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This is me

When I think of a leader, I picture an individual who wants to make a difference,

someone who is constantly trying to better themselves and those around them. A leader is

inclusive to all and is a good problem solver. Upon reflecting over this I wanted to look into the

characteristics and traits I have which would help in aiding me into becoming the leader I have

always wanted to be. As a leader I excel at being open minded to everyone's opinions and

suggestions of improvement. I treat everyone with respect and see all as equal, this makes my

leadership style a lot more likeable than someone who has a more Autocratic leadership style. I

am not afraid to ask others opinions, so I am constantly bettering my ideas and goals. I am good

at coming up with innovative ideas, and work well with others. I am a hard worker, especially

when I am passionate about the topic or issue I am trying to solve or better. And I will continue

to find ways to tackle an issue because I do not give up easily. With these traits in mind they are

all building blocks to starting the process of molding me into the well rounded leader I wish to


Although I have strengths I have many weaknesses such as my confidence when it comes

to publicly speaking. I am not very outgoing and outspoken and get very nervous when I have to

speak in front of people. I am also not very assertive, I find that I struggle with giving direction

or telling people what to do in fear of coming off as being rude. Another factor of not being

assertive is that I am not a fan of conflict. Under pressure I do not work well, I tend to get

stressed and find it hard to think clearly. Sometimes I struggle with my interpretation of others

suggestions of improvement, this can lead to confusion and maybe even conflict. I have been

told that I can be stubborn at times. Once I have my mind set on something it can be hard to
convince me otherwise. My time management is not the greatest, I procrastinate all the time. I

can be distracted easily especially when I'm surrounded by noise and find it hard to get work

done in a timely manner due to this. I want to continue working on all of my faults and hope to

improve them so I can become a better leader.

If I had to describe my leadership style I would say that I am a Democratic leader. I

believe that this is my style because I always ask for others opinions when it comes to making

decisions. I am inclusive and not very assertive. When I work in a group I don’t tell my group

members what to do and when to do it, I have a more laid back approach when it comes to

leading. I help others improve their ideas and want to see them succeed. According to the quizzes

I am a good listener but I have also been told this by many people. This is another good quality

of a Democratic leader. I am open to others opinions and listen to people's suggestions of

improvement. I see everyone as an equal and value everyone's input when working on a project.

These are all qualities that show my style of leadership is a Democratic one.

Overall I have learned a lot about myself as a leader. I have learned that even though I am

not very outgoing I have many other qualities that make me a good leader. I have learned that

you don’t need to make a huge impact to be a leader and that the little things count. I have

learned that my ability to include and listen to others will greatly improve my ability to lead. One

of my goals as a leader is to become more confident and be able to speak in front of others

without being nervous. I also want to improve my assertiveness and be less afraid to tell others

what they need to do in order to get a task done. Most of all my main goal as a leader is to make

a difference, big or small. It would make me tremendously happy knowing that I impacted

someone else by being a good leader.

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