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Side by Side 1

Unit 1

1. What is your name? My name is Jasmín.

2. Respond to the statement “nice to meet you” Nice to meet you, too.
3. How old are you? I´m 19 years old.
4. What is your last name/surname/family name? My last name is SANDOVAL.
5. How do you spell it? S-A-N-D-O-V-A-L.
6. What is your middle name? My middle name is Jasmín.
7. What is your address? My address is 26 avenue 13-17 zone 18.
8. What is your e-mail address? My e-mail address is:
9. What is your phone number? My phone number is 41117850.
10. Give five questions which mean “how are you?”
What’s up?, what is going on? How are things going? How have you been? What is new?
11. Give five positive answers for the question:” how are you?
I´m Great.
I´m Positive.
I´m Happy.
I´m Pretty good.
I´m cool.
12. Give five negative answers for the question: “how are you?”
I´m Bad.
I´m sick.
I´m Just fine.
I´m Sad.
I´m more or less.

Unit 2. Respond the following questions based on where we usually find these objects.

1. What are the different objects I can find on a wall? flags is on the wall. Speakers is on the wall. Board is
on the wall. Tha t.v. is on the wall.
2. What are the different objects I can find on a bookshelf? the books is on the bookshelf. the globe is on
the bookshelf.
3. What are the different objects I can find on a teacher’s table?
4. What are the different objects I can find on a child’s desk?
5. What are the different classroom objects I can find in a classroom and where are they?

(Board, stapler, speakers, flags, pen, pencil case, pencil sharpener, hole punch, stickers, backpack, scissors,
bulletin board, sheets, flyers, television)

Chapter 3.

1. Suppose you and your family moved to a huge house tell me where all they are, and what are they
My mom is in the kitchen. she is cooking dinner.
My dad is in the bedroom. He is watching TV.
my Brother is in the garage. He is fixing his car.
2. Tell me as many places around town that you can remember.
Bank, hospital, movie theater, park, post office, restaurant, supermarket, zoo.
Chapter 4

It is Sunday morning, and today is the official cleaning day in your house. What are your family member
doing? (Possessive adjectives)

My mom is mopping the living room.

My Dad is cleaning his car.

My Brother is Painting his bedroom.

My sister is sweep her bed.

Chapter 5

1. Are you tall or are you short? I am tall.

2. Are you young or are you old? I am Young.
3. Are you married or are you single? I am single.
4. Are you a noisy person or a quiet one? I am quiet person.
5. Are you an easy person or a hard person to get along with? I am easy person.
6. Do you consider yourself rich or poor? I am rich.
7. What is the weather like in Ontario?
8. What is the weather like Zacapa? It is hot.
9. What is the weather like in Puerto Barrios? It is hot.
10. What is your soul mate like? My soul mate like is: tall, young, thin, handsome, rich.
11. What is your best friend like? My best Friend like is: tall, young, thin, single, pretty, quiet, rich.
12. Is life cheap or expensive in Guatemala? life in Guatemala is cheap.
13. Is life nice or ugly in Guatemala? The life in Guatemala is nice.
14. In your opinion, is it English easy or difficult? The English Lenguaje is difficult .
15. What is the Guatemalan president like? The president of Guatemala is short, is Old, is thin, is
married, is handsome, is quiet, is rich.
16. Is it snowing in Canada now?
17. Is it raining in Petén now?

Chapter 6

(ask the students for their family photos so the interviewer would ask questions like:
Who is he/she? What is his/her name? Where is she/he?

Who are they? What are their names? Where are they? What are they doing?

1. What is your mother like? She is middle-name, she is short, she is thin, she is married, she is pretty,
she is rich, she is quiet. she is young, she is intelligente.
2. What’s your mother’s name? your name is: Claudia.
3. What’s your father’s name? your name is: Julio.
4. What is your father like? he is mature, he is tall, he is thin, he is married, she is handsome, he is
rich, he is quiet. She is very intelligent.
5. What are their names if you have any?
6. Do you have any brothers? I have one brother.
7. If so, what are their name(s)? your name is: Kenny.
8. Do you have any sisters? I have one sister.
9. If so, what are their name(s)? Her name is Julissa.

