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3D Modelling in AutoCAD


AutoCAD 3D Modelling
8.1 3D modelling Workspace 10
8.2 3D Space 11
8.3 Viewpoint and View Direction 12
8.4 Types of Solids 14
8.5 View Controlling Tools 15
8.6 Solid Editing Tools 17
8.7 Bpoly Based Modelling 19
8.8 3D Modify Operations 33
8.9 User Coordinate System 37

8.1 3D Modelling workspace

In order to model 3D components you are required to set up your

Mode 1: If you are using toolbar system (recommended), you are required to
load the following toolbars.

Figure 8.1
Required toolbars for 3D Modelling
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Mode 2: If you are using tabs and panel system, you can set your 3D
environment by setting the Workspace to Modelling.

Figure 8.2
3D Modelling workspace with Tabs and Panels

8.2 3D Space
In order to create 3D models, first it is required to switch to the 3D space.
This is done by,
Views  3D views  SW isometric

Figure 8.3
SW Isometric view

8.3 Viewpoint and View Direction

In the default Cartesian coordinate system of AutoCAD, X and Y directions

are assigned to East and North directions respectively, while the –X and –Y
directions are set to West and South directions respectively.

Figure 8.4
View direction and viewpoint

As shown in Figure 4, a View direction is a direction vector formed by

adjoining a point in space and the origin point. The point in space is referred
to as the Viewpoint
The 4 isometric view directions are given below.

View direction View point

SW isometric (-1.00,-1.00,1.00)
WN isometric (-1.00,1.00,1.00)
NE isometric (1.00,1.00,1.00)
ES isometric (1.00,-1.00,1.00)

Since the origin point is fixed, the view direction can be changed by
changing the view point. The “-Vpoint” command can be used to change the

Constrained Orbit command in the 3D navigation tool bar can be used to

change the viewpoint in real-time.
Session 08 - 3D modelling

8.4 Types of solids

By observing the modelling toolbar carefully you can see that there are two
modes for modelling solid components

Figure 8.5
3D Modelling tools

8.4.1 Direct Modelling Tools:

Polysolid \ Box \ Wedge \ Cone \ Sphere \ Cylinder \ donut \ Helix \

Plane , can be modelled using a single command.

AutoCAD provides direct modelling tools to model basic 3D

geometric objects by using a single command. Once you activate
such a command, you need to specify the values for the required data
in order to construct the object.

Box command:

Figure 8.6
Box command

Cylinder command:
Can be divided into two types.
Type 1: Cylinders with its axis parallel to z-axis
Type 2: Cylinders with its axis not-parallel to z-axis
NB: Whether the cylinder belongs to type-1 or type-2you are required to
construct the centre point of the base of the cylinder before activating the
cylinder command.

Figure 8.7
Construction of required points

Modelling of type 1 cylinder: (i.e.; Cylinders with its axis parallel to z-axis)
Command: Cylinder

Figure 8.8
Construction of a cylinder (type-1)
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Modelling of type 2 cylinder:

(i.e.; Cylinders with its axis not-parallel to z-axis)

Command: Cylinder

Figure 8.9
Construction of a cylinder (type-1)

NB: In order to draw cylinders with its axis parallel to the X or Y directions,
you can use the ORTHO facility.

8.5 View Controlling Tools :

Any object in 3D space (real or virtual) can be broken down in to two
profile views, called the hidden profile and the visible profile. These
profiles are dependent on the view direction.

Figure 8.10
Profile views15
The visual style tool bar consists with the view controlling tools available in

Figure 8.11
View controlling commands

According to the behaviour of view controls, 2D/3D wireframe views show

both the hidden profile and the visible profile hence, you can find out all the
edges and the points in the model, therefore it is most suitable for modelling
and editing. The shaded output shows the realistic view of your 3d model.
Normally, after performing material editing commands such as subtract and
union, it is required to shade the output to check the accuracy of the
Session 08 - 3D modelling

8.6 Solid Editing Tools

Figure 8.12
Solid editing commands

Union: Used to join a set of objects

Union  select objects  Select all the objects to be joined R0

Subtract: Used to remove materials from objects using another set of

Subtract  Select the Main Object Set  R0
Select the objects to be subtracted (from the main object set) R0

