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Which you prefer WEALTH or VIRTUE? Why?

Things have changed and everything is related to money, what makes more friends? Money,
who will like to be a friend of a poor person or a failure. Being practical, I would choose wealth
because the philosophy behind this is, the more money you have, the more secure your future
will be. That life will be easier and be more stress-free because you don't have to worry about
money and the things that money can buy. But for me, as we all know, wealth is temporary.
That’s why I will choose virtue over wealth. Virtues are important because they are the basic
qualities necessary for our well-being and happiness. By recognizing the importance of virtues,
in our lives, it will lead to better communication, understanding, and acceptance between us and
our fellow man. As we all know that the root of evil is the love of money, therefore we are to
apply our virtues in handling money. Possessing good attributes and features are better than
riches and luxuries and that is why humanity should always come first because it is more
important than money. We know that we are becoming more virtuous people, not just because
of the results, but also because of the way some people react to us. Our friends, relatives, and
colleagues are going to trust and depend on us. They're coming to us for advice and guidance.
They're going to want to be around us as we encourage them to be better people. People will
know us as someone of outstanding character who makes the right decisions and looks for
success in everything we do.

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