Unit 7

Is there a restaurant, cafeteria, bakery, barber shop, church, laundromat, train station, video store, gas
station, post office, movie theater, drug store, and school, in your neighborhood?

1. Do you ever get bread at the bakery? yes i do.

2. Do you use the bank? yes I do.
3. How often do you go to the barber shop? I go one or two days In the month.
4. Do you like to go to the book store? No, I do not go to the book store.
5. Are there any bus stations near your house? yes, There are two a bus station near my house.
6. Do you live near a fire station? no, I do not a near fire station.
7. Is there a gas station near your house? no, there isn´t a gas station near my house.
8. Do you ever go to the hair salon? yes I do go to the hair salon.
9. Do you go to the health club? no, I don´t go to the health club.
10. Is there a Laundromat near your home? Yes, there is a Laundromat near my house.
11. Do you like to go to the library? yes, I do go to the library every week.
12. When was the last time you went to the movie theaters?
13. Do you like to go to the park? yes, I do go to the park.
14. Is there a police station near your house? yes, there is a police station near my house.
15. Do you like to eat at the restaurant often? yes, I do to eat at the restaurant often.
16. Are you in school? yes, I am at school. (university).
17. How many times a week do you go to the super market? I do go to the super market one time
a week.
18. Is there an air conditioning in your house? no, there isn´t a air conditioning in my house.
19. Do you live in an apartment building? no, I don´t.
20. Do you have a closet in your room? yes, I do have a closet In my room.
21. What does your floor look like? my floor is old, is color white, is big.
22. Do you have a mailbox? no, I don´t have a mailbox.
23. Do you have a big refrigerator? yes, I do have a big refrigerator.
24. Do you cook on the stove? Yes, I do cook on the stove.
25. Do you have a washing machine? yes. I have a washing machine.

Chapter 8

1. What color is your belt today? I have not a belt today.

2. What color is your blouse or shirt? It is color blue
3. Do you have any boots? yes, I have any boots.
4. Do you wear any bracelets? yes, I wear one bracelet.
5. Do you have a briefcase? yes, I have a briefcase.
6. Do you have a coat? yes, I have a coat color black.
7. Do you wear dresses? yes, I wear dresses.
8. Do you like earrings? yes, I like earrings.
9. Do you wear glasses? no, I wear glasses.
10. Do you have any gloves? yes, I have gloves.
11. Do you wear hats? yes, I wear hats.
12. Do you have a jacket? yes, I have a jacket color black.
13. What color are your jeans today? the color of my jeans is blue.
14. Do you have any mittens? No, I don´t have any mittens, only one pair of mittens.
15. Do you have any necklaces? yes, I have any wonderful necklaces.
16. Do you wear pajamas to sleep? yes, I wear pajamas to sleep.
17. What color is your pocket book/wallet? I have not a pocket book.
18. Do you have a purse/backpack? yes, I have a backpack.
19. Do you own a raincoat? yes I own a raincoat.
20. What color are your shoes? it is color black.
21. Do you like skirts? yes, I like skirts.
22. Do you wear socks? yes, I wear socks.
23. Do you have a sports jacket? no, I have not a sports jacket.
24. Do you own any suits? no, I have not any suits.
25. Do you wear sunglasses? yes, I wear sunglasses.
26. Do you have a sweater? yes, I have a sweater.
27. Do you wear any ties? no, I wear any ties.
28. Do you use an umbrella? yes, I use an umbrella.
29. Do you use a watch? no, I use a watch.

