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Level(3) B-4 soewaiyantun

Task 1


The first programming language may be the first programming language that the developer will learn a
new programming language. Basically a procedural code is a direct guide on how to end a task in a
logical sequence. Based on the concept of a procedural call, the business plan divides the program into
procedures. They are also known as routines or action. Simple put, Procedure programming is a list of
instructions to tell you what to do step by step to get the computer done.

For example -

Assigning two variables to one digit and then adding two numeric values together and returning the
result to the user.

Object- oriented

An object-oriented is a programming language, system or software method built on the concepts of

logic objects. It is a very specific business, Creating reusable items to carry out the process or goal It
works through usage and use. Object-oriented is a computer science concept. An object-oriented
technique differs from a traditional programmer. It fixates on activities/deportments. An object-
oriented predicated system is modeled and engendered through the utilization of objects, where each
object's class instance has concrete attributes and comportments, and the relative methods or
comportments are called to manipulate or utilize such a system. The essence of object-oriented is that
each of the engendered objects can be reused in the same and other programs and applications.

For example-

Object-oriented programming (OOP) refers to a special type of programming that coalesces data
structures with functions to engender re-utilizable objects. Object-oriented graphics is equipollent to
vector graphics.
Event driven

The Drive Plan is a huge response to user stories or stand-alone reactions. Cause: The driver program
concept is a consequence of applications and other types of programs. Event handler and other
resources pop up. Event-driven program is kenned withal as an event-driven application. Event: The
driver's conception is that the program is designed to respond. It responds to categorical inputs from
the utilizer. It will be pressed by pressing the command key. Cull from the drop-down list; Such as
entering textboxes or other utilizer events. Other programming languages include utilizer events
distributed through a command-line interface or another utilizer interface. The program inscribed to
take action without utilizer input is diametrical to the driver program.

For example- Exhibit applications, such as applications for weather updates or sports scores, may be
less involved in other programs: driver programs. But virtually all software relies on utilizer events for
performance. It is facile to argue that this is a mundane driver program for virtually all projects. This is
because applications and code modules are generally indited to respond to human actions. However,
identifying the events of the program can avail with design analysis.

Task 2

Programming Usage / features Reason to choose this

languages languages

Python Python is easy to learn the

language as compared to
another language. Python
Easy code and free and open language can use its Web
source/ Fast Development/ scraping, software and
python in web development/ application, and others. Python
GUI programming is a multilingual language
utilized for a variety of tasks,
including web development and
data science. This betokens that
much of Python's development
is probably due to data science
rather than web development.
But it gives us only part of the
picture; This is because it can
only measure widely used
Python-packets. One of the
most effulgent areas of Python
sis web development. Python
provides many frameworks
including, Flask,
CherryPy, Pyramid, Django, and
web2py. These frameworks are
acclimated to access some of
the world's most popular sites,
such as Spotify, Mozilla, Reddit,
Washington Post and Yelp. The
edifications and articles in this
chapter fixate on how to
orchestrate genuine-life
solutions for Python Web
applications and how authentic-
life solutions can be utilized for
people with genuine
quandaries. Python has many
great GUI frameworks (or
toolkits). Additionally from
TkInter (utilizing Tk in Python),
many other cross-platform
solutions are available from
platform-categorical (as well as
kenned). Native ")

JAVA Object-oriented/ Uses byte Object-Oriented Programming:

