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Western education emphasizes on understanding (meaningful learning)

Eastern education emphasizes on memorizing (rote learning) “pure memorizing”

learn tons of knowledge, but no idea of their learning purpose (like learning moral, got high marks, but
not really keep as routine in life)

Cannot synchronize/relate what they learned before with the new knowledge (like history, arts, learn
specific thing by memorizing to join any competition –writing,drawing,calligraphy)

So,the knowledge they gained will not last long

Obviously,will think that meaningful learning is better than rote learning

However,like active learning (self independent learning) time-limitation may happen

But, not all need to be explain too specific by teachers for (meaningful learning), bcause students have
their thinking limitation, normally formulas in (math and physic) not need to be explained too much the
source of it, memorize and how to apply it in answering certain questions

Western They think differently,wide and creative (not afraid of fail, freedom) music, ufo, culture, history,
if Asian parents already reject

If eastern education must follow step by step (originality and conformity) according to norms,laws and
senior/expert advise) Hard to produce genius ,,,,But eastern education student more disciplined and
have higher morality (rules & religious teaching) good for morality but bad for development of

Western culture also believes in complimenting child (motivating) ( positive self-concept and boost self
confidence) (I believe I can fly) but teacher must over compliment bcause may make student over
confidence, arrogant, think that thing is perfect and become lazy)

So, eastern culture believe that downgrading a child is good (make them wants to work harder bcause
they are not perfect enough)

Teacher should decide the suitable time and moment to praise / critic students to make sure they are
confident and not over confident in daily life and work

Western culture, good relationship between students and teacher, more understanding, feel free and
comfortable to be the part of learning (asking questions) lack is,,,, students might not respect their
teacher sometimes if there is comfortable and no-gap

Unlike western ,eastern respect more to their teachers but they might fear to ask questions, teachers
also may assume that there is no problem with the class, so should be friendlier

So, both of this method is important to be understand and use by students to have the best education,
no exact good or bad between it

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