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Project Risk Register

Drone Delivery 1.0

Risk Identification Qualitative Rating Risk Response

Risk ID Number & Name Risk Category Probability Impact Risk Score Ranking Risk Response Trigger Risk Owner
Mitigation: Ensure all stakeholders and team members are Falling behind project schedule - delays in
fully aware of their responsibilities; analyze critical path and major deliverables
calculate float times for other paths; hold accountability and
implement transparency; keep track of major milestones and
100001: Delay in System Implementation Operations 3 5 15 1 any delays in major milestones Yvonne Rodriguez
Mitigation: Build in enclosed compartment for prescriptions Customer Reports of missing
to be opened with a customer ID card; implement drone prescriptions, increased crime rates in the
delivery in low crime rate areas area
Transfer: Contact local police department for theft incidents
100002: Theft of Customer Presciptions Operations 3 5 15 2 Yvonne Rodriguez
Mitigation: Implement Data encryption; Use intrusion Stolen customer information, stolen
100008: Security Breach Security 3 5 15 3 detection; Perform vulnerability scans weekly business information William Scott
Mitigation: Create customer questionaire inquiring about Customer complaints, decrease in
preferences for delivery and implement these suggestions; customer sign-up for drone delivery
send out ongoing surveys after implementation to ensure
100006: Customer Dissastisaction Retail 3 4 12 4 satisfaction is constant and allow for suggestions Jonathan Perry
Mitigation: Build weather-proof drones Strong weather conditions, faulty drones,
100003: Asset Damage due to Weather Problems IT 2 5 10 5 Avoid: Cancel deliveries on days with strong weather unsuccessful deliveries Phillip Greenberg
Mitigation: Implement extensive testing and address any Systems appear as two separate
issues that arise early on in order to correct these issues companies
100007: Failure of Creating Seamless Integration IT 2 5 10 6 before project launch Mary Pearson
Mitigation: Reach out to Pharmacy store managers 4 weeks Pharmacy Store Managers Approvals not
before milestone date to ensure onboarding; Create contract obtained by pre-determined milestone
100009: Failure in Pharmacy Onboarding Operations 2 5 10 7 with each pharmacy manager to penalize withdrawal from date (December 1, 2016) Yvonne Rodriguez
Mitigation: Create contact with Project Sponsor (George Withdrawal, inavailibilty of proper funds
Cranston) to ensure full receival of funds agreed upon
($1,750,000 maximum); closely monitor budget and
100004: Funding Cuts Finance 2 4 8 8 calculate CPI and CV monthly George Cranston
Mitigation: Implement extensive testing and training to Failed store deliveries, damaged Drones
ensure user knowledge and proper usage of the asset
100005: Improper User Training IT 2 4 8 9 (drones); Create and distribute user manuel to all users Elizabeth Walton Page 1 of 1

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