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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫مجموعة أسئلة من اإلمتحانات السابقة وأسئلة تابعة للهيئة‬

‫مع أطيب األمنيات بالنجاح والتوفيق للجميع دائما ً بإذن هللا إنه ولى ذلك والقادر عليه‬
‫ ســـــــــــــــــؤال‬134 ‫هذه الصفحة تحتوى على‬

1- Ondansteron HCl is used for :

a-hypertension b-angina pectoris
c-prophylaxis of migraine d-anti-emetic
It is used as anti-emetic with patients receiving
cytotoxics due to its serotonin antagonism
Ondansetron is ( Zofran 4 , 8 mg tab. & amp )
2- All of these are side effect of Chloramephenicol
except :
a-irreversible aplastic anaemia b-optic neuritis
c-peripheral neuritis d-iron deffeciency anaemia
3- Ticlopidine is used for :
a-anticoagulant b-antibiotic
c-anticholinergic d-antiplatelets
4- All these drugs are fibrinolytics except :
a-dipyridamole b-streptokinase c-urikinase
Anti-Coagulants : vit. K antagonists , heparin , warfarin
Fibrinolytics : streptokinase , alteplase , reteplase
Antiplatelets :aspirin,clopidogrel,tirofiban,eptifibatide,
5- All these drugs can be used for parkinsonism except:
a-seligiline HCl b-carbidopa
c-pergolide d-nedocromil sod.

Drugs used in Parkinson`s disease

Anticholinergic drugs : (Muscarinic Antagonists)
MAOB inhibitors :
COMT inhibitors :
Dopamenergic drugs :
*Dopamine precursor : levodopa (+ carbidopa or Beserazide)
*Releases dopamine : amantadine
*Dopamine agonists :

6- All these cases not cure with thiazides except:

a-hypernatrimia b-hyperglycemia
c-hypokalaemia d-hyperuricaemia
7- Cardiac arrest could be managed by the following except :
a-ephedrine b-lidocaine
c-propranolol d-normal saline
8- Insulin which can be given I.V. is :
a-regular type b- 30/70 type
c- NPH type d-non of the above
9- Drug that used for leishmania is:
a-sod. stiboglyconate b-mebendazole
c-sod. cromoglyconate
10- All these drugs are antibacterial except:
a-zalcitabine b-lomefloxacin
c- cefopyrazone
11- All these are natural Estrogens except :
a-mestronol b-oestrone
c-oestriol d-oestradiol
Natural Estrogens :
Oestrone , Hydroxyoestrone , Oestradiol , Oestriol
Deriv. of nat. Estrogens :
Ethenylestradiol , Mestronol
Synth. Estrogens :
Stilbesterol , Hexanosterol , Trianiselchlorethylene , Propanestriol , Clomifen
12- Co-Trimethoxazole contains :
( Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole )
13- Which of the following has vasodilator effect ?
a-nicotine b-cholestyramine c-urokinase d-vit. A
14- One of the following is not from Quinolone group :
a-naldixic acid b-quinine c-eoxacin d-norfloxacin
15- One of the following is not for epilepsy :
a-clorizepam b-phenytoin c-primidone d-imipramine
16- All of these can be used for leprosy except :
a-dapson b-rifampicin c- clofazinine d- INH
17- Sumatriptan is used for :
a-hypertension b-treatment of migraine
c-angina pectoris d-control of epilepsy
( 5-HT1 agonist )
18- Which is enzyme inducer ?
a-rifampicin b-cimetidin
c-vit. C d-chloramephenicol
Enzyme Inducers:
Phenobarbital,carbamazepine,ethanol,rifampicin,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
in tobacco smokers
Enzyme Inhibitors :
Cimetidine ,erythromycin
19- All of the following for prophylaxis of asthma except :
a-ketotifen b-nedocromil sod.
c-sod. cromoglycate d-salbutamol

‫اللهم إنى أعوذ بك من علم ال ينفع ومن قلب ال يخشع ومن نفس ال تشبع ومن دعوة ال يستجاب‬

