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Atienza, Lorraine G.

October 13, 2020


Ethics is the study of how people behave, and how they should behave. It is based on
ideas of what is morally 'good'. But, in order to understand ethics, a definition of 'good' needs
to be determined. Here, one sees that such ideas will vary from person to person and from
culture to culture. Likewise, such ideas explain why there is such a variety of moral systems in
use today and a marked difference in the level of commitment to a personal moral code.
Metaethics is major field of inquiry in philosophy. The “meta” in this metaethics means
“above”. This field attempts to answer question about ethics. For instance, one is able to say
what ”good” is like, yet is unable to say what “good” is. This covers the idea of metaethics, it
tends to learn the meaning and definition of something but also identify what is its nature. For
example, the idea that it is wrong to steal, this is not the metaethical issue you are going to
encounter but the idea that the nature of the word “wrong” in the sentence, it is because this
topic do not with an explanation of that sentence or event instead it aims to enquire into the
meaning of “good” and “bad”.
As for my understanding, metaethics digs deeper than the normal thing ethics, as
mention it is the foundation of morality and seeks to know what is the nature of morality. But
how can someone identify these, in the video where a robber intends to rob a house but
suddenly saw ends in an unexpected result, he helped the old lady have fresh air and this is
unintentionally. In people minds, there will be different, some will think that the robber needed
to be praise, but some may not. The grounding problem, this will be my basis on how I will
judge that event. Grounding problem is the foundation for our moral belief, something solid
that would make them true in a way it is clear, objective and unknowing. I also understand, why
people has different judgement it is because we also have different ethical theories and belief
made by our known culture.

My own example:
Inspired with the series “Money Heist”. A gang full of robbers, they rob big banks,
money or gold. They only wanted those and don’t want to harm, execute or kill anyone. Their
goal is to accomplish resistance for all of them. It is said, “What is the difference of the
government making and printing money out of nonsense and put it with their own pocket,
with us getting those money for it to be beneficial and worth it?” this is the professor’s
Explaining my stated example for metaethics, I will start with the goal and definition of
metaethics, branch of ethics that deals in an act of behavior, or the nature and how others
determine the term good. In my example, I was enlightened with their goal, that there really is
no difference with what they are doing compare to the government’s stealing. Yes, these are
both wrong, but looking at the deeper side of these two, understanding the real difference of
them, government work is unfair, making money for yourself, instead of prioritizing your govern
citizens. Nowadays, it is hard to see an official that is truly dedicated and honest in his/her line
of work. We don’t know what really is their purpose or what are they thinking. The series
enlighten us to speak and go for a change, because if the government system is filled with these
rotten people, there will be no change and accomplishment to happen but if we want
something new, the only key is us, ourselves. We will bring change to the rotten system.
Connecting this situation with metaethics, if we just conclude the situation with its
outside definition we cannot easily determine what exactly is right, given that robbery and
stealing are both wrong, but the principles these two fights for has really a big difference, the
stealing has the sense of selfishness, greed, dishonesty and irresponsible, while looking at the
principles of the robbery, how it will enlighten us and give us the strength to speak for a
change. Evaluate what now is good and right.


foundation of morality, seeks to know what is the nature of it.
Moral Realism:
the belief that these are moral facts in the same way that there are different facts
Grounding problem:
the search for a foundation for our moral belief, something solid that would make them
true in a way that is clear, objective and unknowing
Moral antirealism:
the belief that moral proposition don’t refer to objective features of the world at all that
there are no moral facts
Ethical theories:
moral foundation that help you conduct judgment and analyzation
Moral principles:
these are the building blocks of the ethical theories, also includes ones’ perspective and

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