reorder the church, setting up many of the doctrinal Catholic aspects that
are still used today. In addition to making the Gnostic practices of Judaizing and Doceticism
unacceptable, the letters established the holiness and unity of the church, the threefold character
of the Trinity, the hierarchy making bishops as superior to priests, and the primacy of the See in


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