20- All of the following is NSAH ( Non Sedating Anti-Histamine )

except :
a-loratadine b-cetrizine
c-astimazole d-azotodin
21- All of the following are controlled drugs except :
a-rivotril b-epanutin
c-sresolid d-diazepam
22- All these drugs are anti-viral except :
a-amantadine b-zidovudine
c-acyclovir d-aluerin
( it is antispasmodic )
23- Which one of these symptoms not occur with morphine ?
a-diarrhea b-respiratory depression
c-constipation d-vomiting

24- Which one of these drugs not used for acute pain ?
a-naproxen b-colchicine
c-codeine d-prednisolone
25- Which is drug of choice for myxodema ? (hypothyroidism)
a-carbimazole b-iodine
c-thyroxin sod. d-propyl thiouracil
26- Benzyl peroxide is a local treatment for Acne volgaris
27- Vit. A daily dose is 30`000 – 50`000 IU for the correction
of deficiency and 100`000 – 200`000 IU for therapy
28- The drug of choice for treatment of amoebae :
a-chloramephenicol b-tetracycline
c-gentamycin d-metronidazole
29- To prevent more absorption of the toxic drug we use :
a-water b-salt sol.
c-saline d-charcoal
30- Hepatitis vaccine dose is :
a-once/year b-twice/year c-three times/year
31- Which one is OTC drug :
a-simple analgesic b-warfarin c- ciprofloxacin
32- Anticoagulant effect of warfarin is decreased by :
a-rifampicin b-aspirin c-vit. K d-verapamil
33- One of the following is given once daily :
a-amorphous insulin b-protamine zinc insulin(isophan)
c-neutral insulin d-regular insulin
34- The steady state conc. Of drug in plasma depends on :
a-dirct proportion to the rate of administration
b-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elimination
c-Indirect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
d-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ administration
35- All these are anticoagulants except :
a-warfarin b-ancord c-heparin d- dipyridamol
( anti-platelet )
36- All these are anti-platelets except :
a-dipyridamol b-aspirin c-streptokinase (antifibrinolytic)
d-presantin e-ticlopidine
37- Ferrograde is :
a-ferrous sulphate b- ferrous citrate
c- ferrous gluconate d- ferrous fumarate

َ ... ‫ اللهم آت نفسى تقواها‬.

‫ أنت وليها وموالها‬... ‫وز ّكها أنت خير من ز ّكاها‬
38- Procainamide is :
a-Na channel blocker b-nifedipine
c-lisinopril d-quinidine

39- Mechanism of action of vit. K ?

Vit. K has an essential role in the synthesis of coagulation factors
by hepatic cells.

40- Thiazide diuretics cause all the following except :

a-hypokalaemia b-hypercalcemia c-hyperuricaemia
d-hyponatremia e-hyperglycemia f-hypernatremia
41- Treatment with anti-arrhythmic drug depends on the
following except :
a-type of medication b-period of medication
c-patient sex

42- Elimination of digoxin is mainly by :

a-kidney b-liver c-both d-non of them
43- Dobutamine is given I.V. because :
a-it is not stable in the gastric PH
b-it is needed in large quantities in case of oral route
c-it is eliminated very quickly
44- Amloride as trimetren causes :
a- CNS disturbance b-hyperkalaemia
c-hypokalaemia d-not affect K ( potassium )
45- What is the most drug can causes damage if it is given OTC
a-captopril b-warfarin
c-chlorothiazide d-rifampicin
46- Drug physical dependence is as same as drug abuse
a-true b-false
47- Mention two thiazide diuretics ?
a-chlorothiazide b-hydrochlorothiazide
48- What is the difference between Q.I.D & Q.6H ?
Q.I.D = 4 times /day
Q.6H = every 6 hours
49- What is the difference between the following anti-fungal ?
Miconazole = local & systemic
Amphotericin = parentral only
Griseofulvin = oral
50- Give the indication of the following :
a- gimfibrazole -------> for hyperlipidaemia
b- cisapred ------------> for gastroesophegyl reflux
c- fluexiten  SSRI ( selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor ) ------------
d- carbimazole ---------> for hyperthyroidism
e- imipramine -----------> tricyclic antidepressant
f- ibratrobium Br ----> antimuscarinic as bronchodilator
51- All are antimetabolites except :
a-methotrexate b-flurouracil c- cytarabine
d-azathioprine(Imuran) e-cyclophosphamide
(alkylating agent)
52- Cefaclor is :
a- 1st generation cephalosporin
b- 2nd generation cephalosporin
c- 3rd generation cephalosporin
d- non of the above
1st gen. :
cephalothin ,cephradine(Velocef),cephapirin(Cefatrexyl)
2nd gen. :
3rd gen. :
4th gen. :