code / Supports portability / As the designation suggests,
Runs in a sandbox to provide Object-Oriented Programming
security / Is dynamic and (OOPs) is the language that
flexible remonstrates to programming.
Bytecode in Java is the reason
for reliance on the Java
program on the platform. More
categorically, Java byte code is
a .class file format code. A byte
code in Java is the ordinant
dictation set for Java Virtual
Machine and acts akin to an
assembler. Portability, in
cognation to software, is a
quantification of how facilely an
application can be transferred
from one computer
environment to another. A
computer software application
is considered portable to an
incipient environment if the
effort required to acclimate it
to the incipient environment is
within plausible limits. The
construal of the abstract term
'plausible' depends upon the
nature of the application and is
often arduous to express in
quantifiable units. Security Plan
in Java Development
Environment. Sandbox is a set
of rules used when engendering
an application. This blocks some
functionality when sent as a
component of an application's
webpage. Stability and mobility
in Java are two paramount
things that Java programmers
should be vigilant of. This code
is directly cognate to the death
penalty. If you have two names
with the same name (method
overriding) or of the same class
(eg overriding), it is arduous to
ascertain what is utilized in the
runtime as a result of the
reference in the code.
C # is a very popular implement
C# for Game Development/ for engendering these
C# is Easy to Learn / C# is an In- applications. Ergo, for any
C# Demand Skill / Learning C# program, it is expected to enter
With Solo Learn the game development
industry. C # has many features
that make it facile to learn. It is
a relatively advanced language
that is quite facile to read.
Programmers don't have to
worry an exorbitant amount, so
they don't have to worry about
them. Full power With flexibility
and good support, C # has
expeditiously become one of
the most popular programming
languages. Today, the fourth
most popular programming
language, approximately 31% of
all developers utilize it
conventionally. This is the third
most astronomically immense
community on StackOverflow
(built utilizing C #) with over 1.1
million content. The SoloLearn
application and community is
the best way to commence
learning C #. Whether you
operate to join the AAA game
development company,
Whether it's learning to
engender a few programs for
fun, C # is the first major
Task 3

What is sequence ?

The order of a sequence in the order of a sequence causes an upcoming action, or event, to be
scheduled. The program can include any number. When running, the program must run each program
so that it does not jump or break in one. All programming quandaries can be solved by designing
algorithms utilizing only three logic structures and integrating them in illimitable quantities. More
perplexed computer requisites; More intricate facilities are needed.

How to work Sequence?

The sequence-structure consists of one or more sub diagrams or frames. Within the individual frame of a sequence
structure, the order of data dependencies is executed, as in the individual frame of the block. Two flat structures
and two perpetual structures are sequence structures. Utilize minimal sequence-structure because they
obnubilate the code. The order relies on sequencing rather than the data flow to control the execution order.
Whenever you utilize a local variable, you can break the left-hemisphere stream every time you utilize a local

For example
What is selection?

The selection is the program structure that executes one or the other of the injunctive
authorizations, depending on whether the situation is plenary.

How to work Selection?

In integration, a conditional structure kenned as a conditional structure is a programming

feature that performs different processes predicated on the boolean condition. The cull
structure uses relational operators to check conditions. There are many different options
available to utilize to get different results.

For example –

What is iteration?

In the iteration control mode, The program performs a description or block until it reaches the designated state. Or
use operations in every element. It is usually displayed in keywords as while, repeat, for, or do until.

How to work iteration?

The rudimentary attribute of the control structure is that it is possible to reiterate some lines of code. When the
flowchart, the visual exhibit of the iteration engenders a circular loop pattern. This can be accomplished by loop
checking and linking. The question of utilizing Boolean concepts conventionally dictates how the chain will operate.

For example –
Task 4,P4

This type of data improves data quality by storing data or numbers. Data of this type can
store data using predefined data types that are used by the computer to determine the
value entered into the variable.

Data Types Common use Space occupied in


Boolean To save the variable as a boolean, one The memory occupied by

of two possible values is displayed, the Boolean value is 1 byte.
which is also used as true or false.
Int Store the entire number in memory. for The memory occupied by
instance the int is 1 byte.

Int number 1 = 10

Used as a keyword blocker. This is a The memory occupied by

Char contraction of character. This is a data the Char is 2 byte.
format that contains character data. For
example, "A", "Z"

Use this option to speed up the The memory occupied by

Float processing performance of your the Char is 4 byte.
program, as it is easier to control
through mediation. Example: 1.2E-38 to
3.4E + 38



Software Development Life Cycle. These are the steps you must follow to write a smooth
program or application. Software development is similar to cooking. While you are cooking,
you must go through certain steps to achieve your ideal. However, there is a difference
between programming and cookisng. After cooking, the dish does not return, neither good
nor bad. The food does not change. Programming is the opposite. You can change or update
it again at any time.

