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(1) Create the following tables which contain the following associated fields.

Emp(eid integer, ename string, age integer, salary real)

Dept(did integer, dname string, budget real, managerid integer)

Works(eid integer, did integer, pct_time integer)

(2) Fill in the following data into the tables.

eid ename age salary Dept
did Dname budget managerid eid did pct_time
1 Peter 35 500
101 Hardware 120000 11 1 101 200
2 Smith 30 300 120000 12
102 Software 2 102 1000
3 Blake 38 700 103 Application 100000 13
3 103 150
4 David 32 500 104 English 80000 14
105 Maths 120000 15 4 104 200
5 James 40 1000
5 105 100
6 John 33 300
6 101 150

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