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Tabla de contenido

What is Javascript?..............................................................................................................1
Advanced Operators............................................................................................................................4
Inline Scripts........................................................................................................................7
External Scripts...................................................................................................................7
Event-Driver Scripts.............................................................................................................7
Javascript in URL’s...............................................................................................................9
DOM Model.......................................................................................................................10
The Legacy Object Model...................................................................................................................10
Basic Model Plus Images....................................................................................................................10
The Document Tree...........................................................................................................................11
Node Types.........................................................................................................................................12
Node Properties.................................................................................................................................12
Node Methods...................................................................................................................................13
Traversing DOM.................................................................................................................................14
Element Attributes.............................................................................................................................14
Finding Specific Elements...................................................................................................................15
Element Collectios..............................................................................................................................16
Validación de formularios..................................................................................................................18

What is Javascript?

JavaScript (JS for short) is the programming language that enables web pages to
respond to user interaction beyond the basic level. It was created in 1995, and is
today one of the most famous and used programming languages.


A statement is more casually (and commonly) known as a line of code. That's

because statements tend to be written on individual lines. As such, programs
are read from top to bottom, left to right. You might be wondering what code
(also called source code) is. That happens to be a broad term which can refer
to the whole of the program or the smallest part. Therefore, a line of code is
simply a line of your program.

Here is a simple example:

var hello = "Hello";
var world = "World";

// Message equals "Hello World"

var message = hello + " " + world;

This code can be executed by another program called an interpreter that will

read the code, and execute all the statements in the right order


Comments are statements that will not be executed by the interpreter,

comments are used to mark annotations for other programmers or small
descriptions of what your code does, thus making it easier for others to
understand what your code does.

In Javascript, comments can be written in 2 different ways:

Line starting with //:

// This is a comment, it will be ignored by the interpreter

var a = "this is a variable defined in a statement";

Section of code starting with /*and ending with */, this method is used for
multi-line comments:

This is a multi-line comment,
it will be ignored by the interpreter
var a = "this is a variable defined in a statement";


In programming, variables are containers for values that change. Variables can
hold all kind of values and also the results of computations. Variables have a
name and a value separated by an equals sign (=). Variable names can be any
letter or word, but bear in mind that there are restrictions from language to
language of what you can use, as some words are reserved for other

Let's check out how it works in Javascript, The following code defines two
variables, computes the result of adding the two and defines this result as a
value of a third variable.
var x = 5;
var y = 6;
var result = x + y;


JavaScript is a “loosely typed” language, which means that you don't have to

explicitly declare what type of data the variables are. You just need to use
the var keyword to indicate that you are declaring a variable, and the
interpreter will work out what data type you are using from the context, and
use of quotes.


For example, assume:

var foo = 42;
var bar = 42;
var baz = "42";
var qux = "life";

foo == bar  will evaluate to true and baz == qux will evaluate to false, as

one would expect. However, foo == baz will also evaluate
to true despite foo and baz being different types. Behind the scenes
the == equality operator attempts to force its operands to the same type before
determining their equality. This is in contrast to the === equality operator.
The === equality operator determines that two variables are equal if they are
of the same type and have the same value. With the same assumptions as
before, this means that foo === bar will still evaluate to true, but foo ===
baz will now evaluate to false. baz === qux  will still evaluate to false.


You can apply mathematic operations to numbers using some basic operators

 Addition: c = a + b
 Subtraction: c = a - b
 Multiplication: c = a * b
 Division: c = a / b

You can use parentheses just like in math to separate and group expressions: c
= (a / b) + d
Advanced Operators

Some advanced operators can be used, such as:

 Modulus (division remainder): x = y % 2

 Increment: Given a = 5
o c = a++, Results: c = 5 and a = 6
o c = ++a, Results: c = 6 and a = 6
 Decrement: Given a = 5
o c = a--, Results: c = 5 and a = 4
o c = --a, Results: c = 4 and a = 4


The easiest condition is an if statement and its syntax is if(condition){ do this

