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Which family do you think has made the more successful move?

 Would you
like their new way of life?

I think that The Clavy family has made the more successful move. They made an
important decision to move to Canada, and they didn’t regret. Their new way of
life made their family stronger. Personally I would like to have the way of life they

Why did they emigrate?

The Clavy family. They emigrated because they hadn’t spent time together as a
family. Andy was working very long hours, and when he came home, he was too
tired to do anything.

The White family. They emigrated because they wanted their daughter to be able
to run freely as she was growing up. They felt she couldn't do this in the streets of
London. They wanted her to grow up in the sunshine.

Why did they go to that particular country?

The Clavy family. They had always wanted to live in Canada, ever since they had
visited cousins there.

The White family. They had had a couple of holidays on the island of Agastri, and
had made some Greek friends there. They already knew that it was very beautiful
and peaceful.

What are the changes in the way of life for the parents?

The Clavy family. They live in a big house, with four acres of land, in spectacular
sсeпery. They are much closer as a family. They do things together, like sports and
visiting friends. Andy works only eight hours a day.. Business is more relaxed. He
spends more time with the family.

The White family. They now live in an apartment overlooking the sea. They work
in the watersports business and not hotels. They are self-employed, and have much
more work in summer than in winter. Hazel has found it hard being a woman in a
Greek community. Women are not treated equally.

What are the changes in the way of life for the children?

The Clavy family. They do more things with their parents, like sport and visiting
friends and sightseeing. They don't have to wear a school uniform.
The White family. Daisy can run freely in the sunshine. She is more Greek than
English. She goes to a Greek school. Everyone knows her. The community is like
one big happy family, unlike London. 

Were there any initial difficulties?

The Clavy family. lt took a long time to have their application аcсеpted- 18
months. It cost a lot of money. At first they didn't know anybody. They have had to
get used to the way Canadian friends come into their house and use the telephone
and take drinks from the fridge without asking. It took a few months for Andy to
find a decent job.

The White family. The business was difficult to start. There was a lot of
bureaucracy - a lot of forms and officials. Learning Greek was difficult for both of
them. Hazel experienced a lot of culture shock. It took her a long time to get used
to the Greek way of life. She used to visit women' friends and understand nothing. 

Have they had any money problems? Are they any better off now?

The Clavy family. Yes. Emigrating is very expensive, they had financial worries
before Andy had found a job. Now the situation seems to be different.

The White family. Yes. The business has had some bad times, and they earn very
little in winter. Money problems have caused arguments. We feel that they are
worse off now than when they were in London. 

Is the family happier?

The Clavy family. Much happier. Andy says it's the best thing they've ever done. 

The White family. Barry is happier, and Daisy seems to be happy, but Hazel seens
to have some reflections about moving.

What do they miss about their life in England?

The Clavy family. Marion misses the castles and the greenness of the countryside.
Andy misses cricket and his family.

The White family. Barry misses the theatre, sausages, Stilton cheese, and white
bread. Hazel misses her parents terribly.

How is the relationship between the husband and wife?

The Clavy family. Good enough. They have more time for each than ever before.
The White family. In my opinion, they are not really good. She says that their life
on Agastri has tested their relationship, which means it is has made them question
whether their relationship is good or not. They argue about money, and she is
going back to London for a few months. She says she'll come back, but she's not
entirely sure.

Do they still think that moving was a wise decision?

The Clavy family. Yes, of course

The White family. Barry thinks it was, Hazel has some doubts about living in

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