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Aligning Organizational Goals is Easy with

Halogen On-Target Goal Management

Halogen's organizational goal management feature is highly valued by HR professionals,
managers, and "C-level" leaders as a strategic workforce alignment tool. It allows financial
services companies to set high-level organizational, divisional and departmental goals and
make these visible to the entire organization. When employees create their individual goals,
they can view these higher level goals and create links between them and their personal goals,
creating organizational alignment.

Employees get a clear understanding of how their work impacts the success of the organization,
and leaders get a clear line-of-sight that helps them make sure everyone is working on "the
right things". It brings extreme accountability to the entire employee performance appraisal
process, and promotes better buy-in and understanding of corporate objectives.

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Halogen's on-target organizational goal management includes goal links that show each
employee how their goals align with and support the organization's strategy. A performance
goal summary illustrates overall progress against the goals for both employees and managers.  

Best Practice Organizational Goal Management

 Uses an organization centric model (versus people centric) to link employee goals to
higher level organization, division or department goals, so alignment is not affected by
changes in personnel.
 High-level goals are assigned an owner who can monitor progress on all linked goals,
and report the progress and status of the high-level goal.
 Managers and employees can easily link individual goals to appropriate organizational
goals and track the status of both year round.
 Employees clearly understand how their daily work affects the success of their team,
business unit and the organization.
 Everyone - from employees to the CEO - get a continuous "line-of-sight" so they can
see how employee goals are progressing and supporting divisional and organizational goals.
 Leaders are equipped with a strategic tool for ensuring the organization is working on
the "right things" and positioned for success.

Monitor Progress on Goals

 See how well employees are tracking against their individual goals and contributing to
the organizational strategy with intuitive management tools.
 Provide easy to set milestone dates that promote accountability and support your
overall strategy.
 Use automated email reminders and handy status indicators help remind employees
about goals and due dates.
 Clearly communicate the relative importance of goals to employees with sophisticated
scoring and weighting measures.
 Get straight-forward "line-of-sight" views of all goals linked to organizational goals.
Quickly see how many are working toward high-level goals and identify areas that need

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Real-Time Views and Informative Dashboard Reports

 Monitor key performance indicators and track progress on goals with Halogen
eAppraisal's dashboard analytics feature.
 See what progress is being made on goals and schedules, and identify any areas
needing attention using our real-time
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Reap the Rewards

 Organizations that align employee goals with the organizational strategy have a much
higher probability of successfully executing their business plans.
 Workforce alignment empowers employees and creates ownership in the organization's
success, resulting in more satisfied employees and increased retention.

Create "SMART" Employee Goals

 Write Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Oriented and Time Sensitive goals more
easily with fields that prompt you for the details.

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