53- Which aminoglycoside antibiotic can be taken orally

a-gentamycin b-neomycin
c-amikacin d-tobramycin
54- Teicoplanin antibiotic has similar effect on G+ve as
a-vancomycin b-jamicacin
c-gentamycin d-kanamycin
55- Which is not tetracycline ?
a-minocyllin b-demeclocycline
c-doxycycline d-clindamycin
56- Which is not Ca++ channel blocker ?
a-verapamil b-deltiazem
c-amlodipine d-cinnarizine
57- Mesalazine is used for treatment & maintainance of
remission of ulcerative colitis
58- Mention 4 lipid-soluble vitamins ?
vit. A , D , E & K
59- Imipenam ( carbapenam )
It is the 1st thiemamycin beta-lactam antibiotic
60- All these medications are used in ttt of TB except
a-cyclosporin b-INH
c- cycloserin d-rifampicin
Treatment of TB :
1 line or primary drugs : Isoniazide(INH) & Rifampicin
2 line or secondary drugs : Ethambutol , Streptomycin &
3 line or tertiary drugs : Ethionamide , Cycloserine & Capreomycin
61- All these drugs are anti-cholinergic except :
a-ipratropium b-atropine sulphate
c-benzatropine methylate d-dobutamine
62- All are antibiotics except :
a-zalcitobin (ttt of AIDS) b-cefaprozil
c-lomefloxacin d-cefopodoxin
63- There is one drug used for HIV :
a-zalcitabin b-kinasterdin
c-cefaprozil d-enoxocin
64- Which one is Suprax ?
a-cefixime b-itraconazole
65- Which is Sporanox?
a-cefixime b-itraconazole
66- All of these drugs can be used in ttt of leprosy except :
a-dapson b-rifampicin c-clofazimin d- INH
67- One of these is not like others :
a-timolol b-acebutalol c-labetolol d-betaxolol
(selective B1 blocker)
68- Betahistine HCl :(betaserc)
a-for mieniere`s disease b-antihistamine
69- Which one is not 5HT3 antagonist?
a-tropisetron b-ondansetron
c-domperidone d-gransetron
70- Which is not oral anti-coagulant?
a-warfarin b-enoxaprine
c-phenidione d-nicoumolone

Y‫ إنى كنت من الظالمين‬... ‫ سبحانك‬.. ‫ال إله إال أنت‬

71- Which is correct for Diazepam?

a-can cause muscle spasm
b-it is taken IM only
c-it is a derivative from morphine
d-it is not used for long term
72- Maximum dose of paracetamol is : 4gm / day
73- The duration of treatment of TB by CTC is :
a-one week b-two months
c-one month d-six months
( CTC = Tuberculosis Committee Thoracic Society )
74-Metoclopramide is a dopamine antagonist acts
centrally by blocking vomiting center and peripherally acts
on the chemo-receptor trigger zone (CTZ) to be used as
75- Which one is contra-indicated in pregnancy ?
a-sucralfate b-ethambutol
c-chlorpheneramine d-ciprofloxacin
76- What is the definition of Bioavailability of drug?
The quantity of the active constituent of the drug absorbed by the blood through the
intestine or any other route in a certain period of time
OR : The conc. of drug in blood in a certain time
77- Give ex. of a drug induces hepatotoxicity
78- Give ex. of a drug induces nephrotoxicity
Aminoglycosides( as gentamycin )
79- What is the generic name of vit. B12 ?
80- Zidvudine ( Zalacitabin ) is used for HIV
‫ وهو رب العرش العظيم‬... ‫ عليه توكلت‬... ‫حسبى هللا ال إله إال هو‬

