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Writing t2 2

These days, western l are very popular among a number of countries, especially clothing. This essay is
going to discuss the reasons and both sides of this tendency.

First thing first, our world is getting smaller and smaller, we are now living and working with many
people from many walks of life and different parts of the world. We, therefore, could be quite rapidly
affected by other people's lifestyles. For instance, when working for an international company, our
managers or supervisors most of the time are westerners, so we pay them a lot of respect, and would
like to behave like them or even have appearances like them. Thus, we always dress up in suits and ties
to be more professional in the smartest outfits at our workplace. Second, in less formal events, we tend
to opt for casual clothes, such as jeans and t-shirts, which let us feel more flexible and active in any daily

On the one hand, this development would be positive in terms of globalization, which leads to offering
more choices regarding suitable attires with the most appropriate functions for not only in our daily life
but formal occasions. On the other hand, this change might put an end to traditional costumes because
they are no longer considered a smart choice in many cases. Hence, we cannot save the traditional
clothing anymore, which is always significant and appreciative of any country.

To conclude, changing is inevitable, but it will be best if we are still able to conserve and enhance the
value of our tradition.

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