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GRUPO: 900004_7


JULY 2020
✓Your name:

My name is Juliana Quintero. I will tell you about the video seen about how to understand spoken

in the video they talk about five steps

 The first step they propose in the video is to recognize our difficulties in understanding
spoken English and not stress ourselves as this is an obstacle to learning. We must listen in
concentration, you must listen concentrated, if you do not understand a word it does not
matter, you must continue concentrating listening to achieve a general concept or idea.

 The second step he proposes is not to try to translate, because the brain must be
concentrated in the understanding and if it translates what you hear into your native
language, you will lose concentration.

 The third step he proposes is use context to help you understand, you must use the
situation you are in, Because if you don't understand a word, the place, tone of voice, and
expressions of the other person help you relate what you hear with what you observe so
you will get a context.

 The fourth step he proposes is practice with different situations and voices, you must
listen to as many voices and formats as possible from different countries.

 The fifth step he proposes is to make a study plan. Establishing a practical study plan helps
improve and understand spoken English, They recommend practicing something different
every day.

After this summary I will answer the questions

✓ At the beginning of the video they talk about some situations, name at least two of those

A of the situations is: you listen to an english teacher, speaking slowly and clear british english. ¿It
would be easy or difficult for you to understand?

other of the situations is:

There are four non-native people, from different countries having a conversation, with different
accents. ¿you think you could understand their conversation?

✓ In the minute 3:31 other language is spoken, what language was that?

the language spoken at minute 3:31 is Portuguese.

✓ Which are the 2 rules for the 5th step?

The first rule Is do something every day.

The second rule is do something diferrent every day

✓ What is the lesson plan that they propose? What kind of lesson plan would you propose?

the plan they propose is very interesting, consists of practicing at least FYFTY minutes every day.

Monday: lisent to 1-2 songs, 2-3 times each.

Tuesday: lisent ti a podcast with american voices

Wednesday: wath 15 minutes of a tv show from the uk.

Thursday: do a listening exercise from a textbook

Friday: watch 15 minutes of a news show.

Saturday: watch 15 minutes of an old movi

Sunday: Call a friend and spend 15 minutes speaking in english.

I would add to this plan to practice vocabulary every day 15 minutes a day.

✓ How to stick to your plan?

establish the study plan starting the week, then place it in a visible place, choose the most suitable
time of day preferably when the brain is most active for further learning, This way you achieve a
habit day by day and you will not want to miss the plan.

✓ Having in mind the video, where can you obtain material to practice English?

In the Internet search engines you can get the material to practice according to the level.
Stage 2: Video 2 “The movie”

Hello my name is juliana quintero, this time I will talk about the movie the hole.

✓Movie’s name.

The hole.

✓ The plot. (Beginning, knot, ending)

Beginning: People are in a prison where there are no guards, only walls and two beds, there
is also a hole in the center through which the food comes down from the upper level, those
above have the most food and those below have Kill to survive.

Plot Knot: The protagonist decides with other companion to make a change in the
distribution of food to try to save those below, because if those above do not eat as much,
everyone could live.

Ending: The protagonist decides, along with other companion, to try to send a girl of the
lowest level to the kitchens where the food is made to send a message and that they know
what is really happening, but the end is open to the viewer.

✓ What did you learn about the movie?

The human being by nature is selfish in the face of adversity, in situations like the one in
the movie people allow themselves to be induce by bad actions and forget their moral
principles to survive. we rarely think about the well-being of others and in this way we lose
humanity, the film shows us how vulnerable we are and that very few people manage to
overcome these obstacles.

✓ How did the movie make you feel?

The film made me feel how weak we human beings are to face adversity and the way we
react to these adversities can be very bloodthirsty.
✓ How does the movie relate to the academic program you are studying?

Industrial engineers must have the skills to provide solutions to problems that arise on a
day-to-day basis, I relate it in the film in such a way that human beings must all think in
this way to find solutions that benefit the community.
✓ Another ending for the movie could be…

I would have liked to see at the end of the film that it would show the achievement of the
protagonist by sending the message and checking if there is a type of redemption of the
people who are in charge of managing the hole

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