81- What is the meaning of poor patient compliance?

The patient didn`t take the medication properly ( not properly dose , not
proper time ) may be due to the dose regimen is not easy or the dose is
high , or the side effect is clear
82- Fluxetine ( Prozac ) is :
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor ( SSRI )
83- Omeprazole ( Losec ) is :
Proton pump inhibitor
84- Mention two diseases cause Edema?
Renal failure Congestive heart failure
85- Give examples of Drug-Drug interactions ?
Warfarin--------- ----Aspirin
Insulin --------------- B-Blocker
Heparin -------- -----Aspirin & Ampicillin
Warfarin -------- ----Vit. K
Warfarin ------------ Phenobarbital
Spironolactone ----- Digoxin
ACEIS --------------- K-Sparing diuretics

86- Generic name of :

Vit. B1 ------------- Thiamine
Vit. B2 ------------ Riboflavin
Vit. B6 ------------- Pyridoxin
Vit. B12 ----------- Cyanocobalamine

87- All of these are the components of calamine lotion

B.P except:
a- ZnO b-calamine c-sod. citrate
d-bentonite e-sod. sulphate
88- Terbinafene is used topically for :
a-eczema b-candida c-fungal infections
89- Which one is not contra-indicated in pregnancy ?
a-captopril b-enalapril
c-lisinopril d-methyldopa
90- PCP ( pneumocystis corin pneumonia )
a-virus b-bacteria
c-parasite d-mycobacterium
91- Which of the following is not antibiotic ?
a-erythromycin b-cifixim
c- cefprozil d- finasteride
( anti-cancer )

92- Which one is used for benign prostatic hyperplasia


a-flumazenil b-cefprozil
c-mivacurim d-finasteride
93- All of these are 3rd generation cephalosporin except:
a-cifixime b-cefopodoxime
c-cefotriaxone d-cefotaxime
94- Which of the following is not mucolytic?
a-bromohexin b-carbocistene
c-ambroxol d-guaphenesin
95- Which one is anti-platelet?
a-ticlopidine b-desfluron
c-aldesleukin d-atovouon

96- All of these are anti-neoplastic except?

a-aldesleukin b-taniposide
c-pentostatin d-amlodipine
(Ca++ channel blocker)
97- Which is not benzodiazipne ?
a-temazepam b-nitrozepam
c-loprazepam d-clozapine
98- Potassium supplement must not be given with triametrin
a-false b-true
99- MMR vaccine is ?
Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine
BCG=Bacillus Calmette Guerin
DTP=Diphteria&Tetanus toxoids and Pertussis V.
Td =Tetanus & diphtheria toxoids
OPV=Oral Poliovirus Vaccine
HIbV=Haemophilus Influenzae type b,conjugated
HAV=Hepatitis A Virus
100- Oral re-hydrate solution(ORS) is one of the following :
a- sod. citrate,pot. chloride & glucose
b- sod. citrate,pot. chloride & sod. chloride
c- sod. chloride,pot. citrate, sod. citrate & glucose
d- sod. chloride,pot. chloride, sod. bicarbonate &
citric acid
: The major action of sodium chromoglycate is -101
a-mast cell stabilization b-bronchodilator
c-prostaglandins modifier d-leukotrienes modifier e-
non of the above
: The action of histamine is-102
a-capillary constriction b-elevation of blood pressure
c-stimulation of gastric secretion
d-skeletal muscle paralysis e-slowing the heart rate
One of the following antibiotics is resistant to penicillinase -103
a-penicillin V b-penicillin G
c-floxapen d-ampicillin
: Penicillinase Resistant Penicillins