Chapter 9

1. Who was the last person you called? I am calling my mom.

2. Do you like to cook? yes, I like cook.
3. Do you drive? If so where? no, I drive not.
4. Where do you like to eat? I like eat in my house.
5. Do you listen to music? yes, I listen to music.
6. Do you like to paint? yes, I like to paint.
7. What games do you like to play? I like games of table.
8. Do you like to read books? yes, I like to read books.
9. Can you sell things? no, I can sell things.
10. Where do you like to shop? I like to buy in the mall.
11. Do you like to sing? Yes, I like sing.
12. Who was the last person you spoke to?
13. If you could visit someone who would it be?
14. Do you like to watch TV? Yes, I do. I like match tv.
15. Where do you work? I work in a office.
16. Where do Brazilians live? They are live in Brazil.
17. Where do Canadians live? They are live in Canada.
18. Where do the Chinese live? They are live in China.
19. Where do Egyptians live? They are live in Egypti.
20. Where do French people live? They are in French.
21. Where do Germans live?
22. Where do Greek people live?
23. Where do Italian people live?
24. Do you speak Portuguese? No, I don´t.
25. Do you speak English? Yes, I do.
26. Do you speak Chinese? No, I don´t.
27. Does Mario speak Arabic? No, he doesn´t.
28. Does Mario speak French? Yes, He does.
29. Do you speak German? No, I don´t.
30. Do you speak Greek? No, I Don´t.
31. Do you speak Italian? No, I don´t.
32. Do you speak Japanese? No, I don´t.
33. Where are the Japanese from? They are from Japon
34. Where are Koreans from? They are from Seoul.
35. Where are Mexicans from? They are From Mexico.
36. Where are the Polish from? They are From Polonia.
37. Where are Puerto Ricans from? They are From San Juan.
38. Where are Russians from? They are from Moscow.
39. Where are the Spanish from?
40. Do you speak Korean? No, I don’t.
41. Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do.
42. Do you speak Polish? no, I don´t speak polish.
43. Do you speak Russian? No, I don´t speak Russian.

Chapter 10

1. What day do people usually go to church? They are go to church on Sunday.

2. What day of the week do people “hate” the most? They are hate the most on Monday.
3. What day is everyone’s “favorite “ day of the week? The day favorite of the week is Friday.
4. Where are Americans from? They are from America.
5. Where are the Chinese from? They are from China.
6. Where are Greeks from?
7. Where are Italians from?
8. Where are the Japanese from?
9. Where are Mexicans from?
10. Where are Puerto Ricans from?
11. Do you speak English? Yes, I speak more or less English.
12. Do you speak Chinese? No, I don’t.
13. Do you speak Greek? No, I don´t.
14. Do you speak Italian? No, I don’t.
15. Do you speak Japanese? No, I don’t.
16. Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do speak Spanish.
17. Are you an active person? Yes, I am very active person.
18. Are you an athletic person? Yes, I am very athletic person.
19. Are you a busy person?
20. Are you an outgoing person?
21. Are you a popular person?
22. Are you a shy person?
23. Have you ever baby sat?
24. Do you like to clean?
25. Do you do yoga?
26. Do you go dancing?
27. Do you jog?
28. Do you like volley ball?
29. Do you ride a bicycle?
30. Are you going to see a movie today?
31. Have you ever seen a play?

Chapter 11
1. What do you like to do during the day?
2. What do you normally do during the week?
3. What will you do next month?
4. What are your plans for next year?
5. What do you do on the weekend?
6. What do you do in the morning?
7. What do you do in the afternoon?
8. What do you do during the evening?
9. What do you do at night?
10. Do you like long hair?
11. Do you have short hair?
12. Do you like long straight hair or curly hair?
13. Do you like blonde hair?
14. Do you have brown hair or black hair?
15. Do you have brown eyes?
16. Do you think blue eyes are ugly?