The software development life cycle is divided into six main parts (for each life cycle there
are different stages, but they share the same idea).

These procedures:

* Collecting user needs

* Create specifications

* Creation of designs

* Creation of programs

* Test the program

* System maintenance

Collecting user needs

Gathering user requirements is the first step of the programming. In this step the client will explain for
the programmer that what are his requirement and needs to get out of the program (the purpose/aim
and subject of the program.

Create specifications

In create specifications which is the second part of software development life cycle, the
programmer decides that how the program will be made based on client requirements. This
means that the programmer specifies the aim and the purpose of the website (what it will

Then the programmer show this specifications to the client and if it’s agreed by him/her he
moves to the next step.
Creation of designs

Create design is the third step of software development life cycle. In this part the programmer defines
that how the program should work in order to fulfill users’ requirement and its purpose.

In this steps the programmer designs the feathers of the program based on the way that it is expected
to work from the client.
Creation of programs

When create specification section is done, the programmer starts the main parts of the programming
which is called coding or writing the program. The type of programming team is based on how big and
important the projects e.g. in such project such as FIFA game which has millions of fans, there are lots of
programmers behind it in order to create the best game. This programmer are divided into different
teams and each team carries a different task in order to create the program.

Test the program

When the coding or the programming is finished, the programmers must make sure that the program is
working according to users requirements, properly. First each programmers tests its own model. Then
later on, whole programmers come together and test theirs models in a bigger event to see if the
program is working as its expected.
System maintenance

In this step the program is created by the programmer and also accepted by the client. Maintain part, is
the part that programmer looks through the program and fixes the minors problems. This can be done
changing minors changes in coding or using some simple updates.

Task 6

Home Form

I explain Home Form. Home Form using Four button. Each one a button connected to each
other form and then can choose what you need form.

Login Form

I explain Login Form. Login Form is input form. The Login Form request data From the user
and then the data is right can go forward. Login Form is very important.
Product Form

I explain Product Form. Product Form is input form type. The user needs to fill out the type
of the product you want to store.

Data saving form

Data saving form is used for product storage. And user need fill input data.
Search Form

Search Form is output form. The user can choose top selling item or least selling item and then label3
show you want to know.

Data Dictionary

Home Form

No. Purpose Category Variable Name Types of Data

1 Check Panel Panel jPanel String
2 Check Label Label jLabel String
3 Check Button Button jButton String

Login Form

No. Purpose Category Variable Name Types of Data

1 Check Panel Panel jpanelA String
2 Check Label Label jLabelB String
3 Check Button Button jButtonC String
4 Check Text Field Text Field JTextField int

Product Form

No. Purpose Category Variable Name Types of Data

1 Check Panel Panel jPanel3 String
2 Check Label Label jLabelZ String
3 Check Button Button jButton3 String
4 Check Text Field Text Field jTextFieldA Int
5 Check table Table jTable String

Search Form

No. Purpose Category Variable Name Types of Data

1 Check Panel Panel jPanelE String
2 Check Label Label jLabel3 String
3 Check Button Buttons jButtonS String
4 Check Combo Box Combo Box jComboBox String

Data saving Form

No. Purpose Category Variable Name Types of Data

1 Check Panel Panel jPanelS String
2 Check Label Label jLabelH String
3 Check Button Buttons jButtonL String
4 Check Text Field Text Field jTextFieldF int
5 Check Combo box Combo Box JComboBox int

6 Check Radio Button Radio Button jRadioButton String

7 Check Check Box Check Box jCheckBox String


Programmers are usually experienced in writing high-quality code. They were able to solve many
problems associated with software development, and create reliable systems using coding methods.

Writing high-quality code is important because it makes the software powerful, easy to use, and easy to
maintain for users. Quality management responds to the needs and functions of customers in a special
way. If used improperly, it will not respond properly without compromising quality control. The
readability of the code is high and the code is easy to understand. In other words, I use the correct code
format using various code structures (classes, methods, etc.) with the corresponding variable names. In
general, the code is high-quality, well tested.
Code Quality Attributes

There are many code quality features, some of which are described above. The following features are
important when creating high-quality programs, and using them can improve the quality of your own


When creating a program, you cannot use it properly. Some users may enter the wrong amount of data
in a variable. A program may crash because it depends on different types of data. Users may experience
other problems. Programmers must write reliable and reliable programs that can solve many of the
problems that may arise when a program is distributed to other users.


