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To: Kimberly Marchesseault

From: Yamelle Gonzalez

Date: September 2, 2020
Subject: Alisas Angel’s Foundation Client and Project Analysis

As requested, this report delivers background information on our client, Alisas Angel’s Foundation
(AAF). This analysis will provide my team with a strong foundation and understanding of the
organization and project. Our purpose is to help them distinguish techniques that attract a more
diverse applicant pool, in terms of sex or gender identity. Our research indicates that shifting the
website to a gender-neutral based site can make an effective branding strategy, in targeting male
applicants. Below are the findings of the AAF’s industry overview, products or services, target
markets, and competitors or similar organizations, locally and nationally. 

Industry overview
AAF is a nonprofit organization that strives to make a difference in the community, committing to
helping selfless, caring prospective college and trade school students who are involved in service to
others (Guidestar, 2020). Since it funds scholarships and has a charitable purpose, it falls under the
education classification covering donations, grants, and endowments and is eligible to receive tax-
deductible contributions (Internal Revenue Service, 2020). 

According to the Independent Sector Organization, the nonprofit sector consists of 10% of the
American workforce or 11.4 million workers and contributed an estimated $1.047.2 trillion to the
United States economy in 2016. Of these nonprofit organizations registered with the IRS, public
charities accounted for $390 billion in 2016, a 2.7 percent increase from 2015 (Independent Sector,

In relation to the AAF, this local and charitable organization grew substantially from 2008 to 2013 in
the following areas: revenue, expenses, and assets. In 2008, assets were $53,196, revenue was
$14,940, and no expenses were shown in the financial statement, whereas in 2013, assets were
$207,527, revenue was $103,771, and expenses were $72,752. In comparison to local organizations
that perform similar types of work, Alisas Angel’s Foundation performs better. As in 2013, the
amount of income for Alisas Angel’s Foundation was $103,771, whereas the amount of income for
the similar organization was $41,680. On May 9, 2020, the organization celebrated its 15 th
anniversary. This trend has, and will continue to successfully operate due to a stable economic
condition, potential and modified branding strategies, and more importantly, because of their great
service-themed mission statement entailed with the products and services it offers

Products or services offered

AAF provides many products and services to their scholarship recipients, such as scholarships for
post high school education, low interest loans, and mentorship programs. Regarding need-based
scholarships, they award $5,000 scholarships to eight graduating high school seniors at most, where
$2,500 is available the first year of school and the remainder is accessible the following years, if the
student is in good standing. The funds can only be used for books and tuition. These applicants are
elected based on a rigorous application and selection process. In addition, volunteers from AAF
mentor students on their educational path, as they are coached and have experience on leadership, life
skills, and encouragement. Ultimately, they help students complete their education by offering loans
at 1% interest rate, as they are aware that debt is a problem many students face, along with many
other corporations (Alisas Angel's Foundation, 2020).

Target markets
AAF has two markets: corporations and individuals. Many corporations believe, or resonate with
AAF’s mission statement and donate, either on a one-time gift or a monthly contribution payment
plan. Some of the major sponsors and community partners include Allegra, Great Western Bank,
BeachFleischman, Atlas Bioscience Labs, Ironwood Financial, and Epic. Only 14% or $14,625 of the
revenue for 2013 came from an internal source of income, whereas 86% or $88,749 originated from
contributions, gifts, and grants (NonProfitFacts, 2020).

The second market is graduating high school seniors who are making an impact in their communities
and are either a resident in Arizona or Colorado. As briefly mentioned in the products or services
offered section, these applicants need to meet certain requirements to be awarded the scholarship or
be a part of their services. They need to have a GPA of 2.75 or higher, a 750-word-essay that
displays their service to others in detail, an unofficial transcript, and a reference from someone who
can attest to their community service. They may also include an optional video that demonstrates
their academics, community service, or other activities to display their full self. Few companies are
able to match the goals of these organizations, by attempting to make a difference in student’s lives
with the services they provide (Alisas Angel's Foundation, 2020).

AAF has organizations that share similar goals as them but mainly on a national level, and that is to
award students who own a record of service in their communities. The three competitors that will be
mentioned are: AXA Foundation, Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation, and Bonner Foundation
(Safier, 2020).

The AXA Achievement Scholarship awards more than $1.4 million annually to high school seniors
who’ve shown and worked hard to make a positive impact in their communities. These remarkable
applicants need to be a United States citizen or legal resident in one of the 50 U.S. states., to be
awarded with a $2,500, $10,000, or $25,000 scholarship. Another indirect competitor is Comcast
Leaders and Achievers Scholarship, who awards more than $33 million in community service
scholarship to about 30,000 students. In order to be eligible, applicants need to be in high school and
have an excellent performance in their academics, community service work, and leadership
capabilities. Applicants typically receive a $2,500 scholarship, but there is the possibility of
additional awards. Ultimately, the Bonner Leader Program provides scholarships and work-study to
students. Besides, and similarly like AAF with their mentorship program, winning applicants can
gain access to training courses on leadership and social justice. The amount of money offered
depends on the program’s campus partners, and usually ranges within $1,000 to $5,000 annually. If
applicants are chosen, they need to commit 140 hours to community service per semester and 280
hours per summer.  With the sufficient scholarship funding, AAF and competitors are able to reward
deserving students for their involvement in volunteer work and oftentimes, these students would not
have further their education without it (Safier, 2020).

In conclusion, this document provided information on AAF, which will assist my team on developing
a new branding strategy for them. A gender-neutral technique where they can approach and connect
with potential and more diverse applicants, regarding sex or gender identity.  These findings took
into account AAF’s industry overview, products or services, target markets, and competitors or
similar organizations, locally and nationally. Please email me with any questions at

Works Cited

Alisas Angel's Foundation. “Support the Work of Alisa's Angels.” Scholarships - Alisa's Angels Foundation,

GuideStar. “Alisas Angels Foundation.” GUIDESTAR by Candid, 2020,


Independent Sector. “The Charitable Sector.” Independent Sector, 2020,

Internal Revenue Service. “Exemption Requirements - 501(c)(3) Organizations.” Internal Revenue Service:
Exemption Requirements - 501(c)(3) Organizations, 23 July 2020,

NonProfitFacts. “Alisas Angels Foundation in Tucson, Arizona (AZ).” - Tax-Exempt

Organizations, 2020,

Safier, Rebecca. “13 Community Service Scholarships That Will Help You Pay for College.” Student Loan
Hero, 20 Feb. 2020,

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