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Naw Cee Oa Chapter 13 Universal Gravitation Summary iG EDEA : everything puts on everything else. 13.1 The Falling Apple (Y Newton reasoned that the moon Is falling toward Earth for the same reason an apple falls from a tree—they are both pulled by Earth’ gravity. + Newton understood the concept of inertia, that without an outside force, ‘moving objects continue to move at constant speed in a straight line. He knew that Iran object undergoes a change in speed or direction, then @ force is responsible. | 13.2 The Falling Moon & The moon is actualy falling toward Earth but has great enough tangential velocity to avoid hiting Earth. + Newton reasoned thatthe moon must be falling around Barth. The moon falls in the sense tat i falls beneath the steaigh line it would follow {ino force acted on it. He hypothesized thatthe moon was a projectile circling Earth under the atfaction of gravity. + Newton compared the motion ofthe moon toa cannonball ced from ) the top of a high mountain. Ifthe cannonball were fired with enough speed: its path would become acizcle and the cannonball would circle indefinitely. + Both the orbiting cannonball andthe moon have a component of velocity parallel to Earth’s surface. This sideways or tangential velocity i sufficient fo ensure nearly circular motion avound Earth rather than ito it + Newton reasoned that the mass ofthe moon should not affect how it falls just as mass has no effect on the acceleration of frely falling objects on Earth. How far the moon falls should relate only to its distance from Earth's center 13.3 The Falling Earth & Newton's theory of gravity confirmed the Copernican theory ofthe solar system, + "The planets don’t crash into the sun because they have tangential velocities. I the tangential velocities of the planets were reduced to ero, their motion would be straight toward the sun and they would indeed. crash into it Any objects in the solar system with insuficient tangential ‘velocities have lang ago crashed into the sun. © Fon tn, i, 0 eA swt Conceptual Physics Reading and Study Workbook * Chapter 13 99 Name Class Chapter 13. Universal Gravitation 13.4 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation F Newton discovered that gravity is universal, Everything pulls on everything else in away that involves only mass and distance + Newion’s la of universal gravitation states that every objec attracts very other objec with a free that for any to objets is drectiy proportional to the mass of each object + The law of universal gravitation can be expressed in equation form: G fomrn/), where m, and mare te objects’ masts, and ds the distance between their ceters of ass. + The universal gravitational constant, strength describes the the equa The force of 0 «hens quantity eee paleo is dsc fm is ee es "7 - ed This law.appliel to al fore the effect from a localize 7g cravitatonn el be thought of as being surrounded by a gravitational f ‘objects and causes them to experience gravi “A gravitationdha t fr the field ‘+ Tron filings sprinkled over shape ofthe magn's magpetie em of filings shows the strength and direction. different locations around all magnets, is surrounded 100 Concept Physics Reading and Study Workbook + Chapter 13,

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