… }. The condition has to be true for the code inside the curly braces to be executed.
You can for example test a string and set the value of another string dependent on its

var country = 'France';

var weather;
var food;
var currency;

if(country === 'England') {

weather = 'horrible';
food = 'filling';
currency = 'pound sterling';

if(country === 'France') {

weather = 'nice';
food = 'stunning, but hardly ever vegetarian';
currency = 'funny, small and colourful';

if(country === 'Germany') {

weather = 'average';
food = 'wurst thing ever';
currency = 'funny, small and colourful';

var message = 'this is ' + country + ', the weather is ' +

weather + ', the food is ' + food + ' and the ' +
'currency is ' + currency;


The easiest form of a loop is the for statement. This one has a syntax that is
similar to an if statement, but with more options:
for(condition; end condition; change){
// do it, do it now
Lets for example see how to execute the same code ten-times using a for loop:
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1){
// do this code ten-times


While Loops repetitively execute a block of code as long as a specified

condition is true.
// do it as long as condition is true
For example, the loop in this example will repetitively execute its block of
code as long as the variable i is less than 5:
var i = 0, x = "";
while (i < 5) {
x = x + "The number is " + i;


The do...while statement creates a loop that executes a specified statement

until the test condition evaluates to be false. The condition is evaluated after
executing the statement. Syntax for do... while is
// statement
while(expression) ;
Lets for example see how to print numbers less than 10
using do...while loop:
var i = 0;
do {
document.write(i + " ");
i++; // incrementing i by 1
} while (i < 10);


Arrays are a fundamental part of programming. An array is a list of data. We can

store a lot of data in one variable, which makes our code more readable and easier to
understand. It also makes it much easier to perform functions on related data.

The data in arrays are called elements.

Here is a simple array:

// 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 are the elements in this array
var numbers = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];

So you have your array of data elements, but what if you want to access a specific
element? That is where indices come in. An index refers to a spot in the array.
indices logically progress one by one, but it should be noted that the first index in an
array is 0, as it is in most languages. Brackets [] are used to signify you are referring
to an index of an array.
// This is an array of strings
var fruits = ["apple", "banana", "pineapple", "strawberry"];

// We set the variable banana to the value of the second element of

// the fruits array. Remember that indices start at 0, so 1 is the
// second element. Result: banana = "banana"
var banana = fruits[1];

Arrays have a property called length, and it's pretty much exactly as it sounds, it's the
length of the array.
var array = [1 , 2, 3];

// Result: l = 3
var l = array.length;


Functions, like variables, must be declared. Let's declare a function double that

accepts an argument called x and returns the double of x :

function double(x) {
return 2 * x;
Note: the function above may be referenced before it has been defined.

Functions are also values in JavaScript; they can be stored in variables (just like
numbers, strings, etc ...) and given to other functions as arguments :
var double = function(x) {
return 2 * x;

Inline Scripts

When I refer to inline scripts, I mean scripts meant to be executed as soon as they are encountered if the page
were read from top to bottom. These can appear in both the <head> and <body> areas of the page. Here’s
an example:
External Scripts

Earlier I showed that scripts can be placed directly in the contents of the HTML document, and they can
also be included from external files as in the following example. Externally referenced scripts execute at
exactly the same points as inline scripts. The following example would behave the same as the previous
example, despite that the script is located in another document.

The only difference here is that in practice your page may take slightly longer to load because the browser
has to pause execution and reach out to the network or file system to grab your external file. For big scripts
over slow connections this can be noticeable delay. For small scripts as in this one here, it really doesn’t
make much difference.

Event-Driver Scripts

The browser has a rich event model that you can use, which includes events for when the DOM itself is
loaded, and also for when the entire page including all image and script assets have been downloaded. As
you progress as a developer, you will come to rely on this event model.

The simplest way to have your script execute after the page has loaded is to harness the onload event of the
page. There are two ways to do this. The simplest way is to use the HTML onload attribute of the <body>
element. The following example uses concepts I haven’t discussed yet, such as functions. Feel free to read
over this and return to it later after reading Chapter 5.
Another way you might trigger JavaScript to execute is in response to user actions. For example, you
might want some script to execute when a user clicks a button or mouses over a heading. Like the onload
event, you can attach these events by using the event attribute in HTML:

There are some rules as to which events will fire on which elements. For example, there is no blur event for
non-visible elements on a page, and the change event is limited to a small subset of elements belonging to
forms. The table that follows provides a short list of common event bindings and which elements they are
typically supported on in HTML and XHTML:
Javascript in URL’s

