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The primary problems that Estrada encountered when he was still a president are Graft and Corruption,

Asian Financial Crisis, El Nino, and lastly Poverty. Graft and Corruption is one of the main problem in
Estrada’s presidency. Especially he was accused to plunder and perjury.

The laws and programs that was under the presidency of Estrada was Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
(Republic Act No. 8749), Incentives for Regional Headquarters of Foreign Multinationals (Republic Act No.
8756), Retail Trade Liberalization Act (Republic Act No. 8762), New General Banking Act (Republic Act No.
8791), Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (Republic Act No. 8792), New Securities Act (Republic Act No. 8799),
Agrarian Reform, Anti-Crime Task Forces, Death Penalty, Charter Change, RP-US Visiting Forces Agreement.
The following laws was also a big help in order to have a crime free country, to minimize the crime because of
the death penalty, to have a quality air and to have stronger stock exchange.

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