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Fruit Études

By Marilyn Chin


Melon is hard on the outside

Tender on the inside

She has a magnificent personality

So they bred her with an invasive species

Now, she is seedless and childless

Has become uncouth and jokey

She will die on the vine



Her grandmother says Cherry is sweet and kind

If you ruin her, I’ll come to your house

Drag you out by your ear

Take a hard branch

Off your crooked ancestry tree and beat you blind

And when I’m dead, I’ll haunt you

Curse you

Throw magic spells

Turn you into a hapless

Gonadless monkey

Just for thrills


onion (not a fruit)

They chopped off your head during the revolution

Although you have a French passport

I can tell you are a faker from your bad accent

How dare you think that you could float to the top

In the soup of history


peach (for paul gauguin)

I shaved off all my fuzz

Even around my navel

Because you are a sick fool

And like shaved girls

You take a first bite

Expecting to get juicy, but instead

You get a mouthful of needles



I’m a cherimoya migrant

Not a crazy rich Asian

Don’t put us all into the same bowl

In a tropical Jamba Juice swirl

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