High quality programs are easy to use. Programmers can design and create virtual interfaces to simplify
the use of programs. Thus, the user can interact with the program. The program can be designed to be
easy to use. If the program requires a series of text or numerical commands, the programmer encodes
the program to receive characters. This makes it easy to enter specific commands. If your user interface
has some controls (buttons, display area of the text area, etc.), you can instead group them into groups,
such as the order of use and functions. In addition to finding controls, users also have built-in feature
controls that help them understand how the program works.


High quality software is easier to maintain than low quality software. With the program, it is unlikely
that errors and some errors will be noticed when testing the program. You have to fix it. The program
also needs updates that improve the functionality of the program. High-quality software makes
maintenance much easier since a good programmer has the ability to integrate programming. Use the
structure of the software for comments, the corresponding variable names, etc. This not only makes
reading your code easier, but also improves maintenance and makes it easier to find errors.

In addition to code readability, which makes maintenance easier, other methods can be used. Program
technical details, documentation, error code, and more.

Home Form



I will explain in detail Home From. Why home from is very important. At home form Label 1, Panel 5 ,
Button 4 using. It is the place where you can choose the form you like. For example the user wants to go
login form so the user clicks login form buttons.

Login Form



Text Field


I will explain in detail login form. At login form label 3, Panel 5, Button3, Text Field 2 using. Using login form is for
expressing who you are and it is for improving the safety. This login form is you are city express member you can
use it and you are not member you can’t using login form. Are you a number fill in the information and then clicks
login buttons and aren’t you need to register that’s why clicks to create new account button.
Product Form


Text Field



I will explain in detail Product Form. At product form label 7, Panel 1, Button3, Text Field 4, Table 1 using. This
form is input form. This product form is the place to store the data of the product. Can use it first you can do fill in
product data and then clicks save button. The list of product lists you can see the table.

Search Form


Combo Box


Now I will explain in detail Search Form. At product form label 3, Panel 5, Button4 and combo box using. This form
is output form. What do you want to know Top selling item or least selling item. You can choose combo box and
then clicks confirm button. jlabel3 show you the answer.

Data saving Form



Text Field

Combo box

Radio Button

Check Box


Now I will explain in detail Data saving Form. At data saving form label 9, Panel 2, Button 3 and Text field 5, Check
1, Radio Button 2 Combo box 1 using. This form is input form. The user fill in product data and then can save.


Tips for making your code easier to read

There are three main factors that can amend the readability of code Commenting, Colour coding, and indentation.
This avail facilitates the read of many codes so it can be understood and edited preponderant.

It worked on a more facile, or retained at a later date, as a consequence of being able to read the code. Other
programmers better understand certain programs and work more effectively with the program as a whole.When
the maintaining stage and the system have a bug it can be found more facile if certain code is readable and can
facilely be deciphered on what it does and commenting can prodigiously amend the readability of code and in my
opinion, is the most tedious but utilizable way you can make your code more readable. By commenting on your
code you are integrating concrete ordinant dictations on what each bit does and how it works in the grand scheme
of things. By commenting on other coders and the coder that commented himself can facilely understand what a
function does in a code and how it does that.

By integrating lines like // This component uses C-time library to get the current date or //This gets finds the mean
on these 3 variables. It makes it more facile for people working with you to understand where the code is going
and what this component of the code does without having to take ages to decipher it. This makes it a hell of a lot
more facile for people to work with other coders that comment making everyone working on the program
understand every code consummately. Withal in the future when updates come in and maintenance is required,
commenting can show what does what and how so that updates can expunge old pass functions and code and
supersede them efficiently and expeditiously without ruining the code.



I explain Flowchart. First the user fill input stage 1 and then stage 2 is the input is check. The input is wrong, you
don’t save. The input is true can save and get in Searching and display data stage by stage can get in.

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