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Motivation at work is a factor that should be part every day among employees. When somebody
must carry a particular task, it involve a qualitative change, but also a way to keep an enjoyable
and proactive environment.

It refers to the ability of a company to keep its employees involved to offer maximum performance
and get the business objectives laid out by the organization.

This motivation at work is the key to increasing business productivity and the team work in the
different activities that they do, besides each member feels completed in their job and identifies
with the values of the company. It is the best way for workers to feel themselves an important
part of the company and give their best for it.

One of the most productive things that human resources teams and human resources managers
can do is create a strong culture that helps employees be themselves at work.

“Allow people to be themselves. People want to be GREAT, great companies let them be GREAT”
Arte Nathan

The improvement of motivation at work has more and more followers as an area to develop and
improve within companies. Companies know the importance of this factor and the influence that
motivation at work has on company results. That is why you should worry about having your
employees motivated to achieve the general and specific objectives and generate a brilliant work

Motivation is the most effective way for companies to increase productivity. Employees are the
most precious asset of a company, they are who with their dedication, effort and talent achieve
the success of the company.

Kinds of motivation

Motivation can have different kinds:

Origin of motivation:

1- Intrinsic motivation: it is a kind of motivation generated from internal factors in every

person, like the employee's personal satisfaction. The company cannot influence this type of

2- Extrinsic motivation: It is a kind of motivation induced by external elements in every person,

like a money increase or a public recognition. Is this kind of motivation where the company
must act, inspiring employee motivation with different techniques that we will comment later.
Character of the perceived stimulus:

1- Positive motivation: when the motivating factor is configured as a prize or reward.

2- Negative motivation: if the motivating factor to the individual's behavior is associated with a
threat or punishment.

Level of need:

1- Primary motivation: when the person acts to satisfy their basic needs.

2- Social motivation: if the employee's performance is caused by wanting to be accepted by a

certain social group

Factors that affect the motivation at work

There are many factors that can affect the motivation of company workers, but the most
remarkable are the following:

1- Job position: this factor depends from the job that the employee is offered, if the employee
is comfortable in it and if the employee can aspire to grow.

2- Autonomy at work: giving responsibilities and allowing the participation and contribution of
ideas so that the company can improve with the vision of the employees. In this way, the
employee will feel essential and important in their work within the company.

3- Work environment: it is necessary to create an enjoyable work environment with good

relations between the different members of the company. It's the right way to increase
employee satisfaction and comfort in their jobs. It is necessary for workers to feel identified
with the values of the company.

4- Working conditions: employees are motivated according to their salary, if they have target
bonus, flexible hours, work-life balance and all other conditions that are included in the
employment contract.

5- Onboarding: companies implement it for a reason: the new member of the company
integrates perfectly and immediately to their job. With this type of process, the employee feels
included, part of the company from the beginning
Implementation of work motivation

Companies have different techniques to implement and promote motivation at work in their
employees. Here are some of them for implement in your company:

1- Incentive policy: Goals must be recognized and rewarded. It can be with money or prizes, for
example, a vacation or a trip.

2- Labor promotion: the company must have labor promotion for the worker. The worker will
be motivated by the possibility of being promoted in the job and a salary increase.

3- Define objectives and functions: it is important that each employee knows what he has to
do, the time he has and the personal, team and company goals in general. In this way, work
motivation and teamwork are worked on.

4- Organize the workforce correctly: there is nothing more demotivating for a worker than to
be in a position in which the employee does not show his skills or in which the employee is
under-qualified. So the correct assignment of employees to jobs according to their skills is the
key to having motivated teams.

5- Job promotion: the company must provide the necessary training to facilitate the employee's
job promotion. It is a very useful technique to keep the motivation at work

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