& ‫الملك‬
/ ‫ خالد‬/‫مع تحياتى وتقديرى **** د‬
‫ محمد‬/‫د‬
)M.A.S.A ( ‫أبوالخير‬

: Inderal is -104
a-similar in action to ergotamine
b-similar in action to tubocurarine
c-used as an antihistamine
d-pure  -adrenergic receptor blocker
e- and  – adrenergic receptor blocker
: Rifampicin is indicated for treatment of -105
a-impaired fat absorption b-pulmonary emboli
c-tuberculosis d-neoplastic disorders
? Which of the following is selective 1 blocker -106
a-labitolol b-terazosine
c-cloridine d-captopril

Drugs acting on the sympathetic system

: Indirectly acting *
: Directly acting *
:Agonists -
norepinephrine , epinephrine
2 : clonidine , -methylnorepinephrine
1 : phenylephrine , methoxamine
: Agonists -
1 / 2 : epinephrine,isoprenaline
2 : salbutamol,terbutaline
1 : norepinephrine,dobutamine

‫ك َربِّ أَن‬
َ ِ‫ين َوأَ ُعو ُذ ب‬ ِ َ‫ت ْال َّشي‬
ِ ‫اط‬ َ ِ‫ربِّ أعو ُذ ب‬
ِ ‫ك ِم ْن هَ َم َزا‬
‫ضرُون‬ ُ ْ‫يح‬
: II- Adrenergic neurone blockers
Reserpine, guanethidine,bethanidine
: III- Adrenoceptor antagonists
: - Blockers *
 : phenoxybenzamine,phentolamine
 : prazocin
: - Blockers *
, : propranolol,madolol,timolol
 (cardioselective) :

: The latabbreviation for " After Meals " is -107

.a- a.c. b- a.a. c- p.c. d- i.c. e- c.c
: The latin abbreviation for " Four Times Daily " is -108
.a- a.c. b- a.a. c- p.c. d- q.i.d. e- c.c
The latin abbreviation for " Every Night " is : a- -109
.a.c. b- o.n. c- p.c. d- i.c. e- c.c
: Erythroped A -110
a-is effective against G +ve Cocci
b-is a macrolide antibiotic
c-can increase g.i.t. motility
d-could be used in pregnant women if need
e-all of the above
: For the treatment of anaphylactic shock use -111
a-salbutamol b-diphenhydramine
c-acetazolamide d-epinephrine

‫اللهم اهدنى وارزقنى وعافنى وارحمنى‬

: Allopurinol is used as -112
a-analgesic agent b-uricosuric agent
c-antiinflamatory agent d-antipyretic agent
e-agent which increases renal tubular reabsorption
Which of the following is NOT betamethasone side -113
? effect
a-cataract b-hypoglycemia
c-skeletal muscle weakness d-sodium retention
e-lowered resistance to infections
: A disease which is due to viral infection -114
a-poliomyelitis b-rabies
c-chicken pox d-herpes
e-all of the above
: The mechanism of action of atropine is -115
a-muscarinic antagonist b-muscarinic agonist
c-nicotinic antagonist d-nicotinic agonist
e-non of the above
Myocardial muscle tissue property to generate -116
: electrical is
a-inotropy b-chronotropy
c-automaticity d-contractility
e-non of the above
: The heart`s dominant pacemaker is -117
a- AV node b- SA node
c-pukinje fiber d-internodal pathways
e-non of the above
: Adenosine is used for -118
a-ventricular arrythmias b-atrial bradycardia
c-supraventricular tachycardia
d-supraventricular bradycardia
e-non of the above
:Adenosine P produces which of the following -119
a-facial flushing b-dyspnea
c-marked tachycardia d- a and b e- a , b and c

