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Most of the players are males with a frequency of 33 which is 73 percent

of our respondents while the females are 12 with a percentage of 27.
Their ages according to our searches ranges in 12-16. Those who has the
age of 12 is 4 percent, 13 years old is 24 percent, 14 years old is 28
percent, while the ages of 15 and 16 is both 22 percent. Also most of the
respondents were playing for a year now.

According to our searches they play for about 1-3 hours of their leisure
time. For them, both of their rank in school and in the game were
important for them. Some of them answer that their rank in mobile legends
were valuable. They also answer truthfully that they were playing even
during their discussions.

They also share that they are having sleepless night in order to play more.
As a result sometimes they tend to forgot to do their homeworks. Some of
them admit that they grades suffer of having lack of study because of the

Most of them say that they are playing mobiles legends for fun. And for
having a thing to do to kill time. Some tell that they play to relieve stress or
a friend invited them.
And they also admit that sometimes or most of the time they feel lonely
when they aren't playing because of the fun and thrill it brings.

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