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For thousands of years the trees of Intahor Valley have held a tremendous power.

They can tell stories

about the future. The people of the valley have grown wise, prosperous and have avoided many a
disaster with the help of the forest and in turn they have guarded it with their lives against all who
would put it at risk. The only people allowed inside the inner forest are the druids. The old war against
the orcs nearly destroyed the city but the druids rediscovered a powerful staff with which they
summoned golems and drew away the rampaging orcs from their land. The orc threat was resolved but
the dark wizards of the orcs managed to put a curse on the forest, that whenever the forest
communicates with the druids, one tree must die. And so, year after year has passed, crisis after crisis
and the once mighty forest of Intahor has shrunk to just 3 trees: Noriel, Antas and Pos, the wisest of all
the trees. The best army in the land is owned by Intahor city.

The orcs come from a land unknown to the humans of Intahor but they survive and thrive out of
pillaging and raiding. They are a nomadic people, who have an equine culture and live in temporary
settlements. Their wizards use dark magic which consumes the users and give them unnatural old age.
They are ruled by the council of wizards. Orc society is formed of males who hunt and wage war and
women who have their own customs and role. Women decide who gets to mate for the tribe and who
goes to war. Wizards claim orc boys for the apprenticeship for wizardry and often make conflict with the
women over the best boys.

Miradin, the sister town of Intahor is the seat of culture of the entire land. They receive
apprentices for all the guilds that populate the land and the best swords and armor can be produced
there. It is ruled by the guilds who in turn man one or more towers which dot the massive city walls
which surround the city. The city doesn t have a citizen army, opposed to Intahor, rather they have a
mercenary army bought with the gold of the guilds.

Nonhold, once in the human league of city states, live in the mountains of Aesti and rumour has
it that they were converted by the orcs to dark magic and are now their servants.

Tree spirits are magical. They can foresee the future but cannot tell to anyone but a special individual
named by the village through a tale.

The village is populated by humans.

One day the trees are destroyed by a fire started by orcs and they manage to tell one final story to the
chosen one who then passes it on to the entire village. They are to get everything that they can and
leave for the sea.

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