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Carlos Franco

A. Completar y traducir la oración con el ejemplo de la primera. Tenemos un predicado nominal con el
adjetivo después del verbo (to be) y del sustantivo. Completamos colocándolo antes del sustantivo
y traduciendo todo. Así:
1. A story that is true is a true story. Una historia que es verdadera es una historia verdadera .
2. A profession that is useful is a useful profession. Una profesión que es útil es una profesión útil.
3. Trees that are big = are big trees
4. A rat that is old = is old a rat
5. A picture that is magnificent = is magnificent a picture
6. A pilot that is lost = is lost a pilot
7. Creatures that are dangerous = are dangerous creatures
8. A sheep that is sick = is sick a sheep
9. Books that are useful = are useful books
10. Men that are lazy = are lazy men
11. Necessities that are urgent = are urgent necessities
12. A treasure that is found = is found a treasure
13. A king that is reasonable = is reasonable a king
14. People that are conceited = are conceited people
15. A man that is lucky = is lucky a man
16. A plant that is ephemeral = is ephemeral a plant
17. A planet that is intoxicated = is intoxicated a planet
18. A caravan that is passing = is passing a caravan
19. Lives that are difficult = are difficult lives
20. Hair that is golden = is golden hair
21. Children that are lucky = are lucky children
22. Travelers that are satisfied = are satisfied travelers
23. Treasures that are fragile = are fragile treasures
24. Memories that are charming = are charming memories
25. A treasure that is buried = is buried a treasure
26. A face that is smiling = is smiling a face
27. Volcanoes that are active = are active volcanoes
28. A flower that is proud = is proud a flower
29. A story that is interesting = is interesting a story
30. Knowledge that is valuable = is valuable knowledge

B. Crear una frase con cada uno de estos sustantivos:

Knowledge (conocimiento) R// knowledge is power = el conocimiento es poder

Picture (dibujo) R// always draw a smile

Pilot (piloto) R// pilot your life to the top

sheep (oveja) R// the black sheep of the family

flower (flor) R// a flower to another flower

volcano (volcán) R// my heart is like a volcano about to erupt

king(rey) R// you are my king and I your queen

people(personas) R// each person is different

businessmen(negociantes) R// business apart from family

lives(vidas) R// live your life not the life of others

hair(cabello, pelo) R// take care of your hair with pantene

children(niños) R// children are the future of the country

travelers(viajeros) R// all travelers fasten your seat belts

C. Ilustrar tres de estas frases.

king(rey) R// you are my king and I your queen

people(personas) R// each person is different

Picture (dibujo) R// always draw a smile

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