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Ladies and gentlemen,

I am (say your name) and I am the (say your title in relations to why you're introducing the speaker,
for example, you are president of an organization). I am so pleased to be with you today and to have
the chance to introduce our guest speaker, (say speakers name).
He / She is the (say speaker's positions in relations to why they're speaking). He / She has been one
of the main proponents of this program for several years, and it a true stand out in this field. He / She
has a great understanding of the program and a great appreciation of what it takes to truly make
(state theme or topic of event or conference) continue on a path of progress, and a remarkable
vision of the future of (State topic).
Besides that, He / She (Add a few interesting personal notes here. Mention if the person was the first
to do something, if they have published anything, have held impressive positions, done impressive
things, etc. Use the speaker's bio or ask them or their staff for this information).
Finally, he / she is also just a fascinating person and we're all in for a treat today. Without further
ado, please join me in welcoming (name of speaker).
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
Tonight’s speaker is known for his work in humanitarian aid. He has traveled abroad on more
than a dozen large-scale projects, ranging from Water for India, where he lived in rural towns
and helped establish water solutions, to Engineers Without Borders, where he helped develop
and install renewable energy sources.
This man’s contribution to the improvement of the quality of life in the developing world was
captured in a recent NewsDay article entitled “The Difference it Makes to Try.” The article
profiles a number of people who are making a difference in the world, and you can find him at
the top of the list.
Known for his positive and motivational attitude towards international issues, his dynamic range
of acquaintances, and a sense of adventure that knows few bounds, I would like to introduce
Mr. Gregory Evans. Please give him a round of applause.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jonathan Smith and I am the president and co-chair of the
Science and Mathematics Society Club of Grant University. I am so excited to be here tonight
and to have the opportunity to introduce our guest speaker, Dr. Thomas Rufkin.
Dr. Rufkin is a member of the Board of Mathematics International. He has worked in the fields of
applied mathematics, advanced geometrics, and multi-variable optimization over the past fifteen
years. He is a strong proponent of the advancement of mathematics education throughout the
American education system, as well as for the use of mathematics in providing solutions to
some of the world’s greatest problems.
Aside from his talents and advocacies, Dr. Rufkin is also a prestigious author of a number of
papers on the subject of applied mathematics. Some of his better-known titles include “The
Application of Mathematical Solutions to Sustainability”, “Geometry in Four Dimensions”, and
“Monte Carlo Optimization for use in Promoting Economic Growth”.
On a final note, he is also a fascinating individual, and we are grateful for his presence among
us today. Without further ado, please join me in welcoming Dr. Thomas Rufkin.
Hello, everyone. My name is Heather Young, and I am happy to introduce tonight’s guest
speaker, Sarah Murdock.
Ms. Murdock has been teaching the fourth grade at Union Elementary School for more than 15
years. She has received a number of awards for her quality teaching and is beloved by her
students (as evidenced by me standing up here today, 10 years after being in her 4th grade
classroom). Ms. Murdock has also been consistently active in local and state education policy,
and one of her greatest achievements was the creation of the “Math for Kids” afterschool
program, which resulted in an increase of overall state testing scores by 16%.
We are all very pleased to have Miss Murdock here tonight to discuss what else needs to be
done to improve education in our fine county. Please give her a warm welcome as she comes to
the stage.

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