Chapter 12

1. What makes you angry?

2. Are you cold?
3. Do you get embarrassed often?
4. Are you happy today?
5. Is it hot outside?
6. Are you hungry?
7. Are you nervous about the test?
8. Are you sad today?
9. What are you scared of?
10. When were you last sick?
11. Are you thirsty?
12. Are you tired today?
13. When you are nervous do you bite your nails?
14. When you’re embarrassed do you blush?
15. Do you cry a lot?
16. When you exercise do you perspire?
17. When you’re cold do you shiver?
18. What makes you shout?
19. What makes you smile?
20. Do you walk back and forth when you think about things?
21. When you’re tired do you yawn?
22. Do you like to be clean?
23. When did someone last deliver you a pizza?
24. Do you know how to drive?
25. Can you ride a bicycle?
26. Do you like to sleep?
27. Do you study a lot?
28. Do you sweep your house?
29. Do you take the bus often?
30. Are you good at typing?
31. What are you using to write on this test?
32. Do you walk to your classes at God is First?
33. Will you be washing your clothes this week?

Chapter 13

1. Who is your favorite actor?

2. Who is your favorite actress?
3. Do you know any bakers?
4. Do you know any chefs?
5. Do you know any construction workers?
6. Do you know any dancers?
7. Do you know any mechanics?
8. Do you know any salesperson?
9. Do you know any secretary?
10. Do you know any singers?
11. Do you know any superintendents?
12. Do you know any teachers?
13. Do you know any truck drivers?
14. Do you like to act?
15. Do you like to bake?
16. Can you build anything?
17. Can you cook anything?
18. Are you good at dancing?
19. Can you drive?
20. Do you have a file cabinet?
21. Do you like to fix things?
22. Can you operate a bus?
23. Do you like to paint?
24. Can you repair anything?
25. Do you like to sing?
26. Can you speak Spanish?
27. Can you take inventory at a store?
28. Do you like to talk to people?
29. Are you good at typing?
30. What do you use to talk to people the most?

Chapter 14

1. What month does the year start?

2. What month has Valentine’s Day?
3. What month does the United States celebrate their 23wq Independence Day
4. What month has Halloween?
5. What month has Christmas?
6. What day do you come to English Class?
7. Is it windy in the winter?
8. Is it hot during the summer?
9. Does it feel good in the spring or the autumn?

Chapter 15
1. Do you have a backache today?
2. Have you had a cold recently?
3. Do you have a cough?
4. Do you have an earache?
5. When was the last time you had a fever?
6. Do you have a headache?
7. When was the last time you had a sore throat?
8. What gives you a stomachache?
9. What gives you a toothache?
10. How are you?
11. How do you feel today?
12. Do you feel great or just fine?

Chapter 16

1. When was the last time you bought a big cola?

2. What was the last thing you did that you liked before school?
3. Did you drive to school today?
4. When was the last time you ate?
5. When was the last time you forgot something?
6. What was the last gift someone got you?
7. When was the last time you went to the supermarket?
8. Have you had a serious illness in the past?
9. Who made you happy last?
10. Who was the last new person you met? What was their name?
11. What was the last book you read?
12. What was the last movie you saw?
13. Have you ever stolen something?
14. Have you ever taken anything without asking? What was it?
15. When was the last time you wrote a letter?

Chapter 17

1. What is beautiful to you?

2. Is your house clean?
3. What makes you feel comfortable?
4. Do you feel uncomfortable when something is dirty?
5. Is your floor dull?
6. Are you an energetic person?
7. Is Mario enormous?
8. What is exciting to you?
9. Do you get full when you eat?
10. Do you believe you are a good person?
11. What makes you happy?
12. Are you healthy?
13. Do you think you are heavy?
14. Are you hungry today?
15. Are you late often?
16. Do you consider yourself poor?
17. Are you a quiet person?
18. What makes you sad?
19. Is your floor shiny?
20. Do you get sick a lot?
21. Are you thin?
22. Are you thirsty right now?
23. Are you a tiny person?
24. Are you tired right now?
25. What is ugly to you?
26. What makes you feel uncomfortable?
27. When did you arrive at class?
28. When were you born?
29. When do you think you “grew up”
30. Where do you live?
31. Do you want to move?
32. Do you like to study?
33. Do you work a lot?

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