Intersection: Used to extract the common part(s) belonging to a set of

Intersection Select objects  Select all the required objects R0

Activity 1
Construct the following objects shown in figure 13, using direct modelling

Figure - 8.13
Session 08 - 3D modelling

8.7 Bpoly Based Modelling

Now you know how to create 3d component using direct modelling tools
together with the solid editing tools such as union, subtract, intersection and
slice. But if you want to construct more complicated solid components
easily which are shown in the figure 15, you may need some sophisticated
tools and methods.
In the context of 3D modelling in AutoCAD, Bpoly is defined as 2D -
Closed - Single object or boundary object. A circle, a rectangle and closed-
Pline are some examples for Bpoly objects.

Figure - 8.14
Bpoly objects by default

8.7.1 Construction of Bpoly

Since the Bpoly is 2D, you can create a Bpoly only in a plane that is parallel
to the current XY-plane, if you are required to construct a Bpoly in a plane
which is not parallel to the current XY you will have to change your
coordinate system (XY-plane) by using UCS (User Coordinate System)
command. The UCS command will be studied later in this session.
1. Polyline command (Pline): can be used to create relatively simple
Bpoly objects, the procedure is quite straight forward. 

Specify starting point  specify the other points  C  [for close]
Arc option can be used to combine the lines and tangential arcs.
Activity 2:
Construct the Bpoly objects shown in Figures15a- 15c.

Figure - 21

Figure – 8.15a

Figure – 8.15b
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Figure – 8.15c

8.7.2 Construction of Complicated Bpoly s

You can use the following procedure to construct complicated Bpoly

01. Create 2-Layers [ex: Construction and Bpoly]

02. Make the construction layer the current layer and draw the close
boundary using draw and modify tools ( Line, Circle, Trim, Extend, Offset

Figure 8.16
(a) Use of draw and modify tools to
construct the closed path object (b)

03. Make the Bpoly layer the current layer

Command :Bpoly
C0 pick point  Co inside the boundary Ro

Figure 8.17
Bpoly operation - 01
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Figure 8.18
Bpoly operation - 02

Once you execute the Bpoly command, AutoCAD will generate a single
closed boundary object on top of the closed path detected. In order to model
an 3D object we must have Bpoly objects (ie: 2D-Closed-Single object).

In order to separate the Bpoly from the initial object set ( ie; construction
object set)

1. Freeze down (or lock) the construction layer.

2. Move the Bpoly to a side.
3. Delete the initial boundary in construction layer.

Activity 3:
Construct the Bpoly objects shown in the Figure 19a –19g according to the
above procedure and save the file as Activity_3.

Figure 8.19a

Figure 8.19b
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Figure – 8.19c, 8.19d, 8.19e

Figure 8.19f

Figure – 8.19g

8.7.3 Development of Solid Components Using Bpoly Objects

The following commands can be used to construct the solid components

using Bpoly objects.

Figure – 8.20
Tools to create Bpoly based objects

Extrude: Used to construct solid components with a constant cross-section

along a given direction or a path.

Command: Extrude

 Select theBpolyRo Specify height : 50

Figure – 8.21
Extrude Command
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Command: Extrude  Path (option)

1. Construct the Bpoly and the extrusion path

2. Draw the extrusion path.(The path should be perpendicular to the
plane of the Bpoly at the starting point)
3. Command: Extrude
4. Select the BpolyRoP (for path option)
Select Line

Figure – 8.22
Extrude along a path

Presspull: Used to change the shape of a solid object by pressing and

pulling operations.

Command: Presspull
1. Construct the solid object
2. Shade the drawing
3. Command: Presspull

4. Click on a plane

5. Move the mouse pointer to the new

location and click.(Don’t click and drag)

Command: Presspull to remove materials

1. Construct the boundary (Bpoly) object on the required face

2. Remove construction lines (objects )

3. Shade the drawing

4. Command: Presspull

5. Click inside the boundaryMove the mouse through the object and

6. Remove the boundary objects.

Figure – 8.23
Remove materials by Presspull
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Sweep: Sweeping a Bpoly object along an open or closed path.