If you wanted to execute JavaScript in the URL of a hyperlink, you could do so using this technique like

<a href=”javascript:alert(‘Hello World!’)”>Hello World</a>

That being said, this is a holdover from the very first generation of browsers and there are more elegant
ways to achieve the result that I’ll cover in Chapter 12.
DOM Model

The DOM serves as an object representation of all the elements and information pertaining to the layout of
the page. Technically speaking, a browser does not need a DOM to render a web page, but it is required if
it wants to allow JavaScript to read or write information to the page. Historically this has been the most
inconsistently implemented feature of web browsers, but in recent years this problem has been mitigated
thanks in large part to the work that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has done in documenting a
standard for DOMs (

In JavaScript, your DOM can be accessed simply by referencing the global object document. To access the
body element, you can typically just reference document.body. If you wanted to access the HTML content of
the <body> element as a string, you could access the innerHTML property of that element (document.body.
innerHTML). This is the power of the DOM. If you think of your page as a hierarchical object model, it
becomes something you can represent easily in a JavaScript object.

The Legacy Object Model

This design provided a hierarchical set of nodes, beginning with the window object and, moving
inward, included a document object, a forms collection, links collection, and anchors collection.
Inside the forms collection was a number of node types representing the form controls (text box,
radio button, and so on)

Basic Model Plus Images

Shortly after Microsoft introduced IE 3, Netscape followed up with Navigator 3. The most
important addition to the DOM at this time was the images collection and the power to script
<img> tag src properties

With Navigator 4, Netscape again rewrote the rules for browser scripting. They invented a new
event model (which included the first semblance of an event object), along with the concept of
event bubbling, which was not adopted by Microsoft. They also introduced new capabilities at the
window level, allowing developers to move and resize the window at will. It was now possible to
make a browser window full screen, entirely from script.

Despite slow beginnings, some credit has to go Microsoft for the important innovations
introduced by Internet Explorer 4, released a short time after Navigator 4. This was one of those
leap-frog events like the introduction of Ajax, which brought browser scripting to a new level. For
starters, they began representing the entire document in the object model. All HTML nodes could
be accessed via the DOM, and elements could be styled with CSS from script. Microsoft
introduced several new collections, including document.all, which was an array containing every
element on the page. These were accessible via their IDs, and it made every element a scriptable
object. If you had a form field with an ID of myForm, you could access it via the all object like this:


In addition to a styleSheets collection, IE 4 allowed developers to set style properties directly onto
objects. It also let developers modify the contents of the DOM via four new object properties:
innerHTML, outerHTML, innerText, and outerText. This single piece of functionality opened up
worlds of possibility to developers wanting to design truly dynamic HTML documents.
Developers could now rewrite portions of the DOM simply by typing:

document.all.myTableId.outerHTML = “<p>Now I’m a paragraph instead of a table!</p>”;

The Document Tree

Indeed, the best way to think of a document is like a tree. Every node on the page is contained
inside another node, moving all the way up to the root of the document, the document object
(documentElement according to the W3C). You can navigate up and down this structure using the
built-in APIs and calculate things like screen position by taking advantage of this hierarchical

When a browser encounters this page, it will begin the DOM by creating a document element that
will contain two nodes: html and body, as can be seen in the preceding tag structure. Inside each of
these, it will populate a hierarchical set of nodes based on their parent-child relationships in
HTML. For example, under body, the ul element (representing unordered list), will belong to body,
and four lis will belong to the ul node. There will be no direct relationship between body and li,
but you can get to li by first identifying ul.

If you try to represent the preceding structure in its DOM object format, with each node
appearing on its own line, the result might look like this:





+--”My List”


+--h1 class=”myHeading”

+--”My List!”

+--ul id=”myUnorderedList”

+--”Item 1”


+--”Item 2”


+--”Item 3”


+--”Item 4”

The hierarchical nature of the document is seen in the relationships between parent and child
nodes. This is reflected in the APIs provided by the W3C and Microsoft, in that it’s easy, once you
have a reference to a node, to move up and down this chain using those relationships.

