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Alae Abelkassem How important are values and beliefs to you ?

Values and beliefs are two deep topics, and each person is concerned when they
are brought up. But not everyone give the same importance to values and
beliefs. However, they play a big part in our life, although we don’t always notice
it. So, why are values important? And what makes beliefs essential?

There are many reasons to acquire values. First,they strengthen confidence

when it comes to decisions and behavior: when values become a part of
someone’s personality, so that means that they are seen as the right way to
behave. As a consequence, there are no feelings of guilt, regret or blame.
Second, values help to choose the right people. If values weren’t important, then
no condition would have to be fulfilled when friends should be selected. For
example, let’s take loyalty, one of the most desired values in friendship. When a
person is known for being disloyal, it’s unlikely to find him or her surrounded by
people who really love them. That’s because this person doesn’t reflect some
principles that are needed in friendship, and in life in general. Third, values
organize the world. Although there are fighting, crimes and wars, life would have
been a lot worse if values hadn’t existed. In addition, all those bad aspects are a
result of a lack of values: if everyone made sure to apply ethics, the world would
be a better place.
Just like values, beliefs are an essential element that we couldn’t live without.
The reason: they are a source of perseverance. It could be any fact we have
strong faith in, and that helps to move forward whatever the circumstances.
Many people struggled to transgress obstacles in their life, but sometimes it gets
very difficult; and since some of these people didn’t have beliefs to hang on to,
they unfortunately decided to end their life. Moreover, beliefs help to stick to
values. It’s applicable for many convictions: when you believe that a lie can cost
everything, that encourages you to say the truth as much as you can. Or when
you’re convinced that one day you will somehow be rewarded for being
generous, that pushes you to care more about people in need, and so on.
This shows how related values and beliefs are, and how important it is to hang
on to them. There is a gain that both ethics and convictions offer: to keep hope

In a nutshell, you can say that values and beliefs are more important than they
seem. To be aware of this importance, we have to stop for a while, then ponder
our acts and our perspective until a light comes to illuminate our thoughts.

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