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Activity 1

Hierarchy of Organization
Associated SLO
1. Describe the hierarchy of organization of the human body
Required Materials
 None
This activity will be completed individually or in small groups. Refer to the background information to answer the
questions below.
Check Your Understanding
1. Complete the table below by sorting the given organizational levels of the human body from smallest to largest and
then providing a one-sentence definition of each level.

Tissue; organelle; atom; organ; organ system; cell; organism; molecule

2. Smallest Definition Summarize

Atom Subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons) combine to
the major
form atoms; simplest building block of the body similarity f
what defin
Molecules Molecules are the chemical building blocks of all body structures tissues,
organs, an
Organelle Aggregates of macromolecules used to carry out a specific organ syst
in function in the cell. one phrase

Cell A cell is the smallest independently functioning unit of a living Answer:

organism working
to Tissue A tissue is a group of multiple similar cells (these cells can either perform
a be of the same cell type or can consist of a few related cell types) specific
that work together to perform a specific function.
Organ An anatomically distinct structure of the body composed of two or
more tissue types that performs one or more specific functions

Organ system A group of organs that work together to perform major functions to
meet physiological needs of the body.

Organism A living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli,
reproduce, grow, adapt, and maintain homeostasis. 

Activity 2
Directional Terms and Body Cavities
Associated SLO
2. Use directional terms to precisely describe the location of structures on the human body
3. Identify the major body cavities and provide examples of major organs found in each
Required Materials
 Paper and pen
This activity will be completed individually. Use all of the directional terms provided in the table below in an accurate contex
by illustrating the terms on a skeleton or torso model.
Check Your Understanding
3. Complete the table below for each directional term. You are given thirty (30) minutes to answer this.

4. Complete the table to provide one example of an organ found in each of the following body cavities.

Body cavity Organ Example(s)

Directional Term Definition Example(s)
Cranial Describes a position above For example,
Brain the eyes are superior to the mouth.
or higher than another part
of the body.

Inferior Describes a position For example,
Liver the pelvis is inferior to the
(caudal) below or lower than abdomen.
another part of the
Pelvic Describes the middle or Urinary bladder
direction toward the middle For example, the big toe is the most medial
of the body toe.
Pleural Lungs the thumb is lateral to the other
Describes the side or For example,
direction toward the digits.
side of the body.
Vertebral Spinal cord
Describes a position For example, the skin is superficial to the
closer to the surface of bones.
the body.
Pericardial Heart
Describes a position For example, the brain is deep to the skull.
farther from the surface
of the body.
Anterior Describes the front or For example, the toes are found on the anterior
(ventral) direction toward the front of portion of the foot.
the body.
Posterior Describes the back or For example, the spinal column is posterior to the
(dorsal) direction toward the back of sternum.
the body.
Describes a position in a For example, the upper arm is proximal to
limb that is nearer to the the wrist.
point of attachment or the
trunk of the body.
Describes a position in a For example, the foot is distal to the thigh.
limb that is farther from the
point of attachment or the
trunk of the body.
Activity 3
Anatomical Position

Associated SLO
4. Demonstrate and describe anatomical position
Required Materials
 Smartphone or video camera for video recording
Group yourselves into four (4) students per group. Using the definition of
anatomical position you have learned in Anatomy and Physiology lecture last
term, make a video presentation preferrably you being the actors on it to
demonstrate and define body regions, body planes, body positions and body
movements. Note of the following:
1. All the members of each group must have his/her fair share of contribution.
2. The video length must be 15-30 minutes.
3. Be creative but be wholesome.
4. Output will be presented on Wednesday.

Activity 4
Nervous Tissue
October 30, 2020

Associated SLOs
1. Differentiate between the central and peripheral nervous systems
2. Identify structures of a generic neuron on a model or diagram
3. Classify neurons according to structure and function and recognize the
relationship between neuron structure and function.
a. Structural Classes – multipolar, bipolar, unipolar, and anaxonic
b. Functional Classes – sensory (afferent), interneurons, and
motor (efferent)
4. Describe the general anatomy of a nerve
Required Materials
• None

This activity will be completed in small groups.

Check Your Understanding

1. Distinguish between the central and peripheral nervous systems by listing
examples of unique structures found within each division.
2. For each given functional neuron class, list the structural type(s) of neurons
typically found and summarize in one sentence how that neuron structure
contributes to function.
A. Sensory (afferent) neurons
B. Interneurons
C. Motor (efferent) neurons
3. Summarize the differences between nerves, neurons, and nerve fibers.
Your answer should include definitions of each and a brief statement on
how they differ.
Activity 5
Integumentary System
November 4, 2020

Associated Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

1. Enumerate the different functions of the Integumentary system.
2. Distinguish the epidermis from the dermis.
3. Identify and describe the layers of the epidermis and dermis.
4. Identify various accessory structures of the integument on a model or a

Required Materials

This activity will be completed individually.

Check Your Understanding

1. Enumerate the different functions of the Integumentary system.
2. Distinguish the epidermis from the dermis.
3. List down the accessory structures of the integumentary system.
4. Label the picture of a fingernail.
5. Using the image below, identify the various layers of the epidermis and dermis as
well as their accessory structures.
Activity 6
Major Bones of the Body

Associated SLOs
1. Distinguish the axial skeleton from the appendicular skeleton in general structure
& function
Required Materials
 Intact skeleton
1. Using the intact skeleton, answer the questions below.
Check Your Understanding
1. Identify whether the following bones are a part of the axial or appendicular
skeleton by writing the correct region on the provided blank.

A. Sternum

B. Humerus

C. Skull

D. Ribs

E. Femur
F. Carpals
G. Clavicle

2. Provide one (1) general function of the axial skeleton that is not a function of the
appendicular skeleton.
3. Draw an intact human skeleton. Color the axial skeleton with yellow and color
the appendicular skeleton with gray.

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