Node Types

According to the W3C specification Level 2, there are 12 types of nodes in an HTML or XML
document. Only seven of these relate specifically to HTML, however. Really only three of these
are used with any frequency: document, element, and text.
Node Properties

Nodes have many properties as well. Ones that are not methods either contain specific details
about the node or references to other nodes nearby in the tree:

Node Methods
Traversing DOM

As you know by now, the DOM is a relational structure with the properties of each node pointing
to others nearby it in the tree. At the top of this tree you have the document element, an instance of
HTMLDocument. To get a reference to the <HTML> property of a web page, you refer to the
document .documentElement attribute. You can also get a reference to this node from any element
by using the ownerDocument.documentElement property:

// this will be true if myElement resides in the same document as window.document

myElement.ownerDocument == document
myElement.ownerDocument.documentElement == document.documentElement

Let’s use a simple HTML document to serve as an example before looking at document traversal:

<html> <head>

<title>My List</title> </head>

<h1 class=”myHeading”>My List!</h1> <ul id=”myUnorderedList”>

<li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li>Item 4</li>

</ul> </body>

Once you have a reference to the <html> node, you have to begin using DOM node properties to
access anything below that. There are a few ways to get a reference to nodes below the current
one. You’ve already seen these properties: firstChild, lastChild, and childNodes[]. Since the HTML
node only has two elements (<head> and <body>), firstChild and lastChild will retrieve these nicely:

var head = document.documentElement.firstChild; var body =


Element Attributes

Once you have a reference to a DOM node, you can look at it in detail to see what attributes it
contains. There are a few ways to get this information.

First of all, what do I mean when I say attribute? For the most part I’m referring to HTML
attributes –– but because elements can have expando properties, there can be many more
attributes on a DOM node than just the HTML-defined attributes. However, let’s start small.
Consider the following HTML node:

<img src=”logo.gif” class=”logoImg” onclick=”alert(‘hi’);” >

If you had a reference to this node, you could access the class attribute via the attributes object on
the node that returns a NamedNodeMap of Attr elements. In addition to behaving like a NodeMap
with bracket notation, this collection has the following members:

You can query a specific attribute by using the getNamedItem(itemName) method like this. This will
return an Attr attribute object, not the value of the attribute. To get the value, use the property

// Will return “logoImg” myImg.attributes.getNamedItem(“class”).nodeValue

The nodeValue property is also writable. To change its value just set it to something else:
myImg.attributes.getNamedItem(“class”).nodeValue = “newImgClass”;

Another, if problematic way of doing this is to use the attribute helpers on the element itself:
Finding Specific Elements

Now that you understand the over structure of the DOM, you’ll look at how to target specific
pieces of it. Both DOM Level 0 and later versions provide ways to “query” the document for
specific nodes. Once you have a reference to a node, you can use it to change the look and feel of
the document or change its content. There are four general ways to target specific elements in the
DOM. The first is using the DOM Level 0 element collections, and the other ways involve the
methods getElementsByName(), getElementsByTagName(), and the popular getElementById().

Element Collectios

In the very first versions of the DOM, there was only one way to target a specific element, and
that was to use one of several array-like objects that grouped together elements of a specific type.
The earliest of these was the document.forms[] array, which contained references to all of the forms
in the document. You could iterate over the forms collection by using the array length property
and passing the index to the array:

for (var fIndex = 0; fIndex < document.forms.length; fIndex++) var theFormObj = document.forms[fIndex];

You can also reference the form by using its name attribute as the argument: var myFormObj =


The document.getElementsByName(name) static function returns an array of elements that have a name
attribute that matches the argument. This is useful in particular for form radio buttons because multiple
elements grouped together can have the same name attribute. If no elements are found with the specified
name, an array of zero-length is returned.

For example, say you have a radio group with the name “favColor”:
You can get a reference to the group by using its name:

var favColorGroup = document.getElementsByName(“favColor”);

Iterating over this list is now just like iterating over an array:

for (var cI = 0; cI < favColorGroup.length; cI++)

document.write(“Color: “ + favColorGroup[cI].value + “<br />”);

Also, because it’s an array, you can access each item via bracket notation:

favColorGroup[1].value // “blue”

This is very similar to your next DOM query function: getElementsByTagName().


