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Helping Others To Dream Again

CV HABITAT is a Cape Verdean

nonprofit organization that helps people
in need to build houses. This
organization has served more than 400
families since 2006. According to its
mentor, Carlos Vieira, there are still more
than 10000 families in Cape Verde
without a decent house. In the article
below, Lesiane Cardoso talks about her
experience as a CV HABITAT volunteer.
She has traveled to many Cape Verdean
islands to help building houses for people
who are in need.
My name is Lesiane, I am 19 years old and I live in Picos – Santiago Island. I have done
voluntary work since 2010. Two years ago, I went to Fogo Island as a CV HABITAT
volunteer. The idea of helping somebody there was very exciting because it was right after a
volcanic eruption and there were many people without a place to live. I spent 6 months in
Chã das Caldeiras, and we built more than 15 houses. I met good people in Fogo, and I
made many friends there. Meeting those people was fantastic. Although they were poor
financially, they were rich in love and hope. They did not care about expensive things like a
brand new phone or a beautiful pair of shoes, so they cared about love, respect and humility.
They taught me to appreciate the most valuable things in life, such as spending time with
family, friends, and neighbors. These things are sometimes forgotten in a place that has just
destroyed by a natural disaster.

Now, many people often ask me about the reasons that made me volunteer. Well, I decided
to volunteer because I had a lot of free time available and I also wanted to get involved in
issues that I cared about, like helping others. Thus, it brings many benefits because we can
make new friends, have fun, gain confidence, develop the sense of responsibility and learn
new skills that may be very useful in the future career. In my case, it was perfect because
now I am working in ONU – Cape Verde, and I just got this job because they knew I have
done voluntary work.

CARLOS VIEIRA, in Short Stories

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