Which of the following is responsible for -120

a-magnesium b-chloride c-bicarbonates
d-potassium e-troponin
: Respiratory acidosis is due to -121
a- O2 removal b- O 2 retention
c- CO2 removal d- CO2 retention
e-non of the above
? Which of the following is NOT colloid solution -122
a-albumin 5% b-ringer`s solution
c-dextran d-beta starch
e-albumin 20%
Some examples of hydrophilic colloids used in pharmacy are acacia,
.methylcellulose, and proteins, such as gelatin and albumin
examples of substances which form hydrophobic colloids in water are silver iodide,
hydrated ferric oxide, sulfur, and gold. arsenous sulfide, aluminum chloride
magnesium chloride

:The term shock signifies -123

a-hyperperfusion b-hypoperfusion
c-tachycardia d-bradycardia
e-non of the above
In treatment of shock , which of the following -124
?should be considered
a-airway control b-IV of crystalloid solution
c-dopamine to support blood pressure
d-monitor heart rhythm e-all of the above

‫ برحمتك أستغيث‬....‫ يا حى يا قيوم‬....‫يا ذا الجالل واإلكرام‬

Which of the following is released by bacterial -125

infection?(…. by bacterial cell wall during there growth)
a-endotoxin b-exotoxin c-antibiotics
d-cytotoxin e-non of the above
:the amount of water in adult male is about -126
a-25% b-60% c-80% d-10% e-17%

?Which of the following are causes of oedema -127

a- hydrostatic pressure
b- oncotic pressure
c- capillary permeability
d- a and b e- a , b and c
Patients prescribed non reversible monoamine -128
oxidase inhibitor should be advised not to consume
food containing tyramine because this combination
a-postural hypotension b-hallucinations
c-anaphylactic shock
d-muscle weakness and tremor
e-acute adrenergic crisis including sever

Effect: Concurrent use of MAO inhibitors (e.g. phenelzine) and anorexiants

(e.g. amphetamine) leads to increased amounts of norepinephrine, which increases
sympathetic activity. Potential reactions include chest pain, cardiac arrhythmias,
hypertensive crisis (headache, hyperpyrexia, and hypertension), seizures, cerebral
hemorrhage, and death.

Tyramine-containing foods: aged cheese, aged or spoiled meats, beer, red

wine, yeast

ُ ‫ ال أُ ْشر‬..... ‫هللاُ هللاُ ربِّى‬

ً ‫ك بِه َشيئا‬

?Concerning COX 2 inhibitors , which is NOT true -129

a-they have lower risk gastric adverse reactions

b-good evidence about their effectiveness
c-cardiac toxicity is a recent concern of this class
d-they usually administrated twice daily
e-combination with non selective agents give more
effective action

In the treatment of osteoporosis which of the -130

?following is NOT true
a-alendronate should be taken 60 min. before breakfast
b-Ca and vit. D are essential
c-hormone replacement therapy should be considered
d-outcome should be assessed with periodic bone density
e-raloxifeno is selective oestrogen modulator
Which of the following is the first choice in acute -131
a-allopurinol b-indomethacin c-colchicine d-
probencid e-sulfinylpyrazone
Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for -132
a-minimal exercise b-low calcium intake
c-male gender d-family history
e-minimal exposure to sunlight
: Early symptoms of aspirin poisoning are -133
a-lethergy & fatigue b-skin rash & headache
c-throbbing headache & dizziness
d-fluid retention hypotension
e-ringing in the ears & blurred vision

Which of the following is NOT true about -134

a-IL-1 blocker
b-used for treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis
c-may increase risk of infections
d-administered as IV infusion
e-postadministration reactions include fever & chills
‫وفقكم هللا في غربتكم وأعادكم إلى بالدكم سالمين غانمين‬
‫ال تنسوني من صالح دعــــائكم‬
‫أخوكم الراجي عفو ربـــه‬
‫( د‪/‬محمد أبوالخير ‪(M.A.S.A‬‬

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