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Nine-Point-Circle Exactly Makes 0gfs


• You’re not allowed to use any electronic device during the contest.

• The problems may not be in order of difficulty so you should try all of
• Each problem has a maximum score of 8 points. You will be awarded 2
bonus points if you can make a guess what the name of the contest actually
means. So the contest is out of 42 points.
• You have four hours and thirty minutes for the contest.
• You should scan your papers within thirty minutes after the end of the
exam and send it to Ahmed Ittihad Hasib on Telegram. Your submission
will not count if you submit the papers after thirty minutes

1. We have four wooden triangles with sides 3, 4, 5 centimeters. How many
convex polygons can we make by all of these triangles? (Just draw the
polygons without any proof)
A convex polygon is a polygon which all of it’s angles are less than 180o
and there isn’t any hole in it.
2. You are given a cross shape made by joining 5 squares. Can you divide
this shape into three polygons such that their area and their perimeter

are equal?

3. Is it possible to draw in the plane the graph presented in the figure so
that all the vertices are different points and all the edges are unit seg-
ments? (The segments can intersect at points different from vertices.)

4. Circle Ω with center O is the circumcircle of an acute triangle 4ABC

with AB < BC and orthocenter H. On the line BO there is point D such
that O is between B and D and 6 ADC = 6 ABC . The semi-line starting
at H and parallel to BO wich intersects segment AC , intersects Ω at E.
Prove that BH = DE
5. Let XY be a chord of a circle Ω, with center O, which is not a diameter.
Let P, Q be two distinct points inside the segment XY , where Q lies
between P and X. Let ` the perpendicular line dropped from P to the
diameter which passes through Q. Let M be the intersection point of `
and Ω, which is closer to P . Prove that

M P · XY ≥ 2 · QX · P Y

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