The second utility function you need to know about for querying the DOM is getElementsByTagName().
This method is inherited by every HTML element node and can be used to query just portions of the DOM
instead of the entire thing. It accepts a single argument, a case-insensitive string of the HTML tag you
want to find. For example, to get a list of all the <div> tags on the page, you might use:


Like getElementsByName(), this will return a NodeList collection. If no nodes are found, it will be a
collection of zero elements.

You can also narrow down your search by using the method on a sub-node of the DOM. For example,
suppose you have a reference to an HTML <table> node. You can get a collection of all the cells in the table
by using getElementsByTagName() on that table node:

var cellObjs = tableObj.getElementsByTagName(“td”);

In all modern browsers (and IE 6+), you can use a wildcard symbol (*) to get a collection of all the elements
in a portion of the document. For example, to get a list of all the tagged elements in the table object, you
can write:

var allElements = tableObj.getElementsByTagName(“*”);

Like other NodeList’s, the resulting array has a length property but none of the other features of the Array


Maybe the most important DOM utility of all is document.getElementById(). I say important because it’s the
singularly most-popular DOM function of all. It uses the HTML id attribute to locate a specific DOM node
out of all the other nodes in the document. If getElementById() can’t find an element with the specified ID, it
returns null. If it finds multiple elements with that ID, it returns the first one.

If you have an HTML element like this:

<img src=”myLogo.gif” id=”myImg”>

You can instantly retrieve a reference to it from the document by writing:

var imgRef = document.getElementById(‘myImg’);

Remember that IDs are case sensitive. Also, a common typo among developers is to capitalize the d at the
end of getElementById. This will trigger a TypeError.


Validación de formularios


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="validaciones_usuario.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
        .error {
            color: red;
            font-size: 8px;

    <form id="formulario01" method="POST" action="" onsubmit="return validarCamposObligatorios()">
        <label for="cedula">Cedula (*)</label>
        <input type="text" id="cedula" name="cedula" value="" placeholder="Ingrese el número de cedula ..." />
        <span id="mensajeCedula" class="error"></span>        

        <label for="nombres">Nombres (*)</label>
        <input type="text" id="nombres" name="nombres" value="" placeholder="Ingrese sus dos nombres ..." onkeyup
="return validarLetras(this)"/>

        <label for="apellidos">Apelidos (*)</label>
        <input type="text" id="apellidos" name="apellidos" value="" placeholder="Ingrese sus dos apellidos ..." />

        <label for="direccion">Dirección (*)</label>
        <input type="text" id="direccion" name="direccion" value="" placeholder="Ingrese su dirección ..." />

        <label for="telefono">Teléfono (*)</label>
        <input type="text" id="telefono" name="telefono" value="" placeholder="Ingrese su número telefónico ..." />

        <label for="fecha">Fecha Nacimiento (*)</label>
        <input type="date" id="fechaNacimiento" name="fechaNacimiento" value="" placeholder="Ingrese su fecha de 
nacimiento ..." />

        <label for="correo">Correo electrónico (*)</label>
        <input type="email" id="correo" name="correo" value="" placeholder="Ingrese su correo electrónico ..." />

        <label for="correo">Contraseña (*)</label>
        <input type="password" id="contrasena" name="contrasena" value="" placeholder="Ingrese su contraseña ..." /

        <input type="submit" id="crear" name="crear" value="Aceptar" />
        <input type="reset" id="cancelar" name="cancelar" value="Cancelar" />



function validarCamposObligatorios()
    var bandera = true
    for(var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].elements.length; i++){
        var elemento = document.forms[0].elements[i]
        if(elemento.value == '' && elemento.type == 'text'){
            if( == 'cedula'){
                document.getElementById('mensajeCedula').innerHTML = '<br>La cedula esta vacia'

   = '1px red solid'
            elemento.className = 'error'            
            bandera = false
        alert('Error: revisar los comentarios')

    return bandera

function validarLetras(elemento)
    if(elemento.value.length > 0){
        var miAscii = elemento.value.charCodeAt(elemento.value.length-1)
        if(miAscii >= 97 && miAscii <= 122){
            return true
        }else {
            elemento.value = elemento.value.substring(0, elemento.value.length-1)
            return false
        return true

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