1. Construct the Bpoly
2. Construct the Path.
3. Arrange the Bpoly and the path (Optional)

4. Command: Sweep

5. Select the Bpoly Select the path

Figure – 8.24
Sweep operation

NB: It is not necessary for the path to be perpendicular to the

plane of the Bpoly at the starting point (a), but to assure
accurate results, place the Bpoly on the path in the correct
orientation before activating the sweep command (b) and(c)

Figure – 8.25
An application of sweep operation

Revolve : Used to create solid objects by revolving a Bpoly about a given
1. Construct the Bpoly
2. Construct the axis

3. Command: Revolve

4. Select the Bpoly

5. Select the axis: Start pointA©

6. Axis End point:B©
7. Revolution Angle: 180

Figure – 8.26
Revolve command

Axis of Revolution:
You can use the following methods to define the axis of revolution
1. Axis start point and axis end point (Default method)
2. Object option
3. X axis  point on the X-axis
4. Y axis  point on the Y-axis
5. Z axis  point on the Z-axis
Session 08 - 3D modelling

Figure – 8.27
Applications of revolve command

Loft : Used to create solid objects by using series of Bpoly objects in

different parallel planes.

1. Construct the Bpoly objects

2. Arrange the Bpoly objects on required parallel planes
3. Select the Bpoly objects in lofting order

Figure – 8.28
Loft command

3D Rotate: Use to rotate an object around a given axis. AutoCAD provide
axis gizmo In order to define the axis .

1. Command: 3DRotate
2. Select objects:Ro
3. Specify the Base point: A
4. Define the axis of rotation using Rotate_Gizmo
(take the pointer to closer to the red circle to define X-axis)
5. Angle start point (set ortho off):Y©
6. Angle end point :X©

Figure –8.29
Rotation of objects about X-axis
Session 08 - 3D modelling

8.8 3D Modify Operations

Slice: Used to create new solid object by slicing an existing object through a
cutting plane.
1. Command: Sl
2. Select Object  R0
3. Define the cutting plane:XY / YZ / ZX / < 3Points >:
4. Specify desired side or <Keep both sides>: B

Figure – 8.30
Use of slice command

Align: Used to align an object with another object

1. Command: Al
2. Select Object (to be moved)  R0
3. Define source point-1: SP1
4. Define destination point-1: DP1
5. Define source point-2: SP2
6. Define destination point-2: DP2
7. Define source point-3: SP3
8. Define destination point-3:DP3

Figure – 8.31
Use of align command
Session 08 - 3D modelling

3D Mirror: Mirror image of an object in 3D space

1. Command: Modify 3D Operations  3D Mirror

2. Select Object  R0
3. Define the mirror plane: XY / YZ / ZX / < 3Points >:XY
4. Point on the XY plane: P1
5. Delete source objects [y/n]<n> : 

Figure – 8.32
Use of 3D mirror

Session 08 - 3D modelling

8.9 User Coordinate System (UCS)

The default coordinate system of AutoCAD is defined as the World

Coordinate System (WCS). Up to this point we have been using WCS to
specify the points in 2D and 3D space in order to perform drafting
modelling and editing commands. The Bpoly based modelling is one of the
most flexible methods which can be used to create solid components in the
XY – Plane introduces to you before. But if you are required to create a
Bpoly in another plane other than the current XY plane you should change
the plane using the UCS facility to meet your requirement.

Figure – 8.33
World Coordinate System

UCS : Command can be used to change the current coordinate system.

UCS3P , option can be used to change the current XY by using 3 points.
In order to use this option , follow the given steps
1. Construct the following points of required system
a. New Origin point (Po)
b. Positive X- direction of the new system (P1)
c. Positive Y- direction of the new system (P2)

2. Command: UCS
3. 3P 
4. Specify new origin point: Po©
5. Specify positive portion of X-axis:P1©
6. Specify positive portion of Y-axis:P2©

Figure – 8.34
Working with UCS

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